All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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[ Still having doubts that Anti Zionism and being anti Israel is "NOT" being anti ALL JEWS ??? ]

Earlier this year, new evidence emerged that he commemorated dead Palestinian terrorists months before assuming office.

Watchdog groups have accused Corbyn, who has denied allegations of anti-Semitism also after he called Hamas and Hezbollah his “friends,” of not doing enough to tackle the increase of anti-Semitic rhetoric among Labour members who support him, including more than 1,000 individuals that have been flagged by the Labour Against Anti-Semitism group.

(full article online)

Jewish woman kicked in the face while protesting UK Labour anti-Semitism
The State Dept. is planning to merge its long-serving consulate in eastern Jerusalem with the newly created US embassy in the western part of the Israeli capital, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Thursday. This step is viewed as yet another slap in the face of the Palestinian Authority and its chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, since the consulate has been serving Arabs from Judea and Samaria and from the eastern part of the city for decades.

The announcement also does away, for all intents and purposes, with the idea that President Trump was planning to turn the consulate into a US embassy in a new Palestinian State whose capital would be eastern Jerusalem.

(full article online)

A Slap in Abbas’ Face as US Eliminates Eastern Jerusalem Consulate for PA Residents
So while B’Tselem’s taking sides with Israel’s enemies in a forum renowned for its anti-Semitism is certainly legal, it is not consistent with liberal Zionist stands in favor of the country’s rights, but which oppose settlements.

In other words, you can be against Netanyahu, but also against a group that calls for the world to gang up on Israel, and makes egregious and libelous comparisons between Israel and the Jim Crow South and apartheid-era South Africa, which is an insult to African-Americans, South Africans as well as Jews.

That’s why those who consider themselves friends of Israel should think twice about making donations that put them on the side of those working against the legal and entirely appropriate efforts of the Israel Defense Forces and the Jewish state’s security.

In refuting El-Ad at the Security Council, Danon angrily noted that what he was doing was a form of collaboration with the enemies of the Jewish people.

Those are harsh words, but in this context, they are understandable, and almost certainly echo the sentiments of the overwhelming majority of Israelis who, regardless of their political affiliations, know that the IDF is all that stands between them and death. It’s time for well-meaning but misguided liberal American Zionists to realize that support for B’Tselem has nothing to do with advancing the cause of peace.

(full article online)

The problem with B’Tselem
There was a good article published recently that provides a timeline of Islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel by the Arabs-Moslems. The timespan is just three years but it is a look into the truly diseased Cult that glorifies hatred and retrogression on a scale not known anywhere else.

It gets abundantly more clear with every passing day that all societies are not equal and that some societies are either unable or unwilling to respond to some fairly consistent moralities - i.e., stop raising generations of hateful little murder/suicide fleshbots, understand that using your children as an aid in a hoped for mass murder is morally indefensible, forego blame directed at others for the abysmal conditions that you create.

Yes, there are “fundamentalists” in every religion. However, with specific reference to Islamism, in no other religion do we see the rancor and ancient hatreds that causes it's adherents to routinely commit spectacular mass murders. In what other religious faith do we see such infrastructures, time, money and efforts devoted to the development of both young and old as human bombs? How often do adherents of any competing faith commit the horrific acts of mass murder that are routine in Islamism? The linked article is one of many that delineates a pattern of behavior that is truly outrageous.

Wave of terror 2015-2018

17 Oct 2018

Thirty seven months of terror – 13 September 2015 to the present

Since September 2015, Israel has experienced a wave of terror perpetrated by individuals, many of them very young, inspired by vicious incitement in Palestinian social and traditional media and urged on by the Palestinian leadership.

On March 30, 2018 residents of the Gaza Strip began a series of events that they call the "Great Return March". Carefully planned and led by Hamas, the campaign is actually an excuse for mass riots at the border between Gaza and Israel, with Hamas activists and gunmen hiding behind women and children as they try to breach the fence. Israeli soldiers stationed at the border have been using anti-riot measures and have been forced to use live fire to prevent the rioters from violently breaking into Israeli territory and harming Israeli civilians. If the rioters would succeed in crossing the border, the loss of life and number of injured on both sides would be far greater than has been recorded so far.
There was a good article published recently that provides a timeline of Islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel by the Arabs-Moslems. The timespan is just three years but it is a look into the truly diseased Cult that glorifies hatred and retrogression on a scale not known anywhere else.

