African Presence in Pre-Columbian Times

Well they do, they said IGENEA was wrong. What is their proof?

They actually had the DNA. IGENEA didn't. Closed case. IGENEA needs to prove the recording on the Discovery Channel was even King Tuts data.

What DNA did they use?

IGENEA didn't use DNA. They used a screenshot of data off the Discover Channel recording. They even admitted it. To date they have not explained to the scientific community how they could have possibly come up with their findings. Meanwhile their testing kits for white guys are selling like hot cakes. it cant possibly be this hard for you to understand. I know it hurts and you have to feign ignorance. It will be ok.
They actually had the DNA. IGENEA didn't. Closed case. IGENEA needs to prove the recording on the Discovery Channel was even King Tuts data.

What DNA did they use?

IGENEA didn't use DNA. They used a screenshot of data off the Discover Channel recording. They even admitted it. To date they have not explained to the scientific community how they could have possibly come up with their findings. Meanwhile their testing kits for white guys are selling like hot cakes. it cant possibly be this hard for you to understand. I know it hurts and you have to feign ignorance. It will be ok.

What is your proof the Discovery Channel findings were wrong? What DNA did the DNATribes study use?
What DNA did they use?

IGENEA didn't use DNA. They used a screenshot of data off the Discover Channel recording. They even admitted it. To date they have not explained to the scientific community how they could have possibly come up with their findings. Meanwhile their testing kits for white guys are selling like hot cakes. it cant possibly be this hard for you to understand. I know it hurts and you have to feign ignorance. It will be ok.

What is your proof the Discovery Channel findings were wrong? What DNA did the DNATribes study use?

Asc, shut up. You obviously don't have a clue of what you're talking about. Sub-Saharan Africans never discovered nearby islands like Cape Verde and Canaries, but you've got them transiting the great Atlantic to found cultures they couldn't come close to in Africa.

Your premise is idiotic and based on incredible inferiority complex. Above all, it is deeply insulting to the Indians by suggesting they could not have developed a civilization without diffusion from the most backward stone aged tribes in the world.
African Presence in Pre-Columbian Times

Of course there were pre-Columbian Toltecs and Mayans in Africa.
Asc, shut up. You obviously don't have a clue of what you're talking about. Sub-Saharan Africans never discovered nearby islands like Cape Verde and Canaries, but you've got them transiting the great Atlantic to found cultures they couldn't come close to in Africa.

Your premise is idiotic and based on incredible inferiority complex. Above all, it is deeply insulting to the Indians by suggesting they could not have developed a civilization without diffusion from the most backward stone aged tribes in the world.

You shut up Meathead. The Canary Islands? What does that have to do with South America you retard. The fact you are so upset proves how your inferiority complex is kicking in. I'm simply wondering how a Black NA tribe is recognized by the UN and won a lawsuit against the US government for their land got here based on them having the land before any Europeans were here. They didn't float on air. Show me some proof they didn't come on boats or shut it clown.
Asc, shut up. You obviously don't have a clue of what you're talking about. Sub-Saharan Africans never discovered nearby islands like Cape Verde and Canaries, but you've got them transiting the great Atlantic to found cultures they couldn't come close to in Africa.

Your premise is idiotic and based on incredible inferiority complex. Above all, it is deeply insulting to the Indians by suggesting they could not have developed a civilization without diffusion from the most backward stone aged tribes in the world.

You shut up Meathead. The Canary Islands? What does that have to do with South America you retard. The fact you are so upset proves how your inferiority complex is kicking in. I'm simply wondering how a Black NA tribe is recognized by the UN and won a lawsuit against the US government for their land got here based on them having the land before any Europeans were here. They didn't float on air. Show me some proof they didn't come on boats or shut it clown.
You might as well ask me to show proof that Africans did not land on the moon before 1969.

This is seriously too stupid for words. Insecurities are not much of an excuse for such a ridiculous reach of the achievements of primitive tribes.
Asc, shut up. You obviously don't have a clue of what you're talking about. Sub-Saharan Africans never discovered nearby islands like Cape Verde and Canaries, but you've got them transiting the great Atlantic to found cultures they couldn't come close to in Africa.

Your premise is idiotic and based on incredible inferiority complex. Above all, it is deeply insulting to the Indians by suggesting they could not have developed a civilization without diffusion from the most backward stone aged tribes in the world.

You shut up Meathead. The Canary Islands? What does that have to do with South America you retard. The fact you are so upset proves how your inferiority complex is kicking in. I'm simply wondering how a Black NA tribe is recognized by the UN and won a lawsuit against the US government for their land got here based on them having the land before any Europeans were here. They didn't float on air. Show me some proof they didn't come on boats or shut it clown.
You might as well ask me to show proof that Africans did not land on the moon before 1969.

