All that stands between us and "total disaster" is President Obama

^ Typical rube obsessing over butt sex.
Well, we were discussing your butt pain, right?

You're the once who brought up butts. In typical, rube-ish, fashion.
Did I? Sorry, didn't mean to get you excited.
Yeah you should probably try to refrain from that, Meathead, since after all it is the progs who so dearly love and support the butt poking life style. You should know that the mere mention of butt sex is going to turn them on.
^ Typical rube obsessing over butt sex.
Well, we were discussing your butt pain, right?

You're the once who brought up butts. In typical, rube-ish, fashion.
Did I? Sorry, didn't mean to get you excited.
^ Typical rube obsessing over butt sex.
Well, we were discussing your butt pain, right?

You're the once who brought up butts. In typical, rube-ish, fashion.
Did I? Sorry, didn't mean to get you excited.
Yeah you should probably try to refrain from that, Meathead, since after all it is the progs who so dearly love and support the butt poking life style. You should know that the mere mention of butt sex is going to turn them on.

Hey you 2 rubes should get together to work through that butt-sex fixation you've got going on.
^ Typical rube obsessing over butt sex.
Well, we were discussing your butt pain, right?

You're the once who brought up butts. In typical, rube-ish, fashion.
Did I? Sorry, didn't mean to get you excited.
^ Typical rube obsessing over butt sex.
Well, we were discussing your butt pain, right?

You're the once who brought up butts. In typical, rube-ish, fashion.
Did I? Sorry, didn't mean to get you excited.
Yeah you should probably try to refrain from that, Meathead, since after all it is the progs who so dearly love and support the butt poking life style. You should know that the mere mention of butt sex is going to turn them on.

Hey you 2 rubes should get together to work through that butt-sex fixation you've got going on.
I'm sure there are other websites to discuss these kinds of fantasies. This is not an appropriate forum.
I wonder if the progs are starting to get the sense yet that the majority of Americans have completely turned against them? I wonder if they're smart enough? I wonder if they'll be truthful to themselves or live in denial?

Must be tough on them, because they're so used to "STUPID AMERICANS" buying their LIES, and, well, that's kinda over now. Poor libtards... played their games and have been rejected... how will they ever cope?

Hey, I KNOW, they could move to NORTH KOREA! They have a little junior Hitler, IMBECILE, DICTATOR just like their messiah here, AND GOVERNMENT RUNS EVERYTHING... HECK YEAH... they GOTTA love THAT... RIGHT?
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.
He can't, isn't that wonderful?

I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
And yet Obama has let all those soldiers die in vain. His Iraq war is a failure.
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.
He can't, isn't that wonderful?

I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
And yet Obama has let all those soldiers die in vain. His Iraq war is a failure.

You voted to put them in their grave. Good job.

Asshole. :up_yours:
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.
He can't, isn't that wonderful?

I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
And yet Obama has let all those soldiers die in vain. His Iraq war is a failure.

You voted to put them in their grave. Good job.

Asshole. :up_yours:
No, it was voted to liberate a country, and we did. Soldiers did a great job without liberal support. Then Obama successfully ended Bush's war. Now, it's like we were never there, thanks Obama. Those great soldiers died in vain, thanks to the likes of you, dickhead.
He can't, isn't that wonderful?

I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
And yet Obama has let all those soldiers die in vain. His Iraq war is a failure.

You voted to put them in their grave. Good job.

Asshole. :up_yours:
No, it was voted to liberate a country, and we did. Soldiers did a great job without liberal support. Then Obama successfully ended Bush's war. Now, it's like we were never there, thanks Obama. Those great soldiers died in vain, thanks to the likes of you, dickhead.

You're an embarrassment. Soldiers did a great job despite republicans fucking America and falling over each other trying to get their buddies a payday from the war. I know you miss seeing reports of thousands of American casualties over there but you'll have to suck it up.

Republicans never learn anything. Unfuckingbelievable.
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?

The far-right Tea Bag dopes on USMB actually think a country with no laws, just unlimited personal ownership of guns, would actually work.

Wait, the only laws they approve of are the ones that close Women's Clinics and prevent gays from marrying.
I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
And yet Obama has let all those soldiers die in vain. His Iraq war is a failure.

You voted to put them in their grave. Good job.