It gets abundantly more clear with every passing day that all societies are not equal and that some societies are either unable or unwilling to respond to some fairly consistent moralities - i.e., stop raising generations of hateful little murder/suicide fleshbots, understand that using your children as an aid in a hoped for mass murder is morally indefensible, forego blame directed at others for the abysmal conditions that you create.

Yes, there are “fundamentalists” in every religion. However, with specific reference to Islamism, in no other religion do we see the rancor and ancient hatreds that causes it's adherents to routinely commit spectacular mass murders. In what other religious faith do we see such infrastructures, time, money and efforts devoted to the development of both young and old as human bombs? How often do adherents of any competing faith commit the horrific acts of mass murder that are routine in Islamism? The linked article is one of many that delineates a pattern of behavior that is truly outrageous.

Wave of terror 2015-2018

17 Oct 2018

Thirty seven months of terror – 13 September 2015 to the present

Since September 2015, Israel has experienced a wave of terror perpetrated by individuals, many of them very young, inspired by vicious incitement in Palestinian social and traditional media and urged on by the Palestinian leadership.

On March 30, 2018 residents of the Gaza Strip began a series of events that they call the "Great Return March". Carefully planned and led by Hamas, the campaign is actually an excuse for mass riots at the border between Gaza and Israel, with Hamas activists and gunmen hiding behind women and children as they try to breach the fence. Israeli soldiers stationed at the border have been using anti-riot measures and have been forced to use live fire to prevent the rioters from violently breaking into Israeli territory and harming Israeli civilians. If the rioters would succeed in crossing the border, the loss of life and number of injured on both sides would be far greater than has been recorded so far.
:laugh::laugh::laugh: From Israel's premier bullshit machine. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
There was a good article published recently that provides a timeline of Islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel by the Arabs-Moslems. The timespan is just three years but it is a look into the truly diseased Cult that glorifies hatred and retrogression on a scale not known anywhere else.

It gets abundantly more clear with every passing day that all societies are not equal and that some societies are either unable or unwilling to respond to some fairly consistent moralities - i.e., stop raising generations of hateful little murder/suicide fleshbots, understand that using your children as an aid in a hoped for mass murder is morally indefensible, forego blame directed at others for the abysmal conditions that you create.

Yes, there are “fundamentalists” in every religion. However, with specific reference to Islamism, in no other religion do we see the rancor and ancient hatreds that causes it's adherents to routinely commit spectacular mass murders. In what other religious faith do we see such infrastructures, time, money and efforts devoted to the development of both young and old as human bombs? How often do adherents of any competing faith commit the horrific acts of mass murder that are routine in Islamism? The linked article is one of many that delineates a pattern of behavior that is truly outrageous.

Wave of terror 2015-2018

17 Oct 2018

Thirty seven months of terror – 13 September 2015 to the present

Since September 2015, Israel has experienced a wave of terror perpetrated by individuals, many of them very young, inspired by vicious incitement in Palestinian social and traditional media and urged on by the Palestinian leadership.

On March 30, 2018 residents of the Gaza Strip began a series of events that they call the "Great Return March". Carefully planned and led by Hamas, the campaign is actually an excuse for mass riots at the border between Gaza and Israel, with Hamas activists and gunmen hiding behind women and children as they try to breach the fence. Israeli soldiers stationed at the border have been using anti-riot measures and have been forced to use live fire to prevent the rioters from violently breaking into Israeli territory and harming Israeli civilians. If the rioters would succeed in crossing the border, the loss of life and number of injured on both sides would be far greater than has been recorded so far.
:laugh::laugh::laugh: From Israel's premier bullshit machine. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I don;t see You actually being able to contradict anything in the link.

