After all this, Nancy Pants may not send impeachment to the Senate

Will Nancy Pants send the impeachment to the Senate?

  • Only if her rabid base forces her to.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • No, because it was always about politics to wound the President

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
The socialist democrat base demanded impeachment so Nan gave it to them. She can't take it further out of the rigged house system. Better to let it die.
Fine, don't send it. polls are trending against them, so it would be a great idea to pull more political shenanigans when people see this as largely political already.

The longer they hold it, the worse it looks and the more independents they lose in the process.

Painted themselves into a corner at this point. send it, lose. don't send it, lose.

Well done dems. ::golf clap::
The only way to kill impeachment faster than the senate can dismiss it would be to do exactly what she is doing. Don't send it to the senate and the electorate will take the entire thing as nothing but a political stunt.

Talk about confirming the republican position.
What's she gonna do, wait until Dems. get a majority in the Senate then send it up there for another closed door, railroad job? Pelosi and many in her party are a great example of what can happen when people of bad faith are put in control of our laws.
You mean like McConnell holding up a SCOTUS nomination in an election year?
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She knows that as soon as the impeachment articles go to the Senate, the Republican run Senate will dispense with it as quickly as possible. Mitch McConnel has already said he is not unbiased and he will work closely with Drumph and his lawyers over the course of the trial. The Congress has impeached him. If he is not convicted by a Republican biased Senate, he looks innocent. As long as he is impeached, that hangs over his head. Leaving him impeached but not indicted or unindicted leaves the impeachment hanging over his head. A good plan.
The real questions are:
Why did the Democrats hold closed-door Inquisitions during which the GOP, Trump, / Trump's lawyers were not allowed?

Why did Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call whoever they wanted as witnesses when they controlled the process?

Why did Democrats demands the GOP only be allowed to ask questions THEY approved of?
1. Repubs say the depositions were held in secret. Not true. While they were held behind closed doors, Repubs were allowed to attended, ask questions of the witnesses, and had equal time to do so. Also, the transcripts of those depositions were made public.
Schiff says committees will eventually make impeachment inquiry transcripts public
2. Trump claims he was not allowed to defend himself. Not true. He was invited to have an attorney present at the Judiciary Committee hearing but chose not to.
Trump and counsel invited to take part in upcoming impeachment hearings - CNNPolitics
3. Repubs claim they were not allowed to have their witnesses testify. Not true.
Democrats Say Republican Impeachment Witnesses May Testify
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
"Democrats signaled their willingness to let some witnesses requested by Republicans testify as the House starts public impeachment hearings of Donald Trump this week, but only those people with knowledge of the president’s actions. And not Hunter Biden or the whistle-blower.
Ahead of the first session on Wednesday, Republicans gave the committee a list of witnesses they want called -- including former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and the anonymous whistle-blower whose complaint sparked the inquiry."
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She knows that as soon as the impeachment articles go to the Senate, the Republican run Senate will dispense with it as quickly as possible. Mitch McConnel has already said he is not unbiased and he will work closely with Drumph and his lawyers over the course of the trial. The Congress has impeached him. If he is not convicted by a Republican biased Senate, he looks innocent. As long as he is impeached, that hangs over his head. Leaving him impeached but not indicted or unindicted leaves the impeachment hanging over his head. A good plan.
/——-/ But but but the Republic is threatened.... So
She's waiting for the Senate to agree to the terms of a fair trial, as intelligent Americans want it to be. THIS IS NOT A FAIR TRIAL... Mitch McConnell, December 12th, 2019...

"Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this to the extent that we can.”

intelligent, non-partisan Americans want their congress to remain an equal branch of government.
/——/ Where was Trump’s fair trial in the House? And please don’t play stupid by saying Adam Shytface let Republicans have free access to the witnesses. We know that didn’t happen in his secret basement meetings.
This was never a legitimate impeachment.

It was Democrat Dirty Tricks.

The Pelosi bitch knows that Trump is not guilty of anything and the Senate will confirm that so she is just looking for ways to get more mileage out of the dirty trick.

Not sending it to the Senate would be a way for the despicable Democrats to pander to their filthy TDS afflicted base without having to have the Senate rule against them.
Read that Constitution you claim to love so much Spanky.
You mean The Constitution Adolph Schiffler, Nazi Nadler and Nasty Pelosi wipe their feet on when they come in the door every day for the Fake Inquiry?

