'...all racists are atheists...'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Denver radio host on Donald Sterling: ?All racists are, at the end of the day, atheists?

A Denver talk radio host suggested that it wasn’t possible to believe in God and still be racist.

“The roots of this kind of racism, this kind of attitude where somebody really thinks they’re superior to somebody, just because of the color of the other person’s skin? First, what it tells me — you know, my constitutionally-protected opinion about that person — is they don’t believe in God,” Caplis said.

“Nobody who believes in God can be a racist, in my view, because once you believe God made us, you mean, God made junk?” Caplis continued. “God made somebody lesser just by virtue of the color of their skin? So my starting point is always: All racists must be atheists. They can’t possibly believe in God.”


“You cannot believe in God and be a racist because, if you believe in God, then you cannot possibly believe that God made somebody inferior just because of the color of their skin,” he said.


“In fact, I’ve never had that impression whatsoever, that any sort of big number of atheists were racist,” he said. “My point is the opposite, or a different point, I should say. That I think, probably, all racists are, at the end of the day, atheists.”


“I apologize if it was taken that way, but never could’ve imagined somebody would think I was saying that all atheists are racists,” he said. “That would be a goofy thing to say. I was just saying all racists are atheists.”

Listen to him at the link.

There's also a video of him talking about $arah.

Among the comments:

Personally, I am getting really tired of christians like this guy, projecting their own failings on atheists. We are not the go to punching bag for amorality.
Just because somebody does not believe in God does not mean that they are an Athiest.

Just because somebody is racist does not mean that they must be an Athiest.
"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over ... "

all racism is scripturally inspired.



No, it is humanly inspired.
People make associations by group. We learn by experience.

So if you have a negative experience, you will attach emotions and perception
to that group or anyone who reminds you of that negative experience.
I guess it depends if you consider the
* beliefs of the KKK in God as a false god
* the beliefs of terrorists in violent jihad attributed to Allah as a false god
* the beliefs that African American slaves were unequal as coming from a false god

then you are equating all these people as the same as "atheists", because they do not REALLY believe in the true meaning God so they might as well not believe in God at all?

BTW I think the real issue with racism is whether we FORGIVE different groups or different biases we have.
We can still have these biases, preferences, prejudices or associations by group or stereotype.
The issue is whether we forgive, or we PROJECT these biases we have outward in how we speak/act/think toward others.

So that is where the "unconditional forgiveness of God" comes in.
Only God is so perfect in love, without condition, to including all people as equal children;
whereas all humans are going to be limited and biased in which people we love or forgive more than others.

Denver radio host on Donald Sterling: ?All racists are, at the end of the day, atheists?

A Denver talk radio host suggested that it wasn’t possible to believe in God and still be racist.

“The roots of this kind of racism, this kind of attitude where somebody really thinks they’re superior to somebody, just because of the color of the other person’s skin? First, what it tells me — you know, my constitutionally-protected opinion about that person — is they don’t believe in God,” Caplis said.

“Nobody who believes in God can be a racist, in my view, because once you believe God made us, you mean, God made junk?” Caplis continued. “God made somebody lesser just by virtue of the color of their skin? So my starting point is always: All racists must be atheists. They can’t possibly believe in God.”


“You cannot believe in God and be a racist because, if you believe in God, then you cannot possibly believe that God made somebody inferior just because of the color of their skin,” he said.


“In fact, I’ve never had that impression whatsoever, that any sort of big number of atheists were racist,” he said. “My point is the opposite, or a different point, I should say. That I think, probably, all racists are, at the end of the day, atheists.”


“I apologize if it was taken that way, but never could’ve imagined somebody would think I was saying that all atheists are racists,” he said. “That would be a goofy thing to say. I was just saying all racists are atheists.”

Listen to him at the link.

There's also a video of him talking about $arah.

Among the comments:

Personally, I am getting really tired of christians like this guy, projecting their own failings on atheists. We are not the go to punching bag for amorality.
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"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over ... "

all racism is scripturally inspired.


Except that quote is about animals and not living people.

Racism is most likely rooted in the sin of arrogance instead of disbelief in god. Of course, they probably are some people that actually think along the lines he describes..
Racism exists because people don't acknowledge that all men are children of God.
"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over ... "

all racism is scripturally inspired.


Except that quote is about animals and not living people.

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

that is the difference between you and I Chuck, I will not read further the Bible till the egregious wording above is removed, done so by true Believers in our quest for Admission to the Everlasting as demanded by the Almighty through his single Commandment of repentance - and that day will be when the Bible truly speaks the word of God.

Chuckt: Except that quote is about animals and not living people.

good luck, Chuckt ... between every coma is an egregious affront for which no further may the word of redemption be spoken.

all racism is scripturally inspired.


Except that quote is about animals and not living people.

"Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

that is the difference between you and I Chuck, I will not read further the Bible till the egregious wording above is removed, done so by true Believers in our quest for Admission to the Everlasting as demanded by the Almighty through his single Commandment of repentance - and that day will be when the Bible truly speaks the word of God.

Chuckt: Except that quote is about animals and not living people.

good luck, Chuckt ... between every coma is an egregious affront for which no further may the word of redemption be spoken.


How do you expect to learn anything if you dont want to read any more?
Except that quote is about animals and not living people.

that is the difference between you and I Chuck, I will not read further the Bible till the egregious wording above is removed, done so by true Believers in our quest for Admission to the Everlasting as demanded by the Almighty through his single Commandment of repentance - and that day will be when the Bible truly speaks the word of God.

Chuckt: Except that quote is about animals and not living people.

good luck, Chuckt ... between every coma is an egregious affront for which no further may the word of redemption be spoken.


How do you expect to learn anything if you dont want to read any more?

it is you who live without the knowledge of God and the path to Remission.

Racism, sexism, etc., in my opinion, derive from a person's false understanding of God

Atheists 'have higher IQs': Their intelligence 'makes them more likely to dismiss religion as irrational and unscientific'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...on-irrational-unscientific.html#ixzz30ekRNzef
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This clowns argument is based on his theory that he understands GOD.

Like every other charlatan who claims they know the heart of GOD, he's a freaking nutter or a liar.

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