This is seriously too stupid for words. Insecurities are not much of an excuse for such a ridiculous reach of the achievements of primitive tribes.

Well then shut up unless you have some proof. I have some. You dont. Guess who I'm going to believe?
Blacks are the pettiest race. The one group who can’t take a joke because deep down they know they are far uglier and less civlized than us.
My grand parents on both sides told me stories of Native American ancestors and also Africans that were here before Europeans found their way over. I am not descended from any of the original Blacks that I know of but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of this?

There is a tribe in Louisiana that won a US court case and was given some of their land back and they are Africans. Officially they are not recognized by the US despite this court case but are recognized by the UN. - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA

The experience of the Washitaw Nation (or Ouchita Nation) of the Southern United States is another piece of solid evidence for the fact of pre-Columbian African presence and settlement in the Americas and specifically in the United States. According to an article carried in the magazine, 'The Freedom Press Newsletter, (Spring, 1996), reprinted from Earthways, The Newsleter of the Sojourner Truth Farm School (August, 1995), the Washitaw were
(and still are) a nation of Africans who existed in the Southern U.S. and Mississippi Valley region long before the 16th century Europeans arrived and even before there were "Native Americans" on the lands the Washitaw once occupied and still occupy today.

Let me get this straight. Africans who could build even mediocre ships to sail to Europe, some how build amazing vessels to the new world! LOL, who you crappin.

I know your a black supremacist and all and everything black is beautiful and everything white is bad, but before you go off on you we brothers conquered the new world before you, you should start with African and get your get you first African economy and civilization that is worth a damn. Until then STFU!
Blacks are the pettiest race. The one group who can’t take a joke because deep down they know they are far uglier and less civlized than us.

Whites have a serious inferiority complex. Look at how they try to attack any findings. The get bent out of shape at the mere suggestion someone did something before them. :lol:
There are a mixed race people called Melungeons or Redbones and some DNA studies have been attempted.. Some of them called themselves "Portugee". There are also reports of Colombus coming upon some people who wore cotton and their women veiled.

There is also the possibility that very early in 1492 Muslims evicted from Spain made their way to the new world. They were quite the navigators for the times.. using an instrument called the Kamal.
Holy crap! Here is a white guy that found Egyptian hieroglyphics in Australia. This looks exactly like the god Anubis from Egypt.

Egyptian Hieroglyphics in Australia

I actually looked at your link. The silliness of someone scratching out something on sandstone a few years prior is about as abjectly stupid.

Give it up. No one is buying. Regardless, the most futile is trying to link Egyptian culture to blacks.
My grand parents on both sides told me stories of Native American ancestors and also Africans that were here before Europeans found their way over. I am not descended from any of the original Blacks that I know of but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of this?

There is a tribe in Louisiana that won a US court case and was given some of their land back and they are Africans. Officially they are not recognized by the US despite this court case but are recognized by the UN. - BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA

The experience of the Washitaw Nation (or Ouchita Nation) of the Southern United States is another piece of solid evidence for the fact of pre-Columbian African presence and settlement in the Americas and specifically in the United States. According to an article carried in the magazine, 'The Freedom Press Newsletter, (Spring, 1996), reprinted from Earthways, The Newsleter of the Sojourner Truth Farm School (August, 1995), the Washitaw were
(and still are) a nation of Africans who existed in the Southern U.S. and Mississippi Valley region long before the 16th century Europeans arrived and even before there were "Native Americans" on the lands the Washitaw once occupied and still occupy today.

Let me get this straight. Africans who could build even mediocre ships to sail to Europe, some how build amazing vessels to the new world! LOL, who you crappin.

I know your a black supremacist and all and everything black is beautiful and everything white is bad, but before you go off on you we brothers conquered the new world before you, you should start with African and get your get you first African economy and civilization that is worth a damn. Until then STFU!

Exhibit A. Look at all the tension in the post. Such butt hurtedness. Again lets see some proof from all the KKK crew. If you don't have any sit back and learn.
Holy crap! Here is a white guy that found Egyptian hieroglyphics in Australia. This looks exactly like the god Anubis from Egypt.

Egyptian Hieroglyphics in Australia

I actually looked at your link. The silliness of someone scratching out something on sandstone a few years prior is about as abjectly stupid.

Give it up. No one is buying. Regardless, the most futile is trying to link Egyptian culture to blacks.

Kindly depart the thread if you are not buying it. You can choose to be ignorant or you can learn. Makes me no difference.....unless you have proof to the contrary?

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