All homeless people deserve to be housed

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'd rather pay the poor because the poor will actually spend the money and by spending that money it stimulates economic growth and creates jobs.

Where does that money come from?

If you take, under threat of imprisonment $100.00 from me, filter it through dozens of unnecessary levels of government waste and fraud then hand $40.00 to someone for NOT working. Where is the benefit to our economy?
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.
I've done some of that. But will you pay the rich out of your own pockets for the breaks they are given that you support?

What breaks are the "rich" given that are not available to you? Please be specific.

No I won't be specific and I won't answer this dumb ass question. Why is it that we always have to show proof to you idiots and you guys can blurt crap out like you have Tourette's with no facts, no basis in truth or anything else?

You know good and damn well that there are breaks the rich get that others don't and you know good and damn well they will use CPAS and accounting firms to find them.
By losertarians I assume you mean liberals. They are the ones who try to import the 3rd world here. They also see the3rd world culture as just as capable, in face, even better!

No he is speaking accurately about you conservatives. You almost made us a the third world country in 2007 and now you got your boy in there who will do his level best to make your creams come true by finally getting that done.

So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.

I honestly think that some f you are paid shills for liberals and the DNC. No human being could be that stupid without monetary incentives because you wouldn't have the sense to operate a computer!

You libs are about as stupid as these ads I see at he bottom of this page with the obvious Photoshopping and bald-faced lies!
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.

I didn't know it was that much...

So how can I get in these programs? To mooch off society?
No he is speaking accurately about you conservatives. You almost made us a the third world country in 2007 and now you got your boy in there who will do his level best to make your creams come true by finally getting that done.

So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.

I honestly think that some f you are paid shills for liberals and the DNC. No human being could be that stupid without monetary incentives because you wouldn't have the sense to operate a computer!

You libs are about as stupid as these ads I see at he bottom of this page with the obvious Photoshopping and bald-faced lies!

Maye you read Greenspans testimony to congress before you keep taking?
I've done some of that. But will you pay the rich out of your own pockets for the breaks they are given that you support?

What breaks are the "rich" given that are not available to you? Please be specific.

No I won't be specific and I won't answer this dumb ass question. Why is it that we always have to show proof to you idiots and you guys can blurt crap out like you have Tourette's with no facts, no basis in truth or anything else?

You know good and damn well that there are breaks the rich get that others don't and you know good and damn well they will use CPAS and accounting firms to find them.
We've given you facts.

How much more are we required to provide in taxes to meet your desires?
So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.


View attachment 129341

So now you are reduced to trolling.

You did that by your first post

I've done some of that. But will you pay the rich out of your own pockets for the breaks they are given that you support?

What breaks are the "rich" given that are not available to you? Please be specific.

No I won't be specific and I won't answer this dumb ass question. Why is it that we always have to show proof to you idiots and you guys can blurt crap out like you have Tourette's with no facts, no basis in truth or anything else?

You know good and damn well that there are breaks the rich get that others don't and you know good and damn well they will use CPAS and accounting firms to find them.

So your argument is that the poor do not have the accounting firms to cheat the government, so they are the victim.

I use a CPA to do my taxes and I am far from being rich when it come to money...

Maybe you should do the poor taxes for free or is that asking too much of you Mr. FAKEY STOCK BROKER!?!
So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.

I honestly think that some f you are paid shills for liberals and the DNC. No human being could be that stupid without monetary incentives because you wouldn't have the sense to operate a computer!

You libs are about as stupid as these ads I see at he bottom of this page with the obvious Photoshopping and bald-faced lies!

Maye you read Greenspans testimony to congress before you keep taking?

Greenspan? He has been out as the chairman for how any years now?

He has been gone for 11 years!

Go back and play with your blocks and let the adults carry on a conversation little one!
So in your world the left didn't contribute to the housing bubble break of franie and Freddie?


In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.


View attachment 129341

So now you are reduced to trolling.

And you claim to be smart and it took you that long to figure it out?
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.

I didn't know it was that much...

So how can I get in these programs? To mooch off society?

Probably because it's not. These are numbers from the Heritage Foundation a conservative " think tank".

And the story is five year sold.
In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.


View attachment 129341

So now you are reduced to trolling.

You did that by your first post


My bad your third

IM2Active Member

All homeless people deserve at aminimum to be housed in single wides and given a college education...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner and it is the morally right thing to do as a country.

No one should be homeless.

Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.
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Where does the $$$ come from to pay for this dog and pony show?

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We have the money to do this even if we keep things the same. But if we reduced military spending by cutting it in half, it's easily done.
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Reply for Geaux

Go over to single payer = pay about half as much in healthcare compared to today.
Cut military to 400 billion per year
Stay out of wars

Hell, yes we can afford it....I aint saying we should go invade a middle eastern country and blow 6 trillion there. jeezzz.
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One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.

