After all this, Nancy Pants may not send impeachment to the Senate

Will Nancy Pants send the impeachment to the Senate?

  • Only if her rabid base forces her to.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • No, because it was always about politics to wound the President

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
Here is a question:

How does Nancy Pelosi call her Resolution to Impeach The President HR 1, at the end of 2019?

That tells me that she reserved that HR number from the second she was handed the gavel.

Yes, we all heard that she said she had planned impeachment for 3 years when her dentures slipped and she ran off at the mouth.

But this tells you that she's been lying through her teeth when she said Impeachment was not her TOP and ONLY priority.
What's the word at the Russian Troll Farm on this new development, Comrade?
Well, this may have been her plan all along.

The hardcore Left had her backed into a corner, and she had to impeach to avoid a mutiny.

This way, she can blame the GOP for not playing fair.

And people wonder why so many don't trust politicians.

Sorry Mac but Mitch basically walked into that one... He was the one saying he is doing everything in line with the Trump's wishes...

How does that sound unpartisan? Pelsoi is playing the cards she was dealt.

Why would she send this to the Senate for Mitch to make sure no new evidence and no new witnesses are called.

Mitch can 'say' whatever he wants at this point.

The 'papers' are in Pelosi hands.

Nancy dealt herself her cards

Nancy now has an impeached President
Why rush it to the Senate?
Let Trump steam
Why rush it?

Because they should follow the constitution.

But the point is Democrats aren't interested in doing what is right. They're only interested in what saves their skins or keeps them out of trouble while continuing their money-laundering schemes.
Here is a question:

How does Nancy Pelosi call her Resolution to Impeach The President HR 1, at the end of 2019?

That tells me that she reserved that HR number from the second she was handed the gavel.

Yes, we all heard that she said she had planned impeachment for 3 years when her dentures slipped and she ran off at the mouth.

But this tells you that she's been lying through her teeth when she said Impeachment was not her TOP and ONLY priority.
What's the word at the Russian Troll Farm on this new development, Comrade?

Bodey fail.


I'm hoping you have retired from the 'Education' field.
I'm grateful that 'your kind' didn't have a chance to indoctate my children.
She doesn't have to send it right away, does she?
The Democrats made a case for 'being forced' to set a record pace for Impeachment...and now are suddenly claiming 'no rush'?!

She doesn't have to send it right away, does she?
The Democrats made a case for 'being forced' to set a record pace for Impeachment...and now are suddenly claiming 'no rush'?!


Have you seen the pols in the battle ground states, lol. The Left is making poopy in their pants, and looking for an exit strategy. Wait, just wait until the next shoe drops on them-)
Where in the Constitution does it say there is a time limit or requirement for sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate? Perhaps the Republicans should challenge Pelosi and the House in Court.
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

I think her waiting to make sure the trial is fair is a great idea.

I think that waiting until after the next election and if the senate control changes to democratic then it be the time to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

I think it's a fantastic idea to not send it now to force trump to run next year without being able to say he has been acquitted.

Pelosi is a master with politics.

mcconnell didn't vote on a Supreme Court judge for over a year to wait to get a republican president to fill that seat. You and your far right radical extremists cheered it.

Now the shoe is on the other foot and you people are whining like little babies.

Karma is a bitch isn't it?

Deal with it.
t see this strategy as hurting Trump or the GOP, their base is already pissed at the Dems for this ridiculous impeachment circus, and delaying it longer only infuriates them more. And at the same time, it probably does hurt the Dems from contested states and districts cuz it makes the Dem Party look like they're more interested in their politics than anything else. I really don't see any leverage at all on McConnell, he doesn't have to do squat until those Impeachment Articles are sent to the Senate. Schumer can squawk all he wants, but all this doing (besides the above) is further solidify the Senate Repubs to not give an inch. To be sure, a few might get a little wobbly, and if the case against Trump had any meat to it then the story might be different, but it doesn't. On the other hand, those vulnerable Dems are going to holler long and loud after they go home for the holidays and get an earful from their constituents. We'll see who caves first, McConnell or Pelosi.
Pelosi wants the Senate to clean up the House’s work: Grassley
Sen. Chuck Grassley, (R-Iowa), provides insight into the impeachment of President Trump, the IG report, the Ukraine controversy and the most important elements within the drug pricing bill.

