After The Ball Drops Tonight, It'll Be Back To Reality

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
As I have to admit, during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and now New Year's that even despite the fact I was sick this past week, (and still trying to shake my cough) I've still tried to stay in a positive mind frame. Although I still haven't forgotten what's going on in the US right now.

However, that was a whole lot easier to do for Thanksgiving and Christmas because with the new year right around the corner, I am constantly reminded of how badly the Biden Harris Administration is going to mess this one up too and I am currently rather depressed. 😞

I really wish we were going into 2024 instead of 2023 because then even though I like a New Year's party as much as the next person that it would be a lot more meaningful. Trump, DeSantis,.. I honestly don't care who it will be at this point as long as they can get the job done and turn this country around. I might not like Trump, but at least I know that he could do something if he gets elected, but unfortunately that's not going to happen next year. :sigh2:
If your happiness is dependent on politicians you'll always be sad.

I was very happy before 2020, but now it will be back to the same old same old boring day to day and depressing crap. Which I'm guessing the media hasn't focused on too much of with the holidays as even a lot of them are getting bummed out about it now.
Don't get me wrong though,.. it's good to be aware of everything happening in the country/world today,.. I'm just going to miss the happiness of the holidays to try and help me get over it.
Hope you enjoy sucking on the rotten fruits of your political irresponsibility, because you certainly earned it.

The Democrats have blindfolds on. They're very well aware of how bad things are in our country right now, they just don't want to acknowledge it so they put on their blindfolds and stick their fingers in their ears singing "LA, LA, LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" on top of their lungs to try and make their problems go away.
Politicians can do an insane amount of damage that impacts our lives. Look at how awful things have become since Biden took office. The majority of people in this country worry about buying groceries and gas!
Politicians are little more than scapegoats when it comes to your everyday difficulties. If you are having a hard time it's mostly your fault.
Politicians are little more than scapegoats when it comes to your everyday difficulties. If you are having a hard time it's mostly your fault.

So it is our fault Biden told everybody to stop drilling, shutdown our pipeline, and gas prices have sky rocketed? How about the short supply of certain kinds of food that the food trucks have difficulty bringing in due to suffering with gas and oil issues themselves?
So it is our fault Biden told everybody to stop drilling, shutdown our pipeline, and gas prices have sky rocketed? How about the short supply of certain kinds of food that the food trucks have difficulty bringing in due to suffering with gas and oil issues themselves?
It's your fault that you think one man is responsible for everything that has happened in the world since 2020. It's way easier than actually keeping up with geo-politics.
It's your fault that you think one man is responsible for everything that has happened in the world since 2020. It's way easier than actually keeping up with geo-politics.

So then do tell of whose fault of high gas prices, oil shortages, and inflation if not Biden then.

And your media does it to you... Everyone is unhappy and hates each other for no other reason then that their party overlords tell them to be unhappy with the other side.

I only hate Liberals who try to take my freedom away. Other than that we can coexist and get along just nicely. Slade3200 is a really good example of that. He could care less about what I'm doing living my life, he only cares  how I'm doing.
After The Ball Drops Tonight, It'll Be Back To Reality

Yea, we have a shit-for-brains president.
So then do tell of whose fault of high gas prices, oil shortages, and inflation if not Biden then.
If you want to blame one man then Putin would be a better candidate for starting a war and disrupting the world market. But even that is too simplistic. Blame the petroleum industry, blame the Saudi prince, blame the rigged system that protects oil company profits. Plenty of blame to go around and yet you blame the most powerless man in the equation. It's not pleasant to consider just how vulnerable we are to despots that rule the oil supply. Easier for you just to blame one guy.
Politicians are little more than scapegoats when it comes to your everyday difficulties. If you are having a hard time it's mostly your fault.
Yep, who doesn't enjoy paying more at the grocery store and gas pump. Watching thugs rob stores, break into cars, steal your wallet/purse and see politicians not take any responsibility....dumbass.
Politicians are little more than scapegoats when it comes to your everyday difficulties. If you are having a hard time it's mostly your fault.
Unless you’re black or the unemployed poor. Then it’s everyone else’s fault, and we must give the former reparations and the latter handouts equivalent to a $50,000 a year.

We can always count on a lib to defend handouts to blacks and people who won’t work, but if a lower-middle class person is struggling under Biden’s inflation, it’s their own damn fault!

(And I’m not talking about myself.)

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