Adam Smith was a Marxist

You're hooked on names and don't understand terms..

yes it was our conservatives who spied for Stalin and it is conservatives on here who support Castro's concentration camp!

You want to know what Fascism is? It is like your New Deal."
-- Mussolini, during a visit to New York City

-W.E.B DuBois: (the most important black leader in the first half of the 20th Century) "Joseph Stalin was a great man; few other men of the 20th Century approach his stature. The formation of the Nazi dictatorship was absolutely necessary to get the state in order." In 1937 he proclaimed: "there is today more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past." (page 10)

-Guy Tugwell: (FDR Brain Trust) said of fascism: "It's the cleanest, neatest piece...of social machinery I've ever seen." ( page 11)

-Walter Lippman: called on FDR to be a "dictator." (page 11)

-H.G. Wells: "progressives must become "liberal fascists and enlightened Nazis" ( page 21)

-Wallace Stevens: "I am pro-Mussolini." ( page 27)

-Isaac F. Marcosson: in the NY Times, "Mussolini is a Latin Teddy
Roosevelt." ( page 27)

-American Legion: "do not forget, Fascists are to Italy what the American Legion is to America." ( page 27)

-Will Rogers: "I'm pretty high on Mussolini 'Dictatorship' is the right form of gov't if you have the right dictator." ( page 27)

-Saturday Evening Post: gave Mussolini biggest advance ever on article he wrote about himself. (page 32)

-Winston Churchill: dubbed Mussolini the world's greatest lawgiver (page 27)

-Freud and Einstein: called Mussolini the hero of Culture (Page 29)

-Puccini and Toscanini: both were pioneering Fascists of Mussolini (page 32)

-Ida Tarbell: called Mussolini the "despot with a dimple." ( page 28)

-Lincoln Steffens: about Russia -"I have seen the future and it works"
(page 28)

-McClures magazine: "Fascism is a 'great step forward' and the first new idea in govt' since the founding of the American Republic" ( page 28)

-John Patrick Duggins: Columbia University is "Fascism's veritable home in America and a school house for budding fascists ideologues." ( page 32)

-Nicholas Butler: (President of Columbia University) received a signed photo from Mussolini thanking him for his, "most valuable contribution to the promotion of understanding between Fascist Italy and the United States" ( page 29)

-James Farrell: (head of US Steel) Mussolini is the "greatest living man"

-Lowell Thomas: "he (Mussolini) stands out like a Modern Caesar - the answer to America's needs" (page 30)

-Jonah Goldberg; "communists and Nazis tended to vote together in the Reichstag" (page 77)

-Jonah Goldberg: "More dissidents were arrested under...Woodrow Wilson than Mussolini" ( page 80)

-Jonah Goldberg: "In Italy they were called Fascists; in Germany they were called Nazis; in America they were called progressives" (page 81)

-Woodrow Wilson: "The State does..whatever the times demand" (page 86)

-Jane Adams: "the individual must lose the sense of personal achievement" (page 87)

-Walter Rauschenbusch: "individualism means tyranny" (page 87)

-Woodrow Wilson: "our make kids as unlike their fathers as we can" (page 92)

-Woodrow Wilson: "Jefferson has passed...American is not a place for unrestricted individual enterprise" ( page 93).

-Woodrow Wilson: "Bismark's welfare state is the most perfected in the world" ( page 95)

-Charles Beard: "fascism is an amazing experiment in reconciling individualism and socialism" (page 100)

-Stuart Chase: "Communist Party officials...create a new heaven on earth" (page 102)

-W.E.B. Dubois: "I stand in wonder...I am a Bolshevik"

-Arthur Bullard: "Any citizen who did not put the state first is merely dead weight" ( page 110)

-Stuart Chase: "why should Russia have all the fun of remaking a world?" ( page 131)

-H.G. Wells : called for "a 'Phoenix Rebirth' of Liberalism under the banner of Liberal Fascism" ( page 134)

-George Orwell: (met FDR at White House often) "Much of what H.G. Wells has imagined and worked for is physically there in Nazi Germany"(page 135)

-Father Coughlin: "capitalism is doomed" (138)

-Nazi newspaper: described Roosevelt as a man of irreproachable, extremely responsible character and immovable will... with a profound understanding of social needs...with nationalist socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies" ( page 147)