That document they keep telling us really has no meaning?

The document that founded this country that they say we don't actually have any of those rights, and they can treat them as privileges upon a whim?
Actually, there is no proof that the Libs want to treat their President fair at all.
Actually, there is plenty. I don't expect you to see it though.

As far as I am concerned , Nervous Nancy can do what she wants.

The more time that Pelosi delays in sending over the impeachment, the more time the Senate will have to work on the hard business of confirmation of justices and President Trump's renewal of the American judiciary.
You mean destruction of the American judiciary.
they don't approve appointments? hmmm i think it's their job. please, fill us all in on why they shouldn't continue with it? cause you don't like the people? elections have consequences jack.
Go back and read my post again son.
no need, I know what you meant and stated it. read my post.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
/—-/ Piglosi knows Impeachment’s is DOA.
Duh, the reason for delaying sending the articles of impeachment to a rigged Senate.
/——/ Unlike the rigged House where Republicans were shut out of the inquiry.
Why would the former Republicans oppose calling the witnesses, the defendant has gagged during the investigation?
The real questions are:
Why did the Democrats hold closed-door Inquisitions during which the GOP, Trump, / Trump's lawyers were not allowed?

Why did Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call whoever they wanted as witnesses when they controlled the process?

Why did Democrats demands the GOP only be allowed to ask questions THEY approved of?

Why was the Democrats' rush to Impeach the fastest in US history, their case the weakest in US history? Why were they so unconcerned about all of the evidence that was being exposed that totally undermined their false accusations?

Why did Nancy Pelosi appoint a proven liar - someone who engaged in willful sedition for 2+ years by falsely claiming he had direct evidence of criminal action by the President and then who attempted to submit self-authored friction as 'evidence' against the President, someone who admitted to leaking sensitive information in an attempt to undermine the President, & a man who took millions from a Russian=born arms dealer and Burisma reps as the head of the House Impeachment effort?

Why did Nancy Pelosi continue to push for Impeachment when she completely failed to meet her own publicly declared required standards for Impeachment?

Why did Pelosi declare she was completely against Impeaching a President so close to an election because it equated to stripping the American people of their right to choose their own President? (The same question could be asked of Nadler, who also stated this in thre past.)

How can Pelosi claim to represent the will of the people after openly stating the American people can not be trusted with their Constitutionally protected right to choose their own President after who they elected in 2016 and after Impeaching the President despite the Majority of the American people did NOT want the President Impeached?

After denying the President and GOP equal justice / a fair Impeachment process, how can Democrats now demand they be given what they were not willing to give, truly demonstrating they DEMAND different sets of rules for themselves that others are given/ than they give others.
The Best Questions are:


That and, How can you call Witnesses when THE TRIAL IS OVER? These are now Jury Deliberations as that is THE FUNCTION OF THE SENATE.

No witnesses should be called, unless THE PRESIDENT WANTS THEM CALLED. The HOUSE serves as THE PROSECUTION, and IN THE SENATE, THE PRESIDENT is allowed to MOUNT A DEFENSE.

The Prosecution Rested their case the second Nadler Banged The Gavel and concluded The Schiff Show Sham.

Why should the Prosecution be allowed to present the same case a 2nd time?

It's time to hear from The Defense.

Why don't these foreign assholes understand our form of Government?
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did you or did you not say the dems just want a fair trial?

name anyone NOT a dem who's said it was fair to begin with.

Lol, like the idiot opinions of tRumplings is my problem.
so you're not an american? ok
So, you are a retard? OK.
I love it when I win and get the opposition to resort to insults. too fking funny.
Wasn't an insult, I honestly thought that's what you meant.
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
She knows that as soon as the impeachment articles go to the Senate, the Republican run Senate will dispense with it as quickly as possible. Mitch McConnel has already said he is not unbiased and he will work closely with Drumph and his lawyers over the course of the trial. The Congress has impeached him. If he is not convicted by a Republican biased Senate, he looks innocent. As long as he is impeached, that hangs over his head. Leaving him impeached but not indicted or unindicted leaves the impeachment hanging over his head. A good plan.
A tabled Resolution is Invalid, so actually, President Trump is not impeached. They only voted on an impeachment resolution, which if they send it to The Senate will end in an acquittal. In either case, it's not actually an impeachment.

