All 41 GOP Senators Promise To Delay Financial Reform

How stupid are these people? Do they really want to go home to their constituents and explain why they stood against reforming wall street? I guess if it means saying "NO!" to the dems, they are all for it. Can't wait to see how this plays out in NOV.

Are you really ignorant enough to believe that just because the word "reform" in in the name of the bill, it actually reforms something....???

I admit I don't know exactly what this new legislation says, but I'm not just gonna buy into it because of the word "reform"....

Just like the Healthcare Reform Bill....its a government takeover of the entire healthcare system, its not "reform" at all....
WE caused a lot of the problems by maxing out our credit. Using our homes like piggy banks for equity loans instead of using them as homes.
By buying more homes than we could really afford or needed, by "knowing" that they would double in value soon and we could make a mint.

Becoming upside down on auto loans for status and want reasons, not needs.

And it wouldn't have been possible without the Fed.

why would it not have been possible without the fed? Diminished perhaps but still a big issue.
Clear and convincing evidence from an objective, fair and balanced link, please.

Did the Fed Cause the Housing Bubble? - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute

Let me guess here, Kevin: a strong libertarian sway at the Institute?

Are there really any independent thinking "think tanks" ?
I think not. They are all either politically or corporate driven. And the difference between the two reasons grows smaller every day.

I view all "think tanks" as having an agenda which is not often in my best interests.
Clear and convincing evidence from an objective, fair and balanced link, please.

Did the Fed Cause the Housing Bubble? - Robert P. Murphy - Mises Institute

Let me guess here, Kevin: a strong libertarian sway at the Institute?

Absolutely. But you find for me some source that isn't biased one way or another, and then we can talk. The Austrians predicted this crisis, as you can see from the article I posted which was written before the crash. Are they biased? Of course. But the more important question is, were they right? And the answer to that is yes.
WE caused a lot of the problems by maxing out our credit. Using our homes like piggy banks for equity loans instead of using them as homes.
By buying more homes than we could really afford or needed, by "knowing" that they would double in value soon and we could make a mint.

Becoming upside down on auto loans for status and want reasons, not needs.

And it wouldn't have been possible without the Fed.

why would it not have been possible without the fed? Diminished perhaps but still a big issue.

The money for all those loans simply would not have been there had the market been setting interest rates rather than the Fed.

Absolutely. But you find for me some source that isn't biased one way or another, and then we can talk. The Austrians predicted this crisis, as you can see from the article I posted which was written before the crash. Are they biased? Of course. But the more important question is, were they right? And the answer to that is yes.

I also predicted the crisis. Too many things too far out of balance. It had to fall apart.
And I am still not sure it will go back together.

I think we will have to learn to live with less.
And it wouldn't have been possible without the Fed.

why would it not have been possible without the fed? Diminished perhaps but still a big issue.

The money for all those loans simply would not have been there had the market been setting interest rates rather than the Fed.

umm who do you think pressured the Fed to keep rates low?
"The Market" as a controlling force does not really exist much any more.

It will require a really big collapse with no bailouts for "the market" to once again become the driving factor.
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why would it not have been possible without the fed? Diminished perhaps but still a big issue.

The money for all those loans simply would not have been there had the market been setting interest rates rather than the Fed.

umm who do you think pressured the Fed to keep rates low?
"The Market" as a controlling force does not really exist much any more.

It will require a really big collapse with no bailouts for "the market" to once again become the driving factor.

It doesn't matter who pressured them. The fact is they did it, and if the market was setting interest rates this wouldn't have happened.
From my understanding, this Bill isn't far off on it passing. The republicans are concerned of the wording that would open doors for the government to expand in the future.
Of course, it's my opinion that that is exactly what the democrats want....more power.
Let's not consider the fact that they can't even run their own House, but now are experts in running the private industry. I can't explain it, but I imagine there would be a good spinning yarn out there somewhere.
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How stupid are these people? Do they really want to go home to their constituents and explain why they stood against reforming wall street? I guess if it means saying "NO!" to the dems, they are all for it. Can't wait to see how this plays out in NOV.

You just need to read everything and not just your partisan blogs. :eusa_whistle:
Sen. Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, predicted all 41 Republican senators would vote to delay...a deal.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he didn't expect the bill...would go forward. "We want to make sure that they don't services... health care," McConnell said on " Fox News Sunday."

Why did the GOP want Americans to go without Health Care Reform, and why do they now want America to go backwards without any financial reform for a better American economy?

They want power. Power over ideology and over duty, honor, and country. :evil:

The GOP wants exactly the same things as the dems. When you understand that ALL politicians have those common goals you stated, you realize that the people only have strength in numbers. If we all understand, we can then all drop the partisan BS and work toward a common goal of ending corruption and power grab in DC and get back to common values such as reducing the deficit, ending earmarks and getting jobs going.
The only regulation we need is on the Federal Reserve, who caused all the problems in the first place.

I disagree, Banks and derivitives and hedge funds. Plus possibly ratings agencies.

Without the Fed's policies the market would have been able to handle all of that. Low interest rates and easy credit distorted the market, created a bubble, and ultimately crashed.

Both of you are letting the Democratic leadership off easy. They were the ones driving home ownership as a goal and using the Fed, banks and derivitives as tools in that quest.
The Republicans were in that with the Democrats, saveliberty. Both parties were at fault.
Who was it calling for an audit and reigning in of Fannie and Freddy and who was it who blocked that attempt?...That was pretty much the last chance to avert the meltdown and it was torpedoed by members of only one political party.
You are telling me the minority blocked the majority? :lol: And now you support the minority blocking the majority? Even more :lol: :lol: :lol:

how can they persist with this idiot thing that freddy and Fanny repackaged the subprime loans and sold them a triple A investments.

The only people stupid enough to buy that line of thinking are already right leaning.
You have zero room to call anyone an idiot, meathead.

When you have taxpayer dollars propping up an grossly overvalued commodity --no matter what that commodity is-- you're going to have an inevitable collapse...It's how boom-bust value bubbles are created, you economic ignoramus.
How stupid are these people? Do they really want to go home to their constituents and explain why they stood against reforming wall street? I guess if it means saying "NO!" to the dems, they are all for it. Can't wait to see how this plays out in NOV.

Are you really ignorant enough to believe that just because the word "reform" in in the name of the bill, it actually reforms something....???

I admit I don't know exactly what this new legislation says, but I'm not just gonna buy into it because of the word "reform"....

Just like the Healthcare Reform Bill....its a government takeover of the entire healthcare system, its not "reform" at all....

Is that the new rw talking point? 'The Wall Street reform bill is an entire govt. takeover of the healthcare system! :eek::cuckoo:..Well, that beats all.

And no, I'm not ignorant enough to buy a bill just because it had the word "reform" in it. If that were the case, I'd for sure support the Arizona immigration bill, because it has a nice little, feel good name. But no, This bill, like health reform, doesn't go near far enough but it is a foundation to build on.
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You are telling me the minority blocked the majority? :lol: And now you support the minority blocking the majority? Even more :lol: :lol: :lol:
What I'm for is less authoritarian central control....You're for more of it, no matter how you get there.

Pretty weak attempt at distraction, Jokey.

Dood-Dood, the truth is never distraction, only your comment. :lol:

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