AL gay couple accused of sexual abuse of child

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Although I find homosexuality to be nauseating, I don't really see the point in the OP. Both heterosexual and homosexual people have been accused of and have done stupid and/or bad things. Being either/or doesn't make you any more guiltless or guilty than anyone else, and I feel this is something both the Right and the Left should understand.
The guy you have in your avatar was gay if you didn't already know and the poster boy for homophobia.

Nazi doctors: Hitler was gay, took female hormones |

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That cracked me up. Of all STUPID things people say about The Great One that's the dumbest.

I see you took that avatar down in shame but forgot to remove the signature. :lol:

Oh I can put it back...I change avatars quite frequently actually this one was more fitting of my mood ATM...also it was changed before your ignorance popped up...
Are you starting to see the parallels between Hitler and yourself now?

No, but thanks again for showing you think homosexuality is an insult

Its not an insult at all. Its just a fact. Homophobes like you are 99.9% likely to be closet gay.

Stop channeling Kinsey, or, alternately, projecting your desire upon the rest of us.

Remember, his stats came from careful observation of sex offenders, prison inmates and Nazi pedophiles!
Although I find homosexuality to be nauseating, I don't really see the point in the OP. Both heterosexual and homosexual people have been accused of and have done stupid and/or bad things. Being either/or doesn't make you any more guiltless or guilty than anyone else, and I feel this is something both the Right and the Left should understand.

Total shot in the dark here but I'll bet you think Lesbo sex with hot chicks is hot? Just curious..... I do agree with your posts here.
Although I find homosexuality to be nauseating, I don't really see the point in the OP. Both heterosexual and homosexual people have been accused of and have done stupid and/or bad things. Being either/or doesn't make you any more guiltless or guilty than anyone else, and I feel this is something both the Right and the Left should understand.

Total shot in the dark here but I'll bet you think Lesbo sex with hot chicks is hot? Just curious..... I do agree with your posts here.

Hot lesbos are not the norm, you are more likley to run into a fat ugly man hating bull dyke in everyday life. But please carry on with your fantasy :lol:

Even fags cant stand bull Dykes
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So pretending this did not happen helps children you selfish prick?

Pointing out that gays were involved helps the child how exactly? You're a dick. You have an ax to grind with gays...OK, we get that...maybe you and the Warrior Queen should form a support group but why did you feel the need to highlight gay involvement?
Although I find homosexuality to be nauseating, I don't really see the point in the OP. Both heterosexual and homosexual people have been accused of and have done stupid and/or bad things. Being either/or doesn't make you any more guiltless or guilty than anyone else, and I feel this is something both the Right and the Left should understand.

Total shot in the dark here but I'll bet you think Lesbo sex with hot chicks is hot? Just curious..... I do agree with your posts here.

Hot lesbos are not the norm, you are more likley to run into a fat ugly man hating bull dyke in everyday life. But please carry on with your fantasy :lol:

Even fags cant stand bull Dykes

Maybe in your tiny, little, shallow boxed-in world........ But please, carry on with the generalities. We love picking apart your stupidity.
So pretending this did not happen helps children you selfish prick?

Pointing out that gays were involved helps the child how exactly? You're a dick. You have an ax to grind with gays...OK, we get that...maybe you and the Warrior Queen should form a support group but why did you feel the need to highlight gay involvement?

The Roots Of Homophobia - Putting Freud To The Test | Assault On Gay America | FRONTLINE | PBS

The results of this study indicate that individuals who score in the homophobic range and admit negative affect toward homosexuality demonstrate significant sexual arousal to male homosexual erotic stimuli.
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I'm homophobic because I dare to reference the fact that the child molesters/porn pukes were homos?
So by your definition, does a non-homophobic person just not ever acknowledge the sexuality of criminals?
Here's the thing...homosexuality is a deviance. Everybody knows it...Al Kinsey had to lie about it and interview perverts and criminals in order to skew the stats and usher in acceptance of we have a whole population of people who claim that homosexuality is hard wired, homos can't help themselves, it's just who they are and as such, we must all accept it as *normal* because it's *normal* for them.

Naturally that means we stop all review of what actually CAUSES homosexuality, and we refuse to acknowledge the FACT that it has never been PROVEN to be hardwired.
Because the homo bloc LIKES the theory that they can't help it, they naturally are going to shriek "HATERS!" at anyone who proposes any other sort of theory. Naturally, if there is no evidence that homosexuality is hard wired, they are going to call anyone who challenges the inevitability of their choice "ignorant" and "uneducated" and "unscientific".

Ultimately, it's about criminality. The criminal mind and the depraved mind work this way. They use dishonest means to manipulate reality, in order to justify their own behavior, and present an *acceptable* reality to the world.

The reality that sexual deviants want to skew is the reality that sexual deviance is, well, deviant...and that people who engage in it engage in it because they don't have the will power to exert any control over their urges.

It's the same story told by criminals since the dawn of Man. Criminals are going to lie and hide information, and attack those who challenge them. It's what they do. It's called "criminal thinking" and progressives are the criminal thinking stars of the world.
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I'm homophobic because I dare to reference the fact that the child molesters/porn pukes were homos?

I know its hard to figure this out but the fact you have trouble understanding you are homophobic by calling them homos when that is not the issue at all pretty much guarantees you are are homophobic.

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