After having watched Comey.....

"...after months of anonymous leaks, not only is there still no evidence of collusion with Russian operatives, Comey directly refuted one of the key reports that raised serious and legitimate questions. Without knowing the classified information discussed in closed sessions, as of today we have to say that there is less grounds for suspecting unlawful collusion in Russian election interference than we had before the hearing."
After Comey Testifies, One Scandal Gets Smaller, Another Gets Bigger

I hear weeping on the Left....

It will soon become calamitous screaming.

They have been practicing....

"...after months of anonymous leaks, not only is there still no evidence of collusion with Russian operatives, Comey directly refuted one of the key reports that raised serious and legitimate questions. Without knowing the classified information discussed in closed sessions, as of today we have to say that there is less grounds for suspecting unlawful collusion in Russian election interference than we had before the hearing."
After Comey Testifies, One Scandal Gets Smaller, Another Gets Bigger

I hear weeping on the Left....

It will soon become calamitous screaming.

Yes you conservatives will be howling like no other as the evidence mounts.

"Conservatives have tried to repeal all of that"
Can't find any?
That's because you're a liar as well as a moron.

So you're going to sit there and say Conservatives didn't oppose Social Security? That Conservatives opposed and have tried to attack Civil Rights laws? That Conservatives haven't tried to abolish all taxation? Really? What planet do you live on????

'Whereas there is a strong argument that the 10th Amendment is unnecessary.'
If you're the best there is, the wheel would never have been invented.

No argument from you in defense of the 10th Amendment. The reason is because you cannot make one. The 10th Amendment is antiquated and has little bearing in the globalized and centralized economy today that ignores state borders.

How do you find you way back each day to that double-decker porta-potty you call home???

Don't project your bullshit on me.

Why do you Leftists default to vulgarity when you sense you've lost?
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.
Comey is a piece of MUSH and has no spine. He leaked information and should be punished accordingly.
Oh please Comey is a disloyal corrupt sneaky backstabber. The first few minutes of his testimony was :crybaby: Trump fired me :crybaby: Trump defamed me :crybaby: spoken like a true political elitist who felt entitled to his government job. Comey held Trump to this impossibly high standard while Comey had no problem engaging in collusion and corruption during the Obama administration.
It's a high standard for Trump to tell the truth? What low standards YOU have!

That's a UUUGE factor.

I don't know of anything trump or his klan has done that has shown to be honest and above board. From trump himself, we have lips are moving, he's lying, cheating and/or stealing.

For him, it's just SSDD.

The RWNJs know that. All their whining and moaning is just wishful thinking. That, and they're not all that honest either.


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It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act. aren't that bright then. The man is obviously a liar and a weasel....he knows hilary committed felonies, which he listed, and then made up an excuse to not prosecute her...and now makes up feelings about Trump and reports them to cover his own incompetence...
"Obviously".....where is that obvious then?

And when did he list felonies committed by Secty Clinton?

Musta been a different hearing than the one I watched.


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Oh please Comey is a disloyal corrupt sneaky backstabber. The first few minutes of his testimony was :crybaby: Trump fired me :crybaby: Trump defamed me :crybaby: spoken like a true political elitist who felt entitled to his government job. Comey held Trump to this impossibly high standard while Comey had no problem engaging in collusion and corruption during the Obama administration.
It's a high standard for Trump to tell the truth? What low standards YOU have!

That's a UUUGE factor.

I don't know of anything trump or his klan has done that has shown to be honest and above board. From trump himself, we have lips are moving, he's lying, cheating and/or stealing.

For him, it's just SSDD.

The RWNJs know that. All their whining and moaning is just wishful thinking. That, and they're not all that honest either.


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So? You people set the honesty bar low, this is your fault. Should we list all the Clinton and Obama lies again to refresh your memories?
Oh please Comey is a disloyal corrupt sneaky backstabber. The first few minutes of his testimony was :crybaby: Trump fired me :crybaby: Trump defamed me :crybaby: spoken like a true political elitist who felt entitled to his government job. Comey held Trump to this impossibly high standard while Comey had no problem engaging in collusion and corruption during the Obama administration.
It's a high standard for Trump to tell the truth? What low standards YOU have!

That's a UUUGE factor.

I don't know of anything trump or his klan has done that has shown to be honest and above board. From trump himself, we have lips are moving, he's lying, cheating and/or stealing.

For him, it's just SSDD.

The RWNJs know that. All their whining and moaning is just wishful thinking. That, and they're not all that honest either.


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So? You people set the honesty bar low, this is your fault. Should we list all the Clinton and Obama lies again to refresh your memories?

Fuck Clinton . List 5 obama lies .

Mind you, being wrong about somthing doesn't mean it's a lie .
It's clear to me that he would be a far, far better POTUS than is the person whom we have in that role. I wouldn't care with which party he runs. The man is clearly erudite, cogent, perspicacious, and politically skilled. Most importantly, the man doesn't say things that he either should not or that he cannot strongly, soundly support.

As an aside, we learned today too that the man has real flair, not that shopworn showy sh*t we've all too much seen from the current POTUS and his ilk. In short and politics be damned, Comey is class act.

