After Boston, do Libs start to understand why Obama's pal Ayers bother us?

The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

What a load of crap. The weatherman's real intent was centered on a future in which the communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China and the Soviet Union would occupy various parts of the U.S., with “re-education centers” established in the Southwest to prevent counterrevolution. These concentration camps were to be for re-educating die-hard capitalists. And those who couldn't be re-educated would need to be eliminated. As was stated: "And when I say ‘eliminate,’ I mean ‘kill....twenty-five million people.”

I read that Ayers also told a group of students that part of the revolution included smashing cars in the streets, targeting the homes of the affluent and burning them to the ground, he says.......then go home and kill your own parents. Can you imagine? This is Obama's best buddy. The son of the people who paid for his education. Communists.

I just love how you people love to make shit up. find the documentation to support that assertion.
The Weathermans intent was to kill others but they just couldn't fix stupid and blew themselves up instead.

The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

What a load of crap. The weatherman's real intent was centered on a future in which the communist nations of Cuba, North Korea, China and the Soviet Union would occupy various parts of the U.S., with “re-education centers” established in the Southwest to prevent counterrevolution. These concentration camps were to be for re-educating die-hard capitalists. And those who couldn't be re-educated would need to be eliminated. As was stated: "And when I say ‘eliminate,’ I mean ‘kill....twenty-five million people.”

That's exactly why they're defending Ayers that's what they're hoping our future holds

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CaféAuLait;7134388 said:
Did you know his group, the Weathermen was responsible for killing the first black policeman on the Nyack police force? They also killed one more cop and a security guard. Left 9 children fatherless. They blew up a townhouse by accident while planning on killing hundreds at Fort Dix military dance. This resulted in the death of three of their own. The only reason they did not commit mass murder was due to sheer incompetence.

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids - The Daily Beast

Waverly Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Weathermans intent was to kill others but they just couldn't fix stupid and blew themselves up instead.

The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

Listen dipshit, I hated the viet nam war as much as anyone, but planting bombs in public buildings IS NOT PATRIOIC. Ayers and his cronies should be rotting in jail. They were and are domestic terrorists.

There were plenty of peaceful protests of that stupid war. You are full of shit for putting that bastard Ayers in the same group as those of us who protested peacefully.
CaféAuLait;7134388 said:
Did you know his group, the Weathermen was responsible for killing the first black policeman on the Nyack police force? They also killed one more cop and a security guard. Left 9 children fatherless. They blew up a townhouse by accident while planning on killing hundreds at Fort Dix military dance. This resulted in the death of three of their own. The only reason they did not commit mass murder was due to sheer incompetence.

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids - The Daily Beast

Waverly Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Weathermans intent was to kill others but they just couldn't fix stupid and blew themselves up instead.

The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

Huggy you couldn't have looked more foolish and naive as you did in this post.
The weatherman were responsible for deaths and they certainly weren't patriots :eusa_whistle:
They were shitty terrorists. Don't you understand this?

They sucked. Didn't mean they didn't try. They were just lousy at it.:eusa_angel:

The bombing attacks mostly targeted government buildings, along with several banks. Most were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with communiqués identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest. No persons were killed in any of their acts of property destruction, :eusa_whistle:
Not kidding on this.

Don't fuck with me here.

They were revolutionaries.

I'll go to blood on this. I Know this well.

Yep. However that doesn't change the fact that they didn't target innocent civilians like the radical Islamic terrorist do. Lumping them in with the kill American anywhere anytime crowd is simply disingenuous.
The bombing attacks mostly targeted government buildings, along with several banks. Most were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with communiqués identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest. No persons were killed in any of their acts of property destruction, :eusa_whistle:
Not kidding on this.

Don't fuck with me here.

They were revolutionaries.

I'll go to blood on this. I Know this well.

Yep. However that doesn't change the fact that they didn't target innocent civilians like the radical Islamic terrorist do. Lumping them in with the kill American anywhere anytime crowd is simply disingenuous.

bullshit, their target was soldiers and their families.

Will you libs ever face reality? Not everyone on your side is a hero. Many of them are murderers, liars, and criminals.

If you would acknowledge the assholes on the left you might have some credibility.
Not kidding on this.

Don't fuck with me here.

They were revolutionaries.

I'll go to blood on this. I Know this well.

Yep. However that doesn't change the fact that they didn't target innocent civilians like the radical Islamic terrorist do. Lumping them in with the kill American anywhere anytime crowd is simply disingenuous.

bullshit, their target was soldiers and their families.

Will you libs ever face reality? Not everyone on your side is a hero. Many of them are murderers, liars, and criminals.

If you would acknowledge the assholes on the left you might have some credibility.

How many soldiers and their families did Ayers blow up? Explaining what the WUO did and how their actions differ from the two bomber brothers is not excusing their actions nor does it make them heros.

