All homeless people deserve to be housed

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So you against high paying Union jobs now?


This story was from July 7th of last year.

So you don't believe it to be true today?

No wonder we're so far in debt. Libs always want to give away someone else's money. They never want to use their money, do they?
No wonder we're so far in debt. Libs always want to give away someone else's money. They never want to use their money, do they?

How do you figure? Since we pay taxes then whose money are we giving away?
Stupid liberal drivel is so WRONG, and where do you even begin to fantasize with the numbers you post, MORE complete lunacy and lies by the leftist communist. This is the same stupid moronic shit your wanna be dictator that just left office and the shitbitch you ran last wanted, it was rejected.

Your kind took us to the brink of a depression and record deficits.

Your kind?

As our Representatives get rich, from both parties, and you blame an individual who has had enough of the billions in waste and fraud and the demand that we don't give the Government enough money.

Get off of your ass and get a job.

Or mooch off of your family.

Yes your kind. Conservatives. Don't even try starting with the whining laced with false equivalences whites use to try arguing about racism. All you guys are doing is crying about the government helping the poor. How much fraud is committed by the very rich on tax returns? Do you know? How much money do they defraud from the government ? Do you know?

How much waste is done by the private sector that they write off on taxes then get the money they waste back after they file taxes? Do you know?

Maybe you need to go find out.

I had a job for 32 years son. How about you?

They are using laws and rules created by the Democrats ..well to save them money that is theirs..its no fraud

Do you know? How much money do they defraud from the government ? Do you know?

That's not the point son. I don't care who you claim made the laws, I am asking do you know how much the rich have defrauded and wasted then got back in taxes.

No the point is you continue to whine about people figuring away to keep their own money and not concentrate on wasteful government spending like Trump was trying to do.

No one should be homeless.

You obviously have no experience with homeless people.

They are almost never homeless for lack of a home.

I do and Matthew's right.

Matthew is a clueless idiot because most of the homeless in America have mental, drug or alcohol problems which led to their being on the streets in the first place. You naive buffoons think they're going to sober up and go to college?
No one should be homeless.

You obviously have no experience with homeless people.

They are almost never homeless for lack of a home.

I do and Matthew's right.

Matthew is a clueless idiot because most of the homeless in America have mental, drug or alcohol problems which led to their being on the streets in the first place. You naive buffoons think they're going to sober up and go to college?

Remember, they consider Bill Nye a "science guy".
All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.

Where does the $$$ come from to pay for this dog and pony show?


We have the money to do this even if we keep things the same. But if we reduced military spending by cutting it in half, it's easily done.

Reply for Geaux

Go over to single payer = pay about half as much in healthcare compared to today.
Cut military to 400 billion per year
Stay out of wars

Hell, yes we can afford it....I aint saying we should go invade a middle eastern country and blow 6 trillion there. jeezzz.

No one should be homeless.

You obviously have no experience with homeless people.

They are almost never homeless for lack of a home.

I do and Matthew's right.

Matthew is a clueless idiot because most of the homeless in America have mental, drug or alcohol problems which led to their being on the streets in the first place. You naive buffoons think they're going to sober up and go to college?
Agreed on all counts...particularly Mattieboy being an idiot.

There are those down on their luck, who become homeless not due to mental, drug, or alcohol problems...but these people are likely a very small percentage of the homeless.
The loserterians have one focus and that is to bring the united states to the standards of the third world. They're archaist at heart.

Once we're a third world country the rich will have it all and freedom will be over for the little guy...One big christian taliban shithole.

Poor Matt and his hatred for Libertarians and the idea of free will.

Again open your pocket and donate all your money. Live with only a roof over your head and one scrap of bread to eat and only water to drink and if you refuse to do this to help your fellow man then how can you request someone to spare one penny!?!

So Trotsky let cut the crap and admit you want others to do what you have never done once in your damn life!

I donate daily my food and share with my neighbors. I work daily to fix others homes for free. I donate clothing and rides to those I have just met and now you want me to cover your part to society?


I do not preach my Unitarian way nor do I demand others to do as I do but lead by example and maybe when you are old enough you will learn but I doubt it!
All homeless people deserve at a minimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.

Where does the $$$ come from to pay for this dog and pony show?


We have the money to do this even if we keep things the same. But if we reduced military spending by cutting it in half, it's easily done.

Reply for Geaux

Go over to single payer = pay about half as much in healthcare compared to today.
Cut military to 400 billion per year
Stay out of wars

Hell, yes we can afford it....I aint saying we should go invade a middle eastern country and blow 6 trillion there. jeezzz.


Only has a few posts since 2015 and writes like a certain poster that sound like Fake!
In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

So sorry, you lost your stockbroker's license. Who said credit default swaps were not terrible?

Your pathetic effort to look supercilious about Adjustable Rate Mortgages is just childish. Grow up.
No one should be homeless.

You obviously have no experience with homeless people.

They are almost never homeless for lack of a home.

I do and Matthew's right.

Matthew is a clueless idiot because most of the homeless in America have mental, drug or alcohol problems which led to their being on the streets in the first place. You naive buffoons think they're going to sober up and go to college?
Agreed on all counts...particularly Mattieboy being an idiot.

There are those down on their luck, who become homeless not due to mental, drug, or alcohol problems...but these people are likely a very small percentage of the homeless.

Happen to me and ended up in Oregon after the Military. Went into a shelter and the next day got a job and a few weeks later my own place.

Matt has never been homeless and has no clue what the life is like and furthmore I have hiked across this country working from town to town for a few years by choice...
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In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

So sorry, you lost your stockbroker's license. Who said credit default swaps were not terrible?

Your pathetic effort to look supercilious about Adjustable Rate Mortgages is just childish. Grow up.
He thinks an ARM is really really technical so few people know what they are. LMFAO!
In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

So sorry, you lost your stockbroker's license. Who said credit default swaps were not terrible?

Your pathetic effort to look supercilious about Adjustable Rate Mortgages is just childish. Grow up.

I did not lose my stockbrokers License. I know what I am talking about when I tall about how harmful ARMS were.

You might want to grow up. I'm grown.
In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

So sorry, you lost your stockbroker's license. Who said credit default swaps were not terrible?

Your pathetic effort to look supercilious about Adjustable Rate Mortgages is just childish. Grow up.

I did not lose my stockbrokers License. I know what I am talking about when I tall about how harmful ARMS were.

You might want to grow up. I'm grown.
Explain how ARMs and credit default swaps are CONSERVATIVE policy. Be specific.
In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

So sorry, you lost your stockbroker's license. Who said credit default swaps were not terrible?

Your pathetic effort to look supercilious about Adjustable Rate Mortgages is just childish. Grow up.

I did not lose my stockbrokers License. I know what I am talking about when I tall about how harmful ARMS were.

You might want to grow up. I'm grown.

A real grownup know when to stop arguing with those that know what you are writing about.

Those like you blame all the ills of this nation on the Conservatives without realizing the Liberal Politician has been part of the problem too!

Also if you play a market and get caught with your panties down, well it is your own damn fault and should not expect the taxpayer to bail your sorry ass out!

Oh, and you're another sock account!
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