airforce now forces you to swear to god

Only the Air Force requires swearing an oath to god. The Navy, Army, Marines, and Coast Guard do not. The Air Force "tradition" means nothing to me. In fact, I am older than the Air force.


I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Stupid people

And the Air Force is an off shoot of the Army and so kept many of its traditions for themselves.
Shouldn't be forced. The Lord doesn't want us to take his name in vain.

People should be allowed to affirm.

Simple solution, or just omit the phrase, and say "I hereby give my oath...." If atheists are firm in their NON belief, why in the world are they so touchy about the beliefs of others?

It's tradition, which I realize means nothing to civilians, but is EVERYTHING to the military.
Not everything...competence is kind of important too

oh good, you're back. ready to concede that you definitely claimed this airman was already out of the air force?
Shouldn't be forced. The Lord doesn't want us to take his name in vain.

People should be allowed to affirm.

Simple solution, or just omit the phrase, and say "I hereby give my oath...." If atheists are firm in their NON belief, why in the world are they so touchy about the beliefs of others?

It's tradition, which I realize means nothing to civilians, but is EVERYTHING to the military.
Not everything...competence is kind of important too

true. Which is why Obama is so disgraceful

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Stupid people

And the Air Force is an off shoot of the Army and so kept many of its traditions for themselves.

Sorry, But you are NOT smarter than the average bear. Every other branch of the service other than the AF allows one to simply "Affirm", and leave god out of it.

"Army Regulation 601-210, Active and Reserve Components Enlistment Program provides that:
A commissioned officer of any service will administer the Oath of Enlistment in DD Form 4 orally, in English, to each application. Make a suitable arrangement to ensure that the oath is administered in a dignified manner and in proper surroundings. display the U.S. flag prominently near the officer giving the oath. The words "So help me God" may be omitted for persons who desire to affirm rather than to swear to the oath.[1]"

United States Armed Forces oath of enlistment - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Yet another atheist attack!

Once again, a tiny minority wishes to force their twisted beliefs on the majority.
Neither the Air Force nor the United States is a democracy; citizens' civil liberties are not determined by 'majority rule,' and the majority has no authority to determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.

The First Amendment is not 'twisted beliefs,' and nothing is being 'forced' on anyone.
Shouldn't be forced. The Lord doesn't want us to take his name in vain.

People should be allowed to affirm.

Simple solution, or just omit the phrase, and say "I hereby give my oath...." If atheists are firm in their NON belief, why in the world are they so touchy about the beliefs of others?

It's tradition, which I realize means nothing to civilians, but is EVERYTHING to the military.
Not everything...competence is kind of important too

true. Which is why Obama is so disgraceful
not really, but its funny you should mention that given your position..
Shouldn't be forced. The Lord doesn't want us to take his name in vain.

People should be allowed to affirm.

Simple solution, or just omit the phrase, and say "I hereby give my oath...." If atheists are firm in their NON belief, why in the world are they so touchy about the beliefs of others?

It's tradition, which I realize means nothing to civilians, but is EVERYTHING to the military.
Not everything...competence is kind of important too

oh good, you're back. ready to concede that you definitely claimed this airman was already out of the air force?
I did...and I said I did...and then corrected myself to say he would be out in November because they will not let him re-enlist unless he lies about some god or other.

I'm curious...How many times do you want me to say that? Are you stuck or something?
Yet another atheist attack!

Once again, a tiny minority wishes to force their twisted beliefs on the majority.
Neither the Air Force nor the United States is a democracy; citizens' civil liberties are not determined by 'majority rule,' and the majority has no authority to determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.

The First Amendment is not 'twisted beliefs,' and nothing is being 'forced' on anyone.
Apparently, military members don't have the freedom of religion.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Stupid people

And the Air Force is an off shoot of the Army and so kept many of its traditions for themselves.

Sorry, But you are NOT smarter than the average bear. Every other branch of the service other than the AF allows one to simply "Affirm", and leave god out of it.

