Adios, Liz Cheney

Utterly amazing that you stiill sit there, election fraud deniers, when all one has to do is to observe your utter closemindedness as to the differences EVEN in the character and actions between the Trump family and the Biden Family. The children specifically. You ignore the drug use, swindling, sex addled behavior, incestuous relationships of the bidens and you are determined to paint the upright behavior of the trump children as the worst of the two. Actually i guess it stands to reason that good would be evil in your sight and evil would be the more desirable of the two for people who support the platform of godlessness.
I know you wont, But you should read her concession speech.
Two years ago she won her primary with 73% of the vote. When exactly did she stop being a hard core Republican.
This is how the left considers their own elites. PERFECT Example.

Where do you get these delusions that I've ever supported Liz Cheney? Because she's against treason, and Fascism? All good Americans are against treason and Fascism whether I agree with their political positions on policy or not.

You should try to grow up.
You have been sucking Liz’s cock since Nazi put her little Jan 6 Clown Show together.
Liz Cheney gave surrender speech and compared herself to Lincoln. Lincoln is an evil racist according to the left….therefore Liz Cheney is an evil racist.

How many of the 28% of voters that she got were Dems who flipped?

Like all of them?

What an idiot you are. People want sane, competent governance, you stupid fool. They don't want a racist, misogynist, openly criminal asshole, running a revenge tour vowing to "investigate the investigators" for another 4 years. You had 4 years of that and the entire nation went completely into the toilet while the spoiled toddler tried to prosecute Democrats, and failed utterly to do so.

Biden has done more for the American PEOPLE in the past 18 months, than the Republican Party has done in the past 40 years.

Republicans persist in sticking with the same failed economic policies that turned South America into a second world hellhole of right wing banana republics.

You're still regurgitating the debunked lies, conspiracy claims, that Trump has been feeding to you since before the election. What part of "Donald Trump has never won the popular vote in ANY election, despite having been President for 4 years.

In four short years under Donald Trump, the nation went from peace and prosperity under Obama, to disease, death, racial riots, and economic collapse. And trade wars on several fronts.

Then, when Trump was soundly defeated at the polls, and lost more than 50 cases in the courts, he tried to overthrow the government.

What's laughable as fools like you branding people who oppose your orange faced crime lord, you act like he hasn't earned our scorn and derision, as have you.
Pretty sure a KKKanadian Halfwit like you hasn’t been voted spokesman for what Americans want, Simp.

Liz Cheney Gained $36,000,000 in Six Years in Office!​

They’re supposed to go to DC to represent us, and obviously they’re going there to pad their own pockets, and it’s disgusting

LIZard Cheney....anatomy of a political suicide.

It is hard to imagine a political fall so far so fast. But then it is harder still to imagine a plunge so willful and unrepentant, featuring a sense of denial so stubborn that no public repudiation brings clarity.

But such is the power of Trump hatred, and such is the political death of Liz Cheney.

Her sad charade is over. She may not know it, but it is. After being booted from Wyoming’s only seat in the House of Representatives, she continues to spew hatred at the voters who showed her the door. They are gullible rubes for failing to hate Trump as she does, and terrorist sympathizers for failing to see the criminality her failed January 6th committee has yet to wrap around him.
"Liz Cheney got tossed out of office, because most residents in Wyoming relate more to Trump. Because most residents in Wyoming are COWS" ~ Bill Maher

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