After hearing Susan Collins' speech, would you be more likely or less likely to vote for her?

Would you be more likely to vote for her or less likely?

  • Total voters
she is toast hope she likes her last term!
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
Denying false allegations is crying..............LOL

Getting mad because some very unethical political hacks are trying to destroy you and your crying.......LOL

I guess if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit you'd be all nice about your replies......LOL

I'd have told you all to go to hell.................he's a better man than me............I would have ripped the Dems on that committee a new asshole..................but that is just me..................and of course it would have given them their victory........

I would not cry . Your idiot did. You would not make judge either. I would laugh at you behavior also! Most adults would.

What's new laughing at causing misery on others...........and then laugh as his wife cries in the background............Real men do cry.........even when we don't want to admit it...........

Have you ever heard the story of Stress................Stress is the result of holding back the desire to choke the living shit out of someone who deserves it..............the restraint is the stress............there would be no stress if we didn't control the emotion and go ahead and choke them.

You are correct.........I would never make a judge..........I don't have the patience to listen to the moaning of idiots.............which abounded in the Judicial committee.............the fakeness and pure BS coming from there shows their true colors................

We are divided...........

It boils down to you like draft dodgers and cry babies period. This is the truth! These are the people you want to represent you. You can bla, bla bla all the rest the shit but still can not excape the fact that these are the people you support!
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
Denying false allegations is crying..............LOL

Getting mad because some very unethical political hacks are trying to destroy you and your crying.......LOL

I guess if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit you'd be all nice about your replies......LOL

I'd have told you all to go to hell.................he's a better man than me............I would have ripped the Dems on that committee a new asshole..................but that is just me..................and of course it would have given them their victory........

Your meme is more appropriate to this situation than you probably realize.
Tolkein chose a winner with his symbol for the lure of power.

Those lusting for power are doomed to be destroyed by it............and they destroy others around them in the process.........

Too many have an appetite for power in this politics.........their lust for destroying the Republic..............

Time for them to go and be replaced.......both sides................

And yet look how damned hard it was to destroy that ring.
All we can do is try, though. I agree.

I think I've been misjudged her and I do feel kinda guilty about it.

I can't say I agree with her liberal views on issues but I'll add her to my list of liberals that I actually respect..

Obviously .. I was quite impressed... so yup, I'd vote for her..

Liberal. She is a republican. Just not a party person.

I agree but where else are going to find a well reasoned, non-violence promoting liberal other than in the Republican Party these days.. .:dunno:
Manchin? Heitkamp? There are plenty.

They should come back as Republicans, they're wasted in the loony Democrat lockstep Party..
Why can't they stay where they are as MODERATES? I know that word is like holy water on a vampire these days, but I actually like them.

I do as well but sadly moderates are chew toys for the swamp these days..
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
Denying false allegations is crying..............LOL

Getting mad because some very unethical political hacks are trying to destroy you and your crying.......LOL

I guess if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit you'd be all nice about your replies......LOL

I'd have told you all to go to hell.................he's a better man than me............I would have ripped the Dems on that committee a new asshole..................but that is just me..................and of course it would have given them their victory........

Your meme is more appropriate to this situation than you probably realize.
Tolkein chose a winner with his symbol for the lure of power.

Those lusting for power are doomed to be destroyed by it............and they destroy others around them in the process.........

Too many have an appetite for power in this politics.........their lust for destroying the Republic..............

Time for them to go and be replaced.......both sides................

And yet look how damned hard it was to destroy that ring.
All we can do is try, though. I agree.

LOL! You are hilarious!
she is toast hope she likes her last term!
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
So a modern man, in touch with his feminine side, not afraid to shed a tear in public, is suddenly a problem for you eunuchs?
He is a little bitch not a man! Not suddenly since the begining of time! I tis only recently and on your side of the fence that crying little bitches and draft dodgers get worshiped.
"Bawlin' Brett."

"Bawlin' Bart" has a better ring :)
We can talk about the Senator from Alaska in another thread
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
Denying false allegations is crying..............LOL

Getting mad because some very unethical political hacks are trying to destroy you and your crying.......LOL

I guess if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit you'd be all nice about your replies......LOL

I'd have told you all to go to hell.................he's a better man than me............I would have ripped the Dems on that committee a new asshole..................but that is just me..................and of course it would have given them their victory........

I would not cry . Your idiot did. You would not make judge either. I would laugh at you behavior also! Most adults would.