I didn't know it was that much...

So how can I get in these programs? To mooch off society?
Good question.

I'm right here in the DC metro area and I have yet to find a way to leech off of the money that pours into this place.

Funny thing is...

You get out of the downtown DC area and it's a third world hellhole.

Places you would be best to stay out of after dark.
All homeless people deserve...
Their homeless state does not, in-and-of itself, entitle them to anything. a minimum to be housed in single wides...
Your idea. You pay for it. And leave me (and my money) out of it.

...and given a college education...
My nomination for "Most Asinine Thought of the Month".

Train 'em to work in a warehouse or factory, or drive a forklift, or flip burgers... something they can actually handle.

...One can not pull themselves up from off the street corner...
See above re: training.

...and it is the morally right thing to do as a country...
I thought you Lefties did not appreciate Collective Morality; for example, as it applies to Straight Folk utilizing Morality to protest against the Gay Agenda.

You can't have it both ways... dragging-out Morality when it's convenient and useful to you, and holding Morality at arms' length when it works against you.

...No one should be homeless...
Correct. Unless they choose to be homeless. And so many do. It's called "giving up" and "acting out". Many are not there by choice. Many are.

...Proud to be liberal as I don't think anyone should rot on the sidewalk.
I have no problem with government agencies or nonprofits giving homeless folk temporary quarters and some basic job training and a bit of time (breathing space) in which to try to pull their lives together... as a one-time or two-time shot... anyone can "tank" once or twice in their lives, given any of a variety of unfortunate, overpowering circumstances...

But I have HUGE problems with being told that I must consent to my tax dollars being spent to permanently house them and give them college educations.
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.

I didn't know it was that much...

So how can I get in these programs? To mooch off society?
Good question.

I'm right here in the DC metro area and I have yet to find a way to leech off of the money that pours into this place.

Funny thing is...

You get out of the downtown DC area and it's a third world hellhole.

Places you would be best to stay out of after dark.

That includes most places infested by liberals.
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.

I didn't know it was that much...

So how can I get in these programs? To mooch off society?
Good question.

I'm right here in the DC metro area and I have yet to find a way to leech off of the money that pours into this place.

Funny thing is...

You get out of the downtown DC area and it's a third world hellhole.

Places you would be best to stay out of after dark.

Like the majority of inner cities.
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.

I didn't know it was that much...

So how can I get in these programs? To mooch off society?

Probably because it's not. These are numbers from the Heritage Foundation a conservative " think tank".

And the story is five year sold.
You lying fucking piece of shit.

I have this information in front of me.

It is not from the Heritage foundation.

Prove me wrong.
One third of the US population, 100m, receive federal aid from over 80 federally subsidized programs, at an average cost of $9000. Per recipient.

Then there are the State programs that provide these services.

But, but, but...

We need more.

Unless you are willing to help yourself there is little we can do to lift you out of your self imposed demise.

If you showed a little initiative then maybe we wouldn't be here questioning the need for more entitlements.

You serious?

Damn I am stupid ..
Yes Bear.

Easily found truth.

Multitude of funding and we still hear that America is chock full of meanie conservatives.

This does not include charity.

I didn't know it was that much...

So how can I get in these programs? To mooch off society?

Probably because it's not. These are numbers from the Heritage Foundation a conservative " think tank".

And the story is five year sold.

So they're being Conservative on their figures and it is far more???


Unless it is from the DailyKos you most likely will disagree with any figure given to you!
In my world I read what Greenspan said when he testified to congress. How about you?

In my world I held a stockbrokers license and knew those derivatives and credit default swaps were junk.

How about you?

In my world I knew what an ARM was. How about you? Do you know what an ARM is and how that impacted things Or in your world an arm is part of your upper body.

These things came about as result of conservative policy.

Can you post anything that is not a lie?

I am not posting lies. Just face it, conservatism sucks and it always fails.

I honestly think that some f you are paid shills for liberals and the DNC. No human being could be that stupid without monetary incentives because you wouldn't have the sense to operate a computer!

You libs are about as stupid as these ads I see at he bottom of this page with the obvious Photoshopping and bald-faced lies!

Maye you read Greenspans testimony to congress before you keep taking?

Greenspan? He has been out as the chairman for how any years now?

He has been gone for 11 years!

Go back and play with your blocks and let the adults carry on a conversation little one!

Well the problem here is that the issue of how liberals caused the crash that happened at the time Greenspan was the Chair of the fed.. So then its kinda important to have read and understood his determination of why things happened as they did.
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