All the GOP policies are incredibly unpopular. How can they get elected?

Every time a minimum wage vote comes up = 55-60% vote yes
65% support gay marriage
55-60% support pot in most cases

Most support clean air, water and food!

Republican policies are idiocy.

Yet our idiocy still beats your idiocy.
Funny how that works, eh Maddie?
Yep you believe believe a ton of bulshit character assassination and misinformation so the GOP can continue to rape the country and the middle class. Great job, dupe.
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc

Freaking bizarre, isn't it.

Anything that moves our society forward, improves the lot of our people, makes us healthier - RWNJs are always against it.

Now they're embracing criminals who have made no secret that they want to take their health care, their food, their housing, screw over their parents, the military and veterans, harm their children, openly talk of taking away their most basic rights and these idiots are like bobble head dolls. Their heads just bob up and down, up and down.

They are incapable of critical thought or of taking care of their own lives, their own futures.

LOL That's not being charged with corruption. You don't "settle" a charge you idiot.

He was SUED in CIVIL COURT. That's not a "charge". God I forget how stupid liberals are.
LOL That's not being charged with corruption. You don't "settle" a charge you idiot.

He was SUED in CIVIL COURT. That's not a "charge". God I forget how stupid liberals are.
He was a total scumbag in business and a failure ended up being just a brand name and a fraud. I'm still hoping he starts acting intelligent and realizes that fox Etc is totally full of s*** like his followers... He still owes tons of money to honest businessmen...
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Funny , they say similar about liberal Democrats , destroying the country, aborting babies while giving criminal killers life, opening the border to gangs, drugs, traffickers and crime, wanting only govt to have guns then complaining when police use them, etc etc etc.

francoHFW if you haven't figured it out by now, there are TWO different political beliefs about govt and philosophy of law. So popularity depends on which denomination you follow.

One group puts God and church first as power to the people, and govt is supposed to serve and supplement that.

The other uses Government as the central public authority over the people's collective will, so that becomes the God everyone has to submit to as supreme.

One uses the Constitution to limit what power the govt can take or exert over ppl, in order to maximize the freedom and aithority of people and states to govern themselves locally.

The other uses law govt and political party process to establish the will of the people and impose by majority rule through political pressure and campaigns, instead of forming a contractual agreement among people on a policy first then passing it through govt based on consent of the ppl.

Whichever way you view laws and political process and role of govt, you will see one side as popular representing the people and the other as destroying America.

Both are right. So let people choose the path that is right for them, and fund it with their taxes and labor. And quit dictating and imposing that choice on anyone else.

If we have religious freedom in this country, and govt cannot be abused to establish religion for the public, why not apply the First Amendment to political religion and beliefs. And recognize equal right to exercise and enforce our own!!
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Funny , they say similar about liberal Democrats , destroying the country, aborting babies while giving criminal killers life, opening the border to gangs, drugs, traffickers and crime, wanting only govt to have guns then complaining when police use them, etc etc etc.

francoHFW if you haven't figured it out by now, there are TWO different political beliefs about govt and philosophy of law. So popularity depends on which denomination you follow.

One group puts God and church first as power to the people, and govt is supposed to serve and supplement that.

The other uses Government as the central public authority over the people's collective will, so that becomes the God everyone has to submit to as supreme.

One uses the Constitution to limit what power the govt can take or exert over ppl, in order to maximize the freedom and aithority of people and states to govern themselves locally.

The other uses law govt and political party process to establish the will of the people and impose by majority rule through political pressure and campaigns, instead of forming a contractual agreement among people on a policy first then passing it through govt based on consent of the ppl.

Whichever way you view laws and political process and role of govt, you will see one side as popular representing the people and the other as destroying America.

Both are right. So let people choose the path that is right for them, and fund it with their taxes and labor. And quit dictating and imposing that choice on anyone else.

If we have religious freedom in this country, and govt cannot be abused to establish religion for the public, why not apply the First Amendment to political religion and beliefs. And recognize equal right to exercise and enforce our own!!
The problem in the country is inequality and unfair laws none of which have anything to do with anything what are you talking about need taxes on the rich cheaper College legalize and tax it etc. Health Care daycare real vacations. It's a GOP Wasteland for the rich. And only brainwashing makes it possible.
The average in-state tuition at UCLA is $13,409 per semester.
The average number of students per semester is 22,500.
That means UCLA is bringing in an average of $301,702,500 per semester.

It is people like you that have no earthly idea why costs are so high...
Nor why a "business" that makes almost a third of a billion a semester gets a pass from pointy headed Progressives (besides the fact you/they don't run a business).

