After all this, Nancy Pants may not send impeachment to the Senate

Will Nancy Pants send the impeachment to the Senate?

  • Only if her rabid base forces her to.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • No, because it was always about politics to wound the President

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

All she wants is a real trial.
lord you just parrot shit you're told to parrot. she's waffled back and forth since this began on whether or not they should even go for it.

what the dems did was FAR FROM FAIR and if you're trying to say it is then you're just being a willing idiot. period.

all i want is our collective government to grow the fuck up and stop all this horse shit.

A tRumpling just tried to accuse me of "parroting"

View attachment 295544
did you or did you not say the dems just want a fair trial?

name anyone NOT a dem who's said it was fair to begin with.

Lol, like the idiot opinions of tRumplings is my problem.
so you're not an american? ok
So, you are a retard? OK.
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
Your retarded poll is missing a few choices. For instance:

"Yes, as soon as we are assured a fair trial."
You don’t deserve a fair trial. Trump does!
I'm not on trial sweetie, do try to keep up.
So. Then why did ewe say ewewanted a fair trial sweetie?
Nancy Pelosi is smart to keep Trump's impeachment in her pocket. She knows prior Senate's failed to remove presidents Andrew Johnson & Bill Clinton because it's too difficult to get 2/3rds majority. She will keep acquittal power out of unbiased political hack Mitch McConnell's hands.

Pelosi is a badass who shut up her rabid base & prevents McConnell from allowing Trump to claim he is innocent.
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

All she wants is a real trial.
lord you just parrot shit you're told to parrot. she's waffled back and forth since this began on whether or not they should even go for it.

what the dems did was FAR FROM FAIR and if you're trying to say it is then you're just being a willing idiot. period.

all i want is our collective government to grow the fuck up and stop all this horse shit.

A tRumpling just tried to accuse me of "parroting"

View attachment 295544
did you or did you not say the dems just want a fair trial?

name anyone NOT a dem who's said it was fair to begin with.

Lol, like the idiot opinions of tRumplings is my problem.
Senate Shamwow is coming Creepitus. It is the improved version of The House of Reps Shamwow, only with 50% more class.
Stumpy, whatever you are smoking, it's too early for that shit.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
/—-/ Piglosi knows Impeachment’s is DOA.
Duh, the reason for delaying sending the articles of impeachment to a rigged Senate.
If she waits to long we will have congress again. Oh wait. We will have a super majority in both houses in November.
View attachment 295550
What happens to a tabled resolution when The GOP takes back The House?

It gets rescinded, if it does not expire first. LMAO!
Ms. Pelosi wants the Democrat Party to control any Senate trial, not a "fair" trial at all, but a Liberal Show Trial.
Nope. Just a fair one.

Actually, there is no proof that the Libs want to treat their President fair at all.
Actually, there is plenty. I don't expect you to see it though.
where? given they've been wanting to impeach him ever since the yellow bitch screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in a good old darth vader fashion how can you believe *this* was a valid attempt?

was it the times before that they were out to IMPEACH 45?

House Democrat Gives the Game Away: 'No Limit to the Number of Times' We Will Try to Impeach Trump

well gosh - they will keep coming after him regardless of the reasons. yea, that's fair.

if this was the first time they even brought it up and had proof trump was going for DIRT on biden, not proof of wrong doing on bidens own part, then i'd say there could be something here. but they've cried wolf daily since he took office.

this is just a bigger cry and you're bathing on those tears son.
There is no crying of wolf. tRump has been committing impeachable offenses since his first day in office.
lord you just parrot shit you're told to parrot. she's waffled back and forth since this began on whether or not they should even go for it.

what the dems did was FAR FROM FAIR and if you're trying to say it is then you're just being a willing idiot. period.

all i want is our collective government to grow the fuck up and stop all this horse shit.

A tRumpling just tried to accuse me of "parroting"

View attachment 295544
did you or did you not say the dems just want a fair trial?

name anyone NOT a dem who's said it was fair to begin with.

Lol, like the idiot opinions of tRumplings is my problem.
Senate Shamwow is coming Creepitus. It is the improved version of The House of Reps Shamwow, only with 50% more class.
Stumpy, whatever you are smoking, it's too early for that shit.
Mueller Report
Nope. Just a fair one.

Actually, there is no proof that the Libs want to treat their President fair at all.
Actually, there is plenty. I don't expect you to see it though.

As far as I am concerned , Nervous Nancy can do what she wants.

