All "jobs" added in the past year have been part-time workers

You do realize that people who are no looking for work but are still unemployed aren't counted in that number, right?

So if 100,000 give up looking for a job, they are no longer considered unemployed and the rate will thus drop accordingly.
Yes. That’s the way it’s always been. Do you have a point?
You do realize that people who are no looking for work but are still unemployed aren't counted in that number, right?

So if 100,000 give up looking for a job, they are no longer considered unemployed and the rate will thus drop accordingly.

What you're talking about is captured in the labor force participation rate.

Americans in Their Prime Are Flooding Into the Job Market
The core of the American labor force is back.

Americans between 25 and 54 years of age are either employed or looking for jobs at rates not seen in two decades, a trend helping to counter the exodus of older baby boomers from the workforce. Economists define that age range as in their prime working years—when most Americans are done with their formal education, aren’t ready to retire and tend to be most attached to the labor force.
Biden increased his output as we get closer to the 2024 ELECTION. Did you expect that to not happen ?

Looking at previous numbers of oil production, Biden's small numbers are dwarfed by Trump numbers.

I have this all in detail from the EIA, if you'd like to see it.

They INCREASED every single month from the devastating low levels Trump passes. Trump let Covid destroy our output base with half of all wells still closed when Biden took over. Then Biden took it to heights Trump never saw. Biden is the best!
OK let's get updated.We can do that >>

View attachment 897063
Bwahahahaha. Layoffs are historic lows. Your chart is a random listing of select layoffs. I would NEVER hire you as a 6 figure analyst for me.

You must be bedridden or a shut-in to believe that.
It's what Biden's Dept of Commerce (BEA) says. No reason to not believe it. Only thing I dont believe is the GDP drop is only to 3.3. I would guess it is worse than that.
It's what Biden's Dept of Commerce (BEA) says. No reason to not believe it. Only thing I dont believe is the GDP drop is only to 3.3. I would guess it is worse than that.
Annualized GDP growth in the 3-6% range doesn’t represent “GDP in decline,” it’s a historically roaring economy. Which is what those of us who leave the house are experiencing.
They INCREASED every single month from the devastating low levels Trump passes. Trump let Covid destroy our output base with half of all wells still closed when Biden took over. Then Biden took it to heights Trump never saw. Biden is the best!
TOTALLY FALSE! How stupid for you to come in here and dispute what is written record by the EIA. You just completely shredded any ounce of credibility you might have ever had.

The DECREASE of oil production began starkly with Biden's first month in office when oil production PLUMMETED from Trump's last month in office, January 2021 - when production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo

Here is the full scoop on the difference between Trump's strong oil production, and Biden's "transition from fossil fuels" DECREASE from that strong production (until Biden went into election year production mode)

Note that the following pertains to the 2 years of 2021 and 2022, before election politics became a significant factor.

Production was sky high under Trump, and has been relatively tiny under fossil fuel enemy Biden. (up until 2023, as we approach the 2024 election)

Oil production overall not only increased, during the Trump administration, it soared, and was vastly greater than the production we've gotten with Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

Biden's 2021 average is 341 Million Barrels/month compared to Trump's 374.
Biden's 2022 average (when he ramped up production as the 2022 election drew closer) wasn't much better > 354.


U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

AND, if we extrapolate the EIA graph curve of Trump to Dec. 2022, if Trump were still president, it would be whopping 580 Million gallons/month - HUNDREDS of gallons/month more than Biden ever allowed produced.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)


Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the Democrat engineered pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo

(209 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Go ahead - put a ruler on the line that starts at 2017 when Trump took over, and look at where it goes to for December 2022 > 580 Million

All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo
Well, none of this should be any surprise coming from a guy who openly boasted (in the 2020 presidential debate) that he was going to "transition away from fossil fuels"

