African Presence in Pre-Columbian Times

Well here is one of the African Moors that sailed with Columbus.

Pedro Alonso Niño - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He and his brothers have an interesting history. Here's an interesting video series; I disagree some of the assertions but, they provide some reference and excerpts from books to further one's research.

I've never seen that specific video even though I have watched some of the footage in it before. When you start looking at it from a global perspective you get a better picture of just how much misinformation, omissions, and out right lies that abound out there regarding African history. Some of these people on the board actually believe you are considered Black African only if you are sub-saharan for instance. I love how they think they can define what Black is without our consent. :lol:
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Well here is one of the African Moors that sailed with Columbus.

Pedro Alonso Niño - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He and his brothers have an interesting history. Here's an interesting video series; I disagree some of the assertions but, they provide some reference and excerpts from books to further one's research.

I've never seen that specific video even though I have watched some of the footage in it before. When you start looking at it from a global perspective you get a better picture of just how much misinformation, omissions, and out right lies that abound out there regarding African history. Some of these people on the board actually believe you are considered Black African only if you are sub-saharan for instance. I love how they think they can define what Black is without our consent. :lol:

LOL, no doubt! When their "assertions" are put into practical application, for instance a description given to the authorities, Jim crow, etc. , those same "non-Black" people suddenly become............"Black".
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He and his brothers have an interesting history. Here's an interesting video series; I disagree some of the assertions but, they provide some reference and excerpts from books to further one's research.

I've never seen that specific video even though I have watched some of the footage in it before. When you start looking at it from a global perspective you get a better picture of just how much misinformation, omissions, and out right lies that abound out there regarding African history. Some of these people on the board actually believe you are considered Black African only if you are sub-saharan for instance. I love how they think they can define what Black is without our consent. :lol:

LOL, no doubt! When their "assertions" are put into practical application, for instance a description given to the authorities, Jim crow, etc. , those same "non-Black" people suddenly become............"Black".

LOL. Goal post movers. Here is the first video I found by Dr Rashidi. Opened my eyes pretty wide.

[ame=]DR. RUNOKO RASHIDI: The Original Man - The History Of The Ancient Black Peoples? - YouTube[/ame]
More proof of seafaring knowledge of the Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptian technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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Good thing we have pictures of Neil Armstrong because doubtless he'd be black too.:lol::lol:

Now I'm waiting to hear from our Afrocentric luminaries that blacks reached the moon before them. What the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.:cuckoo:
Good thing we have pictures of Neil Armstrong because doubtless he'd be black too.:lol::lol:

Now I'm waiting to hear from our Afrocentric luminaries that blacks reached the moon before them. What the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.:cuckoo:

Neil was definitely a white boy. However, I wonder if its possible that some ancient African civilization did make it to the moon? After all Africans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and white boys are a relatively new occurrence that only got to the moon based on the sciences founded by Black Africans.
Good thing we have pictures of Neil Armstrong because doubtless he'd be black too.:lol::lol:

Now I'm waiting to hear from our Afrocentric luminaries that blacks reached the moon before them. What the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.:cuckoo:

Neil was definitely a white boy. However, I wonder if its possible that some ancient African civilization did make it to the moon? After all Africans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and white boys are a relatively new occurrence that only got to the moon based on the sciences founded by Black Africans.
Sure, why not! Prehistoric trans-oceanic blacks to prehistoric black astronauts is not that much of a stretch, especially given their high tech sharpening of wooden sticks to make spears and all.:lol:
Good thing we have pictures of Neil Armstrong because doubtless he'd be black too.:lol::lol:

Now I'm waiting to hear from our Afrocentric luminaries that blacks reached the moon before them. What the hell, in for a penny, in for a pound.:cuckoo:

Neil was definitely a white boy. However, I wonder if its possible that some ancient African civilization did make it to the moon? After all Africans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and white boys are a relatively new occurrence that only got to the moon based on the sciences founded by Black Africans.
Sure, why not! Prehistoric trans-oceanic blacks to prehistoric black astronauts is not that much of a stretch, especially given their high tech sharpening of wooden sticks to make spears and all.:lol:

