All that stands between us and "total disaster" is President Obama

It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.

Your love of dictatorial powers by Obama shows the true nature of the current progressive, that of a Statist Twat-waddle.

Yea let's get some more republicans in there and get some new patriot acts passed and create a couple new departments to defend the homeland. :rolleyes:

Btw Obama still has a looooong way to go before he catches Bush's number of executive orders.

The number matters less than the content. How many of Bush's orders were directly related to bypassing congress?
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.

Your love of dictatorial powers by Obama shows the true nature of the current progressive, that of a Statist Twat-waddle.

Yea let's get some more republicans in there and get some new patriot acts passed and create a couple new departments to defend the homeland. :rolleyes:

Btw Obama still has a looooong way to go before he catches Bush's number of executive orders.

Obammy has abused the PA at a level Bush never did.
And you have to look at what was passed with EO not how many.
Typical lib,leaving out the pertinent info.
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?

Another load of horseshit brought to you by Deany.
Fannie Mae collapsed during the democrat majority in Bush's last term. House Banking committee chairperson Barney Frank who had oversight responsibility for Fannie told America that Fanny was solvent and doing fine when it was on the verge of disaster. Meanwhile democrats in the senate were holding stupid hearings about steroid use in baseball. While the US Military was fighting in Iraq, the freaking traitors in the democrat party were undermining the Military effort. Obama repaid big democrat doners with bailouts and crazy taxpayer loans fro doomed solar technology. We just learned that the administration deliberately lied to Americans about Obamacare in order to get the abomination passed. Elect another democrat? You gotta be crazy.
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.

Your love of dictatorial powers by Obama shows the true nature of the current progressive, that of a Statist Twat-waddle.

Yea let's get some more republicans in there and get some new patriot acts passed and create a couple new departments to defend the homeland. :rolleyes:

Btw Obama still has a looooong way to go before he catches Bush's number of executive orders.

You do realize that only ONE democrat senator voted against the Patriot Act in 2001.... no, you wouldn't have a fucking idea about that!
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?
ROFL retard thinks republicans can abolish "health care." ROFL you just can't make shit up. It's like democrats we're all hit over the head with sledge hammers as children.
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.
He can't, isn't that wonderful?

I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
I have never been able to figure out the democrats complaint......

First they brag about all the great accomplishments Obama has achieved and he should be on the side of Mt Rushmore.
Obama was NEVER able to accomplish anything because those evil,racist,blond haired blue eyed devil worshippers all white republican southern chicken fuckers blocked his every effort.

Which is it Boyz?
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?
ROFL retard thinks republicans can abolish "health care." ROFL you just can't make shit up. It's like democrats we're all hit over the head with sledge hammers as children.

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Do Republicans want to end health care? The leadership does. If they abolish the minimum wage, that will impact health care since no one will be able to afford it.

Geez, you have to explain everything to right wingers. They are so dense.
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?

Notice that not one RW has addressed the content of this post.

Instead, they all hide behind ad hom insults.
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.
He can't, isn't that wonderful?

I'm not too worried. Cons haven't done anything for years and they're not about to start.
That's not true.
They gave us:
the deficit
tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life costing trillions into the future
a failed economy
and years of ruinous GOP policies.

Try to get them to name a single GOP policy that has worked for Americans or helped the middle class in the last 30 years. It's impossible. The best they can come up with is "No child left behind". Only they never funded it.
Why do YOU need GOVERNMENT to hold your hand? Why do YOU need government to come up with policies to help you out? Why do YOU not hold YOURSELF personally responsible for YOURSELF? Why do I have to coddle you? Why do I have to pat you on the back and give you handouts for being a looser?
I have never been able to figure out the democrats complaint......

First they brag about all the great accomplishments Obama has achieved and he should be on the side of Mt Rushmore.
Obama was NEVER able to accomplish anything because those evil,racist,blond haired blue eyed devil worshippers all white republican southern chicken fuckers blocked his every effort.

Which is it Boyz?

Obama accomplished what Republicans couldn't stop him from accomplishing, like equal pay for equal work and the end of DADT.

Does stupid take practice or does it come to the right wing "naturally"?
It's do or die time now Obama. Stop them at all costs.

Your love of dictatorial powers by Obama shows the true nature of the current progressive, that of a Statist Twat-waddle.

Yea let's get some more republicans in there and get some new patriot acts passed and create a couple new departments to defend the homeland. :rolleyes:

Btw Obama still has a looooong way to go before he catches Bush's number of executive orders.

The number matters less than the content. How many of Bush's orders were directly related to bypassing congress?

All of them. That is the nature of an executive order. Btw congress was in his pocket for 6 years dummy. And cons back then had no problem with executive orders.

Would you like to talk about how you cons fucked America in the ass with reconciliation 3 times while 2 of your wars were going on and the economy was tanking?
Republicans have been voted into office to run the country. For six years under former Disaster Bush, every single policy that came from the GOP was a terrible failure. And since Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and used reconciliation three times, there really was nothing Democrats could do to end the GOP run of failed policy. It took elections to do that.

And now Republicans want to return to those "Glory Days" and America is helping them do it.

We've seen the panic and fear from the Governor of New Jersey over Ebola. How can Crispie be expected to run a country when he was so terrified outside of all reason and so driven by fear he put someone who did nothing wrong under arrest and confinement. I thought Republicans were against that kind of thing. I guess people who are that fearful will do anything if driven by terror. And who was it who stood up for science and reason? Apparently, it was President Obama. And Republicans call him weak and stupid - for not panicking? Go figure.

And look at GOP policy. Where is "build" or "create" or "fix"? It's all about "abolish".

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Dept. of Education
Minimum Wage
Health Care
Social Security
Corporate Tax

Can you imagine the type of country where there are no laws, safety regulations, clean air or water and everyone has a gun? Who would actually want to live in such a place?
ROFL retard thinks republicans can abolish "health care." ROFL you just can't make shit up. It's like democrats we're all hit over the head with sledge hammers as children.

Republicans debate on abolishing:

Do Republicans want to end health care? The leadership does. If they abolish the minimum wage, that will impact health care since no one will be able to afford it.

Geez, you have to explain everything to right wingers. They are so dense.
You do realize that getting paid minimum wage means you are either a teen in high school that has never worked before or a total looser who is not worth more than THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM REQUIRED BY LAW.... right?

If they move minimum wage down to say 5bucks maybe your boss will keep you at 7.50 and you can hold your head up and say at least I'm not getting minimum wage. Or maybe you don't think you are worth 7.50.
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A two-party system has failed. We need more than two parties so we can better choose the person who best represents our beliefs and ideology. We need more choices. A Comparison of Political Systems Multi-party vs. Two-party
I wish there were more people to choose from rather than just "Republicans" or "Democrats." Both parties suck.

Sorry,I dont think there's a beastiality party.

You are really immature.

You're really sick.

Let's hope so, 2016 will be even a bigger BLOOD BATH for you subversive pond scum!

Now that is truly fucking hilarious. You know that Obama policies put on the ballot, like raising the minimum wage or background checks passed by double digits. Remember, most of the voters were Republicans. And GOP policies like the personhood amendment failed.

Yet, Republicans won even though the GOP base didn't like GOP policies.
Seems they were voting on Ebola, Isis and diseased refugee 7 year olds who were going to take Republican jobs. The only GOP policies that worked are GOP "terrorist" policies that scare America. Good job!

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