Ain't no 29 year old ninny gonna rule my world

we have a Constitution; what are You going to do; she is in your district, isn't she?
She and thise like her are in my country and have been running the show disguised for a very long time now they are coming out without Shame
modern times? porn is a multibillion dollar industry. thank goodness women don't really believe in equality and equal rights, and claim they want to "watch us pee", to see if we look like we could be their next boyfriend.
Human trafficking and Satanism as well as abortion is also a multi-billion-dollar industry if not in the trillions

Satanism is a multi-billion dollar industry?
Hollywood.. the music industry . False religions on the TV abortion . Where have you been ? Pizzagate human trafficking ... You must be on their payroll

Hollywood and the music industry are satanic? Even country music?
Satanism breeds Hollywood and Hollywood breeds satanism you're a fool if you don't see the link vanity and fame and false Idols you clueless ....
Hollywood and the music industry are satanic? Even country music?[/QUOTE] . Yes specially that Satanic ritual at that Country Boys concert in Vegas
November 24, 2018 - 11:08 AM EST
Ocasio-Cortez mocks Fox News: 'They are far superior to and more intelligent than me
24, 2018 - 11:08 AM EST
Ocasio-Cortez mocks Fox News: 'They are far superior to and more intelligent than me[/QUOTE]
Isn't it supposed to be more intelligent than I ?
She's got the same eyes as Charles Manson hold on I'll find the picture and can you imagine the face of those who voted for her they probably all eat babies

As I've said in the past....all thats missing is the hammer and sickle carved into her forehead.
For sure
Relax. She's not going to rule anything. She is a Representative for her district, nothing more. A pawn of the DNC, so she will vote lock step with them, or be ostracized.
Relax. She's not going to rule anything. She is a Representative for her district, nothing more. A pawn of the DNC, so she will vote lock step with them, or be ostracized.
They are already grooming this snake for president
They are already grooming this snake for president

I doubt the party thinks that highly of her. Lots of other Dems in front of her. Booker, Coumo, Harris, Bloomburg, and many others. They know she doesn't have the political smarts to be a challenger in the Primaries, let alone a General election.
They are already grooming this snake for president

I doubt the party thinks that highly of her. Lots of other Dems in front of her. Booker, Coumo, Harris, Bloomburg, and many others. They know she doesn't have the political smarts to be a challenger in the Primaries, let alone a General election.

She's a rubber stamp. The Democrats will use her while she's popular with the proles, then cast her into outer darkness.
We are still waiting for right-wingers to come up with an original book, screenplay, song, talented actors capable of delivering a capable performance. People rage against "Hollywood" or "the music industry," but they do not produce anything themselves.

Let's see some creativity from these people and their contributions to our collective culture.

The people who criticize Ocasio do not contribute anything themselves.
She's just a new fruit cake like Beto O'Rourke half-mexican half-irish drug cartel product

Beto is about as mexican as I am ......and I'm Dutch.
what if he claims, "the Spanish Netherlands" were hispanic?
Exactly and how many Americans New Yorkers know they're still paying the Dutch to lease Manhattan
no idea. why not help "our girl get her story straight"?
We are still waiting for right-wingers to come up with an original book, screenplay, song, talented actors capable of delivering a capable performance. People rage against "Hollywood" or "the music industry," but they do not produce anything themselves.

Let's see some creativity from these people and their contributions to our collective culture.

The people who criticize Ocasio do not contribute anything themselves.

What does the blockheaded ignorance of Miss Cortez have to do with the blockheaded ignorance of Hollywood?

You people really have your panties in a bunch over this one don’t you.

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