AL gay couple accused of sexual abuse of child

Well I do know homosexuals..

But I also can read. It's an amazing thing, reading. I read studies, and articles..all sorts of interesting stuff.

Its one thing to read and another to comprehend. You evidently have a hard time comprehending things.

I actually am gifted in that area, lol. So naturally since you are lacking in comprehension and ability, you're going to challenge mine.

True story.

Try reading up on the topic before you blab. Friendly advice from someone who very rarely loses an argument.
You are quite gifted at being an idiot. And you suffer from severe delusion.

You haven't won an argument in your life.

Still waiting to hear about all the amazing, factual sources from which you derive your opinions on homosexuality.
Existing cross-sectional research suggests associations between physical and sexual abuse in childhood and same-sex sexual orientation in adulthood. This study prospectively examined whether abuse and/or neglect in childhood were associated with increased likelihood of same-sex partnerships in adulthood. The sample included physically abused (N = 85), sexually abused (N = 72), and neglected (N = 429) children (ages 0-11) with documented cases during 1967-1971 who were matched with non-maltreated children (N = 415) and followed into adulthood. At approximately age 40, participants (483 women and 461 men) were asked about romantic cohabitation and sexual partners, in the context of in-person interviews covering a range of topics. Group (abuse/neglect versus control) differences were assessed with cross-tabulations and logistic regression. A total of 8% of the overall sample reported any same-sex relationship (cohabitation or sexual partners). Childhood physical abuse and neglect were not significantly associated with same-sex cohabitation or sexual partners. Individuals with documented histories of childhood sexual abuse were significantly more likely than controls to report ever having had same-sex sexual partners (OR = 2.81, 95% CI = 1.16-6.80, p = .05); however, only men with histories of childhood sexual abuse were significantly more likely than controls to report same-sex sexual partners (OR = 6.75, 95% CI = 1.53-29.86, p = .01). These prospective findings provide tentative evidence of a link between childhood sexual abuse and same-sex sexual partnerships among men, although further research is needed to explore this relationship and to examine potential underlying mechanisms."

Sexual abuse and sexual orientation: A prospective study

Drug Use and Sexual Arrangements Among Gay Couples: Frequency, Interdependence, and Associations with Sexual Risk - Online First - Springer
Although I find homosexuality to be nauseating, I don't really see the point in the OP. Both heterosexual and homosexual people have been accused of and have done stupid and/or bad things. Being either/or doesn't make you any more guiltless or guilty than anyone else, and I feel this is something both the Right and the Left should understand.

Total shot in the dark here but I'll bet you think Lesbo sex with hot chicks is hot? Just curious..... I do agree with your posts here.

No. This also includes lesbianism. I also find it nauseating.

I have no interest in oppressing the rights of homosexual people, nor do I have any interest in oppressing the rights of everyone to opine on it.

Lastly, I put absolutely no trust in "scientific studies" both for and against issues and information regarding homosexuality. Way too much bias.
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Although I find homosexuality to be nauseating, I don't really see the point in the OP. Both heterosexual and homosexual people have been accused of and have done stupid and/or bad things. Being either/or doesn't make you any more guiltless or guilty than anyone else, and I feel this is something both the Right and the Left should understand.

Total shot in the dark here but I'll bet you think Lesbo sex with hot chicks is hot? Just curious..... I do agree with your posts here.

No. This also includes lesbianism. I also find it nauseating.

I have no interest in oppressing the rights of homosexual people, nor do I have any interest in oppressing the rights of everyone to opine on it.

Lastly, I put absolutely no trust in "scientific studies" both for and against issues and information regarding homosexuality. Way too much bias.

Would you put any trust in testimony from homosexuals themselves?

Seems to me, if one wants information regarding homosexuality, one should go right to the source.
Thanks for posting this thread! I feel so much better having read it just a week before Christmas.

Is your point that homosexuality is bad? Stuff like this happens with heterosexuals ALL THE FLIPPING TIME.

Not posting about it though, because that's not my thing; I prefer to see the good in my fellow man.

Seriously, Steve ... what's the point?

