African-American boss’s N-word rant leads to award

Nah, Lonestar would not have the gumption to do such a thing. Neither would I. 'Sides, businessmen want to keep their customers.
Prove it!
you made the claim, it's on you to back it up.

Hey stupid YOU claimed I "do the same" when I called Jake a liar, now the burden of proof is on you.

Prove that I'm a liar.

Post #9 is proof that Jake lied. Unless of course he can back up his statement with evidence. Which he can't or he would have done so.
post # 9 is no proof that liberals are using it as such just highlights your dishonesty.
besides racial slurs are well within your skill set.
wonder how many time a day you think of or say out loud the n word or beaner wet back ,chink etc....
Hey stupid YOU claimed I "do the same" when I called Jake a liar, now the burden of proof is on you.

Prove that I'm a liar.

Post #9 is proof that Jake lied. Unless of course he can back up his statement with evidence. Which he can't or he would have done so.
wrong! good dodge though.

Damn you people just can't be honest.
really? I would say, you've been dishonest for so long you don't even know it's dishonesty.
Some words are just not appropriate in any context, especially a work relationship. So the boss used the term "******" to convey love in this instance....:cuckoo:

"A federal jury in Manhattan has awarded $250,000 to an African-American worker who claims her boss used the N-word in a 4-minute rant about her professional behavior and work attire.

The worker, Brandi Johnson, worked at an employment agency called STRIVE that helps people from troubled backgrounds find work. Her boss, Rob Carmona, is also African-American, the Associated Press reports. STRIVE’s model, according to a 60 Minutes story, is "part boot camp, part group therapy.”

Carmona had testified the N-word has "multiple contexts" in the black and Latino communities, sometimes conveying anger and sometimes love. In Johnson’s case, he said, the word was intended to convey love".

African-American boss's N-word rant leads to $250K compensatory award in bias case

Poor Brandi was so distraught the first thing she bought with her 250k was a Jay-Z album and danced while being called a nigga ho bitch rang from the speakers promptly soothing her frazzled nerves.
you made the claim, it's on you to back it up.

Hey stupid YOU claimed I "do the same" when I called Jake a liar, now the burden of proof is on you.

Prove that I'm a liar.

Post #9 is proof that Jake lied. Unless of course he can back up his statement with evidence. Which he can't or he would have done so.
post # 9 is no proof that liberals are using it as such just highlights your dishonesty.
besides racial slurs are well within your skill set.
wonder how many time a day you think of or say out loud the n word or beaner wet back ,chink etc....

You need more proof? Go back and review post made by liberals like Truthmatters, Rdean, Jakesparky, Zona...etc... and that's just a few on this board.

Obama and liberals constantly lie about conservatives saying that they want to throw granny off a cliff and they want to shut down the government, that they're racist woman haters.

Ron Ross says it best:

"Why does liberalism have to be a lie? At its core liberalism is itself a lie. A central, overarching belief of liberalism is that socialism and centralization of power are beneficial to societies and humanity.

That belief is a lie. It is a lie that permeates and infects all that they say and do. Socialism has been a failure wherever it’s been tried and they know it. They lie to themselves and to everyone else.

They lie because they get away with lying. They succeed because their supporters are gullible."

If you had an honest bone in your pathetic body then you acknowledge the lies liberals have told.
Were you there?
why would Connery need to be there?

How else could he possibly know the environment was hostile?

Here is a good definition of "Hostile work environment"

“Hostile work environment” harassment, speech or conduct that is

· “severe or pervasive” enough to

· create a “hostile or abusive work environment”

· based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or, in some jurisdictions, sexual orientation, political affiliation, citizenship status, marital status, or personal appearance,

· for the plaintiff and for a reasonable person"

The Definition of “Hostile Work Environment” Harassment
Some words are just not appropriate in any context, especially a work relationship. So the boss used the term "******" to convey love in this instance....:cuckoo:

"A federal jury in Manhattan has awarded $250,000 to an African-American worker who claims her boss used the N-word in a 4-minute rant about her professional behavior and work attire.

The worker, Brandi Johnson, worked at an employment agency called STRIVE that helps people from troubled backgrounds find work. Her boss, Rob Carmona, is also African-American, the Associated Press reports. STRIVE’s model, according to a 60 Minutes story, is "part boot camp, part group therapy.”

Carmona had testified the N-word has "multiple contexts" in the black and Latino communities, sometimes conveying anger and sometimes love. In Johnson’s case, he said, the word was intended to convey love".

African-American boss's N-word rant leads to $250K compensatory award in bias case

The hypocrisy of the African American community knows no bounds. Blacks drop the N-Bomb with impunity, but become enraged if a white, Latino or Asian drops the same word in the same context under the same circumstances. Heck Paula Dean was FIRED for stating she used a god damn word over a decade ago.

