Advice For Democrats: "Ignoring And Ridiculing Election Fraud Concerns Will Not Make Them Go Away"

So, from now on, a candidate that lost can cry election fraud, create FAKE election fraud stories, lose every recount and all of his 61 court cases, while he continues to fraudulently accuse the other candidate of fraud, with no PROOF of such fraud and convinced his flock that he did not lose.....

So are we suppose to stop the constitutional process, of electing our President, to appease the flock of people that this candidate single handedly convinced without evidence ...there was fraud?

Every election from here on out, the loser can do this....?
There are TONS of evidence that document the fraud and corruption of this stolen presidency.

Either you are too stupid or too partisan to admit it.
Where is this evidence of ACTUAL fraud showing the election was stolen from president trump?

The courts did not receive it.

The State election officials and governors did not receive it.

Barr' s DOJ did not receive it.

STATE Law enforcement did not receive it.
So, from now on, a candidate that lost can cry election fraud, create FAKE election fraud stories, lose every recount and all of his 61 court cases, while he continues to fraudulently accuse the other candidate of fraud, with no PROOF of such fraud and convinced his flock that he did not lose.....

So are we suppose to stop the constitutional process, of electing our President, to appease the flock of people that this candidate single handedly convinced without evidence ...there was fraud?

Every election from here on out, the loser can do this....?
There are TONS of evidence that document the fraud and corruption of this stolen presidency.

Either you are too stupid or too partisan to admit it.

Indeed,she this troll is a paid shill for the DNC committe,she is so hard up for money she is willing to do what she preaches against,LIE and now all of a sudden does not care about going to hell or being a christian anymore as she always preached about being.
So, from now on, a candidate that lost can cry election fraud, create FAKE election fraud stories, lose every recount and all of his 61 court cases, while he continues to fraudulently accuse the other candidate of fraud, with no PROOF of such fraud and convinced his flock that he did not lose.....

So are we suppose to stop the constitutional process, of electing our President, to appease the flock of people that this candidate single handedly convinced without evidence ...there was fraud?

Every election from here on out, the loser can do this....?

You mean like Gore, Kerry and Hillary of course.......


Not one media outlet thought to put this information out until now? I'm not talking about the MSM, they never will show it.
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Advice for Republicants:

Claiming there was voter fraud and having ZERO ARRESTS for these felony crimes won't make anyone believe that there was fraud.
It's early, be patient. We don't want to rush a bunch of BS like the last congress did with the sham impeachment. All the T's will be crossed and I's dotted and Piglosi's name won't be on it. The proof is there.
"Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media...."

...and irrational hate-driven snowflakes.

"Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come."

Calling nearly half the country 'Conspiracy Theorists', insulting them, orally and physically attacking them, telling them to 'suck it up', telling them to 'STFU' / 'Fall In Line' / 'Move On', completely ignoring their concerns, and turning a blind eye to the obvious election fraud millions of Americans witnessed themselves is NOT going to diffuse or make this all go away. The current hostility towards those who believe there was massive election fraud will only cause further division, distrust, and violence.

If the Democrats do not REALLY, seriously address election fraud, if they arrogantly blow it off, things will get worse ... not that they really care.

"Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media...."

...and irrational hate-driven snowflakes.

"Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come."

Calling nearly half the country 'Conspiracy Theorists', insulting them, orally and physically attacking them, telling them to 'suck it up', telling them to 'STFU' / 'Fall In Line' / 'Move On', completely ignoring their concerns, and turning a blind eye to the obvious election fraud millions of Americans witnessed themselves is NOT going to diffuse or make this all go away. The current hostility towards those who believe there was massive election fraud will only cause further division, distrust, and violence.

If the Democrats do not REALLY, seriously address election fraud, if they arrogantly blow it off, things will get worse ... not that they really care.

Give us some evidence.
Evidence of election fraud? Check the thread about Ga. I posted 4 - 6 links full of them. Here's a taste:

I would sooner pay attention to the courts.
"Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media...."

...and irrational hate-driven snowflakes.

"Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come."