-Mussolini: "America has a dictator in FDR" ( page 148)

-Rexford Tugwell: in 1934 "I find Italy doing many of the things which seem to me necessary" (page 156)

-NRA Study: "The Fascist principles are very similar to those which have been evolving in America and are of particular interest at this time" (page 156)

-Washington Post: headline -"Reagan Still Sure Some In New Deal Espoused Fascism" (page 157)

-Harry Hopkins: (new deal Communist) "that we (those in FDR Administration) are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have lawyers who will declare anything you want to do legal" ( page 159)

-Jonah Goldberg: "in the 1960's Mao Tse-Tung's Little Red Book of revolutionary maxims became a best seller in America"

-Irving Louis Horowitz: "Fascism will return to the United States not as right wing ideology but almost as a quasi-leftist ideology" (page 198)

-John F Kennedy: "political labels and ideological approaches are irrelevant to the solution of today's challenges" ( page 211)

-Jonah Goldberg: "The Marxist explanation of Fascism was that it was the capitalist ruling classes' reaction to the treat of the ascendancy of the working class." (page 223)

-Sidney Webb: "no socialist eugenicist can be a Laissez Faire individualist... the result is this country gradually falling to the Jews and Irish" (page 249)

-H.G. Wells: "eugenics must be the central tenant of any true successful socialism" (page 249)

-Jonah Goldberg: "George Bernard Shaw was not only an ardent socialist but totally committed to eugenics" (page 249)

-John Maynard Keynes: "eugenics is the most important significant..and genuine branch of sociology" (page 250)

-Harold Laski: ( friend to FDR and other American Democrats) "Socialists have to inculcate that spirit which would give offenders against the state short shrift and the nearest lampost" (page 251)

-Charles Van Hise: "we know enough about eugenics so that if the knowledge were applied the defective classes would disappear within a generation" (page 256)

-Jonah Goldberg: "when the Nazi took over they replaced the traditional infrastructure of the state and churches with a Nazi monopoly on charity" (page 267)

-Jonah Goldberg: "Mein Kamph is replete with attacks on dividend hungry businessman whose greed, ruthlessness and short sighted narrow mindedness were ruining the economy. The Nazi Party labor union threatened to put business leaders in concentration camps if they didn't increase workers' wages" (page 288)

-Fortune Magazine: "the corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt" (page 293)

-Foreign Affairs: "The Italian (fascist) system treated workers better" ( page 295)

-Adolf Hitler: "Christianity will disappear from Germany just it has done in Russia" (page 365)

-Lawrence Tribe (Harvard Law School): religious views were inherently superstitious and hence less legitimate then secular ones" (page 366)

So then, if you were surprised to discover that American Democrats had a natural love affair with Communism, Socialism, and Fascism you have to wonder why. Was it due to your own failings or perhaps a liberal conspiracy in the schools and media to keep the information from you, or both. In any case, if you are still tempted to imagine that the caring, big gov't programs you support could not possibly lead to the horrors of Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin then you have to wonder how it is that Jefferson knew they would - 150 years earlier. What exactly did Jefferson know. Simple: he knew men and he knew human history. But, despite his wisdom, and the country he gave us base on that wisdom, the Democrats made the 20th Century the bloodiest of all centuries. Try to imagine what would be left of the world if Jeffersonian Republicans hadn't been there the whole time as the last best hope for freedom on earth.

Wiki: Admiration for Mussolini and Hitler
The New York Times reported that the mood in Washington in 1933 was “strangely reminiscent of Rome in the first weeks after the march of the Blackshirts, of Moscow at the beginning of the Five-Year Plan... America today literally asks for orders.” The Roosevelt administration, reported the Times, “envisages a federation of industry, labor and government after the fashion of the corporative State as it exists in Italy.”[36]

Roosevelt privately found Mussolini "admirable," writing to his personal friend John Lawrence, "I don't mind telling you in confidence, that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman." [37] FDR also wrote to U.S. Ambassador to Italy Breckinridge Long about Mussolini, "I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble." [38]

Hitler likewise expressed "admiration" for Roosevelt's economic policies, and said he was in accord with" Roosevelt's "moral demand," which he identified as the "quintessence of German philosophy of the State," as he wrote in a letter[39] to U.S. Ambassador to Germany William Dodd.

