African Presence in Pre-Columbian Times

1. As to "seeking validation" here.
YOU have made 4000 posts in under 4 months here, avg 33.6 a day.
Me? 387 posts in 7+ Years.

2. It's illogical to use any 'dark' people as proof they are closely related to other different Race of same or more closely related than they are to other lighter groups.
Darkness, as I said, earlier can evolve independently.
It's rather Ironic we have black person claiming: All blacks look alike.

2a. If one understands this, and then goes out and Cherry picks a few pictures from hundreds to 'prove' his point, it's Grossly Dishonest.
All your posts are Fallacies that are so bad even you must understand they are intentionally deceptive non sequiturs.

2c. [Even] if one as to "trust his lyin eyes" then YOU would have to acknowledge MY example of the even More obvious Racial differences between N Euros/Scandies vs East Asians vs Pygmies.
Instead you dishonestly pointed to nationality to try and get off the hook.

1. Yes you seek validation. You want a 3rd party to prove you right. You dont have enough within yourself to know you are right. The difference is i do I post because its fun and because I can make my money from anywhere but preferable home. Posting is a pastime for me. I have never once asked for assistance in proving I won a debate. Thats loser language. You have totally destroyed any respect I had for your opinions.

2. I already explained to you that there is no such thing as different races. There is only one. There is no difference of any consequences in what you call races. I cant force you to be intelligent but please understand that the use of that terminology is risible to say the least. What you are doing is setting the ground work for more racism. Name 1 thing that I can do that you cant?

All Blacks do not look alike. We are the most varied looking group on the planet even in Africa. Stooping to lying about what i said pretty much seals your fate.

Why dont you just admit you screwed up and confused nationality with race? As you have now changed the question you are still wrong for reasons I have already outlined. So no... I dont have to acknowledge your poor attempt to piece together something that you screwed up and now are trying to change to fit your aborted argument.

Now what i am going to do is show you how its done rookie. If you take a Melanesian, an African American and a sub-saharan African what degree of confidence will you have that you can put them in the right category without bleeding them out for their haplogroup?

Please understand this same information has already been posted in this thread. You are trying way too hard and failing mightily. i am afraid you are going to pop a blood vessel in your eye dude.

Yes, Another big Oucher for you.

Of course, even Honest Amateurs understand the 'all blacks are not alike'/necessarily more closely related than some are to ie Eurasians just because one can find look alike pictures.

I dont think you get how this works. What you have to do is show me where the Aborigines, Negritos or Melanesians did not migrate from Africa. if you can pull that off you wont have to type an encyclopedia everytime you post. Showing me testimonials does not sway me one bit. Show me something that proves that those groups do not share the same DNA I do at all. Can you accomplish your mission?
You couldn't answer a single thing I posted. When I posted the Sientific paper on Melanesians proving they were Not subshran Race, you merely said "it was posted previously" in the string. YOU, as always could NOT answer.
You Never can.
You are a juvenile last-worder with NO content.

If a post is short it's not substantial, when long you 'criticize' it as "encyclopedic". (they do this in the 'hood too)
IOW, you NEVER have Anything of substance to say.. ever.
You imagine your empty and Obnoxious last-wording is 'winning'. Duh.

One more thing.

Throughout the string Asclepias Claims Melanesians are Subsaharan Black [RACE].
That Olmecs are also Subsharan Black [RACE] he claims because of a photo of a stone sculpture with a Wide Nose/Black features.

and He does all his "scholarship" with Look-alike pictures as 'Proof'. Bandwidth waste galore.
Oh my, the brilliance/Ignorant Bigotry of it all!

Of course, one could do the same with East Asians and North Europeans.
And similarly post pictures of THEM/other groups to prove they are NOT subsaharan africans by look-alike standard HE uses, they are their Own race.

Apparently the Only Race (since he ALSO Claims Race is a "social" NOT Physical Construct) is Asclepias' own race, and he, unlike everyone else, is entitled to 'prove' it with pictures.
Trusting his "lying eyes" only works with Blacks.
Tell me who the biggest RACIST on the board is and tell me he's not the most OBTUSE and Hypocritical poster on USMB, perhaps the internet.