Obama bows? Bush rubbed cheeks with the Saudi prince at his ranch. They probably did more behind closed doors. I've got a question for you. If Obama is a marxist, why hasn't he put some marxists in important positions? link below of the two lovers. You repubs are too easy to sharpshoot. Must be all that home schooling.

George Bush and King Abdullah Kissing and Holding Hands - YouTube

OK we have been over this before, but since you missed it.

what Bush did was follow arab custom where two equals meet.

what obama did was make himself inferior to the king by bowing to him like a fucking peasant

I worked in the mid east for years, I as a normal businessman would never bow to any arab king, emir, sheik, or ayatollah. and they would not expect it.

obama is either really stupid or he really feels inferior to the saudi king.

So bowing is not ok but holding hands and rubbing cheeks and putting lips close together would have got your mark of approval if Obama had done that instead of bowing. Oh well, I have a lot to learn from the anti Obama crowd.

how many times before it gets through to you. Bowing shows that you feel inferior.

What Bush did is arab custom when equals meet.

and you clearly have a lot to learn
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Yep. However that doesn't change the fact that they didn't target innocent civilians like the radical Islamic terrorist do. Lumping them in with the kill American anywhere anytime crowd is simply disingenuous.

bullshit, their target was soldiers and their families.

Will you libs ever face reality? Not everyone on your side is a hero. Many of them are murderers, liars, and criminals.

If you would acknowledge the assholes on the left you might have some credibility.

How many soldiers and their families did Ayers blow up? Explaining what the WUO did and how their actions differ from the two bomber brothers is not excusing their actions nor does it make them heros.

luckily none, because he was a crappy terrorist. But his intent was to kill, just like the shoe bomber and the times square bomber.
CaféAuLait;7134388 said:
Did you know his group, the Weathermen was responsible for killing the first black policeman on the Nyack police force? They also killed one more cop and a security guard. Left 9 children fatherless. They blew up a townhouse by accident while planning on killing hundreds at Fort Dix military dance. This resulted in the death of three of their own. The only reason they did not commit mass murder was due to sheer incompetence.

How 1960s Radicals Ended Up Teaching Your Kids - The Daily Beast

Waverly Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Weathermans intent was to kill others but they just couldn't fix stupid and blew themselves up instead.

The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic. you need reeducation.
They were the same boilerplate communists who ran gulags.

Start here:

[ame=]Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube[/ame]
OK we have been over this before, but since you missed it.

what Bush did was follow arab custom where two equals meet.

what obama did was make himself inferior to the king by bowing to him like a fucking peasant

I worked in the mid east for years, I as a normal businessman would never bow to any arab king, emir, sheik, or ayatollah. and they would not expect it.

obama is either really stupid or he really feels inferior to the saudi king.

So bowing is not ok but holding hands and rubbing cheeks and putting lips close together would have got your mark of approval if Obama had done that instead of bowing. Oh well, I have a lot to learn from the anti Obama crowd.

how many times before it gets through to you. Bowing shows that you feel inferior.

What Bush did is arab custom when equals meet.

and you clearly have a lot to learn
Yep. However that doesn't change the fact that they didn't target innocent civilians like the radical Islamic terrorist do. Lumping them in with the kill American anywhere anytime crowd is simply disingenuous.

bullshit, their target was soldiers and their families.

Will you libs ever face reality? Not everyone on your side is a hero. Many of them are murderers, liars, and criminals.

If you would acknowledge the assholes on the left you might have some credibility.

How many soldiers and their families did Ayers blow up? Explaining what the WUO did and how their actions differ from the two bomber brothers is not excusing their actions nor does it make them heros.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Ayers only blew up buildings in NYC, so he's cool
The Weathermans intent was to kill others but they just couldn't fix stupid and blew themselves up instead.

The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

Huggy you couldn't have looked more foolish and naive as you did in this post.
The weatherman were responsible for deaths and they certainly weren't patriots :eusa_whistle:

The British prolly said the same about our little revolution.
I am afraid your question (however well intentioned it might be) is irrelevant.

WE don't teach Muslims diddly dog about Islam.

WE don't correct the vile notions preached at them by those who do the actual teaching of Islam to Muslims: other Muslims.

WE did not right their stupid comic book Qu'ran.

WE cannot edit it.

WE cannot teach those too ignorant to challenge the mutts who preach it in an even more vile manner than its own words mandate.

Dear IM: Well, if you and other non-Muslims are the ones teaching that Islam says all these things, then I address you.

When I address Muslims we end up discussing how Christ is taught within the faith, or Constitutional principles, etc.
One Muslim coworker from Africa acknowledges political problems with Islamic govts, but is specific, such as faulting the Pakistani culture for where the honor killing-type mentality is prevalent, and faulting areas in Africa where the Shariah law is abused to punish people excessively. So when I talk with Muslims, there is a clear distinction between the politics in different countries vs. Islam itself.