The more time that Pelosi delays in sending over the impeachment, the more time the Senate will have to work on the hard business of confirmation of justices and President Trump's renewal of the American judiciary.
You mean destruction of the American judiciary.
they don't approve appointments? hmmm i think it's their job. please, fill us all in on why they shouldn't continue with it? cause you don't like the people? elections have consequences jack.
Go back and read my post again son.
Stalinists democrats know their time on earth is limited. They're like the dinosaurs watching the Chicxulub asteroid descent in the form of FISAGate and PedoGate.
lord you just parrot shit you're told to parrot. she's waffled back and forth since this began on whether or not they should even go for it.

what the dems did was FAR FROM FAIR and if you're trying to say it is then you're just being a willing idiot. period.

all i want is our collective government to grow the fuck up and stop all this horse shit.

A tRumpling just tried to accuse me of "parroting"

View attachment 295544
did you or did you not say the dems just want a fair trial?

name anyone NOT a dem who's said it was fair to begin with.

Lol, like the idiot opinions of tRumplings is my problem.
so you're not an american? ok
So, you are a retard? OK.
I love it when I win and get the opposition to resort to insults. too fking funny.
Ms. Pelosi wants the Democrat Party to control any Senate trial, not a "fair" trial at all, but a Liberal Show Trial.
Nope. Just a fair one.

Actually, there is no proof that the Libs want to treat their President fair at all.
Actually, there is plenty. I don't expect you to see it though.
where? given they've been wanting to impeach him ever since the yellow bitch screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in a good old darth vader fashion how can you believe *this* was a valid attempt?

was it the times before that they were out to IMPEACH 45?

House Democrat Gives the Game Away: 'No Limit to the Number of Times' We Will Try to Impeach Trump

well gosh - they will keep coming after him regardless of the reasons. yea, that's fair.

if this was the first time they even brought it up and had proof trump was going for DIRT on biden, not proof of wrong doing on bidens own part, then i'd say there could be something here. but they've cried wolf daily since he took office.

this is just a bigger cry and you're bathing on those tears son.
There is no crying of wolf. tRump has been committing impeachable offenses since his first day in office.
Show us where The Mueller Report appears in The Fake Articles of Trump's Re-Election and Super Majority in 2020 Appears.

You just tattooed your own dumb asses with it.

Mueller Report
Actually, there is no proof that the Libs want to treat their President fair at all.
Actually, there is plenty. I don't expect you to see it though.

As far as I am concerned , Nervous Nancy can do what she wants.

The more time that Pelosi delays in sending over the impeachment, the more time the Senate will have to work on the hard business of confirmation of justices and President Trump's renewal of the American judiciary.
You mean destruction of the American judiciary.
they don't approve appointments? hmmm i think it's their job. please, fill us all in on why they shouldn't continue with it? cause you don't like the people? elections have consequences jack.
Go back and read my post again son.
Why would anyone use dirty toilet paper to wipe their ass a second time?
lord you just parrot shit you're told to parrot. she's waffled back and forth since this began on whether or not they should even go for it.

what the dems did was FAR FROM FAIR and if you're trying to say it is then you're just being a willing idiot. period.

all i want is our collective government to grow the fuck up and stop all this horse shit.

A tRumpling just tried to accuse me of "parroting"

View attachment 295544
did you or did you not say the dems just want a fair trial?

name anyone NOT a dem who's said it was fair to begin with.

Lol, like the idiot opinions of tRumplings is my problem.
Senate Shamwow is coming Creepitus. It is the improved version of The House of Reps Shamwow, only with 50% more class.
Stumpy, whatever you are smoking, it's too early for that shit.
The Un-Impeachment is Coming Dotard. Take your punishment Like a Man.

The Mueller Report
I hope McConnell goes FULL BLOWN ASSHOLE on The Democrats!

Go Mitch Go!

Did anyone notice the one thing missing from these fake articles despite the fact they have no basis in reality and none in US Code?

The Mueller Report was Absent.
Why would the former Republicans oppose calling the witnesses, the defendant has gagged during the investigation?

They need to pass a Pro Cahoots Resolution to put the issue to bed. Just pass a Fealty Oath to the Dear Leader and be done with it. All they need is 34. They could even have a ceremony when they each approach the Trumpybear, offer him gifts, then kneel and finally Kiss the Ring!

Kiss the Ring.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
/—-/ Piglosi knows Impeachment’s is DOA.
This Dem House cheapened the impeachment process like we've never seen before. Trump is right. This is impeachment lite
Nancy is further demonstrating the Democrats' commitment to Democracy, 'fairness' and 'equal justice' by choosing to hold on to the Impeachment in hopes that there will not be a massive backlash in 2020 against them and they somehow win the majority in the Senate so they can finish imposing their will on the country.
What a fucking farce!

Trump should sweep all 57 States even with NY and CA giving Illegals the right to vote
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'
Your retarded poll is missing a few choices. For instance:

"Yes, as soon as we are assured a fair trial."
You don’t deserve a fair trial. Trump does!
I'm not on trial sweetie, do try to keep up.
So. Then why did ewe say ewewanted a fair trial sweetie?
Are you having a stroke?

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