All homeless people deserve to be housed

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All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.

All hard working taxpayers deserve a 36' yacht to enjoy the Pacific Ocean in.
No hard working real American should be deprived of this experience...THE END.
Right about what?

Once again how many homeless people do you have in your home?


Everything I have said. .

You idiot, .

Me having one homeless person in my house doesn't change the fact that we have probably 2-3 million homeless people here. So then fuck that dumb ass question.

But it changes it for that one, isn't that what Progressives say? Plus certainly, you can find 2-3 million other Progressives like yourself and presto, problem solved without a dime of my money.

Dumb fuck, your money is going there anyway so why not try solving the problem?

But to idiots like you , its better to use your money to pay 20 million of for one bomb, then 30 million for the next bomb, then 50 million for the bomb after that. Year in and year out forever. You would rather do that, then maybe take 10 years to erase a problem forever. That's how stupid you conservatives are.

Yes, I'll spend a trillion dollars to crush ISIS and all the other terrorist organizations nurtured by the weakness of our previous, inept president.

The homeless have dozens of programs available to them if they WANT. If they don't want, continue to make bad decisions, then it's on them, not anyone else. It is a local issue, up to each city and state to resolve.
All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.
What else do they deserve? A house needs furniture right? Cable TV? Computer, internet access, how about clothing and a full fridge? Having an empty trailer house doesn't seem like enough. Who pays the utilities?
Shall all the conservatives here line up and ask the same question?

And Grandpa, the nation can't have the providers be takers too. Which is what is hapening here.

Except the providers are not taking from the poor. They are taking from the very tax pool that was created with their wealth.

If I can go from prison to business owner why can't the homeless get a job? Goto school?

But that is exactly what the so called providers are doing dipshit.

So how did you go from prison to business owner? All by yourself? Did you have the money laundered for long enough to beat the statue of limitations? Did you have it stashed under that black rock in Buxton?

Maybe some of you arrogant, obtuse, overblown pricks try remembering how you got your opportunity.

How bout we do that?
You know, this may be a bit off-topic, but the price of housing these days is insane!

There's no doubt that the housing bubble and insane rent prices have contributed to more people being homeless.

I've been considering getting a piece of land and putting trailers or small houses on it just to show people what a fair shake

looks like.

Good luck! I live in a college city so we have Progressives leaking out of walls.

The land is so expensive you can't afford to put something inexpensive on it and break even. For low-income housing, it has to be close to town for public transportation. Then you need to comply with zoning requirements. For Leon County (Tallahassee, FL) there is virtually no property, other than buying your own land, on which you could develop into a mobile park. Then you must have city water and sewer and roads built to county specs. Just a nightmare.
What county is Williston in? ;) There's cheap land there. If I'm not mistaken, short drive, too. :banana:

Oops, I was thinking UF, not FSU, doh! Looks like a job for LA.
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Typical Fakey way of answering!

You did answer for Matt because I was writing to Matt and not you, and you defended Matt like Fakey would.

Again, if your local and state governments refuse to help the poor, well then get someone elected that will and if you can not, well sorry little Trostky that is how American politics work!

I know free will sucks but such is life...

You don't have free will. You are a parrot.
How many homeless are in your house?

None ya.

We have 3 million homeless people, how does my hosting 1-2 change that dumb ass?

3 million homeless people, the same 3 million who won the popular vote for Hillary?

Once again why do you set yourself up for ridicule?


What ridicule. For it to be ridicule I really have to care and considering the source, I don't call this ridicule, I call it a bunch of loser trolls trying to bully.

No one is bullying you.

You are the one demanding the government to do as you wish and I am saying set the example and if not fuck off!

Private donors can do more and better than the government and you should try it.

Hell I shared a tent with a homeless couple and gave a shirt off my back to a homeless Mexican( he was from Mexico and have visited him since ) and yet you can not open your home to those in need?

Selfish I say!
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All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.
What else do they deserve? A house needs furniture right? Cable TV? Computer, internet access, how about clothing and a full fridge? Having an empty trailer house doesn't seem like enough. Who pays the utilities?

Shit, throw in a hot blonde stripper for them to have sex with as well. Let's not allow them to suffer.
Typical Fakey way of answering!

You did answer for Matt because I was writing to Matt and not you, and you defended Matt like Fakey would.

Again, if your local and state governments refuse to help the poor, well then get someone elected that will and if you can not, well sorry little Trostky that is how American politics work!

I know free will sucks but such is life...

You don't have free will. You are a parrot.
How many homeless are in your house?

None ya.

We have 3 million homeless people, how does my hosting 1-2 change that dumb ass?

