After week- long national media attack of Trump.....

it was mentioned on the sunday mrng show that Gingrich was on. I think thats the average. Might have been face the Nation. I'm listening on radio :rock:
Funny thing is.....Hillary's propagandists are using stuff from decades ago while every day something new about what Hillary's people are doing right now comes out. Never mind the stuff Hillary plans on doing if she wins.

Here's a dose of reality for you folks;

It's clear Hillary is totally corrupt. Once she gets in, nothing will stop her for reaming the crap out of America.
If Trump gets in, the media will act like the watchdogs they should be with Hillary.

So the only rational option is vote for Trump.
Doing otherwise is pure insanity.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
The rcp map based on polls with an over sampling of Democrats by as much as 19%? That map?
It's been pretty accurate in the past because it is an aggregate of all the polls. Biases in either direction tend to cancel each other out. You might remember last time when the republicans bought a bunch of polls that were supposedly more accurate and they turned out bad wrong while RCP nailed the result.
There is only one poll that has consistently shown Trump in the lead. The LA times poll and it polls the same people over & over.
How does one poll cancel out handfuls of others with such strong bias in their samples?
Are you another one who thinks samples should be 50-50 democrat-republican? If you are conducting a poll of a state that has 45-55 ratio you oversample 5% one way otherwise you introduce a 5% error right off the bat. Statistics is the most boring subject in the world, people's eyes glaze over 15 seconds into any explaination of it but rest assured that the people who have made this their work are much more interested in accuracy than anything those statistics represent in the real world.
National polls should be 50/50. The polls with the huge leads are heavily weighted.
Actually, you and other rightists should want more Democrats sampled – because there are more Democrats, particularly in the blue states Trump must win.

Indeed, in order for Trump to be elected, a significant number of Democrats must abandon Clinton and vote for Trump – it’s Democrats who elect presidents.

And your ‘reasoning,' is also faulty, you incorrectly believe that ‘all Democrats’ will say they’ll vote for Clinton when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
The rcp map based on polls with an over sampling of Democrats by as much as 19%? That map?
It's been pretty accurate in the past because it is an aggregate of all the polls. Biases in either direction tend to cancel each other out. You might remember last time when the republicans bought a bunch of polls that were supposedly more accurate and they turned out bad wrong while RCP nailed the result.
There is only one poll that has consistently shown Trump in the lead. The LA times poll and it polls the same people over & over.
How does one poll cancel out handfuls of others with such strong bias in their samples?
Are you another one who thinks samples should be 50-50 democrat-republican? If you are conducting a poll of a state that has 45-55 ratio you oversample 5% one way otherwise you introduce a 5% error right off the bat. Statistics is the most boring subject in the world, people's eyes glaze over 15 seconds into any explaination of it but rest assured that the people who have made this their work are much more interested in accuracy than anything those statistics represent in the real world.
National polls should be 50/50. The polls with the huge leads are heavily weighted.
Why should they be 50/50 when the population is not evenly divided at 50/50? Democrats and democrat leaning independents have a 3-5% numerical advantage nationwide depending on who you ask.
Left-weighted polls show Clinton ahead.
Right-weighted polls show Trump ahead.

The fact is, it's tied among people who actually answer polling questions. I've hung up on three pollsters over the last week.

The rest are unknown factors.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
After the abject sleaze the Beast and her campaign did to waylay Sanders, do you honestly think they've reformed and wouldn't try to go as low as possible to get the White House?

A fair question I think.

Even if she does win, she has split her party much in the same way Trump has his.
Are you naive enough to believe that if the Sanders campaign emails were hacked and released, that his campaign team were all daises and peace and a love fest with flower power kindness abound.... in what they said and in what they planned to do to the Clinton campaign to win this race?

I think a lot of Dems are going to secretly vote for Trump because hiLIARy is such an Establ puppet
‘The establishment.’

this is as naïve as it is childish and wrong.

Trump is not an ‘agent of change,’ change cannot be realized from the ‘top down.’

