African Presence in Pre-Columbian Times

Blacks are the pettiest race. The one group who can’t take a joke because deep down they know they are far uglier and less civlized than us.

Whites have a serious inferiority complex. Look at how they try to attack any findings. The get bent out of shape at the mere suggestion someone did something before them. :lol:

You proved your inferiority by responding. You know I am right deep down as well.
There are a mixed race people called Melungeons or Redbones and some DNA studies have been attempted.. Some of them called themselves "Portugee". There are also reports of Colombus coming upon some people who wore cotton and their women veiled.

There is also the possibility that very early in 1492 Muslims evicted from Spain made their way to the new world. They were quite the navigators for the times.. using an instrument called the Kamal.

I saw that too. They found out the Melungeons are the offspring of free Africans and white women back in the colonial period.

Melungeon DNA Study Reveals Ancestry, Upsets 'A Whole Lot Of People'

When you look at the Olmec heads there is no doubt Africans were over here long before Europeans. I mean what other ethnic group could this be?

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Blacks are the pettiest race. The one group who can’t take a joke because deep down they know they are far uglier and less civlized than us.

Whites have a serious inferiority complex. Look at how they try to attack any findings. The get bent out of shape at the mere suggestion someone did something before them. :lol:

You proved your inferiority by responding. You know I am right deep down as well.
Dont be mad bro. Prove me wrong.
Holy crap! Here is a white guy that found Egyptian hieroglyphics in Australia. This looks exactly like the god Anubis from Egypt.

Egyptian Hieroglyphics in Australia

I actually looked at your link. The silliness of someone scratching out something on sandstone a few years prior is about as abjectly stupid.

Give it up. No one is buying. Regardless, the most futile is trying to link Egyptian culture to blacks.

Kindly depart the thread if you are not buying it. You can choose to be ignorant or you can learn. Makes me no difference.....unless you have proof to the contrary?
Why on earth would you think I would try to disprove your dingbat theories? I don't get into these endless exchanges with you as you do with others, I just occasionally drop in to chip in on their stupidity.
I actually looked at your link. The silliness of someone scratching out something on sandstone a few years prior is about as abjectly stupid.

Give it up. No one is buying. Regardless, the most futile is trying to link Egyptian culture to blacks.

Kindly depart the thread if you are not buying it. You can choose to be ignorant or you can learn. Makes me no difference.....unless you have proof to the contrary?
Why on earth would you think I would try to disprove your dingbat theories? I don't get into these endless exchanges with you as you do with others, I just occasionally drop in to chip in on their stupidity.

I thought maybe you had a leg to stand on. Carry on then. :lol:
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You guys are about to piss yourself with this one.

Columbus himself acknowledged this historical truism when he wrote in his diary on his second voyage in September 1493 as follows: "The natives of Hispaniola (Now Haiti) came to me and told me that Blacks (Africans) had come from the South and Southeast trading with them in gold-tip medal spears. They (Africans) came in large boats."
OK this is starting to get erie. The XI dynasty in China is said to be founded by Negritos. Check out the alignment to Orions belt by pyramids built in Egypt, China, and Mexico. thats too much of a coincidence.

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Please my Lord God give me strength. The ancient people of Sub-Saharan Africa had no sea going technology or heritage. Their dough out canoes would not have made it. They didn’t even occupy the Canary islands and they are only about a hundred miles from the coast. Afro-centrics claim all kind things that just don’t stand up to logic. Sub-Saharan Africa was not a highly advanced Society, but there is no disgrace in that neither was the land that later became the U.S.
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Fascinating. Who knows what was capable way back when? The vikings got here before Columbus but there isn't a whole lot of proof. And how did egyptians build those huge pyramids? What about easter island and the statues? And Stonehenge?

I find it a fascinating topic, myself, mulling over what if's. Great thread.
Please my Lord God give me strength. The ancient people of Sub-Saharan Africa had no sea going technology or heritage. Their dough out canoes would not have made it. They didn’t even occupy the Canary islands and they are only about a hundred miles from the coast. Afro-centrics claim all kind things that just don’t stand up to logic. Sub-Saharan Africa was not a highly advanced Society, but there is no disgrace in that neither was the land that later became the U.S.

Blacks are the pettiest race. The one group who can’t take a joke because deep down they know they are far uglier and less civlized than us.

That is not true either, blacks have the same potential as other people, but it would help them if they would concentrate on practical advancements instead of inventing myths.
Fascinating. Who knows what was capable way back when? The vikings got here before Columbus but there isn't a whole lot of proof. And how did egyptians build those huge pyramids? What about easter island and the statues? And Stonehenge?

I find it a fascinating topic, myself, mulling over what if's. Great thread.

The Vikings had a sea going technology because of Roman and Greek influence. They had traded in Northern Europe for hundred of years and had come in contact with the people of the north. The disadvantage that the sub-Saharan Africans had was that they were isolated from these influences by the Sahara desert. The people of Eurasia, the Eurasian landmass, had a great advantage over all the other peoples of the earth due to the unique characteristics of the continent. The Eurasians developed their societies earlier not because they were mentally or physically superior, but because they were born in the right place.
Please my Lord God give me strength. The ancient people of Sub-Saharan Africa had no sea going technology or heritage. Their dough out canoes would not have made it. They didn’t even occupy the Canary islands and they are only about a hundred miles from the coast. Afro-centrics claim all kind things that just don’t stand up to logic. Sub-Saharan Africa was not a highly advanced Society, but there is no disgrace in that neither was the land that later became the U.S.

How do you know this?
Fascinating. Who knows what was capable way back when? The vikings got here before Columbus but there isn't a whole lot of proof. And how did egyptians build those huge pyramids? What about easter island and the statues? And Stonehenge?

I find it a fascinating topic, myself, mulling over what if's. Great thread.

The Vikings had a sea going technology because of Roman and Greek influence. They had traded in Northern Europe for hundred of years and had come in contact with the people of the north. The disadvantage that the sub-Saharan Africans had was that they were isolated from these influences by the Sahara desert. The people of Eurasia, the Eurasian landmass, had a great advantage over all the other peoples of the earth due to the unique characteristics of the continent. The Eurasians developed their societies earlier not because they were mentally or physically superior, but because they were born in the right place.

You totally missed the fact that before there was a Sahara desert that same area was very green as proven by the ancient lakes and river in the area. You also forget the DNA evidence that the Egyptians are from South and Central Africa.

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