After hearing Susan Collins' speech, would you be more likely or less likely to vote for her?

Would you be more likely to vote for her or less likely?

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I think I've been misjudged her and I do feel kinda guilty about it.

I can't say I agree with her liberal views on issues but I'll add her to my list of liberals that I actually respect..

Obviously .. I was quite impressed... so yup, I'd vote for her..

Liberal. She is a republican. Just not a party person.

I agree but where else are going to find a well reasoned, non-violence promoting liberal other than in the Republican Party these days.. .:dunno:
Manchin? Heitkamp? There are plenty.

They should come back as Republicans, they're wasted in the loony Democrat lockstep Party..
Didn't hear it.

I heard sound bytes on the local news.

I do not see how you can say he has the temperament for the job when he, himself said he "shouldn't have said some things" concerning his partisan attack once the committee started holding hearings once more. He had 10 days to consider what he was going to say, bizarrely invoked the Clintons as the reason for the disgusting actions by the Democrats and basically sounded like one of the peanut gallery here on this forum.

Plenty of good qualifications it seems like...but you really want someone who can't control his anger making these decisions? No.

Not exactly what you want from a judge.
I doubt there will be many cases before him, dragging his name and family through the mud, causing him to lose his temper
The left fed the Blue Dogs to the Wolves under Obama.............and have been paying the price for it ever since they did so................The Blue Dogs were a moderate voice of the Dems................who have sailed away under a new flag.

The Dems shot themselves in the foot.

Meh, not really.

The real problem was that the "Blue Dogs" were just guys who ran with a D behind their names when people got sick of watching their kids come home in boxes from Iraq. They weren't really Democrats or Liberals, and Obama couldn't count on them.

The problem with a blue dog is that he votes Republican based on his sexual, racial and religious fears, until the Republicans turn around and screw him in the interest of the rich, and they vote for a Clinton and Obama who fixes whatever a Bush or Reagan fucked up. And then the Blue Dog votes for Republicans because they play on his racial, religious or sexual fears, wash, rinse, repeat.

The best we can hope for is for demographics to make dumb rural white people a small enough part of the electorate where they don't matter anymore.
She didn't "sell out." She's a Republican, Joe. She liked his judicial record from the beginning and I can see why Dr. Ford's story, with all the questions around it, did not seem fair reason to ditch him.

Um, yeah, if you are a woman who put a guy with credible sexual assault charges against him, and you vote for him anyway knowing he is going to roll back women's rights, you did sell out.
Fun to watch all the Wingnuts who've been calling Collins every name in the book suddenly love her because she buckled under and sold out.
She didn't "sell out." She's a Republican, Joe. She liked his judicial record from the beginning and I can see why Dr. Ford's story, with all the questions around it, did not seem fair reason to ditch him.
she is toast hope she likes her last term!
I do not see how you can say he has the temperament for the job when he, himself said he "shouldn't have said some things" concerning his partisan attack once the committee started
Go ahead and try to ruin my life & reputation with fallacious and vile attacks that cause my wife and children angst; I'll show you what unstable temperament really looks like

belee dat
Way more likely. You evidence and/or corroboration if you're going to derail a man's career. Go figure...
I do not see how you can say he has the temperament for the job when he, himself said he "shouldn't have said some things" concerning his partisan attack once the committee started
Go ahead and try to ruin my life & reputation with fallacious and vile attacks that cause my wife and children angst; I'll show you what unstable temperament really looks like

belee dat
We are all shaking in our boots!LOL
Fun to watch all the Wingnuts who've been calling Collins every name in the book suddenly love her because she buckled under and sold out.
She didn't "sell out." She's a Republican, Joe. She liked his judicial record from the beginning and I can see why Dr. Ford's story, with all the questions around it, did not seem fair reason to ditch him.
she is toast hope she likes her last term!
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
It is troubling she pretended to believe some idiot somewhere was ever interested in Ballsy Ford

She gave one of the better speeches I have ever seen in my lifetime, at a minimum

She was calm, factual, and brought reason to an unreasonable situation

it seems that it came down to rule of law and due process vs compassion for victims for her - would she allow an otherwise qualified man to be denied an opportunity because of the emotions associated with an unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusation?

she was able to demonstrate compassion, while still preserving the basic tenants that our nation was founded on

she was surprisingly masterful in her explanation of her decision and has earned my respect

it was pretty clear that she didn't believe Ford, but it would be political suicide to come out and plainly say that
Fun to watch all the Wingnuts who've been calling Collins every name in the book suddenly love her because she buckled under and sold out.
She didn't "sell out." She's a Republican, Joe. She liked his judicial record from the beginning and I can see why Dr. Ford's story, with all the questions around it, did not seem fair reason to ditch him.
she is toast hope she likes her last term!
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
The left fed the Blue Dogs to the Wolves under Obama.............and have been paying the price for it ever since they did so................The Blue Dogs were a moderate voice of the Dems................who have sailed away under a new flag.

The Dems shot themselves in the foot.
it is deeper than that

Blue dogs are dead because of gerrymandering, districts drawn to assure minority representation specifically

Because of those districts, most other districts are split into hyper partisan bubbles and true moderates that would search for compromise don't really have a chance
I don't live in the frozen north amongst the yankee vermin. I got the Cuban STD from Goldman Sachs
Fox and CNN BOTH are saying this confirmation will lead to the end of Roe v. Wade, though
They are both wrong

Abortion as a procedure is not in danger

However, third trimester abortions, abortions for teens without parental consent and abortion on demand with no waiting periods are absolutely in danger in states that want those types of restrictions

the histrionics on both sides is exhausting
Fun to watch all the Wingnuts who've been calling Collins every name in the book suddenly love her because she buckled under and sold out.
She didn't "sell out." She's a Republican, Joe. She liked his judicial record from the beginning and I can see why Dr. Ford's story, with all the questions around it, did not seem fair reason to ditch him.
she is toast hope she likes her last term!
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
Denying false allegations is crying..............LOL

Getting mad because some very unethical political hacks are trying to destroy you and your crying.......LOL

I guess if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit you'd be all nice about your replies......LOL

I'd have told you all to go to hell.................he's a better man than me............I would have ripped the Dems on that committee a new asshole..................but that is just me..................and of course it would have given them their victory........

Fun to watch all the Wingnuts who've been calling Collins every name in the book suddenly love her because she buckled under and sold out.
She didn't "sell out." She's a Republican, Joe. She liked his judicial record from the beginning and I can see why Dr. Ford's story, with all the questions around it, did not seem fair reason to ditch him.
she is toast hope she likes her last term!
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
So a modern man, in touch with his feminine side, not afraid to shed a tear in public, is suddenly a problem for you eunuchs?

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