Affordable Care Act

Do you have employer provided health care?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 57.9%

  • Total voters
what's so great about a $5000 deductible? I remember when I was married our insurance was $2500 deductible. So basically you're now paying for everything OUT of pocket if you plan on reaching $5000 deductible.

If I read the information right, you pay the co-pays until you reach the deductible then there are no co-pay. Is that correct?

I have no idea, as I'm healthy and I refuse to purchase something FORCED on me by this man, Obama. He's a President not my Nanny or my dicktator
what's so great about a $5000 deductible? I remember when I was married our insurance was $2500 deductible. So basically you're now paying for everything OUT of pocket if you plan on reaching $5000 deductible.

If I read the information right, you pay the co-pays until you reach the deductible then there are no co-pay. Is that correct?

I have no idea, as I'm healthy and I refuse to purchase something FORCED on me by this man, Obama. He's a President not my Nanny or my dicktator

I go to the doctor once a year to hear that I am obese, which I don't think I am but the scale says otherwise. Any way, do you have NO health care today? If you do it works the same way.
what's so great about a $5000 deductible? I remember when I was married our insurance was $2500 deductible. So basically you're now paying for everything OUT of pocket if you plan on reaching $5000 deductible.

If I read the information right, you pay the co-pays until you reach the deductible then there are no co-pay. Is that correct?

I have no idea, as I'm healthy and I refuse to purchase something FORCED on me by this man, Obama. He's a President not my Nanny or my dicktator

I go to the doctor once a year to hear that I am obese, which I don't think I am but the scale says otherwise. Any way, do you have NO health care today? If you do it works the same way.

I pay out of pocket when I need a doctor. that's how I have always done it.
what's so great about a $5000 deductible? I remember when I was married our insurance was $2500 deductible. So basically you're now paying for everything OUT of pocket if you plan on reaching $5000 deductible.

If I read the information right, you pay the co-pays until you reach the deductible then there are no co-pay. Is that correct?

I have no idea, as I'm healthy and I refuse to purchase something FORCED on me by this man, Obama. He's a President not my Nanny or my dicktator

I go to the doctor once a year to hear that I am obese, which I don't think I am but the scale says otherwise. Any way, do you have NO health care today? If you do it works the same way.

I pay out of pocket when I need a doctor. that's how I have always done it.

So you have no health care plan?

If you pay for everything out of pocket then the deductible does mean anything to you.
what's so great about a $5000 deductible? I remember when I was married our insurance was $2500 deductible. So basically you're now paying for everything OUT of pocket if you plan on reaching $5000 deductible.

If I read the information right, you pay the co-pays until you reach the deductible then there are no co-pay. Is that correct?

I have no idea, as I'm healthy and I refuse to purchase something FORCED on me by this man, Obama. He's a President not my Nanny or my dicktator

I go to the doctor once a year to hear that I am obese, which I don't think I am but the scale says otherwise. Any way, do you have NO health care today? If you do it works the same way.

I pay out of pocket when I need a doctor. that's how I have always done it.

So you have no health care plan?

If you pay for everything out of pocket then the deductible does mean anything to you.

no it doesn't. I did when I was Married. been single for 11 years and pay out of pocket. but I was asking the question for all of you who is buying this Scam Insurance from Obama.
If I read the information right, you pay the co-pays until you reach the deductible then there are no co-pay. Is that correct?

I have no idea, as I'm healthy and I refuse to purchase something FORCED on me by this man, Obama. He's a President not my Nanny or my dicktator

I go to the doctor once a year to hear that I am obese, which I don't think I am but the scale says otherwise. Any way, do you have NO health care today? If you do it works the same way.

I pay out of pocket when I need a doctor. that's how I have always done it.

So you have no health care plan?

If you pay for everything out of pocket then the deductible does mean anything to you.

no it doesn't. I did when I was Married. been single for 11 years and pay out of pocket. but I was asking the question for all of you who is buying this Scam Insurance from Obama.

Obama isn't selling insurance.

Are you going to pay the penalty? I am sorry, are you going to pay the tax?
Yup and everyone will be paying more for their benefits.

My benefit costs went up by 30% this year because of the ACA. Wonder what is on the horizon for next year?