Dumb ass if a adult male sexually abuses a boy but is married to a women the adult male is still GAY. And their is no such thing as bi sexual. suck a dick once and your full blown faggot.
So time to show where a straight married couple does this?
Existing cross-sectional research suggests associations between physical and sexual abuse in childhood and same-sex sexual orientation in adulthood. This study prospectively examined whether abuse and/or neglect in childhood were associated with increased likelihood of same-sex partnerships in adulthood. The sample included physically abused (N = 85), sexually abused (N = 72), and neglected (N = 429) children (ages 0-11) with documented cases during 1967-1971 who were matched with non-maltreated children (N = 415) and followed into adulthood. At approximately age 40, participants (483 women and 461 men) were asked about romantic cohabitation and sexual partners, in the context of in-person interviews covering a range of topics. Group (abuse/neglect versus control) differences were assessed with cross-tabulations and logistic regression. A total of 8% of the overall sample reported any same-sex relationship (cohabitation or sexual partners). Childhood physical abuse and neglect were not significantly associated with same-sex cohabitation or sexual partners. Individuals with documented histories of childhood sexual abuse were significantly more likely than controls to report ever having had same-sex sexual partners (OR = 2.81, 95% CI = 1.16-6.80, p = .05); however, only men with histories of childhood sexual abuse were significantly more likely than controls to report same-sex sexual partners (OR = 6.75, 95% CI = 1.53-29.86, p = .01). These prospective findings provide tentative evidence of a link between childhood sexual abuse and same-sex sexual partnerships among men, although further research is needed to explore this relationship and to examine potential underlying mechanisms."

Sexual abuse and sexual orientation: A prospective study

Drug Use and Sexual Arrangements Among Gay Couples: Frequency, Interdependence, and Associations with Sexual Risk - Online First - Springer

According to the American Psychological Association, "homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are." Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.
10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked | Southern Poverty Law Center

The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) 1.51% of the population of the US identify as GLBT, whereas other studies put this figure as high as 8% (Fay et al, 1989). However, statistics for people abused in childhood are significantly higher that this, with reliable estimates given for child sexual abuse to be 16% for males and 27% for females in the USA (NRCCSA, 1994).

Therefore, if there is a causal link between childhood sexual abuse and identifying as GLBT later in life, then why aren’t the figures for the number of GLBT people in the population reflected by the abuse statistics? There are significantly more cases of sexual abuse than there are people that identify as GLBT (Macmillan, 1997), and furthermore, the vast majority of persons sexually abused as children are heterosexual (Keith, 1991).

In addition to this, virtually all statistics agree that females are more likely to be sexually abused in childhood than males are - and yet, and yet there are proportionally more men that identify as being gay than there are women who identify as lesbian (Hite, 1991; Janus, 1993, Jefferson, 2001).

The problem with the believe that abuse causes homosexuality


The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation
Thanks for posting this thread! I feel so much better having read it just a week before Christmas.

Is your point that homosexuality is bad? Stuff like this happens with heterosexuals ALL THE FLIPPING TIME.

Not posting about it though, because that's not my thing; I prefer to see the good in my fellow man.

Seriously, Steve ... what's the point?

Dumb ass if a adult male sexually abuses a boy but is married to a women the adult male is still GAY. And their is no such thing as bi sexual. suck a dick once and your full blown faggot.
So time to show where a straight married couple does this?

If an adult man has sex with a male child, he is a pedophile. He is not gay.
Thanks for posting this thread! I feel so much better having read it just a week before Christmas.

Is your point that homosexuality is bad? Stuff like this happens with heterosexuals ALL THE FLIPPING TIME.

Not posting about it though, because that's not my thing; I prefer to see the good in my fellow man.

Seriously, Steve ... what's the point?

Dumb ass if a adult male sexually abuses a boy but is married to a women the adult male is still GAY. And their is no such thing as bi sexual. suck a dick once and your full blown faggot.
So time to show where a straight married couple does this?

Doowd ... TMI.

Are you flipping out of your head?

Heterosexuals cannot abuse children?

Try to answer without being vulgar
Thanks for posting this thread! I feel so much better having read it just a week before Christmas.

Is your point that homosexuality is bad? Stuff like this happens with heterosexuals ALL THE FLIPPING TIME.

Not posting about it though, because that's not my thing; I prefer to see the good in my fellow man.

Seriously, Steve ... what's the point?

