Addition Epstein victim comes forward - Claims Raped at age 15

Rather than try to understand what a scum ball Epstein is, trumpettes are quick to come on here and bash the woman and therefor defend Epstein.

What is the Message we are seeing here? How many of these defenders and bashers of the woman are Trolls who are here to distract from Epstein and thereby trump?

I think it's very interesting that when Epstein was arrested the far right radical extremists were positively giddy with the prospect that Bill Clinton would get caught up in all this. At that time they were all very outraged at what Epstein has done and got away with.

Now when the mess hits the fan on trump and his labor secretary, they quickly change their tunes and go after the girls who are involved.

The behavior of the far right radical extremists doesn't surprise me.

It disgusts and sickens me.

It shouldn't matter who is involved and what political party they are affiliated with. Crimes were committed, a pedophile was given a deal that was illegal in that the government didn't notify the survivors of the crimes to let them know what the government was doing and that the government gave Epstein a deal that wasn't justice.

“He Said Not to Tell Anyone”: How Trump Kept Tabs on Jeffrey Epstein
My how cruel the years can be...
Where were her parents when she was being paid $300 to give an older man massages at the age of 14?

Who cares? Deflection is an old and tired tactic. It is What is Is now!
My point is that this story doesn't seem very credible.
Her story has hindsight credibility. At the time she was making $300.00 per occurrence. At that time and her age it was a phenomenal sum of money. Now that she looks back she sees everything that was wrong.
Fine, but we don't know if any of that is true. Do you want to put somebody away for something they may not have done?
No one is being put away but Epstein and he won't go alone. He's been a loyal and generous democrat. If Maureen Comey can't cover for him and he goes down he will take others with him.
Maybe, I'm just sayin' we don't know anything for sure yet.
I hope this doesn't sound too cold, but she was playing with fire and she got burned. She knew damned well what was going on. She may have not liked losing her cherry, but she was no innocent. I remember being 14. Yes, the money was very tempting to a kid that age, but she was perfectly aware of what came after third base.
She talked about seeing the sex toys, pictures, and even talked about him masturbating after she massaged him. If that's not enough to make her stop going there, what the hell is? I agree, she was not innocent.
I hope this doesn't sound too cold, but she was playing with fire and she got burned. She knew damned well what was going on. She may have not liked losing her cherry, but she was no innocent. I remember being 14. Yes, the money was very tempting to a kid that age, but she was perfectly aware of what came after third base.
She talked about seeing the sex toys, pictures, and even talked about him masturbating after she massaged him. If that's not enough to make her stop going there, what the hell is? I agree, she was not innocent.
That said, Epstein still deserves to get hung by the balls for the way he professionally recruited and patiently groomed these young girls. However bad judgement a girl that age has (and it can be pretty bad), it doesn't let him off the hook. I just get tired of people talking as if he was screwing a six year old.
I hope this doesn't sound too cold, but she was playing with fire and she got burned. She knew damned well what was going on. She may have not liked losing her cherry, but she was no innocent. I remember being 14. Yes, the money was very tempting to a kid that age, but she was perfectly aware of what came after third base.
This is why this is considered RAPE. She is too young and emotionally immature to give consent.

You are leaning towards sympathy for the predator only because of politics.
Big fat Bill Barr will squelch the case for Donald Trump's sake.

Yes, I I afraid that may happen. Obviously, Barr is trump's personal attorney. Judging from recent DOJ decisions, the entire DOJ has become part of the trump Mafia.

The career attorneys in the Department must be going nuts. You have an Attorney General who, at the request of his boss...the unhinged so called president, is defying a ruling by the USSC.

The country is in a sad state of affairs. It will take years to remove the foul stench of corruption that trump and his henchmen have inflicted on this country.
George Soros has been focusing most of his money in the US on winning prosecutor and DA positions in the US dingbat.
I hope this doesn't sound too cold, but she was playing with fire and she got burned. She knew damned well what was going on. She may have not liked losing her cherry, but she was no innocent. I remember being 14. Yes, the money was very tempting to a kid that age, but she was perfectly aware of what came after third base.
This is why this is considered RAPE. She is too young and emotionally immature to give consent.

You are leaning towards sympathy for the predator only because of politics.
But that isn’t entirely consistent. Biologically it’s perfectly normal around that age for people to begin sexual activity. Has been since the dawn of mankind. As for the criminality aspect... If there were consistency; anyone fucking a girl that age would be charged. But that isn’t the case. If a 15 year old commits a crime, they get arrested. Unless that crime happens to be fucking a sexually active minor. Then the state deems no crime has been committed. You have exactly the same act. But in one case it’s completely legal, and unpunishable, and in the other case the guy is erroneously grouped with actual violent predators who set upon unsuspecting victims, visit injury upon them, deprive them of free choice, and actually rape them. To try and draw parity between the two is not only unprincipled. It’s also a demonstration of callous indifference to the suffering of actual rape victims. With the side insult of allowing a “space” for violent criminals who’ve assaulted another person to obscure themselves amongst those who’ve only assaulted the states sense of propriety.
Long story short. Teenagers are horny little bastards, and parents should be doing a better job of oversight if they don’t want their daughters whoring about.
Rather than try to understand what a scum ball Epstein is, trumpettes are quick to come on here and bash the woman and therefor defend Epstein.

What is the Message we are seeing here? How many of these defenders and bashers of the woman are Trolls who are here to distract from Epstein and thereby trump?
Hillary will have to start the bimbo project again. And of course you will support her again.
Rather than try to understand what a scum ball Epstein is, trumpettes are quick to come on here and bash the woman and therefor defend Epstein.

What is the Message we are seeing here? How many of these defenders and bashers of the woman are Trolls who are here to distract from Epstein and thereby trump?
Hillary will have to start the bimbo project again. And of course you will support her again.

Bimbos for Trump? Didn't Donald Trump 'lock her up'.

Rather than try to understand what a scum ball Epstein is, trumpettes are quick to come on here and bash the woman and therefor defend Epstein.

What is the Message we are seeing here? How many of these defenders and bashers of the woman are Trolls who are here to distract from Epstein and thereby trump?
Hillary will have to start the bimbo project again. And of course you will support her again.

Bimbos for Trump? Didn't Donald Trump 'lock her up'.

I hope this doesn't sound too cold, but she was playing with fire and she got burned. She knew damned well what was going on. She may have not liked losing her cherry, but she was no innocent. I remember being 14. Yes, the money was very tempting to a kid that age, but she was perfectly aware of what came after third base.
This is why this is considered RAPE. She is too young and emotionally immature to give consent.

You are leaning towards sympathy for the predator only because of politics.
No, actually, politics has absolutely nothing to do with this. I see no reason why it should. I am definitely not feeling sympathetic toward him.
New alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein says he raped her when she was 15 - CNN

This man is an animal. He needs to be thoroughly investigated and anyone....DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN....who knew this was happening or who engaged in these sleazy tactics needs to be held accountable. I don;t care if it is Bill, Hillary, trump, or Jerry Falwell Jr....

And the dude that let him get off with a slap on the wrist needs to be terminated and prosecuted for Prosecutorial Malpractice!
Progressives support Pedophilia/sex trafficking… It will soon be part of the LGBT movement.
After all it’s just kissing cousins

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