And he's so Biased he doesn't even realize how Ignorant his Hypocrisy is.

Gratuitous ContentLESS last-word/nonsense to follow Asclepia Destruction
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You couldn't answer a single thing I id. When I posted the Sientific pper on Melanesians proving they wre Not subshran Race, you merel;y said it was posted previously in the string. YOu, as alay could NOT answer.
You Never can.
You are a juvenile last-worder with NO content.

he a post is short it's not substantial, when long you criticize it as "encyclopedic"
IOW, you NEVER have Anything of substance to say.. ever,
You imagine your empty and Obnoxious last-wording is 'winning'.

One more thing.

Throughout the string Asclepias Claims Melanesians are Subsaharan Black [RACE].
That Olmecs are also Subsharan Black [RACE] he claims because of photo of a stone sculpture with a Wide Nose/Black features.

and He does all his "scholarship" with Look-alike pictures as 'Proof'.
Oh my the brilliance/Dumb Bigotry of it all!

Of course, one could do the same with East Asians and North Europeans.
And similarly post pictures of THEM/other groups to prove they are NOT subsaharan africans by look-alike standard HE uses, they are their Own race.
Apparently the Only Race is Asclepias' own race, and he, unlike everyone else, is entitled to 'prove' it with pictures.
Trusting his "lying eyes" only works with Blacks.
Tell me who the biggest RACIST on the board is and tell me he's not the most OBTUSE and Hypocritical poster on USMB, perhaps the internet.

And he's so Biased/LowQ he doesn't even realize how PERVERSE his hypocrisy is.


No need to get upset and start increasing the font size. You better go check your blood pressure too while you are at it. No need to get so emotional. :lol:

First you posted some bizarre scenario with a mix of nationalities and ethnicities to prove your aborted point. You got busted and were butt hurt. now your claiming I said Melanesians had sub saharan DNA. Please post it if I did and I will admit it was an error on my part. I said that they were from Africa. You have already been exposed as a racist so now i am going to bury you in your tangle of lies and mistold stories. Step up to the plate coward.

BTW thats not an answer. I refer you to my challenge in the last post. Show where the Aborigines, Negritos or Melanesians did not migrate from Africa. You are so stupid you don't even realize you are missing some things. I will wait until you spot them. Go ahead you Stormfront reject. Show me how these people did not descend from people that originated in Africa.

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More evidence of the African presence in pre-columbian times. This article speaks to the findings of Leo Weiner who used a philogistic approach and found that some of the languages in the Americas are related to west african tribes.

Bryan Wilhite: Africa and the Pre-Columbian Contacts with America

Philology is the study and comparison of written languages. Funny thing, other than Mayan, which is untranslated to this day, there were no pre Columbian written languages. That doesn't give him a lot to compare, does it?
More evidence of the African presence in pre-columbian times. This article speaks to the findings of Leo Weiner who used a philogistic approach and found that some of the languages in the Americas are related to west african tribes.

Bryan Wilhite: Africa and the Pre-Columbian Contacts with America

Philology is the study and comparison of written languages. Funny thing, other than Mayan, which is untranslated to this day, there were no pre Columbian written languages. That doesn't give him a lot to compare, does it?

I've never done this before but I am tempted to copy your post and put it in my signature. You cant possibly be that stupid Quantum. The Mayan language was deciphered a few years ago.

NOVA | Cracking the Maya Code

Also the Olmecs had their own written language which is related to the Mande family in West Africa. You should try reading the link instead of running your mouth and proving your stupidity.
I assume the Flying Black Gypsums took over Egypt 4500 BC and ruled their until they were evicted or eradicated each other? Another fairy tale from the Black Mambo comic book.
I assume the Flying Black Gypsums took over Egypt 4500 BC and ruled their until they were evicted or eradicated each other? Another fairy tale from the Black Mambo comic book.

You got anything to back up anything you have to say i would be glad to see it. Otherwise you're just another shit stain i will have to clean from my thread.
I assume the Flying Black Gypsums took over Egypt 4500 BC and ruled their until they were evicted or eradicated each other? Another fairy tale from the Black Mambo comic book.