Calling nearly half the country 'Conspiracy Theorists', insulting them, orally and physically attacking them, telling them to 'suck it up', telling them to 'STFU' / 'Fall In Line' / 'Move On', completely ignoring their concerns, and turning a blind eye to the obvious election fraud millions of Americans witnessed themselves is NOT going to diffuse or make this all go away. The current hostility towards those who believe there was massive election fraud will only cause further division, distrust, and violence.

If the Democrats do not REALLY, seriously address election fraud, if they arrogantly blow it off, things will get worse ... not that they really care.


cults gonna cult

trump is the biggest conman in american history
You can't blame criminals for trying to stop discussions of their crime.

Of course they want to bury the issue and move on. That's how the guilty behave.
So true, specially that Biden admit is crime but the lefties are all blind , they could all go to hell.

Yeah Dalia,these trolls cover their ears everytime you post videos of this of facts that vote fraud happened. the other problem with their babble and lies that there is no evidence is they get angry everytime i post these facts that we got the most corrupt court system in the world and judges are evil,here to serve the elite and not the people.

they get angry many times when i post the evidence vote fraud happened when i post the facts that trumps lawyers and whistleblowrs have had death threats to their familys and some of the whistleblowers have even been murdered or beaten up severely yet these idiots like to try and convince us no vote fraud occured.:rolleyes-41: the people that say that are obvious liars and dont give a crap about America being destroyed.
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Advice for Republicants:

Claiming there was voter fraud and having ZERO ARRESTS for these felony crimes won't make anyone believe that there was fraud.
It's early, be patient. We don't want to rush a bunch of BS like the last congress did with the sham impeachment. All the T's will be crossed and I's dotted and Piglosi's name won't be on it. The proof is there.
dude candyass is a shill for Langley,dont feed the troll.
Where is this evidence of ACTUAL fraud showing the election was stolen from president trump?

The courts did not receive it.

The State election officials and governors did not receive it.

Barr' s DOJ did not receive it.

STATE Law enforcement did not receive it.

Many lawsuits have been filed in Georgia. Claiming they "did not receive" evidence of crimes in
Georgia is, again, either stupid or dishonest.
So, from now on, a candidate that lost can cry election fraud, create FAKE election fraud stories, lose every recount and all of his 61 court cases, while he continues to fraudulently accuse the other candidate of fraud, with no PROOF of such fraud and convinced his flock that he did not lose.....

So are we suppose to stop the constitutional process, of electing our President, to appease the flock of people that this candidate single handedly convinced without evidence ...there was fraud?

Every election from here on out, the loser can do this....?
"constitutional process" is fucking hilarious from someone who wants to abolish the EC.
The democrats will not be concerned about election/voter fraud unless and until they lose. We all saw how they went apoplectic about Trump's win in 2016; Russian collusion, etc.

Nearly half of Democrats think the 2016 presidential election was “rigged,” according to a new poll released this week by YouGov. The poll found that a whopping 42 percent of Democrats believe the election was rigged. Only 58 percent of Democrats responded that Donald Trump was “legitimately” elected on Nov. 8.

Maybe it's an attempt to weaken the incoming administration, or maybe it's just partisan politics to pander to your political base. They did it, now we're doing it.
"Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media...."

...and irrational hate-driven snowflakes.

"Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come."

Calling nearly half the country 'Conspiracy Theorists', insulting them, orally and physically attacking them, telling them to 'suck it up', telling them to 'STFU' / 'Fall In Line' / 'Move On', completely ignoring their concerns, and turning a blind eye to the obvious election fraud millions of Americans witnessed themselves is NOT going to diffuse or make this all go away. The current hostility towards those who believe there was massive election fraud will only cause further division, distrust, and violence.

If the Democrats do not REALLY, seriously address election fraud, if they arrogantly blow it off, things will get worse ... not that they really care.

Conversely, alledging fraud does not make it true.

If the allegations are true, prove them. Litigate them.

This has not happened and the litigation efforts are 0-60.

As the late Lou Reed said, "Wishin' don't make it so, babe."
If it is such an issue then petition your Congressman or Congresswoman or Congresssibling or Congresswhatevah and seek relief by having an investigation...
We did, and now they are looking into it, despite efforts from your party to paint them as lunatics.
"Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media...."