Comey is under DOJ investigation also for his interference into this election. He broke DOJ protocol all the way down the line when he was investigating Hillary Clinton's emails. He was told not to release any information within 60 days of an election, he did it within 11 days. During those 7 days milliions of people voted, believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later, Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. So Presidential material NOT.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election


Comey is directly responsible for the Ass Clown that sits in the Oval office today. Would he make a better President than Trump? Who wouldn't?
Comey is under DOJ investigation also for his interference into this election.
Yes, that is the DOJ Inspector General's (DOJ IG) investigation, which to the extent it explicitly involves the former FBI Director's activities, is not a criminal one, but rather a purely procedural one. The inquiry has the following as its scope:
  • Allegations that Department or FBI policies or procedures were not followed in connection with, or in actions leading up to or related to, the FBI Director’s public announcement on July 5, 2016, and the Director’s letters to Congress on October 28 and November 6, 2016, and that certain underlying investigative decisions were based on improper considerations;
  • Allegations that the FBI Deputy Director should have been recused from participating in certain investigative matters;
  • Allegations that the Department’s Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs improperly disclosed non-public information to the Clinton campaign and/or should have been recused from participating in certain matters;
  • Allegations that Department and FBI employees improperly disclosed non-public information; and
  • Allegations that decisions regarding the timing of the FBI’s release of certain Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents on October 30 and November 1, 2016, and the use of a Twitter account to publicize same, were influenced by improper considerations.
Insofar as Comey no longer is employed in the government, there's nothing the DOJ IG can do to him no matter what is found; thus what in the simplistic verbiage you used to remind us of that investigation the matter seems as though it's got "teeth," knowing the actual nature of that inquiry tells one it almost certainly does not, at least not for Comey.

That inquiry began in January 2017, and I don't know its current status. I do know that of it Comey remarked, "I want that inspection because I want my story told." That is the attitude of a man who knows he did nothing wrong or that he was unauthorized -- explicitly or implicitly -- to do. His actions and remarks before Congress corroborate the tenor of actual, ethical, and moral rectitude Comey's words portend exists in his being.

Therein one finds the difference between Trump and Comey. Comey knows that investigations are vehicles to the truth, and he's all about the truth. Thus he sees the DOG IG's investigation as an opportunity. Trump -- stupidly if indeed he and his team have done no wrong -- sees the "Russia" and Flynn investigations as risks that must be mitigated, not as opportunities warranting welcome. I surely don't have to tell you what augurs for one's construing, or not, investigations postive lights.

The DOJ IG also has been asked to examine the matter of Comey's firing. I know no more about that than what I just wrote.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This is the tenth amendment. Now for those who would like to argue go back and look at the powers delegated to the federal government.

Then look at the powers delegated to states.

Then shut up.
Oh please Comey is a disloyal corrupt sneaky backstabber. The first few minutes of his testimony was :crybaby: Trump fired me :crybaby: Trump defamed me :crybaby: spoken like a true political elitist who felt entitled to his government job. Comey held Trump to this impossibly high standard while Comey had no problem engaging in collusion and corruption during the Obama administration.
It's a high standard for Trump to tell the truth? What low standards YOU have!

That's a UUUGE factor.

I don't know of anything trump or his klan has done that has shown to be honest and above board. From trump himself, we have lips are moving, he's lying, cheating and/or stealing.

For him, it's just SSDD.

The RWNJs know that. All their whining and moaning is just wishful thinking. That, and they're not all that honest either.


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By ".... klan...." refer to this?

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Why would you put your foot in your mouth like that?
Oh please Comey is a disloyal corrupt sneaky backstabber. The first few minutes of his testimony was :crybaby: Trump fired me :crybaby: Trump defamed me :crybaby: spoken like a true political elitist who felt entitled to his government job. Comey held Trump to this impossibly high standard while Comey had no problem engaging in collusion and corruption during the Obama administration.
It's a high standard for Trump to tell the truth? What low standards YOU have!

That's a UUUGE factor.

I don't know of anything trump or his klan has done that has shown to be honest and above board. From trump himself, we have lips are moving, he's lying, cheating and/or stealing.

For him, it's just SSDD.

The RWNJs know that. All their whining and moaning is just wishful thinking. That, and they're not all that honest either.


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So? You people set the honesty bar low, this is your fault. Should we list all the Clinton and Obama lies again to refresh your memories?

Fuck Clinton . List 5 obama lies .

Mind you, being wrong about somthing doesn't mean it's a lie .
List 5 obama lies .

50,000 posts coming.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

This is the tenth amendment. Now for those who would like to argue go back and look at the powers delegated to the federal government.

Then look at the powers delegated to states.

Then shut up.

You imbecile.....the powers of the federal government are listed, succinctly (better look that up) in article 1, section 8
Oh please Comey is a disloyal corrupt sneaky backstabber. The first few minutes of his testimony was :crybaby: Trump fired me :crybaby: Trump defamed me :crybaby: spoken like a true political elitist who felt entitled to his government job. Comey held Trump to this impossibly high standard while Comey had no problem engaging in collusion and corruption during the Obama administration.

So no he is no longer the neocon hero who shafted Hillary..
Today's lesson for good men everywhere: Don't ask a dishonorable man for his loyalty. Might as well ask a cocker spaniel to sing Carmen.
Through this whole investigation, the ONLY FACT that never "leaked" was that Trump was not under investigation.

Why else would Comey peevishly REFUSE TO TELL THE COUNTRY THAT TRUMP WASN'T UNDER INVESTIGATION?? Answer: To annoy Trump & get good press.
While the nation is at risk from international terrorism, Comey's sole objective is to trip up his superiors actually trying to fight terror

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