After hearing Susan Collins' speech, would you be more likely or less likely to vote for her?

Would you be more likely to vote for her or less likely?

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She will lose the election, and should be shamed whenever in public.
Can't you folks just disagree with someone without harassing them in public? Are you that full of yourselves, that hateful, that childish?

Really, no one is advocating she and other Senators who vote yes should be yelled at by a mob, "lock her/him up"; they simply would express their valid emotion that the vote is not for Kavanaugh, it is to protect their own job even if it is bad for the country.

Money would be taken from Collins and given to an opponent selected in a primary by a hard right benefactor if she dared vote no.

It is really that simple.
You said "shamed whenever in public", and you know quite well what that would look like.

Is this the example we want to set for our children, locating people who dare to disagree with us and harass them in public? Scream at them? Threaten them?

This is the kind of behavior that helped Trump elected in the first place, and the Regressive Left STILL haven't figured that out.

I'd think adults would understand that there will always be people who disagree with them, and that attacking them is not the best approach.
The way the Pro-Choice folks have blackmailed, threatened and sent her 3,000 coat hangers, plus making it impossible for her to get into her offices in Maine or D.C. didn't help one single bit. Senator Collins was very careful in her speech not to blame the protesters themselves, but she did blame the hyperpartisan activist groups that "whipped them up" into a frenzy to support their agendas. She can't have a good taste in her mouth toward those folks after that.
Those “folks” are the mainstream of the Democratic Party. It’s why they will lose in 2018.
That's doubtful, bud. I think they are the activist wing. But when it comes to abortion, everyone seems to lose their minds. I won't even go into an abortion thread -- no way. The shivs come out first thing.
For every Republican pick, we have heard the same, yet, surprise! It hasn’t changed a thing.
She gave one of the best non-partisan well presented and thought out political speeches I've heard in a long time. ... :cool:
I didn't agree with her ultimate decision, but I'm proud that she's my Senator. Always have respected her, even when we (frequently) disagree.

Fox and CNN BOTH are saying this confirmation will lead to the end of Roe v. Wade, though, without any question. I don't know if Senator Collins is wrong about this or if they are still talking partisan bullshit to please their audiences, but I guess maybe we'll find out.
Really? They said that about Thomas?
For every Republican pick, we have heard the same, yet, surprise! It hasn’t changed a thing.
She gave one of the best non-partisan well presented and thought out political speeches I've heard in a long time. ... :cool:
I didn't agree with her ultimate decision, but I'm proud that she's my Senator. Always have respected her, even when we (frequently) disagree.

Fox and CNN BOTH are saying this confirmation will lead to the end of Roe v. Wade, though, without any question. I don't know if Senator Collins is wrong about this or if they are still talking partisan bullshit to please their audiences, but I guess maybe we'll find out.
Really? They said that about Thomas?
They even talked about porn and bestiality in regards to Thomas

And the FBI did a MUCH more thorough investigation in that case

Main reason for that, his accuser and him were both federal employees at the time the alleged harassment took place and the crimes would have fallen under their jurisdiction

also, the FBI actually cleared him of any wrongdoing
Can't you folks just disagree with someone without harassing them in public? Are you that full of yourselves, that hateful, that childish?

Really, no one is advocating she and other Senators who vote yes should be yelled at by a mob, "lock her/him up"; they simply would express their valid emotion that the vote is not for Kavanaugh, it is to protect their own job even if it is bad for the country.

Money would be taken from Collins and given to an opponent selected in a primary by a hard right benefactor if she dared vote no.

It is really that simple.
You said "shamed whenever in public", and you know quite well what that would look like.

Is this the example we want to set for our children, locating people who dare to disagree with us and harass them in public? Scream at them? Threaten them?

This is the kind of behavior that helped Trump elected in the first place, and the Regressive Left STILL haven't figured that out.

