Alec Baldwin Will Be Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter in Rust Shooting

I listened to the questioning and I'm going to say something controversial but IMO accurate.

I'm going to say that the armorer is likely going to prison ... and Alec Balwin is going to be acquitted based only on what is known by the public at this time.

If you're a reloader you're going to understand this right away.

The live bullet that was loaded in Baldwin's gun was in a Starline brass casing.

Starline makes neither dummies or blanks...or live rounds...they only make casings for reloading.

And they are very distinctive.


See the *---* ? It's the Starline logo.

Anyone who is serious about guns would know exactly what that was...and when the armorer sees it during the questioning by police...SHE knows exactly what is it is...because her father reloads them.

Had she checked the gun or the rounds at all she couldn't help but notice this.

As soon as this came up in the interview everything changed.

On the other hand I don't think that even if Baldwin opened the gun and checked it that it would have been apparent to him that anything was wrong.

The dummies are identical to live ammo. The only difference is the dummies are filled with BBs.

Baldwin would have had to open the loading gate, remove each round, shake it and then replace it....which he wouldn't have been allowed to do because that is the armorer's job.

Not being a gun guy, just spinning the chamber would have told him nothing.

On the other hand, just a simple observation of the spun chamber would have told me that that Starline brass didn't belong there. An armorer who was paying attention would have realized immediately that there was danger.
You obviously have no understanding of firearms safety.
I'm an Army veteran (wasn't an REMF) and qualified on several weapons.
Also a long time gun owner and hunter. .. :salute:
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It will be appealed. He will finish with no conviction.
It was a movie set. There were people responsible for the props and he wasn't one of them.
Popularity is not a sound basis for legal judgements. Like him or not as an actor, all careers have some things in common. An incident at work does not make everyone involved guilty of wrong doing.
He was working, doing a job that no one commenting here would have been in place to do. Preparation for an actor is not what some posters appear to understand. He was not there to prepare the props.
he was also the Producer
I'm an Army veteran (wasn't an REMF) and qualified on several weapons.
Also a long time gun owner and hunter. .. :salute:
My god man. If you served in the military and don't understand the four rules of gun safety (that applies to military as well as to everybody else) then you are more ignorant than I was led to believe.
My god man. If you served in the military and don't understand the four rules of gun safety (that applies to military as well as to everybody else) then you are more ignorant than I was led to believe.
You gay guys sure get all worked up when proven wrong. ... :gay: :laugh::laugh:
It is always the fault of the person that pulled the trigger. That is basic firearm safety and can't be delegated. There may be other people at fault but that does not relieve you of your responsibility.
But "he didn't pull the trigger" He swears he didn't 😂
"Under New Mexico law, involuntary manslaughter is a fourth-degree felony and is punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a $5,000 fine"

Up to 18 months, meaning there isn't a mandatory minimum sentence.
So the Judge could just give him probation if he wanted to.
"Under New Mexico law, involuntary manslaughter is a fourth-degree felony and is punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a $5,000 fine"

Up to 18 months, meaning there isn't a mandatory minimum sentence.
So the Judge could just give him probation if he wanted to.
However, the law also says that if a firearm is used then it is a mandatory five years.
However, the law also says that if a firearm is used then it is a mandatory five years.
Only used if the involuntary manslaughter happed while the person was committing an unlawful (criminal) act with a firearm. Such as robbery, breaking and entering, etc. Which clearly Baldwin wasn't doing when the shooting happened.

"However, if convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the commission of a lawful act, there will be a “sentencing enhancement” because the manslaughter was committed with a firearm. Under New Mexico law, that carries a mandatory five-year prison sentence".
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