All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
ā€»ā†’ Sixties Fan, et al,

I cannot place an allegation of prejudice with the New York Times (NYT), but as a news reader, I see a growing trend with them.


The NYT may have a perfectly good reason for not reporting the account of the murder of Ari Fuld. It is a commercial going concern and they will print what they think will sell to their target audience. And that story of Ari Fuld's murder probably did not fit that target audience.

Having said that, I have only seen a few stories from the NYT that I thought were written with the objective of a true journalist. I do think that they have their agenda and hold their opinion leaning in the direction favoring the Arab Palestinian and their right to use terrorism.

In a democracy, you need to have a strong judicial system.
You need freedom of speech,
you need art,
and you need a free press.
..................................................................... ā†’ Tzipi Livni
Read more at: Free Press Quotes - BrainyQuote

If the NYT wants to take part in the ways of the Arab Palestinians (Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters) that is their right.

The people have a right to know unless the NYT does not think so.

Most Respectfully,
Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman sent a letter to eight European ambassadors in Israel criticizing them for their ā€œflagrant interference in Israelā€™s sovereign affairsā€ after their respective governments signed a joint statement at the UN calling on Jerusalem to reverse its decision to demolish a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Libermanā€™s memo was sent earlier this week to the ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, and the Netherlands, the French daily Le Monde reported Saturday.

(full article online)

Liberman rebukes Europeans for interfering in ā€˜internalā€™ Khan al-Ahmar affair
Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman sent a letter to eight European ambassadors in Israel criticizing them for their ā€œflagrant interference in Israelā€™s sovereign affairsā€ after their respective governments signed a joint statement at the UN calling on Jerusalem to reverse its decision to demolish a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Libermanā€™s memo was sent earlier this week to the ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, and the Netherlands, the French daily Le Monde reported Saturday.

(full article online)

Liberman rebukes Europeans for interfering in ā€˜internalā€™ Khan al-Ahmar affair
The defense minister argued that Khan al-Ahmar is an ā€œinternalā€ Israeli matter :290968001256257790-final:
Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman sent a letter to eight European ambassadors in Israel criticizing them for their ā€œflagrant interference in Israelā€™s sovereign affairsā€ after their respective governments signed a joint statement at the UN calling on Jerusalem to reverse its decision to demolish a Palestinian village in the West Bank.

Libermanā€™s memo was sent earlier this week to the ambassadors of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, and the Netherlands, the French daily Le Monde reported Saturday.

(full article online)

Liberman rebukes Europeans for interfering in ā€˜internalā€™ Khan al-Ahmar affair
The defense minister argued that Khan al-Ahmar is an ā€œinternalā€ Israeli matter :290968001256257790-final:

Difficult to understand why your contribution to the gee-had is nothing more than cutting and pasting emojis.
If you think media bias is bad, academia is a hundred times worse.

Here is the abstract for a paper entitled "The Transnational Palestinian Self: Toward Decolonizing Psychoanalytic Thought," by Stephen Sheehi, the Sultan Qaboos bin Said Chair of Middle East Studies at the College of William and Mary, in the journal Psychoanalytic Perspectives.

This discussion considers Palestinian subjectivity in a perpetual state of doubleness, commuting between a number of transnational political and cultural contexts and positions. Engaging Lama Khouriā€™s ā€œThrough Trumpā€™s Looking Glass into Aliceā€™s Wonderland: On Meeting the House Palestinian,ā€ this paper reveals how, on one hand, Zionism is intricately and inextricably linked with and haunted by a Palestinian identity, which it fundamentally works to negate; on the other hand, it also engages the ideological aspects of Palestinian Arab identity when it is transplanted to the United States, interpolating all identities through its racialized social and class hierarchy. In examining the structures of these binary identity systems, I gesture toward a decolonializing psychoanalysis that adopts psychoanalytic tools to understand how alienating two-ness can become a productive mode of confronting and dismantling Zionist objectification and radicalized othering.No, Stephen, Zionism isn't linked to Palestinian identity. It is utterly indifferent to Palestinian identity, which didn't exist in any serious way until Zionism was at least 70 years old. It is Palestinianism that is deeply engaged in negating Jewish nationalism and to deny the right to Jewish self-determination.

But Sheehi has come up with a way to use "decolonializing psychoanalysis" to dismantle "Zionist objectification and radicalized othering," which really sounds evil - and to the readers of these journals. it clearly is.

The paper he refers to, "Through Trumpā€™s Looking Glass into Aliceā€™s Wonderland: On Meeting the House Palestinian," by Lama Z. Khouri, was published in the same issue, and doesn't even pretend to be scholarly:

(full article online)

Crazy anti-Israel academic paper of the day: "The Transnational Palestinian Self: Toward Decolonizing Psychoanalytic Thought" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"This is a decision that not only takes into account the feelings of the Jewish people, but also contributes to a reduction in support for terror in parts of the Arab population, which are expressed in funerals of terrorists or conferences of this type," Almagor concluded.

(full article online)

Celebration of terrorist cancelled
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
ā€»ā†’ Sixties Fan,, et al,

I found this interesting.

Tulkarm is considered one of the major "terror capitals."

According to the IDF, the recent decision is due to the fact that there is no shortage of fruits and vegetables in Israel, and therefore there is no reason to purchase produce from farmers living under terrorist authority.

(full article online)

IDF won't buy vegetables from Gaza

I wonder what the threat level is relative to poisoned fruits and veggies from Gaza?

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
ā€»ā†’ Sixties Fan,, et al,

I found this interesting.

Tulkarm is considered one of the major "terror capitals."

According to the IDF, the recent decision is due to the fact that there is no shortage of fruits and vegetables in Israel, and therefore there is no reason to purchase produce from farmers living under terrorist authority.

(full article online)

IDF won't buy vegetables from Gaza

I wonder what the threat level is relative to poisoned fruits and veggies from Gaza?

Most Respectfully,
I would imagine that there would have been none, or it would have come out in the news, and the import stopped long before now.
Who will fill.......

RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
ā€»ā†’ MJB12741, et al,

Now, this is interesting. It could turn out to be as important as the Tel Dan inscription.


But the article did not tell us much about the archeologist that made the discovery or the archeological site itself? And what made the dig site important.

Was this piece alone? Was it part of something larger (presumably)? OR Was it an ancient dump site for discarded material?

I hate these little soundbites that don't say much.

Most Respectfully,
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