So how did Black people get to Melanesia and Fiji? Did they swim? Your weak attempts to assuage your fear are funny though. I appreciate your posts because I know it is messing with your head. :lol:
Neil was definitely a white boy. However, I wonder if its possible that some ancient African civilization did make it to the moon? After all Africans have been around for hundreds of thousands of years and white boys are a relatively new occurrence that only got to the moon based on the sciences founded by Black Africans.
Sure, why not! Prehistoric trans-oceanic blacks to prehistoric black astronauts is not that much of a stretch, especially given their high tech sharpening of wooden sticks to make spears and all.:lol:

So how did Black people get to Melanesia and Fiji? Did they swim? Your weak attempts to assuage your fear are funny though. I appreciate your posts because I know it is messing with your head. :lol:

Please read Professor Jared Diamond’s book, “ Guns, Germs and Steel”. they got to Fiji and the other places because they came into contact with people who had developed sea going technology. Those blacks, before they moved future east, had the advantage of living in Eurasia. Eurasia in ancient time was a place where ideas readily spread from one end of the continent to the other. That was the great advantage that the people of Eurasia, including my own, had over the peoples of all the other continents.

Afrocentrics call it stealing ideas and we call it borrowing ideas and we the people of and from Eurasia have been doing it for thousands of years. We have never been too proud to adopt someone else’s way of doing things when it worked better. Our way of learning from others has worked out very well for us; how has the sub-Saharan African way of doing things worked out?
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Sure, why not! Prehistoric trans-oceanic blacks to prehistoric black astronauts is not that much of a stretch, especially given their high tech sharpening of wooden sticks to make spears and all.:lol:

So how did Black people get to Melanesia and Fiji? Did they swim? Your weak attempts to assuage your fear are funny though. I appreciate your posts because I know it is messing with your head. :lol:

Please read Professor Jared Diamond’s book, “ Guns, Germs and Steel”. they got to Fiji and the other places because they came into contact with people who had developed sea going technology. Those blacks, before they moved future east, had the advantage of living in Eurasia. Eurasia in ancient time was a place where ideas readily spread from one end of the continent to the other. That was the great advantage that the people of Eurasia, including my own, had over the peoples of all the other continents.

Afrocentrics call it stealing ideas and we call it borrowing ideas and we the people of and from Eurasia have been doing it for thousands of years. We have never been too proud to adopt someone else’s way of doing things when it worked better. Our way of learning from others has worked out very well for us; how has the sub-Saharan African way of doing things worked out?

I will see what I can find on his book but I can see from your post you are already off track and I hope its not due to the book you are recommending. You totally miss the fact that at that time when the Aborigines came out of Africa over 70,000 years ago there were no white people. Everyone was Black.

Aborigines: The First Out of Africa, the First in Asia and Australia - Hans Villarica - The Atlantic

"Aboriginal Australians descend from the first human explorers," explains lead author and University of Copenhagen professor Eske Willerslev in a news release. "While the ancestors of Europeans and Asians were sitting somewhere in Africa or the Middle East, yet to explore their world further, the ancestors of Aboriginal Australians spread rapidly ... traversing unknown territory in Asia and finally crossing the sea into Australia."

Point being if they got any seafaring knowledge from anyone else they were Black as well. I understand people borrow ideas from other cultures. Everyone has borrowed from the Black culture and have not given credit. That is when it is called stealing.

As far as the sub-saharan way of doing things it has worked out quite well. The foundation of all knowledge was sourced from there. That is where the first humans on the planet started. Learn your history. Dont just fall for any wild story someone white wrote in a book. They also claimed Columbus discovered America and to this day still insist on celebrating him. Think.
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If that is true, why is Africa south of the Sahara in such a mess. There is not a country there in which I would invest any money. Titles and deeds are not worth the paper they are written on; Botswana is probably the only half way decent country in the area for an investor.
My grand parents on both sides told me stories of Native American ancestors and also Africans that were here before Europeans found their way over. I am not descended from any of the original Blacks that I know of but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of this?

There is a tribe in Louisiana that won a US court case and was given some of their land back and they are Africans. Officially they are not recognized by the US despite this court case but are recognized by the UN. - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA

The experience of the Washitaw Nation (or Ouchita Nation) of the Southern United States is another piece of solid evidence for the fact of pre-Columbian African presence and settlement in the Americas and specifically in the United States. According to an article carried in the magazine, 'The Freedom Press Newsletter, (Spring, 1996), reprinted from Earthways, The Newsleter of the Sojourner Truth Farm School (August, 1995), the Washitaw were
(and still are) a nation of Africans who existed in the Southern U.S. and Mississippi Valley region long before the 16th century Europeans arrived and even before there were "Native Americans" on the lands the Washitaw once occupied and still occupy today.