Get clue ... It ain't GOP policy milking the public for a ludicrous amount of money ... :thup:
There are some greedy people ... You are just looking in the wrong direction.

That's just calculating the intake at in-state undergraduate tuition rates ... And does not account for post graduate or out of state tuition.
And ... If you include room, board, books and fees ... The Average is more than twice as much at $32k and change.

In short ... At over half a billion a semester UCLA brings in more money than most corporations.
And you bitch about the price ... :rolleyes:

Get the federal government out of the college loan business and see how much lower things get.

Get the federal government out of the college loan business and see how much lower things get.
That's what happens under Republican Administrations and it has exactly the opposite result, dupe. Read something for crying out loud...

Quit being so worthless you have to look to the government for everything you need. It's not the government's job to feed anyone, house anyone, clothe anyone, provide anyone healthcare coverage, support their kids or anything else the taxpayers are forced to fund for the freeloaders. If they aren't willing to provide for themselves, they can go hungry, run around naked, live in the streets, and go without health care. It's an individual's job to be responsible for themselves. If they won't, tough luck. Better luck in the next life.
Yep, it's all the poor's fault that the GOP is ruining the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only have b******* propaganda to support them, dupe...

If someone has been poor for 36 years, it's their fault because they've done nothing to help themselves. As long as you have someone to blame for YOUR failures, you'll always be one.
When the whole middle class goes to hell along with the country, it's the policy of the GOP causing it not your silly brainwashing... Incredible. Signature first paragraph, all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.

How much is their fair share, 100%?
The average in-state tuition at UCLA is $13,409 per semester.
The average number of students per semester is 22,500.
That means UCLA is bringing in an average of $301,702,500 per semester.

It is people like you that have no earthly idea why costs are so high...
Nor why a "business" that makes almost a third of a billion a semester gets a pass from pointy headed Progressives (besides the fact you/they don't run a business).

Get clue ... It ain't GOP policy milking the public for a ludicrous amount of money ... :thup:
There are some greedy people ... You are just looking in the wrong direction.

That's just calculating the intake at in-state undergraduate tuition rates ... And does not account for post graduate or out of state tuition.
And ... If you include room, board, books and fees ... The Average is more than twice as much at $32k and change.

In short ... At over half a billion a semester UCLA brings in more money than most corporations.
And you bitch about the price ... :rolleyes:

Get the federal government out of the college loan business and see how much lower things get.

Get the federal government out of the college loan business and see how much lower things get.
That's what happens under Republican Administrations and it has exactly the opposite result, dupe. Read something for crying out loud...

Quit being so worthless you have to look to the government for everything you need. It's not the government's job to feed anyone, house anyone, clothe anyone, provide anyone healthcare coverage, support their kids or anything else the taxpayers are forced to fund for the freeloaders. If they aren't willing to provide for themselves, they can go hungry, run around naked, live in the streets, and go without health care. It's an individual's job to be responsible for themselves. If they won't, tough luck. Better luck in the next life.
I'm a retired teacher and businessman and relying in no way on the government, brainwashed functional moron.

If you'e a retired teacher, something you've yet to prove, you are relying on the government retirement system to fund it.

Prove you ever taught and ran a business.
I never said I ran a business I said I was a businessman closest I came was being sales manager... Personal insults that you use instead of intelligence are no substitute for actual argument so stupid what the hell is wrong with you after all? LOL

Yet I see no proof from you that you have done any of the things you've claimed. Where is it? I don't believe you. Can you provide something that can be verified to prove what you say about yourself?
The answer to the question posed in the OP has been answered several times.

The illiberal leftist authoritarians who have taken over the Democratic Party - the Regressive Left - have annoyed so many people from coast to coast that people would often rather vote for a Republican than a Democrat. Not always, but very very often.

It's your behaviors. You're repellent. You're irritating. People just don't like that, even above & beyond the issues, in many cases.

Examples of these many behaviors are posted in this forum constantly, and defended by those same Regressives.

I wonder how much longer this thread will continue beating a dead horse.
That's what happens under Republican Administrations and it has exactly the opposite result, dupe. Read something for crying out loud...

Quit being so worthless you have to look to the government for everything you need. It's not the government's job to feed anyone, house anyone, clothe anyone, provide anyone healthcare coverage, support their kids or anything else the taxpayers are forced to fund for the freeloaders. If they aren't willing to provide for themselves, they can go hungry, run around naked, live in the streets, and go without health care. It's an individual's job to be responsible for themselves. If they won't, tough luck. Better luck in the next life.
Yep, it's all the poor's fault that the GOP is ruining the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only have b******* propaganda to support them, dupe...

