Adam Schiff Tried to Stop The Memo

How do you know Trump hasn't read it?
It's some of the house Dems who didn't read it
Because Sanders said today during the press briefing that nobody from the white house has seen the memo and they don't know whats in it. So either they are lying or my above statement is true. Thoughts?

Ah, I missed seeing it.
Then maybe they haven't seen it.
But Trump has said he wants it made public that we deserve transparency.
If it actually shows anything we should see it.
These are very serious charges and we need to know.
I agree we should get the facts. But if this memo is a partisan spin job that distorts the facts and doesn’t present all the facts then that’s a problem. If it compromises national security efforts then that’s a problem. Is this not a concern of yours? Don’t you think it should be a concern of our presidents? If you want transparency don’t you think the dem memo should also be released?

I still think it's not a national security and the dems are using it as an excuse.

Is Trey Gowdy a dem? That's exactly what he said about an hour or so ago on TV.

No he's a Republican. :)
It's another stand off of the left and right.
That's why I think we should see it.
Fuck Trey Gowdy too!
There is a five day hold in case the President wants to stop its release. He won't. He wants it out there. We will know the names of the people who knowingly presented the fake dossier to a FISA judge and those people will be sent to prison. There's almost no way around it.

I hope they put it on line. I want to read it.
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.

Admit it, you'd vote for Gowdy if he was running for President.
Because Sanders said today during the press briefing that nobody from the white house has seen the memo and they don't know whats in it. So either they are lying or my above statement is true. Thoughts?

Ah, I missed seeing it.
Then maybe they haven't seen it.
But Trump has said he wants it made public that we deserve transparency.
If it actually shows anything we should see it.
These are very serious charges and we need to know.
I agree we should get the facts. But if this memo is a partisan spin job that distorts the facts and doesn’t present all the facts then that’s a problem. If it compromises national security efforts then that’s a problem. Is this not a concern of yours? Don’t you think it should be a concern of our presidents? If you want transparency don’t you think the dem memo should also be released?

I still think it's not a national security and the dems are using it as an excuse.

Is Trey Gowdy a dem? That's exactly what he said about an hour or so ago on TV.

No he's a Republican. :)
It's another stand off of the left and right.
That's why I think we should see it.

I know he's a republican and he does not want it released.
Not when he is inconsistent with this kinda stuff.

Fuck Trey Gowdy too!
There is a five day hold in case the President wants to stop its release. He won't. He wants it out there. We will know the names of the people who knowingly presented the fake dossier to a FISA judge and those people will be sent to prison. There's almost no way around it.

I hope they put it on line. I want to read it.
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.

Admit it, you'd vote for Gowdy if he was running for President.
I notice that you don't think it's a problem that the FBI is infested with partisan moles who are using the agency to persecute political opponents.

No, we want those Republicans investigated.

Comey very deliberately swung the election to Trump.

The NY Field Office kept releasing faked stories about Clinton to Guiliani.

That kind of partisan political interference from the FBI needs to be investiged. And 100% of it is coming from the Republicans, and you want it swept under the rug. You kind of suck as an American.
There is a five day hold in case the President wants to stop its release. He won't. He wants it out there. We will know the names of the people who knowingly presented the fake dossier to a FISA judge and those people will be sent to prison. There's almost no way around it.

I hope they put it on line. I want to read it.
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.

Why would he say that when he has always said he wants it released?
You sure it was Gowdy?
The poor Trumpflakes never learn.

Their memo is going nowhere. Same as their previous hundred conspiracy theories.

They've been scammed again.

And when their memo goes nowhere .... they won't care. They'll just run back to get the next conspiracy theory.
Going nowhere? The memo has already collected on scalp (mcCabe) and it will probably collect Rosenstein's and perhaps the entire Mewler inquisition staff.
Not when he is inconsistent with this kinda stuff.

Fuck Trey Gowdy too!
There is a five day hold in case the President wants to stop its release. He won't. He wants it out there. We will know the names of the people who knowingly presented the fake dossier to a FISA judge and those people will be sent to prison. There's almost no way around it.

I hope they put it on line. I want to read it.
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.

Admit it, you'd vote for Gowdy if he was running for President.

Did you ever think he just might know a tad more than you and the other righties on this board? Just a tad. I thought all of you loved him when he what 8 investigations for Benghazi.
One of his Lefty friends is probably going to go to jail. The Memo Needs Released and The FBI And DOJ needs purged by fire!

Burn That Bitch Down!

Not when he is inconsistent with this kinda stuff.

Fuck Trey Gowdy too!
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.

Admit it, you'd vote for Gowdy if he was running for President.