I don't give much credibility to the Washitaw fairytale but there are many other proofs ...

There is significant evidence that Africans of antiquity at one time traveled to the Americas.

[Ivan Van Sertima] hypothesizes that Africans reached America in at least two pre-Columbian stages. The first being ancient Egyptians and Nubians, who reached the Gulf of Mexico between 1200 BC and 800 BC.

The second Theoretical wave, Circa 1310 AD, the Mande/Mende people of Western Africa arrived along eastern Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and various Caribbean islands, some 180 years before Columbus. Although there is indications that other Mende migrations, perhaps in pre-history preceded the 14th Century wave.

Historian / linguist Leo Weiner, in his book, “Africa and the Discovery of America " wrote that Columbus was well aware of the Mandinka [Mandinga/Mande] presence in the “New World, and that the West African Muslims had spread throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America, North America and even into Canada, where they were trading and intermarrying with the ...Indians. " Africans in Ancient America

The Olmecs Mende Black Tribe of Panama Black California Tribe
The Washitaw The Gullahs King Jubas Treasure ......

If that is true, why is Africa south of the Sahara in such a mess. There is not a country there in which I would invest any money. Titles and deeds are not worth the paper they are written on; Botswana is probably the only half way decent country in the area for an investor.

Do you see what you did there? White boy thinking. Look no further than Europe colonizing Africa as the reason. Also after the nations achieved independence Europe and the US using the new colonization tool. Money. They lend money to corrupt leaders and buy influence to start wars keeping the nations in a state of what is the equivalent of attempting to payoff a payday loan or in a constant state of strife. How or why you cant figure that out for yourself is amazing.
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My grand parents on both sides told me stories of Native American ancestors and also Africans that were here before Europeans found their way over. I am not descended from any of the original Blacks that I know of but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of this?

There is a tribe in Louisiana that won a US court case and was given some of their land back and they are Africans. Officially they are not recognized by the US despite this court case but are recognized by the UN. - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA

The experience of the Washitaw Nation (or Ouchita Nation) of the Southern United States is another piece of solid evidence for the fact of pre-Columbian African presence and settlement in the Americas and specifically in the United States. According to an article carried in the magazine, 'The Freedom Press Newsletter, (Spring, 1996), reprinted from Earthways, The Newsleter of the Sojourner Truth Farm School (August, 1995), the Washitaw were
(and still are) a nation of Africans who existed in the Southern U.S. and Mississippi Valley region long before the 16th century Europeans arrived and even before there were "Native Americans" on the lands the Washitaw once occupied and still occupy today.

I don't give much credibility to the Washitaw fairytale but there are many other proofs ...

There is significant evidence that Africans of antiquity at one time traveled to the Americas.

[Ivan Van Sertima] hypothesizes that Africans reached America in at least two pre-Columbian stages. The first being ancient Egyptians and Nubians, who reached the Gulf of Mexico between 1200 BC and 800 BC.

The second Theoretical wave, Circa 1310 AD, the Mande/Mende people of Western Africa arrived along eastern Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and various Caribbean islands, some 180 years before Columbus. Although there is indications that other Mende migrations, perhaps in pre-history preceded the 14th Century wave.

Historian / linguist Leo Weiner, in his book, “Africa and the Discovery of America " wrote that Columbus was well aware of the Mandinka [Mandinga/Mande] presence in the “New World, and that the West African Muslims had spread throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America, North America and even into Canada, where they were trading and intermarrying with the ...Indians. " Africans in Ancient America

The Olmecs Mende Black Tribe of Panama Black California Tribe
The Washitaw The Gullahs King Jubas Treasure ......


I didnt at first either until I found out they won a court case against the US government and are recognized by the UN. How do you suppose that happened if they didn't have proof of land ownership prior to the arrival of Columbus?
My grand parents on both sides told me stories of Native American ancestors and also Africans that were here before Europeans found their way over. I am not descended from any of the original Blacks that I know of but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of this?