I see most of the Jihadist claims I have direct exposure to
are being taught by people around me who are against Islam,
so that's who I address in terms of how to correct the teachings.

Just like when I talk with Christians about how Christianity is taught,
that is different from talking with "atheists" teaching what Christianity/God/the Bible mean as an adversary.
Both sides would have to be addressed and corrected to stop all the misteaching going on.

I start with the person I am addressing and figure out
where these perceptions are coming from and how do we change it to something we agree is true and good.

If EVERYONE were to teach Islam as a denomination of Christianity, or its proper practice as consistent with Constitutional principles on equal religious freedom for all people, at least THAT part of the teaching it as "Jihadist-type violence" would stop or be reduced.

Islam is not a denomination of Christianity.

And its practice is protected by OUR Constitution, but our lives are not valued BY Islam. Other religions are either not tolerated at all by Islam or barely tolerated.

Anybody can talk with Muslims. Muslims are people and most people (including most Muslims) are decent enough. But what we cannot reason with are the throngs of jihadist adherents of Islam who place stock in the diseased comic book teachings of Mohammed.

Say what you will (not you in particular, the general plural "you) about the defects of any religion. You won't get a major argument from me. But Christianity as taught and preached by Jesus, does NOT call upon people to do violence. Quite the opposite, in fact, is true.

One cannot say the same of Islam. At least not honestly.
The Weathermans intent was to kill others but they just couldn't fix stupid and blew themselves up instead.

The weatherman's intent was to draw attention to a government and political/military industrial complex that was murdering thousands of good American boys a month and many more thousands of Asians....As the best president we ever had warned us. That would be Eisenhower. What those kids did was patriotic.

Listen dipshit, I hated the viet nam war as much as anyone, but planting bombs in public buildings IS NOT PATRIOIC. Ayers and his cronies should be rotting in jail. They were and are domestic terrorists.

There were plenty of peaceful protests of that stupid war. You are full of shit for putting that bastard Ayers in the same group as those of us who protested peacefully.

Why I gotta be the "dipshit full of shit?" :lol: I didn't lump em together. The Weathermen put themselves and thier own personal safety and futures on the line to warn peeps and blow up some real estate. What the government of the United Staes was doing in Viet Nam/Cambodia/Thialand/N. Viet Nam was a MILLION times more brutal and tragic than anything the Weathermen did.

The pic doesn't appear. It's that naked Viet Namese girl burnt by napalm and screaming.
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bullshit, their target was soldiers and their families.

Will you libs ever face reality? Not everyone on your side is a hero. Many of them are murderers, liars, and criminals.

If you would acknowledge the assholes on the left you might have some credibility.

How many soldiers and their families did Ayers blow up? Explaining what the WUO did and how their actions differ from the two bomber brothers is not excusing their actions nor does it make them heros.

luckily none, because he was a crappy terrorist. But his intent was to kill, just like the shoe bomber and the times square bomber.

Lucky in that more people didn't die accidently in their attacks on property. The shoe bomber and the Time Square bomber both targeted innocent civilians with intentions on killing as many as possible.
The bombing attacks mostly targeted government buildings, along with several banks. Most were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with communiqués identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest. No persons were killed in any of their acts of property destruction, :eusa_whistle:
Not kidding on this.

Don't fuck with me here.

They were revolutionaries.

I'll go to blood on this. I Know this well.

Yep. However that doesn't change the fact that they didn't target innocent civilians like the radical Islamic terrorist do. Lumping them in with the kill American anywhere anytime crowd is simply disingenuous.

Hey, BlindPoo, you brainless dishonest shit-muncher.

When they planted bombs, they either knew or didn't care that people would/could get killed.

The "distinction" which petty minded tools like you keep trying to draw remains almost totally meaningless.
How many soldiers and their families did Ayers blow up? Explaining what the WUO did and how their actions differ from the two bomber brothers is not excusing their actions nor does it make them heros.

luckily none, because he was a crappy terrorist. But his intent was to kill, just like the shoe bomber and the times square bomber.

Lucky in that more people didn't die accidently in their attacks on property. The shoe bomber and the Time Square bomber both targeted innocent civilians with intentions on killing as many as possible.

"attacks on property" LOL. Do people ever happen to be on "property" ?

Ayers and his cronies also killed cops, one cop killer is now teaching (indoctrinating) at an ivy league college.

You libs are amazing in the way you support those who would bring down the USA.
bullshit, their target was soldiers and their families.

Will you libs ever face reality? Not everyone on your side is a hero. Many of them are murderers, liars, and criminals.

If you would acknowledge the assholes on the left you might have some credibility.

How many soldiers and their families did Ayers blow up? Explaining what the WUO did and how their actions differ from the two bomber brothers is not excusing their actions nor does it make them heros.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Ayers only blew up buildings in NYC, so he's cool

Well Frankie, you're entitled to your opinion misguided as it is.........:eusa_shhh:

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