Dumb ass if a adult male sexually abuses a boy but is married to a women the adult male is still GAY. And their is no such thing as bi sexual. suck a dick once and your full blown faggot.
So time to show where a straight married couple does this?

If an adult man has sex with a male child, he is a pedophile. He is not gay.
He's gay also
Thanks for posting this thread! I feel so much better having read it just a week before Christmas.

Is your point that homosexuality is bad? Stuff like this happens with heterosexuals ALL THE FLIPPING TIME.

Not posting about it though, because that's not my thing; I prefer to see the good in my fellow man.

Seriously, Steve ... what's the point?

Dumb ass if a adult male sexually abuses a boy but is married to a women the adult male is still GAY. And their is no such thing as bi sexual. suck a dick once and your full blown faggot.
So time to show where a straight married couple does this?

Doowd ... TMI.

Are you flipping out of your head?

Heterosexuals cannot abuse children?

Try to answer without being vulgar

no they cannot sexually abuse a child, suck a dick once you're a faggot.
Dumb ass if a adult male sexually abuses a boy but is married to a women the adult male is still GAY. And their is no such thing as bi sexual. suck a dick once and your full blown faggot.
So time to show where a straight married couple does this?

Doowd ... TMI.

Are you flipping out of your head?

Heterosexuals cannot abuse children?

Try to answer without being vulgar

no they cannot sexually abuse a child, suck a dick once you're a faggot.

No, you CANNOT suck my dick!!
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Existing cross-sectional research suggests associations between physical and sexual abuse in childhood and same-sex sexual orientation in adulthood. This study prospectively examined whether abuse and/or neglect in childhood were associated with increased likelihood of same-sex partnerships in adulthood. The sample included physically abused (N = 85), sexually abused (N = 72), and neglected (N = 429) children (ages 0-11) with documented cases during 1967-1971 who were matched with non-maltreated children (N = 415) and followed into adulthood. At approximately age 40, participants (483 women and 461 men) were asked about romantic cohabitation and sexual partners, in the context of in-person interviews covering a range of topics. Group (abuse/neglect versus control) differences were assessed with cross-tabulations and logistic regression. A total of 8% of the overall sample reported any same-sex relationship (cohabitation or sexual partners). Childhood physical abuse and neglect were not significantly associated with same-sex cohabitation or sexual partners. Individuals with documented histories of childhood sexual abuse were significantly more likely than controls to report ever having had same-sex sexual partners (OR = 2.81, 95% CI = 1.16-6.80, p = .05); however, only men with histories of childhood sexual abuse were significantly more likely than controls to report same-sex sexual partners (OR = 6.75, 95% CI = 1.53-29.86, p = .01). These prospective findings provide tentative evidence of a link between childhood sexual abuse and same-sex sexual partnerships among men, although further research is needed to explore this relationship and to examine potential underlying mechanisms."

Sexual abuse and sexual orientation: A prospective study

Drug Use and Sexual Arrangements Among Gay Couples: Frequency, Interdependence, and Associations with Sexual Risk - Online First - Springer

According to the American Psychological Association, "homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are." Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.
10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked | Southern Poverty Law Center

The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) 1.51% of the population of the US identify as GLBT, whereas other studies put this figure as high as 8% (Fay et al, 1989). However, statistics for people abused in childhood are significantly higher that this, with reliable estimates given for child sexual abuse to be 16% for males and 27% for females in the USA (NRCCSA, 1994).

Therefore, if there is a causal link between childhood sexual abuse and identifying as GLBT later in life, then why aren’t the figures for the number of GLBT people in the population reflected by the abuse statistics? There are significantly more cases of sexual abuse than there are people that identify as GLBT (Macmillan, 1997), and furthermore, the vast majority of persons sexually abused as children are heterosexual (Keith, 1991).

In addition to this, virtually all statistics agree that females are more likely to be sexually abused in childhood than males are - and yet, and yet there are proportionally more men that identify as being gay than there are women who identify as lesbian (Hite, 1991; Janus, 1993, Jefferson, 2001).

The problem with the believe that abuse causes homosexuality


The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

The APA is eternally devoted to Kinsey, and will never admit that they have based their entire culture on child abuse and crap science.

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