After all this, Nancy Pants may not send impeachment to the Senate

Will Nancy Pants send the impeachment to the Senate?

  • Only if her rabid base forces her to.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • No, because it was always about politics to wound the President

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • Yes

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.

The impeachment vote is over, her job is done.

She has NO say in how the Senate does their job.
That's correct, she has no say in how the Senate conducts their trial. They have sole power over the trial just like the House has sole power over the impeachment. That said, she does get to decide when she wants to transmit the articles of impeachment over to the Senate and there's nothing Republicans can do about that.

They were all hot and bothered to get it done.

Why the delay now?

It was politically expedient to get the impeachment vote done before the Christmas break, before the vulnerable Dems went home and got an earful from their constituents that might have led to more Dems peeling off the impeachment train. Plus, it was an assault on our democracy and our Constitution that had to be stopped immediately!

Problem: the polls started to shift, and not in the Dems favor. People are saying that the Trump impeachment was too political, especially in contested states and districts, so we gotta get more dirt on Trump to make it look right. So now, it's politically necessary to spend more time investigating anything related to Trump. SMH, after more than 3 years of digging, they still got nothing. Trump's not going to let people like Bolton and Mulvaney testify or give them any incriminating documents, he can claim Executive Privilege and the Dems aren't going to find anything new. IOW, it's the same old witch hunt it's been for 3 fuckin' years, a conviction in search of a crime.
I'm loving it. All you far right radical extremists are crying like little babies. Just like trump.

You have no problems with republicans not filling a court seat for a year to get a nominee you wanted.

Now you are having your own karma thrown back at you and you're crying like the spoiled brat baby far right radical extremists you are and always have been.

You don't like it?

Deal with it.
/——/ No body is crying, you big dope.
Why can't Moscow Mitch be a fair Juror?
You mean like Adam Schiff, who engaged in Sedition for 2 years by willfully knowingly falsely claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, evidence even Mueller's team did not have....who did exactly what the US IG caught the FBI doing to the FISA Court - attempting to manufacture / present fake 'evidence' of a crime as legitimate evidence during one of his committee meetings, forcing him and the Leftist media to try to save his ass by claiming after he was busted doing it that it was all in fun, that it was like a a 'skit'....?!

No not like any of your bullshit lies. Like the oath he will take before the Senate trial begins. Not to worry, everybody knows they are just as corrupt as the Trumpybears are.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
McConnell ought to put the players in the attempted coup of President on trial conducted by William Barr making them ante up why Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton framed President Trump. Those two in the White House were a gruesome twosome.
Why can't Moscow Mitch be a fair Juror?
You mean like Adam Schiff, who engaged in Sedition for 2 years by willfully knowingly falsely claiming he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, evidence even Mueller's team did not have....who did exactly what the US IG caught the FBI doing to the FISA Court - attempting to manufacture / present fake 'evidence' of a crime as legitimate evidence during one of his committee meetings, forcing him and the Leftist media to try to save his ass by claiming after he was busted doing it that it was all in fun, that it was like a a 'skit'....?!

No not like any of your bullshit lies. Like the oath he will take before the Senate trial begins. Not to worry, everybody knows they are just as corrupt as the Trumpybears are.

Not to worry, everybody knows they are just as corrupt as the Trumpybears are.

Are they as corrupt as the Pelosi Posse?
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
McConnell ought to put the players in the attempted coup of President on trial conducted by William Barr making them ante up why Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton framed President Trump. Those two in the White House were a gruesome twosome.

Bwahahaha yeah and Trumpybear will have fully converted us into a tin pot Dictatorship. Hooray for your side.
Just reported: Senate can acquit even if Nancy holds back the articles, experts say. More details to come.
Yes, the Senate can hold a mock trial which is not binding on the Articles of Impeachment they were not given.
Even a mock trial would need Justice Roberts supervising. Doubtful he would supervise a mock trial.
ohhhhhh, you do disservice to him. LOL
If not sent to Senate, then "impeachment" isn't impeachment, it's just a House resolution!!!!!
/——-/ She know Dems will be in major trouble once the Republicans cross examine them.
Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Pelosi suggests she may wait to send impeachment articles to Senate: 'We'll make a decision ... as we go along'

Just now posted online, the real reason Nancy is holding back, a must-read:
I’m Not Surprised! Pelosi Doesn’t Want Trump Acquitted
"just now posted?" BY LIMPAW? WTF? LOL
Trump would be the only potus impeached and not acquitted in the Senate. I'm not sure he'd like that. Laurence Tribe was the first person I saw who raised that strategy. It's sort of interesting.

The gop has been careful to base it's defense of Trump on the "process is unfair" rather than exactly what he did in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Rudy has publicly said he has "evidence" of some coverup by Biden. Rudy is Trump's lawyer, so a court would not enforce a subpoena to find out what he and Trump talked about without a firm showing they were committing a crime, since committing a crime is NOT a privileged communication. BUT if Rudy has knowledge of anyone covering a crime, a court should make him spill. The House can subpoena him anytime the House wants, impeachment or no impeachment.
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell
Pelosi threatens to delay Trump impeachment trial in bid to pressure McConnell

In a press conference following the historic vote Wednesday night, Pelosi told reporters that she wanted to see how McConnell, R-Ky., would lay out the trial’s rules before she sent over the articles to the Senate.

“We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that’s looks fair to us,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi’s stance was an apparent attempt to pressure McConnell, who will hold significant power once the impeachment proceedings are passed from the Democrat-led House to the GOP-controlled Senate.
McConnell ought to put the players in the attempted coup of President on trial conducted by William Barr making them ante up why Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton framed President Trump. Those two in the White House were a gruesome twosome.

Bwahahaha yeah and Trumpybear will have fully converted us into a tin pot Dictatorship. Hooray for your side.

only tin pot around here is on your head.


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