Biden signs executive order pausing federal drilling leases

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I seem to fit in OK. Even Republican Governors and liked me alright. The only one I wouldn't vote for was the one that got his fuel, (sold from one end of the state to the other) from the Communist Hugo Chavez. I don't support anybody that supports or supported Communism. As somebody who has done a little trucking, as well as managed a truck fleet, I was not impressed with the special tax he got passed. while he was in office that benefitted him and his business. Due to the way it was set up, he could make money off the interest, of the tax collect, due to the payment schedule.
Joe's not trying to sell me fuel coast to coast, while collecting taxes, he put in place, to be paid the state out of the tax funds taken daily, going to short term bonds, making profit of the taxes paid by the customer before they come due to be paid to the state, a sweetheart deal in anybody's politics for profit books.
Joe's not trying to sell me fuel coast to coast, while collecting taxes, he put in place, to be paid the state out of the tax funds taken daily, going to short term bonds, making profit of the taxes paid by the customer before they come due to be paid to the state, a sweetheart deal in anybody's politics for profit books.
so fuel costs are cheaper under Briben across the country eh ?

Annualized GDP growth in the 3-6% range doesn’t represent “GDP in decline,” it’s a historically roaring economy. Which is what those of us who leave the house are experiencing.
GDP declined from 4.9 in Q3, to 3.3 in Q4, according to Biden. Ho hum. yawn****
On track for 4.2% for Q1 2024.

Economy's humming now.

It will be 4.2 AFTER it is 4.2, and not until them. Forecast all you like, the latest report is of SINKING GDP.

My bet is it is already 1.0 or less, and will be below zero next quarter, giving us yet ANOTHER Biden recession.

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It will be 4.2 AFTER it is 4.2, and not until them. Forecast all you like, the latest report is of SINKING GDP.

My bet is it is already 1.0 or less, and will be below zero next quarter, giving us yet ANOTHER Biden recession.

View attachment 897330
There you go...........Predicting.
Just like you're dear leader.

Trump: I'll choose the best people for my administration - CNBC​

CNBC › video › 2016/09/15 › trump-ill-...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump discusses his criteria for choosing senior administrators, during a Q&A with hedge fund ...

Predicting doesn't mean squat, results do.
TOTALLY FALSE! How stupid for you to come in here and dispute what is written record by the EIA. You just completely shredded any ounce of credibility you might have ever had.

The DECREASE of oil production began starkly with Biden's first month in office when oil production PLUMMETED from Trump's last month in office, January 2021 - when production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo

Here is the full scoop on the difference between Trump's strong oil production, and Biden's "transition from fossil fuels" DECREASE from that strong production (until Biden went into election year production mode)

Note that the following pertains to the 2 years of 2021 and 2022, before election politics became a significant factor.

Production was sky high under Trump, and has been relatively tiny under fossil fuel enemy Biden. (up until 2023, as we approach the 2024 election)

Oil production overall not only increased, during the Trump administration, it soared, and was vastly greater than the production we've gotten with Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

Biden's 2021 average is 341 Million Barrels/month compared to Trump's 374.
Biden's 2022 average (when he ramped up production as the 2022 election drew closer) wasn't much better > 354.


U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

AND, if we extrapolate the EIA graph curve of Trump to Dec. 2022, if Trump were still president, it would be whopping 580 Million gallons/month - HUNDREDS of gallons/month more than Biden ever allowed produced.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)


Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the Democrat engineered pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo

(209 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Go ahead - put a ruler on the line that starts at 2017 when Trump took over, and look at where it goes to for December 2022 > 580 Million

All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo
Well, none of this should be any surprise coming from a guy who openly boasted (in the 2020 presidential debate) that he was going to "transition away from fossil fuels"

Biden signs executive order pausing federal drilling leases

Congress votes to open Alaska refuge to oil drilling​

The Hill › policy › energy-environment › 3...

Dec 20, 2017 — Congress voted Wednesday to open Alaska's remote Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and natural gas drilling, ending more than four

ANWR lease sale fizzles for Trump administration, with ...​

Alaska Dispatch News › energy › 2021/01/06 › anwr-leas...

Jan 6, 2021 — The federal government's first-ever oil and gas lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge raised $14.4 million in bids, with the ...
When you actually look inside the jobs numbers, hey aren't good news at all. Just some numbers thrown out by Biden's BLS.

But look deeper and you will see things like this.

I or anyone else you know, could easily point out those who got full time jobs.
EVEN in a small town like mine.

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