And you can show how it was as a direct result of the ACA? Had your benefit costs ever gone up before?

My benefits have gone up but not by 30% and the HR department is who advised all of us why costs were going up.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us will be subsidizing.

So your HR department TOLD you that it was because of the ACA...but you don't know if that's actually true. A lot gets blamed on the ACA that is the fault of the same bad actors every time...the insurance companies.

Yup and they should know as they are the ones who have to navigate that POS system that the Dems have forced on we taxpayers.

If you want to believe they are lying, be my guest. Anyone with benefits from their employer is in the same boat I am. Higher costs because of the ACA.
Yup and everyone will be paying more for their benefits.

My benefit costs went up by 30% this year because of the ACA. Wonder what is on the horizon for next year?

And you can show how it was as a direct result of the ACA? Had your benefit costs ever gone up before?

My benefits have gone up but not by 30% and the HR department is who advised all of us why costs were going up.

The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us will be subsidizing.

So your HR department TOLD you that it was because of the ACA...but you don't know if that's actually true. A lot gets blamed on the ACA that is the fault of the same bad actors every time...the insurance companies.

Yup and they should know as they are the ones who have to navigate that POS system that the Dems have forced on we taxpayers.

If you want to believe they are lying, be my guest. Anyone with benefits from their employer is in the same boat I am. Higher costs because of the ACA.

How does the ACA increase costs for the employer?
Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

Employer sponsored health insurance is cheaper for you because your employer is paying the bulk of it. But it is not cheaper.
They are passing the cost on to the employee's so my costs have gone up as have anyone with employer provided benefits.

The most common ways employers plan to deal with increased costs due to ACA are shifting costs to employees (53%) and encouraging participant health by increasing wellness and value-based health care initiatives (36%).

ACA s Cost Impact Employer-Sponsored Health Plans
Health care premiums: Health experts see big price hikes for ...
May 30, 2015 - The cost of Obamacare could rise for millions of Americans next year, ... Health Advisors as she purchases insurance under the Affordable Care
The cost of health insurance has been rising faster than the rate of inflation for decades. And during all that time, the Democrats have made it very clear what they would do if they ever got the chance. From Ted Kennedy all the way to Obama, for the past 40 years they have made it very clear they intended to socialize medicine.

Despite the Democrats telegraphing their intentions, the Republicans never put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table. And when they owned the Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, what did the Republicans do? They created a new massive trillion dollar government medical entitlement program, without paying for it.

And to this day, they STILL have not put a comprehensive reform plan on the table.

So whenever I hear the Republicans whining about ObamaCare, I laugh. It's all theater for the rubes. It should be blazingly obvious to everyone by now the Republican party sold us all down the river to socialized medicine. I am positively gobsmacked there are still a multitude of rubes who have not yet caught on.
Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

Employer sponsored health insurance is cheaper for you because your employer is paying the bulk of it. But it is not cheaper.

Yes it is. It is negotiated with the insurance companies. How much cheaper is dependent on how much those negotiating get a kick back, in my opinion.

Where I worked there was company based health care. The union went out on their own and negotiated that they would handle the healthcare for their members. They did get it cheaper and better. So if they could then the company could have also. But it seemed they didn't really care, except to cut people off.

As time went on though the insurance carriers realized that the union members were have health problems above average and they either wouldn't pick it up or the rates increased.

Groups have always been cheaper, if the groups didn't use healthcare. Can you imagine what Medicare would cost if it wasn't for the government?
Health Insurance Costs Under Obamacare: Premiums To ...
International Business Times - International Business News Financial News Market News Politics Forex Commoditieshealth-insurance-costs-un...
International Business Times
May 15, 2015 - Health Insurance Costs Under Obamacare: Premiums To Rise In 2016, Low Costs 'Unrealistic,' Blue Cross Executive Says. By Elizabeth ...

Do you think it a bit unfair to blame ACA on the rise in costs? In my opinion the ACA was never designed to reign in health care costs. Only to make health care insurance easily available and affordable to lower paid Americans.

There is nothing I see in ACA to hold down prices. When prices go up, someone always pays. In this case it is those who can afford to buy health care insurance.
Due to life choices and circumstances we are losing our employer provided health care. So I went to the web site to look for plans. What I found is this.

