After all this, Nancy Pants may not send impeachment to the Senate

Will Nancy Pants send the impeachment to the Senate?

  • Only if her rabid base forces her to.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • No, because it was always about politics to wound the President

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She knows that as soon as the impeachment articles go to the Senate, the Republican run Senate will dispense with it as quickly as possible. Mitch McConnel has already said he is not unbiased and he will work closely with Drumph and his lawyers over the course of the trial. The Congress has impeached him. If he is not convicted by a Republican biased Senate, he looks innocent. As long as he is impeached, that hangs over his head. Leaving him impeached but not indicted or unindicted leaves the impeachment hanging over his head. A good plan.
A good plan to increase the votes for Trump in 2020. Not sending the articles of impeachment to the senate for a trial kills the impeachment for all practical purposes.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
/—-/ Piglosi knows Impeachment’s is DOA.
Duh, the reason for delaying sending the articles of impeachment to a rigged Senate.

Because that's when the shit hits the fan for the demodumbasses.
USMB Liberals should be beside themselves with glee now that they have impeached the Bad Orange Man. They seem rather subdued.
Totally agree , libertarians and democrats are awfully quiet today but the communists are loud
I think the analogy is that the House is the Grand Jury giving an indictment. In this case the Grand Jury indicted a ham sandwich.
The 'Grand Jury' does not manufacture fake crimes, manufacture fake evidence, and / or commit FISA Court Abuses. The Democrats did.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
/—-/ Piglosi knows Impeachment’s is DOA.
Duh, the reason for delaying sending the articles of impeachment to a rigged Senate.

Because that's when the shit hits the fan for the demodumbasses.
/----/ Well it looks like the Adam Shyt is hitting the fan.
Pelosi stands by delay in sending impeachment articles to Senate, calls McConnell a ‘rogue leader’
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.

It's likely McConnell will tell her to pound sand.
The American people already did NOT support this Impeachment. Pelosi's refusal to send Articles of impeachment to the Senate after their historic and sloppy rush to Impeach, dragging this BS out longer than the already 3 years they have wasted, is bound to piss off American voters even more.
Rep. McCarthy nailed it...........Nazi it too embarrassed by impeachment to send their putrid work product over to the Senate so America can see it.
What's she gonna do, wait until Dems. get a majority in the Senate then send it up there for another closed door, railroad job? Pelosi and many in her party are a great example of what can happen when people of bad faith are put in control of our laws.
You mean like McConnell holding up a SCOTUS nomination in an election year?
Don't panic Qdog. He'll make up for that by immediately appointing Barrett when Ginsburg is no longer able to serve. After all, we're all works in progress.
Well, this may have been her plan all along.

The hardcore Left had her backed into a corner, and she had to impeach to avoid a mutiny.

This way, she can blame the GOP for not playing fair.

And people wonder why so many don't trust politicians.

Sorry Mac but Mitch basically walked into that one... He was the one saying he is doing everything in line with the Trump's wishes...

How does that sound unpartisan? Pelsoi is playing the cards she was dealt.

Why would she send this to the Senate for Mitch to make sure no new evidence and no new witnesses are called.
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She doesn't have to send it right away, does she?

Yes, she does!

As a school teacher you should KNOW the appropriate method of the Constitution.
Pelosi Threatens to Call Off Impeachment Unless Senate Meets Her Demands - Frontpagemag

So she won’t continue you it to the senate? Lol democrats are retarted and please don’t stop lol

Talk about grand standing??

I thought this impeachment, which the Dems have been working for since 2016, was correct, honorable and needed??

Guess its only needed when Pelousy gets things done the way she wants them.

The Senate should tell that hag to pound sand and send the articles or fuck off.
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