What hypocrisy!
I don't care if it's offensive. I don't even know why a federal court cares. Does it break the fighting words exception? If not, then I don't care. If some punk is acting like a ******, I'll call him a ****** and he'll just have to do whatever it is he decides to do. I don't beat around the bush for anyone. If you live down to your lowest common stereotype then you are going to get a tongue lashing if you mess with me.
Hey stupid YOU claimed I "do the same" when I called Jake a liar, now the burden of proof is on you.

Prove that I'm a liar.

Post #9 is proof that Jake lied. Unless of course he can back up his statement with evidence. Which he can't or he would have done so.
post # 9 is no proof that liberals are using it as such just highlights your dishonesty.
besides racial slurs are well within your skill set.
wonder how many time a day you think of or say out loud the n word or beaner wet back ,chink etc....

You need more proof? Go back and review post made by liberals like Truthmatters, Rdean, Jakesparky, Zona...etc... and that's just a few on this board.

Obama and liberals constantly lie about conservatives saying that they want to throw granny off a cliff and they want to shut down the government, that they're racist woman haters.

Ron Ross says it best:

"Why does liberalism have to be a lie? At its core liberalism is itself a lie. A central, overarching belief of liberalism is that socialism and centralization of power are beneficial to societies and humanity.

That belief is a lie. It is a lie that permeates and infects all that they say and do. Socialism has been a failure wherever it’s been tried and they know it. They lie to themselves and to everyone else.

They lie because they get away with lying. They succeed because their supporters are gullible."

If you had an honest bone in your pathetic body then you acknowledge the lies liberals have told.
you want honesty....everything you just posted about what liberals thinks is false ...
socialism has never been tried in this country the government. so you're rationalizing.
if you think obama is a socialist...then you're either stupid or bigoted or both.
The list of nutty fabrications about Obama, his administration and Democrats is long. Here's a small sample from

• Obama intends to force a complete ban on all weapons for U.S. citizens through a United Nations treaty. Total paranoid fantasy -- Obama has actually broadened the number of places where citizens can carry guns.

• Barack and Michelle Obama surrendered their law licenses to avoid ethics charges. Another big lie.

• This dictatorial president has issued 900 executive orders, some creating martial law. Wrong -- he's signed 139 executive orders, none establishing extraordinary powers.

• The government bought 79% of the vehicles sold by General Motors in June. Nope, completely false.
Ads by Google

• The Democratic National Convention hosted a Muslim prayer service while rejecting prayers from a Catholic cardinal. Another falsehood -- the Muslim service took place in a park and the cardinal gave the convention’s final prayer.

• Obama plans to deny emergency brain surgery to patients over 70, do away with the National Day of Prayer and get rid of the White House Christmas tree. Once again, lie, lie, lie.

The list of fibs goes on and on and on.Max M. Haiflich, Jr.
Free = no regulations = survival of the fittest = Somalia
So in summation, the Conservative Republican’s Political Platform is, LIES, MORE LIES, OUTRAGEOUS LIES, and DAMN STUPID LIES, because we represent the word of GOD.

Top Ten Republican Lies about Barack Obama

01/17/2012 · 4:12 pm By Rusticus

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As the Republican primaries drag on, the GOP contenders have been taking their swipes at President Obama mid their attacks on each other. The swipes are illustrative of some of the core themes of the anti-Obama campaign. The themes share a common trait beyond being aimed at Obama: they’re all false.

Obama apologized for America.

Romney: President Obama “went around the world and apologized for America.”

Politifact rated this a “pants on fire” lie.

“…we think it’s a ridiculous charge. There’s a clear difference between changing policies and apologizing, and Obama didn’t do the latter. So we rate Romney’s statement Pants on Fire”

“The president has never used the word ‘apologize’ in a speech about U.S. policy or history. Any assertion that he has apologized for U.S. actions rests on a misleading interpretation of the president’s words.”

ObamaCare is a government takeover of health care.

Romney: President Obama’s health care law “represents a government takeover of health care.”

Politifact rated this a “pants on fire” lie.

“…we find flimsy evidence for such a strong claim. The government’s expanded role in health falls far short of being a government takeover. As we said in our Lie of the Year announcement, analogies about strict government regulation provide some helpful illustrations. The Federal Aviation Administration imposes detailed rules on airlines. State laws require drivers to have car insurance. Regulators tell electric utilities what they can charge. Yet that heavy regulation is not described as a government takeover.

“There’s no question that “government takeover” has been a successful talking point. A poll in March 2010 found that a majority of the American people believed it was true. But the facts simply don’t support it. The health care law continues to depend on private health insurance and private-sector physicians. So Romney earns the same rating as others who have made the false claim: Pants on Fire!”

Taxes are skyrocketing under Obama.


“According to the Tax Foundation, a business-backed group that studies tax policy, the total federal, state and local tax burden has been falling — not rising — in recent years. Every year, the group computes a national figure for all levels of taxation as a share of national income. The data shows that the tax burden has fallen modestly in recent years, from 31.2 percent in 2006 to 27.2 percent in 2011.