Fascist means to liberal ends
George Soule, editor of the pro-Roosevelt New Republic magazine, wrote in his 1934 book The Coming American Revolution,[40] "We are trying out the economics of Fascism without having suffered all its social or political ravages." In the North American Review in 1934, the progressive writer Roger Shaw described the New Deal as “Fascist means to gain liberal ends.”[41
There is no best example[of capitalism killing millions] because there are so many small ones.

odd there are best examples of liberalism killing 120 million !! but none for capitalism?? Sort of makes sense since capitalism is about pleasing people with the best jobs and products possible.

Do you understand?
Liberalism doesn't kill people dummy, although it can and does go to war against Fascists, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, and the like when necessary. And capitalism has backed many a war just as it is currently against ISIS, those mean guys trying to keep us from all that black gold.

Liberalism killed several hundred thousand people when Truman nuked two cities in Japan, just to name one example.
I'll help:

(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
(sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
(initial capital letter) a political movement that employs the principles and methods of fascism, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.
Fascism Define Fascism at


Fascism is the system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police state as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive state the unlimited master of society."

Yeah, that's what they said.

Memorize the definition so we don't get into these debates again

Fascism is the system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police state as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive state the unlimited master of society."
Yes, we understand where you got that from: Mises Daily Mises Institute

Don't bother posting it again as his opinion is noted.

And I'm guessing you're big on the Total Freedom part, which exists only in ANARCY btw?



Look the Founding Fathers tried to create a minarchy.

We gave up certain SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED RIGHTS in order to create a Constitutional Republic.

But the government supremacists and the parasites want a full fledged socialist republic.

Scumbag federal judges have capitulated and allowed the creation of a welfare/warfare police state.


You mean capitalists make money selling weapons and war material to the government?

ROFL! So what? Do you think corporations are charities? The only reason they exist is to make money for their owners. The war happens because of what politicians do. Corporations just take advantage of it.
Politicians serve the interests of those who get rich from killing innocent civilians.
"BELFAST - How can we explain that in the 2lst century we are still training millions of men and women in our armed forces and sending them to war?

"There are more choices than war or peace, there are multi-optional choices and a civilian-based non-military diplomatic-political policy has more chance of succeeding in solving a violent conflict."

"In war, the cost in civilian lives is incalculable, not to mention the many military personnel whose lives are destroyed. Then there is the cost to the environment and the cost to human potential as our scientists waste their lives planning and researching even more horrific weapons which increasingly, in modern war, kill more civilians than combatants."

Tell me again why anyone should be allowed to profit from war?

The Disturbing Expansion of the Military-Industrial Complex Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community
You mean capitalists make money selling weapons and war material to the government?

ROFL! So what? Do you think corporations are charities? The only reason they exist is to make money for their owners. The war happens because of what politicians do. Corporations just take advantage of it.
Politicians serve the interests of those who get rich from killing innocent civilians.
"BELFAST - How can we explain that in the 2lst century we are still training millions of men and women in our armed forces and sending them to war?

You obviously have a low opinion of the Democratic process. However, you want to turn over the entire economy to this same corrupt process that you condemn.

It really is hysterical to watch some lefty claim that politicians are so corrupt they will send thousands or even millions of people to their deaths just so their cronies can make a buck. Talk about a low opinion of the human race.

"There are more choices than war or peace, there are multi-optional choices and a civilian-based non-military diplomatic-political policy has more chance of succeeding in solving a violent conflict."

Now why didn't that occur to Poland in 1939? All they had to do is send the right diplomats to Berlin and the whole mess could have been avoided!

"In war, the cost in civilian lives is incalculable, not to mention the many military personnel whose lives are destroyed. Then there is the cost to the environment and the cost to human potential as our scientists waste their lives planning and researching even more horrific weapons which increasingly, in modern war, kill more civilians than combatants."

You mean war isn't all fun again games? Damn! I didn't know that!

Tell me again why anyone should be allowed to profit from war?

The practical reason is that the best way to get the best weapons is the profit motive. However, one has to ask, why should government get weapons for free?