What's new laughing at causing misery on others...........and then laugh as his wife cries in the background............Real men do cry.........even when we don't want to admit it...........

Have you ever heard the story of Stress................Stress is the result of holding back the desire to choke the living shit out of someone who deserves it..............the restraint is the stress............there would be no stress if we didn't control the emotion and go ahead and choke them.

You are correct.........I would never make a judge..........I don't have the patience to listen to the moaning of idiots.............which abounded in the Judicial committee.............the fakeness and pure BS coming from there shows their true colors................

We are divided...........

It boils down to you like draft dodgers and cry babies period. This is the truth! These are the people you want to represent you. You can bla, bla bla all the rest the shit but still can not excape the fact that these are the people you support!

Your Straw man theme doesn't hunt with me.................never will...........

Nothing but ranting from someone upset that the treachery didn't work.
The guy creid like a little baby in front of the world. What a lttle bitch I would not hire him for bathroom attendant. I laugh at him and I would laugh at you acting that way. Love to know your kind supports bone spur draft dodgers and little bitches. I am pretty sure they both have vaginas .
Denying false allegations is crying..............LOL

Getting mad because some very unethical political hacks are trying to destroy you and your crying.......LOL

I guess if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit you'd be all nice about your replies......LOL

I'd have told you all to go to hell.................he's a better man than me............I would have ripped the Dems on that committee a new asshole..................but that is just me..................and of course it would have given them their victory........

I would not cry . Your idiot did. You would not make judge either. I would laugh at you behavior also! Most adults would.

What's new laughing at causing misery on others...........and then laugh as his wife cries in the background............Real men do cry.........even when we don't want to admit it...........

Have you ever heard the story of Stress................Stress is the result of holding back the desire to choke the living shit out of someone who deserves it..............the restraint is the stress............there would be no stress if we didn't control the emotion and go ahead and choke them.

You are correct.........I would never make a judge..........I don't have the patience to listen to the moaning of idiots.............which abounded in the Judicial committee.............the fakeness and pure BS coming from there shows their true colors................

We are divided...........

It boils down to you like draft dodgers and cry babies period. This is the truth! These are the people you want to represent you. You can bla, bla bla all the rest the shit but still can not excape the fact that these are the people you support!

Your Straw man theme doesn't hunt with me.................never will...........

Nothing but ranting from someone upset that the treachery didn't work.

Truth hurts!LOL
Denying false allegations is crying..............LOL

Getting mad because some very unethical political hacks are trying to destroy you and your crying.......LOL

I guess if someone accused you of a crime you didn't commit you'd be all nice about your replies......LOL

I'd have told you all to go to hell.................he's a better man than me............I would have ripped the Dems on that committee a new asshole..................but that is just me..................and of course it would have given them their victory........

I would not cry . Your idiot did. You would not make judge either. I would laugh at you behavior also! Most adults would.

What's new laughing at causing misery on others...........and then laugh as his wife cries in the background............Real men do cry.........even when we don't want to admit it...........

Have you ever heard the story of Stress................Stress is the result of holding back the desire to choke the living shit out of someone who deserves it..............the restraint is the stress............there would be no stress if we didn't control the emotion and go ahead and choke them.

You are correct.........I would never make a judge..........I don't have the patience to listen to the moaning of idiots.............which abounded in the Judicial committee.............the fakeness and pure BS coming from there shows their true colors................

We are divided...........

It boils down to you like draft dodgers and cry babies period. This is the truth! These are the people you want to represent you. You can bla, bla bla all the rest the shit but still can not excape the fact that these are the people you support!

Your Straw man theme doesn't hunt with me.................never will...........

Nothing but ranting from someone upset that the treachery didn't work.

Truth hurts!LOL

Which truth is that............the one false narrative that you cling to like a security blanket.......

Reality is the truth...........your tactics didn't work.........and you will be saying Judge Kav very soon.........

Where will the riots begin this time................
So far the vote shows politics are temporary..............One cool moment and they forget the sins of the past.........Positive proof that this will not matter at all a month from now..............let alone 2020.....................

How quickly they forget.
She gave a well-organized speech about Kavanaugh.

Her opponent has raised $3 million overnight so far. The site where the donations are taken cashed from the traffic, so it's unclear exactly how much has been raised.
Maine is a fiercely independent state, and proud of it. If anything, the mood there is center right

I'd be surprised if she gets defeated, she gave a reasoned and fair explanation of her decision; the people of Maine, even those that disagree with her, are likely to respect that
Correct. At least that's how I see it. One of my coworkers is ape shit at her, and at me for not being ape shit at her, but that's why we can probably safely be called a purple state.
She gave a well-organized speech about Kavanaugh.