“And as we concluded in a separate fact-check, the U.S. tax burden isn’t just hovering around a historical low — it’s also low compared to other advanced industrialized nations. In a 2006 international comparison, 25 nations had a higher percentage of taxes compared to GDP than the U.S., while just four — Mexico, Japan, Korea and Turkey — had a lower percentage.”

Obama is a Socialist.

Perry: “I make a very proud statement and, in fact, that we have a president that’s a socialist.”

Poltifact rated this a “pants on fire lie.”

“Conservative economist Bruce Bartlett told PolitiFact: ‘Socialism means public ownership of the means of production. Obama does not believe this. Therefore he is not a socialist. … Although it is true that the federal government did come to own some private businesses as a consequence of bailout policies initiated by the George W. Bush administration such as (the Troubled Asset Relief Program), the Obama administration sold many of them — such as its shares in GM — as quickly as feasible. A true socialist would have held on to them.’

“Put to the Truth-O-Meter, Perry’s claim rates as ridiculous.”

Another analysis put it more pointedly: “(N)o matter your view of President Obama, he effectively saved capitalism.”

Romney: Obama wants “to replace our merit-based society with an entitlement society.”

The largest entitlement programs — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid — were all enacted before Mr. Obama entered grade school.

Obama is putting “free markets on trial.”

That’s simply unhinged.

First, Obama continued the Bush crisis-fighting policy of bailing out and stabilizing the banking sector, effectively saving Wall Street from a complete disaster it created on its own. Then he went on to rescue the American automobile industry. On taxes? He continued the Bush-era tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans over fierce opposition from his own party. Now he’s offering even more tax cuts. In his $447 billion jobs plan, Obama has recommended slicing the payroll tax paid by businesses. And on trade? Obama this week sent free-trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama to Congress for final approval, again over some opposition from his party. Any of these measures sound “anti-business” to you?

One Obama policy often attacked as “anti-business” is his healthcare reform. But one aim of the reform is to control escalating medical costs, which would boost the competitiveness of American businesses. Granted, Obama did increase regulation on the financial sector. But is this really “anti-business”? The goal is to prevent the sort of dangerous financial speculation that tanked Wall Street and created the Great Recession in the first place. A more stable, well-regulated financial system is good for American business, not “anti-business.”

In fact, the supposedly “pro-business” Republicans are the ones blocking Obama policies that could help business even more. Obama’s plans to improve American infrastructure, repeatedly rejected by the GOP, would give a boost to efficiency and bring down costs for American companies.

Romney: With our current trendline of government intervention in the economy, “we cease at some point to be a free economy.”


“…there is little indication that the government’s role has risen dramatically enough over the past few years to threaten the kind of free market that the U.S. has operated under in recent decades. And international comparisons show that the U.S. ranks low in both total tax burden and high in economic freedom — at least as measured by a prominent conservative think tank.

In June, we found this claim ridiculous. In August, we did again. Now, in October, we do for a third time, once again rating this part of Romney’s statement Pants on Fire.”

Romney: “We’re only inches away from no longer being a free economy.”

Politifact rated this a “pants on fire” lie.

Obama models policy after Europe

Romney: “This president takes his inspiration from the capitals of Europe…”

“Is Obama modeling his policies on European principles? Hardly. His fiscal approach of continued stimulus is actually the opposite of Europe’s prevailing austerity policy. On Obama’s central domestic policy effort, universal healthcare, he looked not toward Europe but to Romney’s own state of Massachusetts.”

Obama’s policies made the economy worse.

As the Washington Post noted in late 2011:

“The economy is getting stronger, with the nation’s gross domestic product growing at its fastest clip so far this year. The number of new people signing up for unemployment benefits has steadily declined, and consumer spending is rising.”

◾The GDP now at 3.2% .
◾A year after Obama took office – when the budget was “his” and his initial policies had time to have an effect – the unemployment rate started to fall and is now down from 10.1% to 8.5%.
◾The economy has added 1.5 million jobs over the past year, and the pace seems to be picking up.


Existing home sales will rise 12 percent this year after a 2 percent increase last year, and new home sales, coming off a horrid year, will jump 74 percent this year, Moody’s Analytics predicts…. Single-family housing starts will rise 37 percent this year, Moody’s predicts, after falling 9 percent last year. Homebuilder stocks are on a run. The S&P 1500 Homebuilding Index is up 38 percent since mid-October, vs. 7 percent for the S&P 500.


“Overall the report was pretty solid through and through,” said Brad Sorensen, director of market and sector analysis at Charles Schwab in San Francisco. “This helps to continue the snowball rolling downhill, as the more people hired and the more people working increases demand. Employers have to hire to meet that demand. It gets the ball rolling and we are starting to see a self-sustaining expansion phase take hold.”

your reply will most likely be something wrong and bigoted..
so no reply is necessary
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