All 41 GOP Senators Promise To Delay Financial Reform

The truth is that the people proposing the "reform" are exactly the same people who are at least partially responsible for the crash....Exactly the same people who refused to audit and investigate Fannie & Freddie, and to call Franklin Raines, Jim Jones, Jamie Gorelick to account for committing the same criminal acts Ken Lay did.

Given those circumstances, they deserved to be blocked at every turn.
Sen. Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, predicted all 41 Republican senators would vote to delay...a deal.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he didn't expect the bill...would go forward. "We want to make sure that they don't services... health care," McConnell said on " Fox News Sunday."

Why did the GOP want Americans to go without Health Care Reform, and why do they now want America to go backwards without any financial reform for a better American economy?

They want power. Power over ideology and over duty, honor, and country. :evil:

R are stopping Obama from taking over the banking industry because they want power? LOL

What a fucking retard!

Then again having Chris "CountryWide used to claim me as a dependent on their tax return" Dodd write the bill is Pretty fucking funny to start
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Nope, you are wrong as usual, and I crack up at your imaginary expertise in economics.
Nobody needs to be an expert in economics to know more than you on the topic, Jokey.
You have zero room to call anyone an idiot, meathead.

When you have taxpayer dollars propping up an grossly overvalued commodity --no matter what that commodity is-- you're going to have an inevitable collapse...It's how boom-bust value bubbles are created, you economic ignoramus.

You havent been following the news have you?

What about all that repackaging of loans to create a product doomed to fail that they could then bet would fail and make even more money.

That is gram leach bliely and every sane person knows this.
You have zero room to call anyone an idiot, meathead.

When you have taxpayer dollars propping up an grossly overvalued commodity --no matter what that commodity is-- you're going to have an inevitable collapse...It's how boom-bust value bubbles are created, you economic ignoramus.

You havent been following the news have you?

What about all that repackaging of loans to create a product doomed to fail that they could then bet would fail and make even more money.

That is gram leach bliely and every sane person knows this.
Who is it that guaranteed a good share of those bundled mortgages, meathead?

C'mon....It's OK...You can tell us....:lol:
You have zero room to call anyone an idiot, meathead.

When you have taxpayer dollars propping up an grossly overvalued commodity --no matter what that commodity is-- you're going to have an inevitable collapse...It's how boom-bust value bubbles are created, you economic ignoramus.

You havent been following the news have you?

What about all that repackaging of loans to create a product doomed to fail that they could then bet would fail and make even more money.

That is gram leach bliely and every sane person knows this.
Who is it that guaranteed a good share of those bundled mortgages, meathead?

C'mon....It's OK...You can tell us....:lol:

It was not the idividual mortgages that cause this mess. It was how they could bundle this horseshit and resale it and claim it was gold.

If there was no way to bundle this ratshit the loans never would have been written.

The system broke because the people writing the loans could dump them on unsuppecting investors.

I see you still dont get it and will refuse get it because you are a partisan hack
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