Asshole. :up_yours:
No, it was voted to liberate a country, and we did. Soldiers did a great job without liberal support. Then Obama successfully ended Bush's war. Now, it's like we were never there, thanks Obama. Those great soldiers died in vain, thanks to the likes of you, dickhead.

You're an embarrassment. Soldiers did a great job despite republicans fucking America and falling over each other trying to get their buddies a payday from the war. I know you miss seeing reports of thousands of American casualties over there but you'll have to suck it up.

Republicans never learn anything. Unfuckingbelievable.
No, the iraq war was approved, democrats demanded that they could vote again for it. As soon as liberals gave their support, you went against them. You sick fuckers counted their deaths daily. Had a major organism when it hit a thousand. Liberals made sure it was reported any wrong doings soldiers made. Kerry spoke of soldiers pillaging cities and raping women and children. Reid said the war was lost. What happened when Obama got elected? Silence from people like yourself. Obama bragged about ending the war successfully, and you swallowed the lie. Now we are sending more soldiers over there. You don't have the right to shine a soldiers shoes. You stupid fuck head. You soldier haters piss me off.
I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
And yet Obama has let all those soldiers die in vain. His Iraq war is a failure.

You voted to put them in their grave. Good job.

Asshole. :up_yours:
No, it was voted to liberate a country, and we did. Soldiers did a great job without liberal support. Then Obama successfully ended Bush's war. Now, it's like we were never there, thanks Obama. Those great soldiers died in vain, thanks to the likes of you, dickhead.

You're an embarrassment. Soldiers did a great job despite republicans fucking America and falling over each other trying to get their buddies a payday from the war. I know you miss seeing reports of thousands of American casualties over there but you'll have to suck it up.

Republicans never learn anything. Unfuckingbelievable.
Oh, and fuck head. You do realize in Obama's war all the same people are making millions?
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?

The far-right Tea Bag dopes on USMB actually think a country with no laws, just unlimited personal ownership of guns, would actually work.

Wait, the only laws they approve of are the ones that close Women's Clinics and prevent gays from marrying.
Women die at abortion clinics, what wrong with making them have hospital access if something goes wrong? You would rather see them die? Oh, and you mean civil unions? You see in my eyes, no matter what they aren't married.
Yea let's get some more republicans in there and get some new patriot acts passed and create a couple new departments to defend the homeland. :rolleyes:

Btw Obama still has a looooong way to go before he catches Bush's number of executive orders.
The Honorable President George W Bush's EOs dealt with ensuring laws passed by Congress were being enforced. Fuckhead Obama's EOs are designed to subvert our Laws.
What a joke. Did I just hear Bush's name invoked? Sure. Obama's f*ck ups are Bush's fault. LOL.
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?

First - most of those "departments" are nothing more than BS. "Department of Education"!?!?! Are you kidding me!?!?! Since it's inception - our Public School system has become the laughingstock of the world - where it was once one of the best.

Healthcare is YOUR responsibility.

EPA!?!? Seriously!?!

IRS!?!?! They are more powerful than the FBI - the CIA - the DIA - The NSA COMBINED! Screw them. Abolish them and go with a flat tax. Everyone - including your dumb ass pays the same amount. Billionaires, too. George Soros will move on to better pickings.

Minimum Wage!?!?! What the hell are you? 15? Get a real job fool.

Social Security? The clowns in Washington have been stealing from the SS from day one - all the time telling us it is going bankrupt. Bullshit. It's being robbed from on a daily basis.

Like I have stated numerous times here - I would LOVE to see 75% of the Federal government abolished. Stop feeding the damned "Monster" and the threat will die.
Load up on the ammo boys because -
All that stands between us and "total disaster" is President Obama

Were that true, then we've been totally fucked as that jug eared joke IS a total disaster.
All that stands between us and "total disaster" is us. Time for a little self reliance.
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?
Absurd hyperbole noted and dismissed as TM level histrionics.
The whole right wing/left wing crap is just used by politicians to distract the nation from the real issues. Get rid of banks, get rid of the National Reserve.
There is a documentary everyone should see. It's called Ethos, hosted by the brilliant actor Woody Harrelson. It's very eye-opening and informative.
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?
You are a totall idiot. Obutthurt is the disaster and you idiots voted him in twice.
Think of the money Obama has saved us!

He's enough of an international clown that we don't have to buy him those special shoes that cost so much. He does it all with his mouth!

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