Without sending it to The Senate, it cannot be voted on. Therefore it's as if the entire thing never happened.
lord you just parrot shit you're told to parrot. she's waffled back and forth since this began on whether or not they should even go for it.

what the dems did was FAR FROM FAIR and if you're trying to say it is then you're just being a willing idiot. period.

all i want is our collective government to grow the fuck up and stop all this horse shit.

A tRumpling just tried to accuse me of "parroting"

View attachment 295544
did you or did you not say the dems just want a fair trial?

name anyone NOT a dem who's said it was fair to begin with.

Lol, like the idiot opinions of tRumplings is my problem.
so you're not an american? ok
So, you are a retard? OK.

he's just being polite and speaking to you in your native tongue.
Schumer just said on the Senate floor that McConnell didn't offer any defense for President Trump. When did that become McConnell's job? too fking funny

BTW, when did it become the senate's job to defend a president? they are to determine guilt or acquittal. hmmmmmm schumer ok?
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Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.

A trial strategy cannot even be considered until the Articles are sent to the Senate. Mc Connell and the Senate have the "upper" hand. The message is "Send over your work product so we can Decide how the Senate will proceed! " Or don't! Same result.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
/—-/ Piglosi knows Impeachment’s is DOA.
Duh, the reason for delaying sending the articles of impeachment to a rigged Senate.

Uh-huh, it all makes sense, a "rigged" House refuses to send Articles of Impeachment passed strictly along party lines to a "rigged" Senate because they're worried about partisan bias during the course of the Senate carrying out it's Constitutional Authority to try impeachments .:rolleyes:

The legislative branch has gone fucking insane.

The Congress is the reason we have the Senate and Judiciary. They keep the Moon bats corralled! The Senate won't believe us so we just won't send the Articles to them. 90 days tick tock Nancy. She fulfilled her promise to Impeach to her Far left. She can now say to them! "I beg your Pardon! I never Promised you the Rose Garden! :fu:
Why would the former Republicans oppose calling the witnesses, the defendant has gagged during the investigation?
The real questions are:
Why did the Democrats hold closed-door Inquisitions during which the GOP, Trump, / Trump's lawyers were not allowed?

Why did Democrats refuse to allow the GOP to call whoever they wanted as witnesses when they controlled the process?

Why did Democrats demands the GOP only be allowed to ask questions THEY approved of?

Why was the Democrats' rush to Impeach the fastest in US history, their case the weakest in US history? Why were they so unconcerned about all of the evidence that was being exposed that totally undermined their false accusations?

Why did Nancy Pelosi appoint a proven liar - someone who engaged in willful sedition for 2+ years by falsely claiming he had direct evidence of criminal action by the President and then who attempted to submit self-authored friction as 'evidence' against the President, someone who admitted to leaking sensitive information in an attempt to undermine the President, & a man who took millions from a Russian=born arms dealer and Burisma reps as the head of the House Impeachment effort?

Why did Nancy Pelosi continue to push for Impeachment when she completely failed to meet her own publicly declared required standards for Impeachment?

Why did Pelosi declare she was completely against Impeaching a President so close to an election because it equated to stripping the American people of their right to choose their own President? (The same question could be asked of Nadler, who also stated this in thre past.)

How can Pelosi claim to represent the will of the people after openly stating the American people can not be trusted with their Constitutionally protected right to choose their own President after who they elected in 2016 and after Impeaching the President despite the Majority of the American people did NOT want the President Impeached?

After denying the President and GOP equal justice / a fair Impeachment process, how can Democrats now demand they be given what they were not willing to give, truly demonstrating they DEMAND different sets of rules for themselves that others are given/ than they give others.
The Best Questions are:


That and, How can you call Witnesses when THE TRIAL IS OVER? These are now Jury Deliberations as that is THE FUNCTION OF THE SENATE.

No witnesses should be called, unless THE PRESIDENT WANTS THEM CALLED. The HOUSE serves as THE PROSECUTION, and IN THE SENATE, THE PRESIDENT is allowed to MOUNT A DEFENSE.

The Prosecution Rested their case the second Nadler Banged The Gavel and concluded The Schiff Show Sham.

Why should the Prosecution be allowed to present the same case a 2nd time?

It's time to hear from The Defense.

Why don't these foreign assholes understand our form of Government?

I think the analogy is that the House is the Grand Jury giving an indictment.

In this case the Grand Jury indicted a ham sandwich.

The trial is in the Senate.

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