After the FBI's Trump Raid, Don't Take the Bait

After the FBI's Trump Raid, Don't Take the Bait

8 Aug 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

On Monday evening, the FBI took the unprecedented step of raiding the home of former President Donald Trump. What were they looking for? Astonishingly, what is being leaked to the media is that they were after documents that possibly violated the Presidential Records Act.
None of this is a coincidence, and none of it is justified. Even if Trump was in possession of some documents that needed to be archived, that is the kind of thing that has historically been dealt with in court, not with an FBI raid, and the former president was fully cooperating to this point.
Meanwhile, Hunter Biden has been implicated in multiple federal crimes and his house hasn’t been raided. Hillary Clinton was proven to have illegally retained classified information on a private server, and her house was never raided. This isn’t about Trump not being above the law, as some on the right have naively proclaimed. It’s about a completely different set of rules being applied depending on what political ideology someone adheres to. In simpler terms, it’s about blatant corruption.
Further, it’s about baiting the trap.

Now is not the time to play into the hands of our opponents, and you will not beat the FBI and these other corrupt institutions via disorganized attacks from the outside, no matter how good it might feel in the short term. A red line was crossed with this raid on Trump’s home, and electoral vengeance is justified. But it must come in ways that are actually effective, and that means being strategic and playing the long game. It’s going to take a Republican Congress in 2023 and a Republican president in 2025 to make any headway against this insanity. There is no other way, and once the tables are turned, any Republican politician who doesn’t have the stomach to fight back must be banished.

Hmm...., Anyone remember Sandy “burglar” Berger at the National Archives?
When it turns out the FBI planted evidence (as they have done in the past), these people will tell us to let the system handle it.
President Trump WILL BE charged by Progressive Maoist Democrats with something before November. It will not make a difference because the presidential election will not be until November 2024.
It won’t matter when they don’t have anything to go on from this raid.......they will fabricate evidence.
There will be a resounding RED WAVE that engulfs Democrats in November.
Be there! The January 6 Pogroms will stop, Biden’s ‘laws’ stop, and Garland and Wray better be preserving documents because they’ve already been warned their days are coming in a New House, likely a New Senate and New Congress, too.

I hope I am wrong, but I would not put it past those DC rat bastards to plant classified material in those boxes the FBI took if there is nothing there to begin with. Trump's attorneys should been allowed to be present and document everything taken by the FBI so nothing could be planted after the boxes arrive in DC.
Gee. And all Trump had to do was NOT take the documents he had no right taking. Then, last night never happens. I wonder why he took those documents? Perhaps they paint him in a less than flattering light?
But, corruption, begets corruption. Interesting that you support that notion and you think some just and righteous "red wave" is coming in November. :)

Don't bet the farm on it.
Hillary's server, cell phones destroyed, documents burned that were all under subpoena. Nothing happened to her.
What the FBI removed was 15 sealed boxes. They never opened any of the boxes. They had no idea what was in those boxes. The idea that the documents are so highly sensitive that they could not even be described is ludicrous.

The warrant has a better than good chance of failing. But that's not what enemy democrats want. They just want to stop Trump from running in 2024.
I read he had 17 boxes a year or so ago. What's going on here?
I coulda sworn this was hashed out with the National Archives in like..March of 2021.

Really? Using the FBI like Stasi? That's fucked up. This is 2022 America that's starting to look like 1938 Germany.

Apparently I'm not the only one to see it that way.

I feel it's important to remind anyone that wants to be a Nazi that Americans killed a lot of Nazis in the 1940s. My best friend's dad had a dogtag chain with 3 dried Nazi officer ears on it from Dachau. He killed a lot of them. Even killed the CO and took his gun that me n my friend shot off in the woods later on. That's reality, wannabe Nazis.
My cousin killed a lot of Nazis. My uncle killed a lot of Nazis. Do you really wanna be a Nazi and take on Americans? We are your Huckleberry. You will not win.
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Sorry. After Trump's debacle over January 6th, you got no legs to stand on here.
I don't give a shit about Clinton's emails. Neither does anyone else. :)
Freedom loving people haven't forgotten that the U.S. has become a corrupt third-world country. Everyone has had it rubbed in their faces that Democrats are above the law.
You're not above the law, of course. You're just one of useful idiots that are cast aside as soon as you're not needed. That day may be coming, but for the sake of everyone who loves this country, I hope the tide can be turned from the tyranny of the Democrats.
The Senate will be difficult for the GOP to take this election, since 21 Republican and only 14 Democrat seats are up for reelection. In 2024 the tables will be turned with about twice as many Democrat as Republicans running for reelection. That means the GOP needs to keep Senate RINOs in the fold for two more years, and beyond that if a filibuster-proof Senate is to be established.☹️
Flipping the House will be enough to allow them to change the list of who is in charge of investigations and who is being subpoenaed. Of course, the media 5th column will immediately begin screaming in support of the Ds but I doubt they'll be trusted enough to close the minds of independents and possibly even more Hispanic and Black Democrat voters. People are FED UP WITH THIS SHIT!
Gee. And all Trump had to do was NOT take the documents he had no right taking. Then, last night never happens. I wonder why he took those documents? Perhaps they paint him in a less than flattering light?
But, corruption, begets corruption. Interesting that you support that notion and you think some just and righteous "red wave" is coming in November. :)

Don't bet the farm on it.
Best you got?
I read he had 17 boxes a year or so ago. What's going on here?
I coulda sworn this was hashed out with the National Archives in like..March of 2021.