3 million homeless people, the same 3 million who won the popular vote for Hillary?

Once again why do you set yourself up for ridicule?


What ridicule. For it to be ridicule I really have to care and considering the source, I don't call this ridicule, I call it a bunch of loser trolls trying to bully.

Matthew you crack me up , I am laughing my ass off hysterical...

Shall all the conservatives here line up and ask the same question?

And Grandpa, the nation can't have the providers be takers too. Which is what is hapening here.

Except the providers are not taking from the poor. They are taking from the very tax pool that was created with their wealth.

If I can go from prison to business owner why can't the homeless get a job? Goto school?

But that is exactly what the so called providers are doing dipshit.

So how did you go from prison to business owner? All by yourself? Did you have the money laundered for long enough to beat the statue of limitations? Did you have it stashed under that black rock in Buxton?

Maybe some of you arrogant, obtuse, overblown pricks try remembering how you got your opportunity.

How bout we do that?

Well maybe selfish arrogant assholes like yourself should open your home to those in need and if not then fuck off and die!
Shall all the conservatives here line up and ask the same question?

And Grandpa, the nation can't have the providers be takers too. Which is what is hapening here.

Except the providers are not taking from the poor. They are taking from the very tax pool that was created with their wealth.

If I can go from prison to business owner why can't the homeless get a job? Goto school?

But that is exactly what the so called providers are doing dipshit.

So how did you go from prison to business owner? All by yourself? Did you have the money laundered for long enough to beat the statue of limitations? Did you have it stashed under that black rock in Buxton?

Maybe some of you arrogant, obtuse, overblown pricks try remembering how you got your opportunity.

How bout we do that?
So rather than congratulate a FORMER HOMELESS PERSON on their success and becoming a productive member of society, you resort to using the information as a weapon...

How very noble of you. Shallow as a child's wading pool
Right about what?

Once again how many homeless people do you have in your home?


Everything I have said. .

You idiot, .

Me having one homeless person in my house doesn't change the fact that we have probably 2-3 million homeless people here. So then fuck that dumb ass question.

But it changes it for that one, isn't that what Progressives say? Plus certainly, you can find 2-3 million other Progressives like yourself and presto, problem solved without a dime of my money.

Dumb fuck, your money is going there anyway so why not try solving the problem?

But to idiots like you , its better to use your money to pay 20 million of for one bomb, then 30 million for the next bomb, then 50 million for the bomb after that. Year in and year out forever. You would rather do that, then maybe take 10 years to erase a problem forever. That's how stupid you conservatives are.
We've been trying to erase this problem for over 50 years.

To no avail.

It seems those who distribute these programs are doing quite well.

The Baltimore Washington corridor is at a virtual standstill with all of the... Ahem... Conservatives, driving in and out of DC.

Most of this land was open space until 30 years ago.

BTW... Do you have an issue with the Air Force and the delivery systems for these armaments?
Right about what?

Once again how many homeless people do you have in your home?


Everything I have said. .

You idiot, .

Me having one homeless person in my house doesn't change the fact that we have probably 2-3 million homeless people here. So then fuck that dumb ass question.

But it changes it for that one, isn't that what Progressives say? Plus certainly, you can find 2-3 million other Progressives like yourself and presto, problem solved without a dime of my money.

Dumb fuck, your money is going there anyway so why not try solving the problem?

But to idiots like you , its better to use your money to pay 20 million of for one bomb, then 30 million for the next bomb, then 50 million for the bomb after that. Year in and year out forever. You would rather do that, then maybe take 10 years to erase a problem forever. That's how stupid you conservatives are.

Yes, I'll spend a trillion dollars to crush ISIS and all the other terrorist organizations nurtured by the weakness of our previous, inept president.

The homeless have dozens of programs available to them if they WANT. If they don't want, continue to make bad decisions, then it's on them, not anyone else. It is a local issue, up to each city and state to resolve.

ISIS was created by Bush. ISIS is being run out of Iraq because of Obama policy right now. Mosul is about to be taken fro them and this started before Trump was elected. What you are looking at as a president today is the example or poster boy for inept and weak.

Besides ISIS is no threat to us.

Homelessness is a national problem.
Shall all the conservatives here line up and ask the same question?

And Grandpa, the nation can't have the providers be takers too. Which is what is hapening here.

Except the providers are not taking from the poor. They are taking from the very tax pool that was created with their wealth.

If I can go from prison to business owner why can't the homeless get a job? Goto school?

But that is exactly what the so called providers are doing dipshit.

