All homeless people deserve to be housed

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I did not answer for matt to begin with stupid ass.

I'm saying that you use the same standard for everyone here who has never been homeless in their lives who are making comments.

I don't care how long you say you lived in Oregon. I know the well. I also know there are assistance programs there that do not exist in other states. And you benefitted from that.

Funny once again..what you said..

've worked with homeless andformerly homeless people, and if we are going to talk about Matt in this way

Wrong. .NO ONE in this country should be homeless regardless of what choice you think they made. Because we all make bad choices during our lives.

As you know and ignore beautifully is the fact that deinstitutionalization began in the early '60's. It was an effort by DEMOCRATS to mainstream mentally ill patients and reduce the cost to the Federal Government. President Kennedy started the trend. With good intentions as is the case with all failed Democrat programs.

Progressives LOVE using the static accounting method so their programs are shown to ONLY "X" in ten years when they actually are "X x 10" plus.

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

So sorry, you lost your stockbroker's license. Who said credit default swaps were not terrible?

Your pathetic effort to look supercilious about Adjustable Rate Mortgages is just childish. Grow up.

I did not lose my stockbrokers License. I know what I am talking about when I tall about how harmful ARMS were.

You might want to grow up. I'm grown.
Explain how ARMs and credit default swaps are CONSERVATIVE policy. Be specific.
At IM2....

Please address my post. Please...pretty please.

Well since the financial industry was deregulated by a bill written and sponsored by 3 republicans named Gramm-Leech and Bliley, and passed by a majority republican congress, they opened up the ability for such instruments to be created.
I did not answer for matt to begin with stupid ass.

I'm saying that you use the same standard for everyone here who has never been homeless in their lives who are making comments.

I don't care how long you say you lived in Oregon. I know the well. I also know there are assistance programs there that do not exist in other states. And you benefitted from that.

Funny once again..what you said..

've worked with homeless andformerly homeless people, and if we are going to talk about Matt in this way


Who's thread is this?

The same thread you are commenting in.
Wrong. .NO ONE in this country should be homeless regardless of what choice you think they made. Because we all make bad choices during our lives.

As you know and ignore beautifully is the fact that deinstitutionalization began in the early '60's. It was an effort by DEMOCRATS to mainstream mentally ill patients and reduce the cost to the Federal Government. President Kennedy started the trend. With good intentions as is the case with all failed Democrat programs.

Progressives LOVE using the static accounting method so their programs are shown to ONLY "X" in ten years when they actually are "X x 10" plus.


Well that's not how it was used.

As you know, the vast majority of people used an ARM responsibility. It's your own fault you are among those who attempted to abuse and scam the system and got plowed under.
I did not answer for matt to begin with stupid ass.

I'm saying that you use the same standard for everyone here who has never been homeless in their lives who are making comments.

I don't care how long you say you lived in Oregon. I know the well. I also know there are assistance programs there that do not exist in other states. And you benefitted from that.

Typical Fakey way of answering!

You did answer for Matt because I was writing to Matt and not you, and you defended Matt like Fakey would.

Again, if your local and state governments refuse to help the poor, well then get someone elected that will and if you can not, well sorry little Trostky that is how American politics work!

I know free will sucks but such is life...

You don't have free will. You are a parrot.

Says the fake sock!

People have the free will to help daily and yet you refuse to live without and donate all you have, and I wonder why?

Does it bother you that America has yet to become the one party system you dream of?

Oh and what you failed to notice once again everything you want can be accomplished at the local and state governments but you must be living in Idaho where people there feel that you have no right to demand they spend more than you do when helping the poor!
Wrong. .NO ONE in this country should be homeless regardless of what choice you think they made. Because we all make bad choices during our lives.

As you know and ignore beautifully is the fact that deinstitutionalization began in the early '60's. It was an effort by DEMOCRATS to mainstream mentally ill patients and reduce the cost to the Federal Government. President Kennedy started the trend. With good intentions as is the case with all failed Democrat programs.

Progressives LOVE using the static accounting method so their programs are shown to ONLY "X" in ten years when they actually are "X x 10" plus.



One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

Yawn! Maybe you need to go look at the federal aid and who it goes to.
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

Yawn! Maybe you need to go look at the federal aid and who it goes to.

Smart ass.

I'm in the swamp.

I know where it goes.
I've done some of that. But will you pay the rich out of your own pockets for the breaks they are given that you support?

What breaks are the "rich" given that are not available to you? Please be specific.
The loserterians have one focus and that is to bring the united states to the standards of the third world. They're archaist at heart.

Once we're a third world country the rich will have it all and freedom will be over for the little guy...One big christian taliban shithole.

By losertarians I assume you mean liberals. They are the ones who try to import the 3rd world here. They also see the3rd world culture as just as capable, in face, even better!

No he is speaking accurately about you conservatives. You almost made us a the third world country in 2007 and now you got your boy in there who will do his level best to make your creams come true by finally getting that done.

So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
By losertarians I assume you mean liberals. They are the ones who try to import the 3rd world here. They also see the3rd world culture as just as capable, in face, even better!

No he is speaking accurately about you conservatives. You almost made us a the third world country in 2007 and now you got your boy in there who will do his level best to make your creams come true by finally getting that done.

So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.
And your Progressive Marxist ideas don't?
Do you conservatives ever really think about just how stupid and ignorant the crap you post sounds?

We have a good model of what a stupid post looks like. Anything you post falls into that category!

Yeah I know. Fact and truth that kills conservative crap is always stupid to conservatives.

If someone disagree with little Fakey wanna-be Trotsky then they must be stupid doo-doo heads!!!

Give all you want but don't demand others to do as you believe they should do.

Also if your candidate loses you should ask why and how can you change the mind and hearts of the average voter and calling them stupid is surely not the fucking answer moron!
By losertarians I assume you mean liberals. They are the ones who try to import the 3rd world here. They also see the3rd world culture as just as capable, in face, even better!

No he is speaking accurately about you conservatives. You almost made us a the third world country in 2007 and now you got your boy in there who will do his level best to make your creams come true by finally getting that done.

So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.

It seem it has been winning of late.

Can you explain why?
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