Actual change can start only at the very local level.
The rcp map based on polls with an over sampling of Democrats by as much as 19%? That map?
It's been pretty accurate in the past because it is an aggregate of all the polls. Biases in either direction tend to cancel each other out. You might remember last time when the republicans bought a bunch of polls that were supposedly more accurate and they turned out bad wrong while RCP nailed the result.
There is only one poll that has consistently shown Trump in the lead. The LA times poll and it polls the same people over & over.
How does one poll cancel out handfuls of others with such strong bias in their samples?
Are you another one who thinks samples should be 50-50 democrat-republican? If you are conducting a poll of a state that has 45-55 ratio you oversample 5% one way otherwise you introduce a 5% error right off the bat. Statistics is the most boring subject in the world, people's eyes glaze over 15 seconds into any explaination of it but rest assured that the people who have made this their work are much more interested in accuracy than anything those statistics represent in the real world.
National polls should be 50/50. The polls with the huge leads are heavily weighted.
Why should they be 50/50 when the population is not evenly divided at 50/50? Democrats and democrat leaning independents have a 3-5% numerical advantage nationwide depending on who you ask.
Does 3 to 5% = the 19% poll NBC put out in your world?
Are you naive enough to believe that if the Sanders campaign emails were hacked and released, that his campaign team were all daises and peace and a love fest with flower power kindness abound.... in what they said and in what they planned to do to the Clinton campaign to win this race?

I am not nor was I a Sanders supporter. It is a question better posed to Bernie's people. Having said that, I doubt they would employ the abject sleaze of then Clinton campaign. It is a question better posed to Bernie's people.
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I think a lot of Dems are going to secretly vote for Trump because hiLIARy is such an Establ puppet
‘The establishment.’

this is as naïve as it is childish and wrong.

Trump is not an ‘agent of change,’ change cannot be realized from the ‘top down.’

Actual change can start only at the very local level.
you claiming that Clinton & Co haven't been involved in pay-tp-play at the State Dept ESPECIALLY given the smoking gun that was revealed in the emails? :eusa_eh: naive is your middle name :lol:
hiLIARy is ahead by measey 2 pts lol

she's a terrible candidate

Gingrich correctly stated today that the national media has staged a coup d'état to keep an Establishment (AKA_ crony) candidate viable. He pointed- out that the media has spent a 23:1 ratio talking about Trumps locker room talk compared to Podestas and Clintons Russian deal being exposed
You're transformation from years past is puzzling. What happened?

That's like saying Jill Stein or Susan Sarandon have transformed. :rock:
Dot Com, your bubble is about to burst.
because of your opinions Mr "I'm a Repub that supports Dems"? :rofl:
This is what I think of when ever Fakey posts. . .

He'll post for who ever has the most cash. In that way, I can really see why he loves Hillary, they both operate by the same ground rules.


A Clinton Super PAC Just Admitted That Pro-Hillary Commenters Are Paid Shills
A Clinton Super PAC Just Admitted That Pro-Hillary Commenters Are Paid Shills
Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook
Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook
Left-weighted polls show Clinton ahead.
Right-weighted polls show Trump ahead.

The fact is, it's tied among people who actually answer polling questions. I've hung up on three pollsters over the last week.

The rest are unknown factors.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
After the abject sleaze the Beast and her campaign did to waylay Sanders, do you honestly think they've reformed and wouldn't try to go as low as possible to get the White House?

A fair question I think.

Even if she does win, she has split her party much in the same way Trump has his.
Not really, she has adjusted her positions somewhat to appease the progressive wing and we intend to hold her to feet to the fire on that or she will see only one term. Now you people could always nominate another one so horrible that her faults do not even matter.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
Left-weighted polls show Clinton ahead.
Right-weighted polls show Trump ahead.

The fact is, it's tied among people who actually answer polling questions. I've hung up on three pollsters over the last week.

The rest are unknown factors.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
After the abject sleaze the Beast and her campaign did to waylay Sanders, do you honestly think they've reformed and wouldn't try to go as low as possible to get the White House?

A fair question I think.

Even if she does win, she has split her party much in the same way Trump has his.
Not really, she has adjusted her positions somewhat to appease the progressive wing and we intend to hold her to feet to the fire on that or she will see only one term. Now you people could always nominate another one so horrible that her faults do not even matter.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
No she don't, but she is not going to buddy up with a nation who's state run media paints the US as the great enemy of mankind. Putin has no friends, only people who do what he says and enemies.
Left-weighted polls show Clinton ahead.
Right-weighted polls show Trump ahead.

The fact is, it's tied among people who actually answer polling questions. I've hung up on three pollsters over the last week.

The rest are unknown factors.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
After the abject sleaze the Beast and her campaign did to waylay Sanders, do you honestly think they've reformed and wouldn't try to go as low as possible to get the White House?

A fair question I think.

Even if she does win, she has split her party much in the same way Trump has his.
Not really, she has adjusted her positions somewhat to appease the progressive wing and we intend to hold her to feet to the fire on that or she will see only one term. Now you people could always nominate another one so horrible that her faults do not even matter.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
No she don't, but she is not going to buddy up with a nation who's state run media paints the US as the great enemy of mankind. Putin has no friends, only people who do what he says and enemies.
Before Obama Russia was an ally.
Dems are far less split than the Pubs: fact.
You know Fakey, the Beast's Wall Street speeches and the rest of her sleaze are just coming in.