You got anything to back up anything you have to say i would be glad to see it. Otherwise you're just another shit stain i will have to clean from my thread.

No one buys into your bullshit revisionist history. Quit trying to steal other peoples accomplishments. You must be ashamed of your race if feel the need to do this, but I guess you can only tell the Goerge Washington Carver story so many times. :lol:
How come there is no negro genetic component within native americans, whereas there is a european component. This would speak to Europeans, not Negros, being here in pre columbian times.
How come there is no negro genetic component within native americans, whereas there is a european component. This would speak to Europeans, not Negros, being here in pre columbian times.

But there is. Thanks for asking. Here you go son.

The King Tut Gene

Also African in its ultimate source, the King Tut Gene finds modest distribution in East Coast American Indians, the Himalayas, Northeast Europe and scattered other populations, including Jews. - See more at: The King Tut Gene
King Tut was of European DNA, so it would make sense he relates to the East Coast American Indians.

Indo-Europeans(Aryans), spread throughout the world in ancient times.
The Tutankhamun DNA Project

So you got fooled by IGENEA getting their results of the Discovery channel too? What a fucking moron!! :lol:

Scam Alert: King Tut?s DNA | Doug's Archaeology

Maybe you saw the recent headlines about how scientists at iGENEA discovered that King Tutankhamun (Tut) was related to half of Western Europe’s Males, that looks like it is the set up for a scam. Turns out real researchers have conducted work on King Tut’s DNA and that iGENEA got their supposed DNA evidence by copying it off of a Discovery TV Program on the subject.

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What proof does this random guy with a blog say the info is wrong? He presented none of it.
What proof does this random guy with a blog say the info is wrong? He presented none of it.

Look above you dumbass. I just posted the results from 2 different genetic firms. Besides he is not the only one so thanks for challenging. This is fun. Here is another site. How many others should I post. I thought everyone knew this already? :lol:

King Tut Related to Half of European Men? Maybe Not | Personal Genomics | Tutankhamen's Relatives | LiveScience

Swiss genomics company iGENEA has launched a Tutankhamen DNA project based on what they say are genetic markers that appeared on a computer screen during a Discovery Channel special on the famous pharaoh's genetic lineage.
"But Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany's University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut's DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA's claims are "simply impossible.""

That is conclusive evidence to the contrary, lol.

Is this the best you have?
"But Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany's University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut's DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA's claims are "simply impossible.""

That is conclusive evidence to the contrary, lol.

Is this the best you have?

What would be better? The guy from the team that extracted the DNA says they were full of shit and I just posted 2 other firms that actually tested the samples. They did not get them off of the TV. So thats 3 different sets of people to your one that got it off a TV show. Just say you chose to remain ignorant. You dont have to play like your stupid. I know you feel like a big ass about right now. :lol:
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"But Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany's University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut's DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA's claims are "simply impossible.""

That is conclusive evidence to the contrary, lol.

Is this the best you have?

What would be better? The guy from the team that extracted the DNA says they were full of shit and I just posted 2 other firms that actually tested the samples. They did not get them off of the TV. So thats 3 different sets of people to your one that got it off a TV show. Just say you chose to remain ignorant. You dont have to play like your stupid. I know you feel like a big ass about right now. :lol:

It would be better if he said why it was impossible. He has yet to provide any evidence to the contrary.
"But Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany's University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut's DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA's claims are "simply impossible.""

That is conclusive evidence to the contrary, lol.

Is this the best you have?

What would be better? The guy from the team that extracted the DNA says they were full of shit and I just posted 2 other firms that actually tested the samples. They did not get them off of the TV. So thats 3 different sets of people to your one that got it off a TV show. Just say you chose to remain ignorant. You dont have to play like your stupid. I know you feel like a big ass about right now. :lol:

It would be better if he said why it was impossible. He has yet to provide any evidence to the contrary.

It was impossible because that wasn't the result the original team came up with. What do you call 2 different firms proving them wrong by testing the actual samples and not reconstructing it off of a Discovery channel show? You are reaching now. Thats sad.

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