Did you ever think he just might know a tad more than you and the other righties on this board? Just a tad. I thought all of you loved him when he what 8 investigations for Benghazi.
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There is a five day hold in case the President wants to stop its release. He won't. He wants it out there. We will know the names of the people who knowingly presented the fake dossier to a FISA judge and those people will be sent to prison. There's almost no way around it.

I hope they put it on line. I want to read it.
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.

Why would he say that when he has always said he wants it released?
You sure it was Gowdy?

He wants it released to the FBI first, but too late. I don't really care who releases what it all comes out some time or another.
The Intel committee voted for the following:

- To allow the FBI to address the committee about both memo's and express their national security concerns. Republicans Denied.

- To allow the Dems to release their memo at the same time as the Republicans so we got both sides of the story.
Republicans Denied.

- To allow the Dems to release their memo.
Republicans Denied.

Wow, if these three votes don't trouble you than you are partisan hack plain and simple. If these votes don't trouble you then don't even pretend to be about transparency. This whole thing is a joke.


This Sir, is Schiff's story.

He is a liar, in this case a liar by omission.

The Republicans said his Memo had to go through the SAME process the Republican Memo did---that is, be available for a week or two to allow the rest of the House to go sign in, and read it if they want to.

Then Cocksucker Schiff can bring up his Memo for a vote for release.

It called The Rest of the Story.....and it is necessary for the Whole Truth.

Schiff has never told the Whole Truth in his whole life.

The big Drain of the Washington Sewer has begun.

Ah, I missed seeing it.
Then maybe they haven't seen it.
But Trump has said he wants it made public that we deserve transparency.
If it actually shows anything we should see it.
These are very serious charges and we need to know.
I agree we should get the facts. But if this memo is a partisan spin job that distorts the facts and doesn’t present all the facts then that’s a problem. If it compromises national security efforts then that’s a problem. Is this not a concern of yours? Don’t you think it should be a concern of our presidents? If you want transparency don’t you think the dem memo should also be released?

I still think it's not a national security and the dems are using it as an excuse.

Is Trey Gowdy a dem? That's exactly what he said about an hour or so ago on TV.

No he's a Republican. :)
It's another stand off of the left and right.
That's why I think we should see it.

I know he's a republican and he does not want it released.
Did he say why?
Breaking News Update!

The FISA memo was just delivered to the White House 18 minutes ago.

Stay tuned for more updates brought to you by American Patriot Steve McGarrett.
The memo has already collected on scalp (mcCabe)

You're not supposed to be so openly thrilled about Stalinist purges. TheParty won't like it.

TheParty appreciates your enthusiasm, but TheParty wants you to know that most of the nation disapproves of Stalinism, so you should keep your cheerleading of Stalinism to yourself for now.
There is a five day hold in case the President wants to stop its release. He won't. He wants it out there. We will know the names of the people who knowingly presented the fake dossier to a FISA judge and those people will be sent to prison. There's almost no way around it.

I hope they put it on line. I want to read it.
He wants it out there though he hasn't read it and his appointed FBI director has expressed national security concerns about it. Really?

Watched Trey Gowdy earlier and he says it should not be released due to national security.

Why would he say that when he has always said he wants it released?
You sure it was Gowdy?

He wants it released to the FBI first, but too late. I don't really care who releases what it all comes out some time or another.

Having the FBI review it before it's released ,is not wanting it not released.
The memo has already collected on scalp (mcCabe)

You're not supposed to be so openly thrilled about Stalinist purges. TheParty won't like it.

TheParty appreciates your enthusiasm, but TheParty wants you to know that most of the nation disapproves of Stalinism, so you should keep your cheerleading of Stalinism to yourself for now.
McCabe isn't going to a Gulag. Getting fired is not "Stalinist." Stalin would have you executed or sent to a Gulag. Furthermore, McCabe is obviously a corrupt piece of shit who grossly deserves to be fired.

You know what is Stalinist? Using the FBI to persecute your political opponents. That's what McCabe was caught doing. A lot more rats in the swamp are going to get the same treatment.
Breaking; Memo is getting released and Adam Schiff is pissed.

Schiff attacked The President over his major Butt Hurt over his failure at stopping The Memo from being released.

And then the mother fucker is up there flat out lying saying The FBI didn’t get to look at it when this is the reason Wray removed McCabe.

What a sickening partisan hack this piece of shit is. One of the press is actually calling him on his lies about Wray not reviewing it, & he switched tactics and rephrased everything without taking a breath.

Fucker is more dishonest than Dirty Dick Durbin!!

Too bad it’s getting released. Votes along party lines which shows The DNC duplicity in engaging and supporting this witch hunt!

Fucking Dems refused to look at it and still tried to stop it from getting released!

They failed again.
It's Dick Shithole Durbin

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