This kind of stuff doesn't scare people any longer, Georgie.
You are using the term "capitalists" to refer to corrupt businessmen. Dunno why you don't use the correct term" FASCISTS.
Where, when, and why did fascism start?
"Fascists have identified World War I as having been a revolution that brought revolutionary changes in the nature of war, society, the state, and technology, as the advent of total war and total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilian and combatant whereby a 'military citizenship' arose in which all citizens were involved to the military in some manner during the war.[6][7]

"The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines or provide economic production and logistics to support those on the front lines, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens.[6][7]

"Fascists view World War I as having made liberal democracy obsolete and regard total mobilization of society led by a totalitarian single-party state as necessary for a nation to be prepared for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties, such a totalitarian state is led by a strong leader as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society"
Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Military citzenship" sounds a little familiar.
You are using the term "capitalists" to refer to corrupt businessmen. Dunno why you don't use the correct term" FASCISTS.
Where, when, and why did fascism start?
"Fascists have identified World War I as having been a revolution that brought revolutionary changes in the nature of war, society, the state, and technology, as the advent of total war and total mass mobilization of society had broken down the distinction between civilian and combatant whereby a 'military citizenship' arose in which all citizens were involved to the military in some manner during the war.[6][7]

"The war had resulted in the rise of a powerful state capable of mobilizing millions of people to serve on the front lines or provide economic production and logistics to support those on the front lines, as well as having unprecedented authority to intervene in the lives of citizens.[6][7]

"Fascists view World War I as having made liberal democracy obsolete and regard total mobilization of society led by a totalitarian single-party state as necessary for a nation to be prepared for armed conflict and to respond effectively to economic difficulties, such a totalitarian state is led by a strong leader as a dictator and a martial government composed of the members of the governing fascist party to forge national unity and maintain a stable and orderly society"
Fascism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Military citzenship" sounds a little familiar.

Yeah, that sounds exactly like the Wilson administration. One thing to keep in mind is that fascism is the inevitable end point of all democracies.
The practical reason is that the best way to get the best weapons is the profit motive. However, one has to ask, why should government get weapons for free?
Which doesn't explain why anyone should be allowed to profit from war after the first innocent civilian dies. What's wrong the nationalizing national defense, and running it as a non-profit through the Pentagon?
The practical reason is that the best way to get the best weapons is the profit motive. However, one has to ask, why should government get weapons for free?
Which doesn't explain why anyone should be allowed to profit from war after the first innocent civilian dies. What's wrong the nationalizing national defense, and running it as a non-profit through the Pentagon?

ROFL! Yeah, right, then we would get weapons of the same quality as the Yugo or the Trabant, and they would cost as much as a Rolls Royce.
This kind of stuff doesn't scare people any longer, Georgie
It scares the smart ones:
"Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war? People will not face this alternative because it is so difficult to abolish war."
Russell-Einstein Manifesto

Your changing the subject, Georgie. The issue is, why shouldn't companies that sell arms to the Pentagon make a profit? You haven't provided a good reason so far.
ROFL! Yeah, right, then we would get weapons of the same quality as the Yugo or the Trabant, and they would cost as much as a Rolls Royce.
"The United States spends approximately $553 billion per year in national defense. A large percentage of that massive annual spending goes to the procurement of new weapons systems, facilities, equipment, supplies, logistical and technical services to be used in defense of the United States. In addition, the government spends billions of dollars to upgrade and repair current weapons systems, equipment and facilities.

"The overwhelming majority of this defense procurement is done through contracts with private businesses in the United States and around the world.

Defense contractor fraud remains one of the most active areas of false claims litigation under the Federal False Claims Act. Billions of dollars have already been recovered from defense contractors, largely as a result of qui tam whistleblowers acting under the Federal False Claims Act. Below is a description of some of the more common ways in which defense contractors have tried to defraud the federal government..."

Take the profit out of defense, and you take the incentive out of fraud.

Defense Contractor Fraud - False Claim Act Law Firm
Your changing the subject, Georgie. The issue is, why shouldn't companies that sell arms to the Pentagon make a profit? You haven't provided a good reason so far.
Because those companies that sell arms for profits require the state to empty the shelves by killing innocent human beings in places like the Middle East and Ukraine. Kill the profit motive in defense spending, and war dies with it.
ROFL! Yeah, right, then we would get weapons of the same quality as the Yugo or the Trabant, and they would cost as much as a Rolls Royce.
"The United States spends approximately $553 billion per year in national defense. A large percentage of that massive annual spending goes to the procurement of new weapons systems, facilities, equipment, supplies, logistical and technical services to be used in defense of the United States. In addition, the government spends billions of dollars to upgrade and repair current weapons systems, equipment and facilities.

