All emails between the Biden admin and social media should be released immedaitely

Does not matter. It is government applying influence on companies that are part of the public discourse.

It is not the place of government to define 'truth' or influence the public discourse. The official administration lie machine, otherwise known as the press secretary, already gives them all the influence they should have.
Of course it matters. The right constantly makes false accusations, and when those accusations are proven to be bullshit, like this one, you try to say it doesn't matter. Quit lying, you lying liar.
How far back do you want to go? How about his impeachment where prominant republicns, after the vote, openly said they knew trump was guilty, but voted against him being found gulty for political reasons? All those top secret documents found after he said he had done a thourough search, and none were there seems to be pretty credible proof.
Why are you against democracy? The House impeached Trump twice, the Senate did not remove Trump from office, just as the Democratic Senate did not remove Clinton from office, even though he was guilty. Again, why are you against Democracy?

There are no WORK AROUNDS to the Constitution.

Why is Biden & Co getting involved in what they can censor and what is misinformation?
I don't know what you mean by "involved in what they can censor". There have been no changes in law to somehow expand what government could censor in privately owned content.

On admin trying to call out misinformation - WHY THE HELL WOULDN'T THEY? Misinformation is a serious problem and they are trying to address in whatever ways they can.
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There are no WORK AROUNDS to the Constitution.

Many conservatives are STILL living under the illusion that government must abide by the law and that justice is for all.

YOU are fucked. Conservatives are fucked.
You can expect your property taxes to go sky high and to get no equal treatment whatsoever.
You can expect your pensions to be taxed massively (if they let you keep any of it at all)
You can expect your savings to be pilfered.

Been trying to warn you clowns for a LONG time now. You did nothing (other than boo hoo endlessly)


Trump is not going to save you and they are absolutely taking your guns away too.
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Many conservatives are STILL living under the illusion that government must abide by the law and that justice is for all.

YOU are fucked. Conservatives are fucked.
You can expect your property taxes to go sky high and to get no equal treatment whatsoever.
You can expect your pensions to be taxed massively (if they let you keep any of it at all)
You can expect your savings to be pilfered.

Been trying to warn you clowns for a LONG time now. You did nothing (other than boo hoo endlessly)


Trump is not going to save you and they are absolutely taking your guns away too.

I don't know what you mean by "involved in what they can censor". There have been no changes in law to somehow expand what government could censor in privately owned content.

On admin trying to call out misinformation - WHY THE HELL WOULDN'T THEY? Misinformation is a serious problem and they are trying to address in whatever ways they can.
Why is Biden & Co in contact with them at all regarding censorship and misinformation?
Because misinformation bad. Right? Or can you not understand that simple part?
I understand that Biden and the left wanted to control what they believed is misinformation and what is not, much like Putin controls the media to make sure that only the government's truth comes out and everything else is labeled misinformation. You know damned well that Putin personally controls social media in Russia and Biden and the Democrats wanted to do that here. Fortunately, that didn't fly here but Biden and the Democrats tried it anyway.

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