There is a tribe in Louisiana that won a US court case and was given some of their land back and they are Africans. Officially they are not recognized by the US despite this court case but are recognized by the UN. - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA

I don't give much credibility to the Washitaw fairytale but there are many other proofs ...

There is significant evidence that Africans of antiquity at one time traveled to the Americas.

[Ivan Van Sertima] hypothesizes that Africans reached America in at least two pre-Columbian stages. The first being ancient Egyptians and Nubians, who reached the Gulf of Mexico between 1200 BC and 800 BC.

The second Theoretical wave, Circa 1310 AD, the Mande/Mende people of Western Africa arrived along eastern Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and various Caribbean islands, some 180 years before Columbus. Although there is indications that other Mende migrations, perhaps in pre-history preceded the 14th Century wave.

Historian / linguist Leo Weiner, in his book, “Africa and the Discovery of America " wrote that Columbus was well aware of the Mandinka [Mandinga/Mande] presence in the “New World, and that the West African Muslims had spread throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America, North America and even into Canada, where they were trading and intermarrying with the ...Indians. " Africans in Ancient America

The Olmecs Mende Black Tribe of Panama Black California Tribe
The Washitaw The Gullahs King Jubas Treasure ......


I didnt at first either until I found out they won a court case against the US government and are recognized by the UN. How do you suppose that happened if they didn't have proof of land ownership prior to the arrival of Columbus?


Wichita Kansas [Ouachita] was actually named for this tribe - but the original people the Wichita, [Washtaw] were native Americans, Indian of the same racial stock as other Indigenous Native North Americans . The African genes within the extant descendants of this tribe is the result of interracial breeding over the last several Centuries.

They present on their websites blatantly and ridiculously Africanized , Egyptianized artifacts as proof of their lineage from African and ancient Egyptian colonists of antiquity. Any aspects which could point to Egyptian or African origins on these artifacts is highly accentuated.

Various Courts have held that the Washitaw Nation is "fictional" and that it is not recognized as a sovereign nation - [United States District Court, Eastern District Of Michigan, Southern Division Ernest Joseph Davis, Plaintiff, V. United States Of America, Et Al., Defendants. Case No. 2:08-cv-246 July 19, 2010]

That Africans migrated to North America is undeniable , but they were certainly not the ancestors of the Washitaw.

The Mende expedition is much more credible evidence of African colonization and migration, as well as the OLmecs and the Black Californians.
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I don't give much credibility to the Washitaw fairytale but there are many other proofs ...

There is significant evidence that Africans of antiquity at one time traveled to the Americas.

The Olmecs Mende Black Tribe of Panama Black California Tribe
The Washitaw The Gullahs King Jubas Treasure ......


I didnt at first either until I found out they won a court case against the US government and are recognized by the UN. How do you suppose that happened if they didn't have proof of land ownership prior to the arrival of Columbus?


Wichita Kansas [Ouachita] was actually named for this tribe - but the original people the Wichita, [Washtaw] were native Americans, Indian of the same racial stock as other Indigenous Native North Americans . The African genes within the extant descendants of this tribe is the result of interracial breeding over the last several Centuries.

They present on their websites blatantly and ridiculously Africanized , Egyptianized artifacts as proof of their lineage from African and ancient Egyptian colonists of antiquity. Any aspects which could point to Egyptian or African origins on these artifacts is highly accentuated.

Various Courts have held that the Washitaw Nation is "fictional" and that it is not recognized as a sovereign nation - [United States District Court, Eastern District Of Michigan, Southern Division Ernest Joseph Davis, Plaintiff, V. United States Of America, Et Al., Defendants. Case No. 2:08-cv-246 July 19, 2010]

That Africans migrated to North America is undeniable , but they were certainly not the ancestors of the Washitaw.

The Mende expedition is much more credible evidence of African colonization and migration, as well as the OLmecs and the Black Californians.

I am aware of their claims and that's why I thought them not very credible until I found out what they had accomplished in getting at least a percentage of their land back. I know the US doesn't recognize them and that makes a ton of sense. My point and why I even started this thread is how did they win the court case for their land without proof and how is it they are recognized by the UN? That doesn't make any sense that the US would give away land to a nation they claim to not recognize unless they just wanted to shut them up. It also doesn't make sense that the UN would recognize them. They are literally considered a nation within the US internationally. In light of those facts I am much more inclined to give their claims some credence. To me its a very interesting subject because it only makes sense if their story is true. Check this PDF out of their UN creds.
I didnt at first either until I found out they won a court case against the US government and are recognized by the UN. How do you suppose that happened if they didn't have proof of land ownership prior to the arrival of Columbus?