If someone has been poor for 36 years, it's their fault because they've done nothing to help themselves. As long as you have someone to blame for YOUR failures, you'll always be one.
When the whole middle class goes to hell along with the country, it's the policy of the GOP causing it not your silly brainwashing... Incredible. Signature first paragraph, all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.

How much is their fair share, 100%?

"Fair Share" always means "more".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The dupes go for character assassination and ridiculous promises rather than looking at the actual policies they're for...cutting Medicaid, blocking background checks blocking minimum wage hike and pollution remedies...etc etc
Funny , they say similar about liberal Democrats , destroying the country, aborting babies while giving criminal killers life, opening the border to gangs, drugs, traffickers and crime, wanting only govt to have guns then complaining when police use them, etc etc etc.

francoHFW if you haven't figured it out by now, there are TWO different political beliefs about govt and philosophy of law. So popularity depends on which denomination you follow.

One group puts God and church first as power to the people, and govt is supposed to serve and supplement that.

The other uses Government as the central public authority over the people's collective will, so that becomes the God everyone has to submit to as supreme.

One uses the Constitution to limit what power the govt can take or exert over ppl, in order to maximize the freedom and aithority of people and states to govern themselves locally.

The other uses law govt and political party process to establish the will of the people and impose by majority rule through political pressure and campaigns, instead of forming a contractual agreement among people on a policy first then passing it through govt based on consent of the ppl.

Whichever way you view laws and political process and role of govt, you will see one side as popular representing the people and the other as destroying America.

Both are right. So let people choose the path that is right for them, and fund it with their taxes and labor. And quit dictating and imposing that choice on anyone else.

If we have religious freedom in this country, and govt cannot be abused to establish religion for the public, why not apply the First Amendment to political religion and beliefs. And recognize equal right to exercise and enforce our own!!
The problem in the country is inequality and unfair laws none of which have anything to do with anything what are you talking about need taxes on the rich cheaper College legalize and tax it etc. Health Care daycare real vacations. It's a GOP Wasteland for the rich. And only brainwashing makes it possible.
Dear francoHFW
How about teaching everyone to invest money and labor directly into building locally owned business schools and services. Where everyone deducts that from their taxes.

Instead of teaching the rich and the poor to pay more and more to govt while receiving less and less, teach everyone how to become independently wealthy and self sustaining.

As Said in the Bible, why not teach people to fish? Instead of feeding them at taxpayers expense, teach how to feed oneself and ones neighbors directly instead of relying on overburdening govt . And reserve govt for only national emergencies and security issues.

When kids grow up we are supposed to become independent of our parents household. Not keep paying them to stay under their roof!

Only if something goes wrong do we go back and maybe get a loan from family; but if they were paying for us "all the time on a daily basis" then they wouldn't have the reserve funds set aside in case of emergency . We can't afford for all the kids to all stay dependent on the parents.

So that's like the federal government and the states. The more the states can manage their own populations, the less is on the central govt that can be reserved for just critical national policies which states can't cover on their own.

francoHFW do you understand why Republicans would preach to reduce the burden and dependence on federal govt? The more the people learn to manage and control directly the more empowerment we have to fish for ourselves instead of waiting on govt to make decisions for what we need on a daily basis. And the less power we hand over to big corporations because we control more of where our money goes. If we control the purse strings, we don't give our money to corrupt abusive ppl or corporations.

But if we hand everything over to govt, then we lose control over where it goes and the big lobbyist corporations can keep playing these games with tax dollars unchecked. Why would you want to pay more money into an unchecked corporate game?

Govt should only get our tax dollars where programs are proven to work cost effectively; that way there is incentive to solve problems. You make sure govt isn't wasting money or they pay back what is owed to taxpayers before paying more. You don't govt blanket license to spend more and more by giving more and more without check.

The key is the opposite - teach all citizens to run their own nonprofits business schools and corporations so they pay for the services they want directly. And cut out the corrupt middlemen.
Last edited:
Trump actually offered policies that if enacted could benefit working class Americans?

You might want to check unemployment and the stock market. The economy is roaring along unlike any time in the past 8 years.

Unemployment hits record low in seven states

Dow notches 9th straight record close

Thank you Donald Trump, for instilling real confidence in our country and in our economy. When a president says what he does, and does what he says, it instills confidence in a country and people tend to react positively to that.

After 8 years of that racist oreo in the white house, Trump didn't have to aim too high to be an improvement.

True, but really, not enough.

I don't want 4 or 8 years of good times.

I want basic changes to the way we do Trade and Immigration, that will difficult for the next asshole to reverse.

