AL gay couple accused of sexual abuse of child

Oh look libbies accusing me if being gay, like you find that to be an insult

don't pay attention. they clearly have an agenda to defend the crime because that was commited by a protected leftard class.

child, obviously, doesn' tmatter.
This is one of those stories where I genuinely pray that this father was stoned out on drugs 24/7 to explain this level of depravity.

Because there can be no other explanation except being possessed by demons. Cripes.

Torture, sodomy, child porn, giving his son STDs I mean what kind of monster is this father?

he is not a father. he is a protected class whose crime is also in a diferent category
That's unfortunate. But given your other hate posts I wonder if you think gays are more likely to do this sort of thing? In fact, heterosexuals are more likely to be child sex abusers than homosexuals. How many straight men and women have been arrested for child pornography, statutory rape, and other sex crimes directed towards children? Compare that figure to how many were gay or lesbian and the truth of it is a flashing neon billboard at night.

Find it curious a 'straight' person writes this much about LGBT issues. You know I'm sure that homophobic men when tested for penile arrousal being shown straight and gay pornography, reacted more to the gay pornograhy right? It's true, and not actually surprising: homophobic men are more arroused by gay erotica than self-identified gay men.

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today

I already posted that link for him. He knows he is aroused by this stuff because he is in the closet.

I used to feel sorry for homosteve. Its obvious he spends all his time cruising for anything about homosexuality, including porn. He needs help to accept his own sexuality but I don't much care about that anymore.
This is one of those stories where I genuinely pray that this father was stoned out on drugs 24/7 to explain this level of depravity.

Because there can be no other explanation except being possessed by demons. Cripes.

Torture, sodomy, child porn, giving his son STDs I mean what kind of monster is this father?

he is not a father. he is a protected class whose crime is also in a diferent category


By whom?

They're going to jail and hopefully, will be put in the general population.
How dar the OP notice the level of depravity of these people! To notice that homosexual parents have a really bad record is homophobic...just as it's racist to comment on the terrible state of black families and the criminality of the inner cities...and it's bigoted to associate Islam with terrorism.

The noive!
This is one of those stories where I genuinely pray that this father was stoned out on drugs 24/7 to explain this level of depravity.

Because there can be no other explanation except being possessed by demons. Cripes.

Torture, sodomy, child porn, giving his son STDs I mean what kind of monster is this father?

he is not a father. he is a protected class whose crime is also in a diferent category


By whom?

They're going to jail and hopefully, will be put in the general population.

By you and your leftard brethren - all you do is attacking the OP for posting.

You have a problem with 1st Amendment?

Or you have a problem with exposing a pair of disgusting monsters?

What is your problem?
Not a surprise. I would guess a good majority of the homosexuals want kids for this very reason. Makes ya really wonder when they adopt a boy instead of a girl...homos are more feminine so why adopt a son unless to rape him?
Great thing about the prison system is scum like this are looked at as worse than the sticky shit you get on your shoe...they won't last long...not only will they be trophies to someone in prison but I hope they get the same thing they did to that poor kid done to them.
The story is remarkable not for what these monsters did. Certainly this level of abuse occurs among heterosexuals as well. It's remarkable for how many jump to the monster's defense.
Not a surprise. I would guess a good majority of the homosexuals want kids for this very reason. Makes ya really wonder when they adopt a boy instead of a girl...homos are more feminine so why adopt a son unless to rape him?

The guy you have in your avatar was gay if you didn't already know and the poster boy for homophobia.

Nazi doctors: Hitler was gay, took female hormones |

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That cracked me up. Of all STUPID things people say about The Great One that's the dumbest.
Interestingly enough, even straight people participate in child porn.........................

Amarillo man jailed on child porn charges | Amarillo Globe-News

And the really fucked up part about it is that he's in a place that I decided to settle in because it's a small town.

Sorry, but perverts are everywhere, not just in the large population density areas.

Oh for true. Perversity comes in all shapes, sizes, sexual preference, color, financial status etc.

Sadly it knows no bounds.
Not a surprise. I would guess a good majority of the homosexuals want kids for this very reason. Makes ya really wonder when they adopt a boy instead of a girl...homos are more feminine so why adopt a son unless to rape him?

The guy you have in your avatar was gay if you didn't already know and the poster boy for homophobia.

Nazi doctors: Hitler was gay, took female hormones |

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That cracked me up. Of all STUPID things people say about The Great One that's the dumbest.

I see you took that avatar down in shame but forgot to remove the signature. :lol:
The story is remarkable not for what these monsters did. Certainly this level of abuse occurs among heterosexuals as well. It's remarkable for how many jump to the monster's defense.

I hope that you are not inferring for two seconds that ANYONE here is defending these **** heads.

What's wrong with you?
The story is remarkable not for what these monsters did. Certainly this level of abuse occurs among heterosexuals as well. It's remarkable for how many jump to the monster's defense.

Where exactly is anyone jumping to defend this monster?

Nobody is jumping to this monster's defense.

Nobody here is condoning sexual abuse of children in any way.

People here are pointing out HomoSteve's obvious obsession with anything gay related, pointing out that straight people are as prone to pedophilia as gay people..... and in your twisted f*****-up mind, you take that to mean we are defending this monster?

You, my dear, are an idiot.

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