She will lose the election, and should be shamed whenever in public.
We. Don't. Do. That. Here.
If you don't live in Maine, get your nose out, Wry. She is only one of the 51 Senators who voted Yes. Why does she have to take EVERYONE'S ire? Focus on your own politicians and leave Senator Collins alone. We'll deal with her, one way or the other, come 2020 and she knows it.
She will lose the election, and should be shamed whenever in public.
Can't you folks just disagree with someone without harassing them in public? Are you that full of yourselves, that hateful, that childish?

Really, no one is advocating she and other Senators who vote yes should be yelled at by a mob, "lock her/him up"; they simply would express their valid emotion that the vote is not for Kavanaugh, it is to protect their own job even if it is bad for the country.

Money would be taken from Collins and given to an opponent selected in a primary by a hard right benefactor if she dared vote no.

It is really that simple.
I would not cry . Your idiot did. You would not make judge either. I would laugh at you behavior also! Most adults would.
What's new laughing at causing misery on others...........and then laugh as his wife cries in the background............Real men do cry.........even when we don't want to admit it...........

Have you ever heard the story of Stress................Stress is the result of holding back the desire to choke the living shit out of someone who deserves it..............the restraint is the stress............there would be no stress if we didn't control the emotion and go ahead and choke them.

You are correct.........I would never make a judge..........I don't have the patience to listen to the moaning of idiots.............which abounded in the Judicial committee.............the fakeness and pure BS coming from there shows their true colors................

We are divided...........
It boils down to you like draft dodgers and cry babies period. This is the truth! These are the people you want to represent you. You can bla, bla bla all the rest the shit but still can not excape the fact that these are the people you support!
Your Straw man theme doesn't hunt with me.................never will...........

Nothing but ranting from someone upset that the treachery didn't work.
Truth hurts!LOL
Which truth is that............the one false narrative that you cling to like a security blanket.......

Reality is the truth...........your tactics didn't work.........and you will be saying Judge Kav very soon.........

Where will the riots begin this time................
ANd at the end of the day the guy you supported cried on national tv and your pres was a draft dodger. These are both true no matter how you slice it. Either wear it and be proud or shut the fuck up. Either way you peice of shit ass has lost my audience!
She will lose the election, and should be shamed whenever in public.
Can't you folks just disagree with someone without harassing them in public? Are you that full of yourselves, that hateful, that childish?

Really, no one is advocating she and other Senators who vote yes should be yelled at by a mob, "lock her/him up"; they simply would express their valid emotion that the vote is not for Kavanaugh, it is to protect their own job even if it is bad for the country.

Money would be taken from Collins and given to an opponent selected in a primary by a hard right benefactor if she dared vote no.

It is really that simple.
You said "shamed whenever in public", and you know quite well what that would look like.

Is this the example we want to set for our children, locating people who dare to disagree with us and harass them in public? Scream at them? Threaten them?

This is the kind of behavior that helped Trump elected in the first place, and the Regressive Left STILL haven't figured that out.

I'd think adults would understand that there will always be people who disagree with them, and that attacking them is not the best approach.
She gave a well-organized speech about Kavanaugh.

Her opponent has raised $3 million overnight so far. The site where the donations are taken cashed from the traffic, so it's unclear exactly how much has been raised.
Maine is a fiercely independent state, and proud of it. If anything, the mood there is center right

I'd be surprised if she gets defeated, she gave a reasoned and fair explanation of her decision; the people of Maine, even those that disagree with her, are likely to respect that
Correct. At least that's how I see it. One of my coworkers is ape shit at her, and at me for not being ape shit at her, but that's why we can probably safely be called a purple state.
Does not surprise me

The main reason that I think she will keep her seat is that I fully expect the Democrats in Maine to run a hyper partisan left winger

That would be very foolish, but I think it is what they do
Really, no one is advocating she and other Senators who vote yes should be yelled at by a mob
You haven't been paying attention if you really believe this

The "lock her up" was silly, red meat for the base

But you did not ever see crowds menacing Hillary Clinton
When Trump was here for a rally during his campaign, there were a number of Trump protesters outside the convention center, and our local politicians came out and talked to the whole crowd. They reminded everyone that "These are your neighbors. They have a right to their opinion." And the crowd remained respectful TO EACH OTHER because we actually believe in respecting our neighbors' right to their opinion.

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