...and irrational hate-driven snowflakes.

"Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come."

Calling nearly half the country 'Conspiracy Theorists', insulting them, orally and physically attacking them, telling them to 'suck it up', telling them to 'STFU' / 'Fall In Line' / 'Move On', completely ignoring their concerns, and turning a blind eye to the obvious election fraud millions of Americans witnessed themselves is NOT going to diffuse or make this all go away. The current hostility towards those who believe there was massive election fraud will only cause further division, distrust, and violence.

If the Democrats do not REALLY, seriously address election fraud, if they arrogantly blow it off, things will get worse ... not that they really care.

Conversely, alledging fraud does not make it true.

If the allegations are true, prove them. Litigate them.

This has not happened and the litigation efforts are 0-60.

As the late Lou Reed said, "Wishin' don't make it so, babe."
You guys are fighting hard to prevent litigation and investigations.
"Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media...."

...and irrational hate-driven snowflakes.

"Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come."

Calling nearly half the country 'Conspiracy Theorists', insulting them, orally and physically attacking them, telling them to 'suck it up', telling them to 'STFU' / 'Fall In Line' / 'Move On', completely ignoring their concerns, and turning a blind eye to the obvious election fraud millions of Americans witnessed themselves is NOT going to diffuse or make this all go away. The current hostility towards those who believe there was massive election fraud will only cause further division, distrust, and violence.

If the Democrats do not REALLY, seriously address election fraud, if they arrogantly blow it off, things will get worse ... not that they really care.

Conversely, alledging fraud does not make it true.

If the allegations are true, prove them. Litigate them.

This has not happened and the litigation efforts are 0-60.

As the late Lou Reed said, "Wishin' don't make it so, babe."
He also said, Take a walk on the wild side. That's irrelevant too.
So, from now on, a candidate that lost can cry election fraud, create FAKE election fraud stories, lose every recount and all of his 61 court cases, while he continues to fraudulently accuse the other candidate of fraud, with no PROOF of such fraud and convinced his flock that he did not lose.....

So are we suppose to stop the constitutional process, of electing our President, to appease the flock of people that this candidate single handedly convinced without evidence ...there was fraud?

Every election from here on out, the loser can do this....?
Only if he's a Republican.
"Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.

Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media...."

...and irrational hate-driven snowflakes.

"Rasmussen’s poll indicates that 47 percent of voters believe fraud swayed the election (and 75 percent of Republicans). Some dismiss Rasmussen as leaning to the right. But even standard left-leaning pollsters such as Quinnipiac and Reuters consistently claim that half of Republicans believe there was massive fraud.

Reuters even noted that 16 percent of Democrats and 33 percent of independents agreed. And Quinnipiac has a sizable percentage of all registered voters—34 percent—not believing the Biden-Harris ticket won legitimately. Some expect these millions of Americans to “come around.” But it’s more likely their uneasiness will fester as more facts about fraud ooze through the cracks in the media machinery in the months to come."

Calling nearly half the country 'Conspiracy Theorists', insulting them, orally and physically attacking them, telling them to 'suck it up', telling them to 'STFU' / 'Fall In Line' / 'Move On', completely ignoring their concerns, and turning a blind eye to the obvious election fraud millions of Americans witnessed themselves is NOT going to diffuse or make this all go away. The current hostility towards those who believe there was massive election fraud will only cause further division, distrust, and violence.

If the Democrats do not REALLY, seriously address election fraud, if they arrogantly blow it off, things will get worse ... not that they really care.

Conversely, alledging fraud does not make it true.

If the allegations are true, prove them. Litigate them.

This has not happened and the litigation efforts are 0-60.

As the late Lou Reed said, "Wishin' don't make it so, babe."
You guys are fighting hard to prevent litigation and investigations.
The courts have been rejecting the lawsuits because the lawsuits are not based in fact and truth. These judges are often Trump appointed judges.

Don't blame Liberals for the failure of an inept and incompetent Trump legal team! Bring facts, not allegations. Truth, not rumor. Evidence, not conspiracy theories.

Justice is fairly served. But unfounded whining gets just what it deserves.

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