"The overwhelming majority of this defense procurement is done through contracts with private businesses in the United States and around the world.

Defense contractor fraud remains one of the most active areas of false claims litigation under the Federal False Claims Act. Billions of dollars have already been recovered from defense contractors, largely as a result of qui tam whistleblowers acting under the Federal False Claims Act. Below is a description of some of the more common ways in which defense contractors have tried to defraud the federal government..."

Take the profit out of defense, and you take the incentive out of fraud.

Defense Contractor Fraud - False Claim Act Law Firm
ROFL! Yeah, right, then we would get weapons of the same quality as the Yugo or the Trabant, and they would cost as much as a Rolls Royce.
"The United States spends approximately $553 billion per year in national defense. A large percentage of that massive annual spending goes to the procurement of new weapons systems, facilities, equipment, supplies, logistical and technical services to be used in defense of the United States. In addition, the government spends billions of dollars to upgrade and repair current weapons systems, equipment and facilities.

"The overwhelming majority of this defense procurement is done through contracts with private businesses in the United States and around the world.

Defense contractor fraud remains one of the most active areas of false claims litigation under the Federal False Claims Act. Billions of dollars have already been recovered from defense contractors, largely as a result of qui tam whistleblowers acting under the Federal False Claims Act. Below is a description of some of the more common ways in which defense contractors have tried to defraud the federal government..."

Take the profit out of defense, and you take the incentive out of fraud.

Defense Contractor Fraud - False Claim Act Law Firm

We saw with the HHS convention scandals how government employees safeguard the public treasury. Fraud is a characteristic of government. When you are spending other people's money, the temptation to divert some of it to yourself is irresistible.

Your theory that government employees don't commit fraud is hilarious. What government employees get paid for doing almost nothing is itself a form of fraud. Furthermore, even if there was no fraud, the wouldn't make government production of weapons cheaper. You're forgetting that government has no incentive for cutting costs. Their incentives all run in precisely the opposite direction.
Your changing the subject, Georgie. The issue is, why shouldn't companies that sell arms to the Pentagon make a profit? You haven't provided a good reason so far.
Because those companies that sell arms for profits require the state to empty the shelves by killing innocent human beings in places like the Middle East and Ukraine. Kill the profit motive in defense spending, and war dies with it.

Again, you're implying that politicians send thousands of people to their deaths so they can do favors for their defence contractor cronies. You opinion of politicians couldn't be any lower than that. Yet, you think these same scumbags are going to work honestly and diligently to give the taxpayers the best value for their money.

Don't you see a problem with your theory of government?
Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?

Originally, there were no income taxes. Taxes were on goods to keep the government going and it made sense to have higher taxes on pricier items, which would affect the wealthy more.
Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?

Originally, there were no income taxes. Taxes were on goods to keep the government going and it made sense to have higher taxes on pricier items, which would affect the wealthy more.
Not what Smith said but do try to rationalize things away.
There is no best example[of capitalism killing millions] because there are so many small ones.

odd there are best examples of liberalism killing 120 million !! but none for capitalism?? Sort of makes sense since capitalism is about pleasing people with the best jobs and products possible.

Do you understand?
Liberalism doesn't kill people dummy, although it can and does go to war against Fascists, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, and the like when necessary. And capitalism has backed many a war just as it is currently against ISIS, those mean guys trying to keep us from all that black gold.

Liberalism killed several hundred thousand people when Truman nuked two cities in Japan, just to name one example.
That wasn't Liberalism, that was Anti-Communism.
Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society, wanted no taxes on necessities but was fine with taxes on luxuries, and wanted corporations to continue to be banned. That Marxist enough for you?

Originally, there were no income taxes. Taxes were on goods to keep the government going and it made sense to have higher taxes on pricier items, which would affect the wealthy more.
Not what Smith said but do try to rationalize things away.

Doesn't really matter what he thought. That isn't how the constitution was written so it's a moot point.

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