"Army Regulation 601-210, Active and Reserve Components Enlistment Program provides that:
A commissioned officer of any service will administer the Oath of Enlistment in DD Form 4 orally, in English, to each application. Make a suitable arrangement to ensure that the oath is administered in a dignified manner and in proper surroundings. display the U.S. flag prominently near the officer giving the oath. The words "So help me God" may be omitted for persons who desire to affirm rather than to swear to the oath.[1]"

United States Armed Forces oath of enlistment - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

UH, we were talking about traditions, and traditionally EVERY branch has the so help me God in the oath. I have even said IN this thread that I have seen people omit it .
Shouldn't be forced. The Lord doesn't want us to take his name in vain.

People should be allowed to affirm.

Simple solution, or just omit the phrase, and say "I hereby give my oath...." If atheists are firm in their NON belief, why in the world are they so touchy about the beliefs of others?

It's tradition, which I realize means nothing to civilians, but is EVERYTHING to the military.
Not everything...competence is kind of important too

oh good, you're back. ready to concede that you definitely claimed this airman was already out of the air force?
I did...and I said I did...and then corrected myself to say he would be out in November because they will not let him re-enlist unless he lies about some god or other.

I'm curious...How many times do you want me to say that? Are you stuck or something?

LOL that's the first time you've conceded it.
Clearly an unconstitutional requirement. It will be revoked.

"I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Oath taken by a Supreme Court Justice

SCOTUS is unconstitutional
Yet another atheist attack!

Once again, a tiny minority wishes to force their twisted beliefs on the majority.
Neither the Air Force nor the United States is a democracy; citizens' civil liberties are not determined by 'majority rule,' and the majority has no authority to determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.

The First Amendment is not 'twisted beliefs,' and nothing is being 'forced' on anyone.
Apparently, military members don't have the freedom of religion.

Once again, proving you know nothing about the military. Military members DO have religious freedom , as defined by the UCMJ, not by the COTUS.
Clearly an unconstitutional requirement. It will be revoked.

"I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Oath taken by a Supreme Court Justice

SCOTUS is unconstitutional

That's almost as funny as Congress opening every session with a prayer but "let's get religion out of government like the founders meant"

She outed herself. I merely asked questions.

What a bizarre world we live in when a person makes comments that prove they are lying about military service and someone says so, and a third person comes in and attacks the person who notices the liar.

I get it, she's a fellow lesbian, but the fact remains. ANYONE who doesn't know that the COTUS does not apply to military members in regards to the military has never served. Sorry I don't make the facts.

She did no such thing. She did serve and retired honorably. I guess that's why you feel the need to lie about her service.

You know, on my last board, you'd get banned for questioning another members service.
Yet another atheist attack!

Once again, a tiny minority wishes to force their twisted beliefs on the majority.
Neither the Air Force nor the United States is a democracy; citizens' civil liberties are not determined by 'majority rule,' and the majority has no authority to determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.

The First Amendment is not 'twisted beliefs,' and nothing is being 'forced' on anyone.

And the First Amendment rights of those who believe must be protected also.
She outed herself. I merely asked questions.

What a bizarre world we live in when a person makes comments that prove they are lying about military service and someone says so, and a third person comes in and attacks the person who notices the liar.

I get it, she's a fellow lesbian, but the fact remains. ANYONE who doesn't know that the COTUS does not apply to military members in regards to the military has never served. Sorry I don't make the facts.

She did no such thing. She did serve and retired honorably. I guess that's why you feel the need to lie about her service.

You know, on my last board, you'd get banned for questioning another members service.

Your last board contained a bunch of fascist asshats then.
The air force has a massive Christian problem within their ranks. So the idea that they are forcing people is not shocking at all

Christian problem?
yes.. A problem. Air Force cadets revolt after officials remove biblical verse from whiteboard - Washington Times

Had it been in his room — not a problem. It’s not about the belief. It’s about the time, the place and the manner,” Mr. Weinstein told conservative commentator Todd Starnes, The Blaze reported. “It clearly elevated one religious faith over all others at an already virulently hyper-fundamentalist Christian institution. It massively poured fundamentalist Christian gasoline on an already raging out-of-control conflagration of fundamentalist Christian tyranny, exceptionalism and supremacy at [the academy].”

it is well known that the air force is made up a fundies and "zealots".

Why do you have a problem with the cadets revolting? Do they not have the same luxury of expressing their view....the same as when atheist or others express their view against religion?

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