I'd think adults would understand that there will always be people who disagree with them, and that attacking them is not the best approach.
The way the Pro-Choice folks have blackmailed, threatened and sent her 3,000 coat hangers, plus making it impossible for her to get into her offices in Maine or D.C. didn't help one single bit. Senator Collins was very careful in her speech not to blame the protesters themselves, but she did blame the hyperpartisan activist groups that "whipped them up" into a frenzy to support their agendas. She can't have a good taste in her mouth toward those folks after that.
Those “folks” are the mainstream of the Democratic Party. It’s why they will lose in 2018.
That's doubtful, bud. I think they are the activist wing. But when it comes to abortion, everyone seems to lose their minds. I won't even go into an abortion thread -- no way. The shivs come out first thing.
I have no problem with it. Abortion is murder. Take responsibility for your own actions or keep your legs together.
Can't you folks just disagree with someone without harassing them in public? Are you that full of yourselves, that hateful, that childish?

Really, no one is advocating she and other Senators who vote yes should be yelled at by a mob, "lock her/him up"; they simply would express their valid emotion that the vote is not for Kavanaugh, it is to protect their own job even if it is bad for the country.

Money would be taken from Collins and given to an opponent selected in a primary by a hard right benefactor if she dared vote no.

It is really that simple.
You said "shamed whenever in public", and you know quite well what that would look like.

Is this the example we want to set for our children, locating people who dare to disagree with us and harass them in public? Scream at them? Threaten them?

This is the kind of behavior that helped Trump elected in the first place, and the Regressive Left STILL haven't figured that out.

I'd think adults would understand that there will always be people who disagree with them, and that attacking them is not the best approach.
The way the Pro-Choice folks have blackmailed, threatened and sent her 3,000 coat hangers, plus making it impossible for her to get into her offices in Maine or D.C. didn't help one single bit. Senator Collins was very careful in her speech not to blame the protesters themselves, but she did blame the hyperpartisan activist groups that "whipped them up" into a frenzy to support their agendas. She can't have a good taste in her mouth toward those folks after that.
Those “folks” are the mainstream of the Democratic Party. It’s why they will lose in 2018.
That's doubtful, bud. I think they are the activist wing. But when it comes to abortion, everyone seems to lose their minds. I won't even go into an abortion thread -- no way. The shivs come out first thing.
These people that protest with plastic vaginas on their heads are the core of the Democratic Party along with racist anti white blacks. Also, the media...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS...Are also radical leftist who are out of touch with American mainstream.
Really, no one is advocating she and other Senators who vote yes should be yelled at by a mob, "lock her/him up"; they simply would express their valid emotion that the vote is not for Kavanaugh, it is to protect their own job even if it is bad for the country.

Money would be taken from Collins and given to an opponent selected in a primary by a hard right benefactor if she dared vote no.

It is really that simple.
You said "shamed whenever in public", and you know quite well what that would look like.

Is this the example we want to set for our children, locating people who dare to disagree with us and harass them in public? Scream at them? Threaten them?

This is the kind of behavior that helped Trump elected in the first place, and the Regressive Left STILL haven't figured that out.

I'd think adults would understand that there will always be people who disagree with them, and that attacking them is not the best approach.
The way the Pro-Choice folks have blackmailed, threatened and sent her 3,000 coat hangers, plus making it impossible for her to get into her offices in Maine or D.C. didn't help one single bit. Senator Collins was very careful in her speech not to blame the protesters themselves, but she did blame the hyperpartisan activist groups that "whipped them up" into a frenzy to support their agendas. She can't have a good taste in her mouth toward those folks after that.
Those “folks” are the mainstream of the Democratic Party. It’s why they will lose in 2018.
That's doubtful, bud. I think they are the activist wing. But when it comes to abortion, everyone seems to lose their minds. I won't even go into an abortion thread -- no way. The shivs come out first thing.
These people that protest with plastic vaginas on their heads are the core of the Democratic Party along with racist anti white blacks. Also, the media...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS...Are also radical leftist who are out of touch with American mainstream.

Do you also want anyone to believe you believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way?
You said "shamed whenever in public", and you know quite well what that would look like.

Is this the example we want to set for our children, locating people who dare to disagree with us and harass them in public? Scream at them? Threaten them?

This is the kind of behavior that helped Trump elected in the first place, and the Regressive Left STILL haven't figured that out.