Really? using the FBI like Stasi? That's fucked up. This is 2022 America that's starting to look like 1938 Germany.

Apparently I'm not the only one to see it that way.

I feel it's important to remind anyone that wants to be a Nazi that Americans killed a lot of Nazis in the 1940s. My best friend's dad had a dogtag chain with 3 dried Nazi officer ears on it from Dachau. He killed a lot of them. Even killed the CO and took his gun that me n my friend shot off in the woods later on. That's reality, wannabe Nazis.
My cousin killed a lot of Nazis. My uncle killed a lot of Nazis. Do you really wanna be a Nazi and take on Americans? We are your Huckleberry. You will not win.
The FBI went through Melania's closet and underwear drawer. What were they looking for? A good sniff.
I read he had 17 boxes a year or so ago. What's going on here?
I coulda sworn this was hashed out with the National Archives in like..March of 2021.

Really? using the FBI like Stasi? That's fucked up. This is 2022 America that's starting to look like 1938 Germany.

Apparently I'm not the only one to see it that way.

I feel it's important to remind anyone that wants to be a Nazi that Americans killed a lot of Nazis in the 1940s. My best friend's dad had a dogtag chain with 3 dried Nazi officer ears on it from Dachau. He killed a lot of them. Even killed the CO and took his gun that me n my friend shot off in the woods later on. That's reality, wannabe Nazis.
My cousin killed a lot of Nazis. My uncle killed a lot of Nazis. Do you really wanna be a Nazi and take on Americans? We are your Huckleberry. You will not win.
Today's Nazis are democrats. Except real Nazis were better than democrats.
Today's Nazis are democrats. Except real Nazis were better than democrats.
You know, it wasn't always like that, man. I swear!

Democrats used to be Americans in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Not now though, no. Now they're Nazis.

I gotta call it like I see it. Check for yourself, the parallels are all there between 2022 Democrats and 1938 Nazis. I tell ya wut! Tell me something that's different between 1938 Nazis and 2022 Democrats, how much is really different?
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Spot on. Like I posted yesterday there is NO WAY the FBI would have executed this unprecedented and egregious act if they weren't SURE they "had the goods". How can they be SURE? Simple, you bring "the goods" with you. These are dangerous times, The FBI is the definition of an untouchable organization unless the GOP takes back Congress and the Presidency. The Democrat Party corruption runs too deep.
Or the FBI was trying to protect themselves as the final tweet from this NYPost writer tells us before Twitter suspended his account

You know, it wasn't always like that, man. I swear!

Democrats used to be Americans in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Not now though, no. Now they're Nazis.

I gotta call it like I see it.
The 60s was when enemy democrats started lurching to the left, but even that a twisted representation of the left. They are much worse than Nazis. Nazis at least did not want to kill Germans? Nazis did not want schools to stop teaching academics to children in favor of porn.
The 60s was when enemy democrats started lurching to the left, but even that a twisted representation of the left. They are much worse than Nazis. Nazis at least did not want to kill Germans? Nazis did not want schools to stop teaching academics to children in favor of porn.
Nazis were very anti-religion. Democrats are very anti-religion.

Covid lockdown bullshit against the 1st amendment was very anti-religion.

I am rather disappointed at the way people just caved on that, as I'm sure God is too.

They cannot get me to deny God ever. I had premonitions when I was a kid.

I did what I was told to do when the time came. God made sure of that for whatever reason. That's well above my pay grade.
The FBI went through Melania's closet and underwear drawer. What were they looking for? A good sniff.

Dan Bongino was Hannity's guest tonight. He said anybody involved in this even if they were following orders should be fired once Trump or whoever the Republican will be to take office. He's correct. These agencies need a bleach bitting from top to bottom.
Freedom loving people haven't forgotten that the U.S. has become a corrupt third-world country. Everyone has had it rubbed in their faces that Democrats are above the law.
You're not above the law, of course.

They just played a montage of the MSM's new line: Trump is not above the law. Is Hunter above the law? Was Hillary above the law? I don't recall the search warrants to her computers. How is it she forwarded classified material to her aid's laptop, the same one that her husband was using to send gross nude pictures of himself to strange women all over the world?
I mean Berger was punished for it.
Just as Trump should be.
U.S. code says that “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined” $2,000, up to three years in prison or “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Sandy Berger was fined $50,000 dollars and given 100 hours community service. It was treated as a misdemeanor.
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U.S. code says that “Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined” $2,000, up to three years in prison or “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
Sandy Berger was fined $50,000 dollars and given 100 hours community service. It was treated as a misdemeanor.

Yeah, but what about the FBI raid of his house!!!! :eusa_shhh:

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