1. The web site is extremely easy to use.

2. The cost, while high, is not nearly as expensive as it was when I looked into it when ACA became the law of the land.

3. Big penalty for making money and not having employer provided coverage.

Here is an example of what I found for 1 person first making 50,000 the second making 25000. Which seems to me to be affordable considering that car insurance might cost as much.

What I don't like is that the cost should be the same for everyone since it is required by the government to purchase. In other words make it a tax deduction, if it is not already.

What I am going to call about is if I can sign up the wife for one plan, using her income. And one plan for me using mine. I don't think this is the case.

Not cheap, but not as expensive as I thought and anyone should be able to navigate the site.

Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

View attachment 47568

View attachment 47569

those are not a very good plans

I picked middle of the road, want better, pay more.

Back in the mid 2000s, I got a $2,000 deductible policy for only $67 per month. That was an affordable policy. Thanks to Obama care, those policies are illegal, and gone.

67 dollars in 2000 is about 98 in 2015.

Single 20,000
View attachment 47581
Single 27 making 50,000
View attachment 47580

I'll look it up, but I did not say 2000. I said mid 2000s. Meaning 2005 or 2006.

Moreover I got a policy for a friend, that was only $52 a month.

Additionally, it does not say $85. It says $149 per month.
Due to life choices and circumstances we are losing our employer provided health care. So I went to the web site to look for plans. What I found is this.

1. The web site is extremely easy to use.

2. The cost, while high, is not nearly as expensive as it was when I looked into it when ACA became the law of the land.

3. Big penalty for making money and not having employer provided coverage.

Here is an example of what I found for 1 person first making 50,000 the second making 25000. Which seems to me to be affordable considering that car insurance might cost as much.

What I don't like is that the cost should be the same for everyone since it is required by the government to purchase. In other words make it a tax deduction, if it is not already.

What I am going to call about is if I can sign up the wife for one plan, using her income. And one plan for me using mine. I don't think this is the case.

Not cheap, but not as expensive as I thought and anyone should be able to navigate the site.

Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

View attachment 47568

View attachment 47569

those are not a very good plans

I picked middle of the road, want better, pay more.

Back in the mid 2000s, I got a $2,000 deductible policy for only $67 per month. That was an affordable policy. Thanks to Obama care, those policies are illegal, and gone.

67 dollars in 2000 is about 98 in 2015.

Single 20,000
View attachment 47581
Single 27 making 50,000
View attachment 47580

I'll look it up, but I did not say 2000. I said mid 2000s. Meaning 2005 or 2006.

Moreover I got a policy for a friend, that was only $52 a month.

Additionally, it does not say $85. It says $149 per month.

The 85 dollars was if a person was 27, non smoker, and making 25000 dollars per year. The 149 is if they were making 50000.
those are not a very good plans

I picked middle of the road, want better, pay more.

Back in the mid 2000s, I got a $2,000 deductible policy for only $67 per month. That was an affordable policy. Thanks to Obama care, those policies are illegal, and gone.

67 dollars in 2000 is about 98 in 2015.

Single 20,000
View attachment 47581
Single 27 making 50,000
View attachment 47580

I'll look it up, but I did not say 2000. I said mid 2000s. Meaning 2005 or 2006.

Moreover I got a policy for a friend, that was only $52 a month.

Additionally, it does not say $85. It says $149 per month.

The 85 dollars was if a person was 27, non smoker, and making 25000 dollars per year. The 149 is if they were making 50000.

That is not what it says. Can you not read the fine print?
Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

Employer sponsored health insurance is cheaper for you because your employer is paying the bulk of it. But it is not cheaper.

Yes it is. It is negotiated with the insurance companies.

The insurance company has all the leverage. A small employer has none, especially since the government geographically limits the insurance companies available to buy from.
Still, employer sponsored health care is far cheaper and better.

Employer sponsored health insurance is cheaper for you because your employer is paying the bulk of it. But it is not cheaper.

Yes it is. It is negotiated with the insurance companies.

The insurance company has all the leverage. A small employer has none, especially since the government geographically limits the insurance companies available to buy from.

That is true of small companies, I will agree.

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