AG Garland Calls Trump's Bluff

Already refuted. You suck at this Shitlips.
And decent, patriotic Americans were hoping the most disgusting thing the Cry Baby Loser had done was pleasure himself for three hours watching his goons "fight like hell" against outnumbered police at the Capitol while his family, minions, media cheerleaders, and others pleaded with him to call them off.
Notice how Trump bum kissers desperately try to divert the focus from a thread entitled

AG Garland Calls Trump's Bluff​

I notice that you’re always off topic. And I also notice that Trump raised. 😎

Garland’s in trouble. So is Joe “Depends” Brandon.
I made no such claim, you pathetically and obviously dishonest moron. Try being honest. You do know, I assume, that the President is unilaterally allowed to declassify such documents. So, if as he says and as Patel said back in May, President Trump did so, then the rest of the process is merely ministerial.

You should just stop lying. That would be a much better start. And you should be embarrassed for having to lie as you just did again.

I’m almost always right and I’m right here. No goal post has been movers. That’s just another of your lies. Another typically lame dishonest post by you, butchie.
You did make that claim, dope. When you claimed it was all declassified. You just aren’t quick enough to realize it.
You remain amusingly retarded.

If the folks responsible to make sure the papers a President has declassified get proper markings to reflect that fact haven’t yet done so, then they will look as though they are still classified. And yet … They ain’t.

Try to keep up, dipshit.
They haven’t yet done so because trump is lying, dope.
You did make that claim, dope. When you claimed it was all declassified. You just aren’t quick enough to realize it.
I never denied that I said it was declassified. In fact, I quoted Patel at great length.

You’re a confused lying retard.

It was declassified. Run along now, ya little bitch.
Rather amusing.

They haven’t yet done so because trump is lying, dope.

This from the Trump administration during Hannity's show: The President has the legal authority to set classified or declassified policies. The Trump policy was any document that leaves the White House is automatically declassified. He did this for the reason he often took his work home with him in Mar-A-Lago.

When he moved out of the White House he was still the President.

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