Do You prefer the Palestinian bureau of statistics that counts people over 150 years old as their citizens?
There was a good article published recently that provides a timeline of Islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel by the Arabs-Moslems. The timespan is just three years but it is a look into the truly diseased Cult that glorifies hatred and retrogression on a scale not known anywhere else.

It gets abundantly more clear with every passing day that all societies are not equal and that some societies are either unable or unwilling to respond to some fairly consistent moralities - i.e., stop raising generations of hateful little murder/suicide fleshbots, understand that using your children as an aid in a hoped for mass murder is morally indefensible, forego blame directed at others for the abysmal conditions that you create.

Yes, there are “fundamentalists” in every religion. However, with specific reference to Islamism, in no other religion do we see the rancor and ancient hatreds that causes it's adherents to routinely commit spectacular mass murders. In what other religious faith do we see such infrastructures, time, money and efforts devoted to the development of both young and old as human bombs? How often do adherents of any competing faith commit the horrific acts of mass murder that are routine in Islamism? The linked article is one of many that delineates a pattern of behavior that is truly outrageous.

Wave of terror 2015-2018

17 Oct 2018

Thirty seven months of terror – 13 September 2015 to the present

Since September 2015, Israel has experienced a wave of terror perpetrated by individuals, many of them very young, inspired by vicious incitement in Palestinian social and traditional media and urged on by the Palestinian leadership.

On March 30, 2018 residents of the Gaza Strip began a series of events that they call the "Great Return March". Carefully planned and led by Hamas, the campaign is actually an excuse for mass riots at the border between Gaza and Israel, with Hamas activists and gunmen hiding behind women and children as they try to breach the fence. Israeli soldiers stationed at the border have been using anti-riot measures and have been forced to use live fire to prevent the rioters from violently breaking into Israeli territory and harming Israeli civilians. If the rioters would succeed in crossing the border, the loss of life and number of injured on both sides would be far greater than has been recorded so far.
:laugh::laugh::laugh: From Israel's premier bullshit machine. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

It's typical that you can't refute the facts of relentless Islamic terrorist attacks. You're then left to spam the thread with silly cartoons.

So then, tell us. What part of the following is in dispute.

"on March 30, 2018 residents of the Gaza Strip began a series of events that they call the "Great Return March". Carefully planned and led by Hamas, the campaign is actually an excuse for mass riots at the border between Gaza and Israel, with Hamas activists and gunmen hiding behind women and children as they try to breach the fence."

Indeed, we can review more of the article subject to your cutting and pasting of YouTube videos.
There may be a legal wrinkle in the case of Naharayim, however.

The peace treaty explicitly recognizes that this area is privately owned by Jews:

For the purpose of this Annex the area is detailed in Appendix IV, Recognizing that in the area which is under Jordan's sovereignty with Israeli private land ownership rights and property interests ("Land Owners") in the land comprising the area ("the land").If Jordan wants the land, it will have to pay. The fee will have to have an amount acceptable to the heirs of the owner.

(full article online)

Jordan wants Naharayim land. Only one problem... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There may be a legal wrinkle in the case of Naharayim, however.

The peace treaty explicitly recognizes that this area is privately owned by Jews:

For the purpose of this Annex the area is detailed in Appendix IV, Recognizing that in the area which is under Jordan's sovereignty with Israeli private land ownership rights and property interests ("Land Owners") in the land comprising the area ("the land").If Jordan wants the land, it will have to pay. The fee will have to have an amount acceptable to the heirs of the owner.

(full article online)

Jordan wants Naharayim land. Only one problem... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The way I read it, this territory has always remained under Jordanian sovereignty. The agreement was for special cross-border access and some limited application of Israeli law, as well as special obligations on the Jordanian government to ensure safety of the citizens (something it should be doing anyway).

The private owners retain their ownership. They just won't have the special privilege of expedited border crossing.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Shusha, Sixties Fan, et al,

I think our friend "Shusha" is probably correct. I agree! The "private ownership" and "government leasing" are two distinctly different arrangements. Private ownership does not affect state sovereignty in any way. In this case, private Jewish private ownership is still under Jordanian Sovereign Territory.


It is unclear as to what portion of the Treaty that HM King of Jordan is specifically addressing. This announcement may be for domestic consumption.