I'd think adults would understand that there will always be people who disagree with them, and that attacking them is not the best approach.
The way the Pro-Choice folks have blackmailed, threatened and sent her 3,000 coat hangers, plus making it impossible for her to get into her offices in Maine or D.C. didn't help one single bit. Senator Collins was very careful in her speech not to blame the protesters themselves, but she did blame the hyperpartisan activist groups that "whipped them up" into a frenzy to support their agendas. She can't have a good taste in her mouth toward those folks after that.
Those “folks” are the mainstream of the Democratic Party. It’s why they will lose in 2018.
That's doubtful, bud. I think they are the activist wing. But when it comes to abortion, everyone seems to lose their minds. I won't even go into an abortion thread -- no way. The shivs come out first thing.
These people that protest with plastic vaginas on their heads are the core of the Democratic Party along with racist anti white blacks. Also, the media...CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS...Are also radical leftist who are out of touch with American mainstream.

Do you also want anyone to believe you believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way?
Nobody would equate your statement to Democrats that’s for damn sure.
She gave a well-organized speech about Kavanaugh.

However, like every other damned politician I've heard so far, she pandered to Ford who is a lying political activist. We have reams of evidence that she supported Shrillary and took part in anti-Trump demonstrations. But every one of them whine about her heart-felt testimoney.

It was all bull shit! Every word of it.
I don't agree with her on every issue but I respect her for not being intmidated or bullied into voting no or going along with this guilty till proven innocent idiocy.
Thank You Susan Collins!
Joancollins18.JPG drink_smoke_10.jpg
Didn't hear it.

I heard sound bytes on the local news.

I do not see how you can say he has the temperament for the job when he, himself said he "shouldn't have said some things" concerning his partisan attack once the committee started holding hearings once more. He had 10 days to consider what he was going to say, bizarrely invoked the Clintons as the reason for the disgusting actions by the Democrats and basically sounded like one of the peanut gallery here on this forum.

Plenty of good qualifications it seems like...but you really want someone who can't control his anger making these decisions? No.

Not exactly what you want from a judge.
I doubt there will be many cases before him, dragging his name and family through the mud, causing him to lose his temper

Silly comment.

He had 10 days to prepare his opening remarks. If he “lost his temper” it would have happened when the allegations were brought up. When you lose yours does it go on for 10 days? No.

did he have the opportunity to face his accusers prior to giving his opening remarks?

His accuser was Dr. Ford, not the Committee.

His accusers were every democrat on the Judicial Committee, in his confirmation hearing.

some of whom were downright disgusting in their comments

You are factually incorrect. I guess if you ever get charged with assault, the person you assaulted wouldn’t be your accuser, the cops that are called are your accuser in your twisted “logic”?
I doubt there will be many cases before him, dragging his name and family through the mud, causing him to lose his temper

Silly comment.

He had 10 days to prepare his opening remarks. If he “lost his temper” it would have happened when the allegations were brought up. When you lose yours does it go on for 10 days? No.

did he have the opportunity to face his accusers prior to giving his opening remarks?

His accuser was Dr. Ford, not the Committee.

His accusers were every democrat on the Judicial Committee, in his confirmation hearing.

some of whom were downright disgusting in their comments

You are factually incorrect. I guess if you ever get charged with assault, the person you assaulted wouldn’t be your accuser, the cops that are called are your accuser in your twisted “logic”?

no,. I am 'factually' correct.

I sat here and watched the democrats on the Judiciary Committee attack him.

it was not a 'job interview', it was an all out assault on him, and his reputation.
Silly comment.

He had 10 days to prepare his opening remarks. If he “lost his temper” it would have happened when the allegations were brought up. When you lose yours does it go on for 10 days? No.

did he have the opportunity to face his accusers prior to giving his opening remarks?

His accuser was Dr. Ford, not the Committee.

His accusers were every democrat on the Judicial Committee, in his confirmation hearing.

some of whom were downright disgusting in their comments

You are factually incorrect. I guess if you ever get charged with assault, the person you assaulted wouldn’t be your accuser, the cops that are called are your accuser in your twisted “logic”?

no,. I am 'factually' correct.

I sat here and watched the democrats on the Judiciary Committee attack him.

it was not a 'job interview', it was an all out assault on him, and his reputation.

His accuser was Dr. Ford and some others. The Democrats were incredibly unfair to him. Two different things.

You remain factually incorrect.

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