These leaks are not through, and it's a safe bet the best (or worst) are yet to come.
Perhaps so, but the media is opaquing them because of Trump treated them on the birther thing. They won't let up if he won't answer "why."
Dot Com, your bubble is about to burst.
because of your opinions Mr "I'm a Repub that supports Dems"? :rofl:
This is what I think of when ever Fakey posts. . .

He'll post for who ever has the most cash. In that way, I can really see why he loves Hillary, they both operate by the same ground rules.


A Clinton Super PAC Just Admitted That Pro-Hillary Commenters Are Paid Shills
A Clinton Super PAC Just Admitted That Pro-Hillary Commenters Are Paid Shills
Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook
Now, Mr.Beale, you are a real squeal. The fact is that you don't understand these matters, so you are patted on the head and sent to your room with twinkies.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
After the abject sleaze the Beast and her campaign did to waylay Sanders, do you honestly think they've reformed and wouldn't try to go as low as possible to get the White House?

A fair question I think.

Even if she does win, she has split her party much in the same way Trump has his.
Not really, she has adjusted her positions somewhat to appease the progressive wing and we intend to hold her to feet to the fire on that or she will see only one term. Now you people could always nominate another one so horrible that her faults do not even matter.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
No she don't, but she is not going to buddy up with a nation who's state run media paints the US as the great enemy of mankind. Putin has no friends, only people who do what he says and enemies.
Before Obama Russia was an ally.
Now, jknownothing, that is a lie.
After the abject sleaze the Beast and her campaign did to waylay Sanders, do you honestly think they've reformed and wouldn't try to go as low as possible to get the White House?

A fair question I think.

Even if she does win, she has split her party much in the same way Trump has his.
Not really, she has adjusted her positions somewhat to appease the progressive wing and we intend to hold her to feet to the fire on that or she will see only one term. Now you people could always nominate another one so horrible that her faults do not even matter.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
No she don't, but she is not going to buddy up with a nation who's state run media paints the US as the great enemy of mankind. Putin has no friends, only people who do what he says and enemies.
Before Obama Russia was an ally.
Now, jknownothing, that is a lie.
No it's not, we got a long with Russia before obama.
Not really, she has adjusted her positions somewhat to appease the progressive wing and we intend to hold her to feet to the fire on that or she will see only one term. Now you people could always nominate another one so horrible that her faults do not even matter.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
No she don't, but she is not going to buddy up with a nation who's state run media paints the US as the great enemy of mankind. Putin has no friends, only people who do what he says and enemies.
Before Obama Russia was an ally.
Now, jknownothing, that is a lie.
No it's not, we got a long with Russia before obama.
You said "ally" which is a Mr. Jknowbad lie.

The Russians did not and do not like us. They are not our friends and were the enemy of our enemies in WWII. They have never been better than that.

Anyone who is standing up for the Russians hacking into our elections needs to be pointed out.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
No she don't, but she is not going to buddy up with a nation who's state run media paints the US as the great enemy of mankind. Putin has no friends, only people who do what he says and enemies.
Before Obama Russia was an ally.
Now, jknownothing, that is a lie.
No it's not, we got a long with Russia before obama.
You said "ally" which is a Mr. Jknowbad lie.

The Russians did not and do not like us. They are not our friends and were the enemy of our enemies in WWII. They have never been better than that.

Anyone who is standing up for the Russians hacking into our elections needs to be pointed out.
Putin gave his support to Bush and worked with him, Obama and Hillary fucked it up. That is a fact.
The RCP electoral map has Clinton so far ahead that any real or imagined bias makes no difference. Not even going to be the close nail biter loss Trump is hoping for to claim a rigged election.
After the abject sleaze the Beast and her campaign did to waylay Sanders, do you honestly think they've reformed and wouldn't try to go as low as possible to get the White House?

A fair question I think.

Even if she does win, she has split her party much in the same way Trump has his.
Not really, she has adjusted her positions somewhat to appease the progressive wing and we intend to hold her to feet to the fire on that or she will see only one term. Now you people could always nominate another one so horrible that her faults do not even matter.
Yeah she just wants to start world war 3 with russia.
No she don't, but she is not going to buddy up with a nation who's state run media paints the US as the great enemy of mankind. Putin has no friends, only people who do what he says and enemies.
Before Obama Russia was an ally.
Nope never has been. We have been friendlier in the past but Mr. Putin has based his entire power structure on the US being the mortal enemy of the Russian state. Why Trump wants to be friendly with that is a mystery.

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