There may be a legal wrinkle in the case of Naharayim, however.

The peace treaty explicitly recognizes that this area is privately owned by Jews:

For the purpose of this Annex the area is detailed in Appendix IV, Recognizing that in the area which is under Jordan's sovereignty with Israeli private land ownership rights and property interests ("Land Owners") in the land comprising the area ("the land").If Jordan wants the land, it will have to pay. The fee will have to have an amount acceptable to the heirs of the owner.

(full article online)

Jordan wants Naharayim land. Only one problem... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The way I read it, this territory has always remained under Jordanian sovereignty. The agreement was for special cross-border access and some limited application of Israeli law, as well as special obligations on the Jordanian government, to ensure safety of the citizens (something it should be doing anyway).

The private owners retain their ownership. They just won't have the special privilege of expedited border crossing.

Annex I b3 (Baqura/Naharayim area) and I c3 (Al-Ghamr/Zofar area) - deal directly with the "Recognizing Jordanian sovereignty over the area" and what Israel must do ("undertake").

As far as (fresh) "water;" it has been long recognized that the Israelis, the Jordanians, and the Palestinians all need additional (safe to drink) fresh water resources. The Arab Palestinians of the West Bank have long seen this need and have often raised the concern.

All three realize that it is the less expensive option to build the "desalinization plants" on the Jordan (vicinity M40/437 or the Jordan River Crossing vicinity Rt 71 near Harrawiyeh) or on the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba (vicinity of Elat/al Aqabah). This gives all three parties some financial interest and to make a positive environmental contribution which all can mutually appreciate. But it cannot be a halfhearted effort. And all three realize that the ability to work together on a common project is most probably out of the question.

Most Respectfully,
Let's follow this logic.

If this is true, then Allah must really hate Palestinians and Arabs. After all, he punished the Palestinians with the "Nakba" which we are told is as bad as the Holocaust. By their own account, they live in open-air prisons, or as third and fourth generation refugees, in a stateless limbo.

And yet they haven't learned their lesson.

On the other hand, Jordan and Egypt, who both lost wars to Israel thanks to Allah, did learn their lesson and now they have peace treaties. Allah has rewarded them with no more wars, and Israel even assists them with getting gas and water.

Also, Allah has rewarded the Jews with a state of their own. He rewarded the Jews with victories in 1948, 1967 and (yes, Egypt) 1973. The borders with Egypt and Lebanon and Syria are much quieter than they were in decades past.

That seems to indicate that Allah rather likes the Jews and dislikes Palestinians and others who try to destroy the Jewish state, doesn't it?

Yet, somehow, Israel's enemies don't usually learn their lesson.

(full article online)

Allah must love the Jews and hate the Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Refraining from pointing out to listeners that the US has not “cut off…all aid” to the PA, Menendez closed the interview there.

So where did James Menendez get that phrase “the Greater Israel”? A clue can be found in the promotion of an article on the same topic which appeared on the BBC News website on October 18th.


In the report itself – titled “US to merge Jerusalem consulate general with new embassy” – BBC audiences were told that:

“Palestinians condemned the move.

Senior official Saeb Erekat said the Trump administration was working with Israelis to “impose ‘Greater Israel’ rather than a two-state solution”.”

That quote was taken from a series of Tweets put out by the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department on October 18th and picked up by a BBC producer.

(full article online)

BBC World Service radio adopts the PLO’s language
But those heralding its results are missing the point. The issue isn’t whether it’s OK to criticize the government of a democracy, but whether that democracy has a right to exist and to defend itself. Even more to the point, the key question is whether Israel’s voters have a right to have their judgment respected by those who would like to push foreign governments to put intolerable pressure on their government to do things its people have clearly said they oppose.

But the point about criticism of Israel is that what’s up for debate is not so much the wisdom of its leaders, but the right of the Jews to have a state with a government. The crux of the conflict in the Middle East isn’t whether Netanyahu deserves a fifth term as prime minister when he will likely face Israel’s voters again next year. Nor is it whether any or all of his policies are wise.

(full article online)

The right to criticize Israel is beside the point
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