AL gay couple accused of sexual abuse of child

You mean like you assholes fail to notice the religion of criminals? Or their political party? (Particularly when you're WRONG about their political party?)
Use of the term "homo" is now indicative of homophobia?

I could have sworn it was an abbreviation of the word "homosexual". Is the term "homosexual" homophobic as well?

What do you people call each other? I've heard gays call each other a wide variety of words that I wouldn't use in polite company. It must be okay when they use those just isn't right when hetero people use them, right?

Gads you are so pathetic. Like I said, you don't even recognize the inherent dishonesty in all you do and give voice to.
You mean like you assholes fail to notice the religion of criminals? Or their political party? (Particularly when you're WRONG about their political party?)

Assholes like you come in all religions, political parties, ethnicities, genders, sexual preferences, and ages. Assholism only means you are an asshole.
These are sex crimes we're talking about.

So yes, the sexual orientation of the perps is quite relevant. Thanks for playing, puke.
Use of the term "homo" is now indicative of homophobia?

I could have sworn it was an abbreviation of the word "homosexual". Is the term "homosexual" homophobic as well?

What do you people call each other? I've heard gays call each other a wide variety of words that I wouldn't use in polite company. It must be okay when they use those just isn't right when hetero people use them, right?

Gads you are so pathetic. Like I said, you don't even recognize the inherent dishonesty in all you do and give voice to.

Typical of most elitist assholes, people like you think because someone else may call each other names amongst their own groups that you have permission to do the same. You don't. If a gay person says its ok to refer to them as homo then you only have permission to call that person a homo.
No, it's relevant if homosexuals have a PROPENSITY towards molestation.

And they do. At any rate, we are obligated, in the interests of vulnerable children everywhere, to look into whether or not homo adoptive parents are more likely to molest children they adopt. The best way to do this is to research whether or not the homosexuals who are petitioning to adopt have been molested themselves, since we KNOW that molestation is a precursor of pedophilia.

We already know that homosexuals themselves are much, much more likely to have been molested as children than heteros. Which of course makes them that much more likely to be molesters themselves.

So the subject isn't taboo.

But progressives always put the rights of children secondary to the rights of the depraved individuals they seek to elevate above the Madding crowd. The primary purpose of children, in the progressive mind, is to obtain funding for this or that depraved activity...or to actually be a participant in some depraved activity, not necessarily in their childhood, but definitely upon their barest minority.
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These are sex crimes we're talking about.

So yes, the sexual orientation of the perps is quite relevant. Thanks for playing, puke.

The ONLY reason why the sexual orientation is relevant to you in your pathetic mind is because you and homosteve want to point the finger at homosexuals.

Why aren't you and homosteve posting every other incidence of child sexual abuse committed by heterosexuals?

It's because you're a homophobic pile of shit, that's why.
No, it's relevant if homosexuals have a PROPENSITY towards molestation.

And they do. At any rate, we are obligated, in the interests of vulnerable children everywhere, to look into whether or not homo adoptive parents are more likely to molest children they adopt.

So the subject isn't taboo.

But progressives always put the rights of children secondary to the rights of the depraved individuals they seek to elevate above the Madding crowd.

You're a lying sack of shit.

You don't even know any homosexuals, so how do you know what they have a propensity towards?
Well I do know homosexuals..

But I also can read. It's an amazing thing, reading. I read studies, and articles..all sorts of interesting stuff.
Apparently the thought of reading to obtain info has never occurred to you. I recommend it highly!
No, it's relevant if homosexuals have a PROPENSITY towards molestation.

And they do. At any rate, we are obligated, in the interests of vulnerable children everywhere, to look into whether or not homo adoptive parents are more likely to molest children they adopt. The best way to do this is to research whether or not the homosexuals who are petitioning to adopt have been molested themselves, since we KNOW that molestation is a precursor of pedophilia.

We already know that homosexuals themselves are much, much more likely to have been molested as children than heteros. Which of course makes them that much more likely to be molesters themselves.

So the subject isn't taboo.

But progressives always put the rights of children secondary to the rights of the depraved individuals they seek to elevate above the Madding crowd. The primary purpose of children, in the progressive mind, is to obtain funding for this or that depraved activity...or to actually be a participant in some depraved activity, not necessarily in their childhood, but definitely upon their barest minority.

What makes you thing gay people have a propensity to be child molesters? Being molested is not a precursor of pedophilla. Leave the meth alone. Deal with your latent gayness and I'm sure you will find that being gay or molested does not make you a pedophile.
Well I do know homosexuals..

But I also can read. It's an amazing thing, reading. I read studies, and articles..all sorts of interesting stuff.

Is that right.

Why don't you tell us which studies and articles you read. Enlighten us with the interesting stuff you formulate your opinions on. Links please.
Well I do know homosexuals..

But I also can read. It's an amazing thing, reading. I read studies, and articles..all sorts of interesting stuff.

Its one thing to read and another to comprehend. You evidently have a hard time comprehending things.

I actually am gifted in that area, lol. So naturally since you are lacking in comprehension and ability, you're going to challenge mine.

True story.

Try reading up on the topic before you blab. Friendly advice from someone who very rarely loses an argument.
Well I do know homosexuals..

But I also can read. It's an amazing thing, reading. I read studies, and articles..all sorts of interesting stuff.

Its one thing to read and another to comprehend. You evidently have a hard time comprehending things.

I actually am gifted in that area, lol. So naturally since you are lacking in comprehension and ability, you're going to challenge mine.

True story.

Try reading up on the topic before you blab. Friendly advice from someone who very rarely loses an argument.

You were doing good until you got to your last sentence. That is a sure sign you are one of the lowbrow clan. Humans lose arguments all the time. It means you are open to learning and have the intelligence to realize it. Only willfully ignorant people never lose arguments.
Again, that insistence that the truth must not be spoken, if you, personally, don't like it.

Kinda funny.


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