Wichita Kansas [Ouachita] was actually named for this tribe - but the original people the Wichita, [Washtaw] were native Americans, Indian of the same racial stock as other Indigenous Native North Americans . The African genes within the extant descendants of this tribe is the result of interracial breeding over the last several Centuries.

They present on their websites blatantly and ridiculously Africanized , Egyptianized artifacts as proof of their lineage from African and ancient Egyptian colonists of antiquity. Any aspects which could point to Egyptian or African origins on these artifacts is highly accentuated.

Various Courts have held that the Washitaw Nation is "fictional" and that it is not recognized as a sovereign nation - [United States District Court, Eastern District Of Michigan, Southern Division Ernest Joseph Davis, Plaintiff, V. United States Of America, Et Al., Defendants. Case No. 2:08-cv-246 July 19, 2010]

That Africans migrated to North America is undeniable , but they were certainly not the ancestors of the Washitaw.

The Mende expedition is much more credible evidence of African colonization and migration, as well as the OLmecs and the Black Californians.

I am aware of their claims and that's why I thought them not very credible until I found out what they had accomplished in getting at least a percentage of their land back. I know the US doesn't recognize them and that makes a ton of sense. My point and why I even started this thread is how did they win the court case for their land without proof and how is it they are recognized by the UN? That doesn't make any sense that the US would give away land to a nation they claim to not recognize unless they just wanted to shut them up. It also doesn't make sense that the UN would recognize them. They are literally considered a nation within the US internationally. In light of those facts I am much more inclined to give their claims some credence. To me its a very interesting subject because it only makes sense if their story is true. Check this PDF out of their UN creds.

They won the case in 1991 as descendants of of the WIchita / Washtaw but the case doe not lend any credibility to the claims of African Ancestry.

The Black Mojave are an anomaly - they were not of the same racial stock as Native Americans - they appeared to be Black - possibly migrated from the pacific or more likely from further south and descended of Olmec and or Mende stock. But notably African .


Wichita Kansas [Ouachita] was actually named for this tribe - but the original people the Wichita, [Washtaw] were native Americans, Indian of the same racial stock as other Indigenous Native North Americans . The African genes within the extant descendants of this tribe is the result of interracial breeding over the last several Centuries.

They present on their websites blatantly and ridiculously Africanized , Egyptianized artifacts as proof of their lineage from African and ancient Egyptian colonists of antiquity. Any aspects which could point to Egyptian or African origins on these artifacts is highly accentuated.

Various Courts have held that the Washitaw Nation is "fictional" and that it is not recognized as a sovereign nation - [United States District Court, Eastern District Of Michigan, Southern Division Ernest Joseph Davis, Plaintiff, V. United States Of America, Et Al., Defendants. Case No. 2:08-cv-246 July 19, 2010]

That Africans migrated to North America is undeniable , but they were certainly not the ancestors of the Washitaw.

The Mende expedition is much more credible evidence of African colonization and migration, as well as the OLmecs and the Black Californians.

I am aware of their claims and that's why I thought them not very credible until I found out what they had accomplished in getting at least a percentage of their land back. I know the US doesn't recognize them and that makes a ton of sense. My point and why I even started this thread is how did they win the court case for their land without proof and how is it they are recognized by the UN? That doesn't make any sense that the US would give away land to a nation they claim to not recognize unless they just wanted to shut them up. It also doesn't make sense that the UN would recognize them. They are literally considered a nation within the US internationally. In light of those facts I am much more inclined to give their claims some credence. To me its a very interesting subject because it only makes sense if their story is true. Check this PDF out of their UN creds.

They won the case in 1991 as descendants of of the WIchita / Washtaw but the case doe not lend any credibility to the claims of African Ancestry.

The Black Mojave are an anomaly - they were not of the same racial stock as Native Americans - they appeared to be Black - possibly migrated from the pacific or more likely from further south and descended of Olmec and or Mende stock. But notably African .


See thats what is not making sense. Why are they not recognized by the US like the other Native American tribes are then?

I have not taken a hard look at the Black Mojave yet. Do you have any good links you would recommend?

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