So how did you go from prison to business owner? All by yourself? Did you have the money laundered for long enough to beat the statue of limitations? Did you have it stashed under that black rock in Buxton?

Maybe some of you arrogant, obtuse, overblown pricks try remembering how you got your opportunity.

How bout we do that?
My opportunity came when I applied to goto college. EVERY INDIGENT PERSON automatically qualifies for some assistance and can EASILY get the rest in loans which do not require payment until after you're out of school.
I did it. I'm not arrogant, I'M FUCKING CONFIDENT.

The only difference between me and other homeless when I pulled myself up was I was determined & they were content.

You people who claim to speak for the population I USED TO BE A PART OF are the arrogant, clueless fuckers.

Get off your pedestal jackass
I did not answer for matt to begin with stupid ass.

I'm saying that you use the same standard for everyone here who has never been homeless in their lives who are making comments.

I don't care how long you say you lived in Oregon. I know the well. I also know there are assistance programs there that do not exist in other states. And you benefitted from that.

Typical Fakey way of answering!

You did answer for Matt because I was writing to Matt and not you, and you defended Matt like Fakey would.

Again, if your local and state governments refuse to help the poor, well then get someone elected that will and if you can not, well sorry little Trostky that is how American politics work!

I know free will sucks but such is life...

You don't have free will. You are a parrot.
How many homeless are in your house?

None ya.

We have 3 million homeless people, how does my hosting 1-2 change that dumb ass?

It's a start. Lead by example, brother!

Or STFU. :dunno:
All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.

Let them all live in your house. Problem solved.
I did not answer for matt to begin with stupid ass.

I'm saying that you use the same standard for everyone here who has never been homeless in their lives who are making comments.

I don't care how long you say you lived in Oregon. I know the well. I also know there are assistance programs there that do not exist in other states. And you benefitted from that.

Typical Fakey way of answering!

You did answer for Matt because I was writing to Matt and not you, and you defended Matt like Fakey would.

Again, if your local and state governments refuse to help the poor, well then get someone elected that will and if you can not, well sorry little Trostky that is how American politics work!

I know free will sucks but such is life...

You don't have free will. You are a parrot.
How many homeless are in your house?

None ya.

We have 3 million homeless people, how does my hosting 1-2 change that dumb ass?
If all of you liberals would get together and bring in two homeless people a peice you would solve the problem. We know you won't though, because deep down you really don't care.
Right about what?

Once again how many homeless people do you have in your home?


Everything I have said. .

You idiot, .

Me having one homeless person in my house doesn't change the fact that we have probably 2-3 million homeless people here. So then fuck that dumb ass question.

But it changes it for that one, isn't that what Progressives say? Plus certainly, you can find 2-3 million other Progressives like yourself and presto, problem solved without a dime of my money.

Dumb fuck, your money is going there anyway so why not try solving the problem?

But to idiots like you , its better to use your money to pay 20 million of for one bomb, then 30 million for the next bomb, then 50 million for the bomb after that. Year in and year out forever. You would rather do that, then maybe take 10 years to erase a problem forever. That's how stupid you conservatives are.

Yes, I'll spend a trillion dollars to crush ISIS and all the other terrorist organizations nurtured by the weakness of our previous, inept president.

The homeless have dozens of programs available to them if they WANT. If they don't want, continue to make bad decisions, then it's on them, not anyone else. It is a local issue, up to each city and state to resolve.

ISIS was created by Bush. ISIS is being run out of Iraq because of Obama policy right now. Mosul is about to be taken fro them and this started before Trump was elected. What you are looking at as a president today is the example or poster boy for inept and weak.

Besides ISIS is no threat to us.

Homelessness is a national problem.


But it changes it for that one, isn't that what Progressives say? Plus certainly, you can find 2-3 million other Progressives like yourself and presto, problem solved without a dime of my money.

Dumb fuck, your money is going there anyway so why not try solving the problem?

But to idiots like you , its better to use your money to pay 20 million of for one bomb, then 30 million for the next bomb, then 50 million for the bomb after that. Year in and year out forever. You would rather do that, then maybe take 10 years to erase a problem forever. That's how stupid you conservatives are.

I would rather give the Military Personnel a raise, better housing and better health coverage than waste a dollar on you!

But that's not what you would be paying for with most of your money.

And like I said my money is in the same pot since I do pay taxes.

Oh, so I must pay for what you want and if not then fuck the Military!?!

No. WE must pay for what WE want. You are not the only one paying fuckhead. Get it?
Yes. We must pay for what we want. But you also want us to pay for what someone else wants.

Do you think they should at least attempt to contribute?
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