All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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There’s some world class sucking up being done by the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians”. In the wake of the shooting at a Pittsburgh Synagogue, the Islamic terrorists representing the PA are attempting to show something other than their expected Pom Pom flailing over dead Jews.

Sorry, Mahmoud. The Great Satan money spigot that hosed down your mini-caliphate decade after decade is turned off.

PA: Don't kill American Jews
(only kill Israeli Jews)

PA: Don't kill American Jews (only kill Israeli Jews) - PMW Bulletins

condemnation of the murder of Jews
in a Pittsburgh synagogue
is diametrically opposed to PA ideology until today

by Itamar Marcus

In an unusual move, the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned yesterday's murder of 11 Jews in the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh by the antisemite Robert Bowers:

"The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the terror attack that was carried out yesterday against a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which is in the state of Pennsylvania in the US, and which cost the lives of Jewish American citizens and police officers. The ministry also condemned the harming of houses of worship by the same terrorists filled with an inherent and decayed fascist ideology, which is based on the supremacy of the white race and its hegemony."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 28, 2018]
(See full text below)

I thought this part of the Islamist terrorist diatribe coming a Cultist representing a thoroughly fascist politico-religious ideology was pretty ironic:

“..... terrorists filled with an inherent and decayed fascist ideology, which is based on the supremacy of the white race and its hegemony."

OK, OK, Dhimmis. Keep the laughter to a minimum.

There’s some world class sucking up being done by the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as “Pal’istanians”. In the wake of the shooting at a Pittsburgh Synagogue, the Islamic terrorists representing the PA are attempting to show something other than their expected Pom Pom flailing over dead Jews.

Sorry, Mahmoud. The Great Satan money spigot that hosed down your mini-caliphate decade after decade is turned off.

PA: Don't kill American Jews
(only kill Israeli Jews)

PA: Don't kill American Jews (only kill Israeli Jews) - PMW Bulletins

condemnation of the murder of Jews
in a Pittsburgh synagogue
is diametrically opposed to PA ideology until today

by Itamar Marcus

In an unusual move, the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned yesterday's murder of 11 Jews in the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh by the antisemite Robert Bowers:

"The [PA] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the terror attack that was carried out yesterday against a synagogue in Pittsburgh, which is in the state of Pennsylvania in the US, and which cost the lives of Jewish American citizens and police officers. The ministry also condemned the harming of houses of worship by the same terrorists filled with an inherent and decayed fascist ideology, which is based on the supremacy of the white race and its hegemony."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Oct. 28, 2018]
(See full text below)

I thought this part of the Islamist terrorist diatribe coming a Cultist representing a thoroughly fascist politico-religious ideology was pretty ironic:

“..... terrorists filled with an inherent and decayed fascist ideology, which is based on the supremacy of the white race and its hegemony."

OK, OK, Dhimmis. Keep the laughter to a minimum.


His Anti Semetic diatribe has NOTHING to do with the “ Palestinians” Just ONE small example; The Caravan on its way to our Borders with illegal immigrants was a “ Jewish Plot” to bring down America
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How NGOs lie with statistics about Israel and Palestinians

Very insightful, there's a whole army of NGO's, thousands of jobs directly dependent on maintaining a false impression of the situation.

They're no different from UNRWA, PA and Hamasin a way that their existence is endangered by improvement and reconstruction of Palestinian economy. So there's no other choice but to manufacture this impression, and keep certain neighborhoods and people untreated to magnify effect for the cameras.
The paper takes it as a given that Israel must be destroyed ("liberation and decolonisation") and wants to ensure that no one looks at it as anything other than an evil, artificial colonialist entry.

The paper starts off with a quote from Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN that it regards as the perfect example of how Israel is trying to fool the world into thinking that it is a liberal, normal state:

Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a world steeped in tyranny and terror where gays are hanged from cranes in Tehran, political prisoners are executed in Gaza, young girls are abducted en masse in Nigeria, and hundreds of thousands are butchered in Syria, Libya and Iraq, yet nearly half – nearly half of the UN Human Rights Council’s resolutions focusing on a single country have been directed against Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East; Israel, where issues are openly debated in a boisterous parliament, where human rights are protected – by independent courts, and where women, gays and minorities live in a genuinely free society.
The paper doesn't even attempt to refute Netanyahu's words. In the circles that these academics travel, facts aren't important. It is so axiomatic that Israel is inherently, uniquely evil that Netanyahu's words do not evoke the desire to argue with it as much as the desire to show that they prove that Israel is so bad that its prime minister is forced to divert the world's attention from its evil.

As with "pinkwashing" - the absurd concept that is roundly rejected everywhere outside the anti-Israel and academic worlds - anything that Israel does that is consistent with liberal values is really immoral, they just have to figure out how.

The article is also concerned that the field of "Israel Studies" helps to make Israel sound like a normal state. The authors are very concerned that academia itself cannot be objective in describing how evil Israel's colonialism is:

(full article online)

Sick "scholarly" paper of the day says that Israel must be destroyed - and academics must do their part ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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