ME: This lowlife fascist Pelosi is off her rocker. She wants to withhold what essentially is an indictment until she knows what the "court" will do? What sort of insanity is that! Talk about being unAmerican!!!

I think her waiting to make sure the trial is fair is a great idea.

I think that waiting until after the next election and if the senate control changes to democratic then it be the time to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

I think it's a fantastic idea to not send it now to force trump to run next year without being able to say he has been acquitted.

seriously, you should stop 'thinking' and start showing facts.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
/—-/ Piglosi knows Impeachment’s is DOA.
Duh, the reason for delaying sending the articles of impeachment to a rigged Senate.
That's not her call. She was tricked into jumping on the impeachment train, she should just give up trying to control it.
I really do not think the Senate Repubs are going to allow Pelosi to dictate to them how they're going to run the trial. Nor Chuck Schumer either.
This was never a legitimate impeachment.

It was Democrat Dirty Tricks.

The Pelosi bitch knows that Trump is not guilty of anything and the Senate will confirm that so she is just looking for ways to get more mileage out of the dirty trick.

Not sending it to the Senate would be a way for the despicable Democrats to pander to their filthy TDS afflicted base without having to have the Senate rule against them.
The longer she holds it up, the more likely in my mind that the Senate Republicans will just drag it out as long as they want to, keeping democrats in session and not letting them campaign.
Where in the Constitution does it say there is a time limit or requirement for sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate? Perhaps the Republicans should challenge Pelosi and the House in Court.
The Democrat Constitutional Scholar / Expert who testified in the House Coup circus that the Democrats rushed to the fastest Impeachment in US history during which time they Constitutionally abused their power and assembled the weakest case for Impeachment in US history.

The time for putting the brakes on has passed. There is no non-partisan reason for the House to hold up sending their Impeachment decision to the Senate. It can be easily argued that in doing so they are impeding / obstructing Justice from being.

It seems Pelosi is holding out hope that a continued backlash will not continue to grow, that they will somehow not only keep the House but will win control of the Senate, allowing them to impose their will further on the majority of Americans who did not want this Impeachment.

What Pelosi and Democrats are ignoring in this false hope is that the US IG's reports and unprecedented rebuke of Obama's DOJ and FBI by the FISA Court - pointing out the Democrats broke laws, violated the Constitution, trampled citizens' rights, and endangered national security for partisan political / socialist democrat re-acquisition of power - is NOT the END but is only the BEGINNING of the criminal evidence, indictments, and punishment of the Democrats involved in these crimes.

There will be a LOT more exposed by the FISA Court's demand the DOJ and FBI declassify almost ALL of its criminal FISA Warrant activity with little to NO redactions...there will be a lot more Democrat corruption and criminal activity exposed in Durham's criminal investigation report and the Indictments and convictions that follow.

The backlash to what the Democrats have done will only GROW. Pelosi's gamble of hoping the Democrats hold onto the House and win the Senate before sending the Impeachment to the Senate may only result in Democrats losing even MORE seats in 2020.
The Democrats have such a weak case the last thing they want is for it to go to trial.

That is what happens when you have the TDS afflicted Democrat Dirty Tricks Department coming up with impeachment charges. They have a nothing burger and know it.

If they had anything of substance it wouldn't have been passed along strict party lines.
Let Pelosi do whatever she wants. We all know exactly what she is going to say well before she says it anyway. She's been pretty consistent about making herself and her party look like unstable assholes, so they should just let her continue. In the meantime, Durham can finish up and then we can put the pieces of the ongoing coup together.
Pelosi wants the Senate to clean up the House’s work: Grassley
Sen. Chuck Grassley, (R-Iowa), provides insight into the impeachment of President Trump, the IG report, the Ukraine controversy and the most important elements within the drug pricing bill.

ME: This lowlife fascist Pelosi is off her rocker. She wants to withhold what essentially is an indictment until she knows what the "court" will do? What sort of insanity is that! Talk about being unAmerican!!!

She's trying to force the verdict she wants before she allows the trial to start.

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