So these benefits will continue for generations.
Every time a minimum wage vote comes up = 55-60% vote yes
65% support gay marriage
55-60% support pot in most cases

Most support clean air, water and food!

Republican policies are idiocy.

Wow. Promising a raise gets votes? Who would have thought it.

Gay marriage? Funny you guys just started quoting polls on support after decades of propaganda finally gave you the results you wanted. Now it's "settled". Funny it wasn't "settled" when the numbers were reversed.

POT? Old people in the gop don't like it, and you pot heads in the dem party don't hold your leaders accountable for what they actually DO.

Yeah, eco weenies stopped being about clean air and water generations ago.
Quit being so worthless you have to look to the government for everything you need. It's not the government's job to feed anyone, house anyone, clothe anyone, provide anyone healthcare coverage, support their kids or anything else the taxpayers are forced to fund for the freeloaders. If they aren't willing to provide for themselves, they can go hungry, run around naked, live in the streets, and go without health care. It's an individual's job to be responsible for themselves. If they won't, tough luck. Better luck in the next life.
Yep, it's all the poor's fault that the GOP is ruining the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only have b******* propaganda to support them, dupe...

If someone has been poor for 36 years, it's their fault because they've done nothing to help themselves. As long as you have someone to blame for YOUR failures, you'll always be one.
When the whole middle class goes to hell along with the country, it's the policy of the GOP causing it not your silly brainwashing... Incredible. Signature first paragraph, all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.

How much is their fair share, 100%?

"Fair Share" always means "more".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely. People like franco won't be happy until the contributors to society are forced to adopt the dregs and drains on society.
That's what happens under Republican Administrations and it has exactly the opposite result, dupe. Read something for crying out loud...

Quit being so worthless you have to look to the government for everything you need. It's not the government's job to feed anyone, house anyone, clothe anyone, provide anyone healthcare coverage, support their kids or anything else the taxpayers are forced to fund for the freeloaders. If they aren't willing to provide for themselves, they can go hungry, run around naked, live in the streets, and go without health care. It's an individual's job to be responsible for themselves. If they won't, tough luck. Better luck in the next life.
Yep, it's all the poor's fault that the GOP is ruining the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only have b******* propaganda to support them, dupe...

If someone has been poor for 36 years, it's their fault because they've done nothing to help themselves. As long as you have someone to blame for YOUR failures, you'll always be one.
When the whole middle class goes to hell along with the country, it's the policy of the GOP causing it not your silly brainwashing... Incredible. Signature first paragraph, all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.

How much is their fair share, 100%?
Of course not, dummy. How about 50%as it was when Reagan was succeeding? Or 60%over 10 million...
That's what happens under Republican Administrations and it has exactly the opposite result, dupe. Read something for crying out loud...

Quit being so worthless you have to look to the government for everything you need. It's not the government's job to feed anyone, house anyone, clothe anyone, provide anyone healthcare coverage, support their kids or anything else the taxpayers are forced to fund for the freeloaders. If they aren't willing to provide for themselves, they can go hungry, run around naked, live in the streets, and go without health care. It's an individual's job to be responsible for themselves. If they won't, tough luck. Better luck in the next life.
I'm a retired teacher and businessman and relying in no way on the government, brainwashed functional moron.

If you'e a retired teacher, something you've yet to prove, you are relying on the government retirement system to fund it.

Prove you ever taught and ran a business.
I never said I ran a business I said I was a businessman closest I came was being sales manager... Personal insults that you use instead of intelligence are no substitute for actual argument so stupid what the hell is wrong with you after all? LOL

Yet I see no proof from you that you have done any of the things you've claimed. Where is it? I don't believe you. Can you provide something that can be verified to prove what you say about yourself?
I admire and respect your opinion. LOL stupid and irrelevant argument. You outdo yourself again.
Yep, it's all the poor's fault that the GOP is ruining the middle class and the country the last 35 years and only have b******* propaganda to support them, dupe...

If someone has been poor for 36 years, it's their fault because they've done nothing to help themselves. As long as you have someone to blame for YOUR failures, you'll always be one.
When the whole middle class goes to hell along with the country, it's the policy of the GOP causing it not your silly brainwashing... Incredible. Signature first paragraph, all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.

How much is their fair share, 100%?

"Fair Share" always means "more".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Absolutely. People like franco won't be happy until the contributors to society are forced to adopt the dregs and drains on society.
Actually, super dupe, I'll be ecstatic when our policy is based on actual facts and the bloated rich pay enough to support good services for the non-rich and a superior infrastructure again unlikewhat we have after 35 years of b******* reaganism...

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