All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Imagine a country in which "Curse the Jews" appears on public university IDs. You actually don't have to, because we live in that world.

(((Yair Rosenberg))) on Twitter
‎"For years, we have had to tolerate the false ‎message that Israel's very presence in reunified ‎Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria are a violation of ‎international law," said ministry Director General ‎Ran Yishai. ‎

‎"The world's top jurists have refuted this notion, ‎but they have been all but silenced by a pro-Arab campaign ‎using false legal arguments to justify international ‎bodies and countries' anti-Israeli policy," he said.

‎"Now, the State of Israel has put together arguments ‎by some of the world's greatest legal experts, ‎including by some who have personally shaped ‎international law, that prove Israel is in the right ‎even when faced with legal bullying in the ‎international arena," Yishai concluded. ‎

(full article online)

Israel has exclusive rights to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, government publication asserts - Israel Hayom
‎"For years, we have had to tolerate the false ‎message that Israel's very presence in reunified ‎Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria are a violation of ‎international law," said ministry Director General ‎Ran Yishai. ‎

‎"The world's top jurists have refuted this notion, ‎but they have been all but silenced by a pro-Arab campaign ‎using false legal arguments to justify international ‎bodies and countries' anti-Israeli policy," he said.

‎"Now, the State of Israel has put together arguments ‎by some of the world's greatest legal experts, ‎including by some who have personally shaped ‎international law, that prove Israel is in the right ‎even when faced with legal bullying in the ‎international arena," Yishai concluded. ‎

(full article online)

Israel has exclusive rights to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, government publication asserts - Israel Hayom
"The Legal Framework of Occupation" - Report Presentation and discussion with United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk, Professor Katherine Franke of Columbia Law School, and Professor Rashid Khalidi of Columbia | SIPA.

‎"For years, we have had to tolerate the false ‎message that Israel's very presence in reunified ‎Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria are a violation of ‎international law," said ministry Director General ‎Ran Yishai. ‎

‎"The world's top jurists have refuted this notion, ‎but they have been all but silenced by a pro-Arab campaign ‎using false legal arguments to justify international ‎bodies and countries' anti-Israeli policy," he said.

‎"Now, the State of Israel has put together arguments ‎by some of the world's greatest legal experts, ‎including by some who have personally shaped ‎international law, that prove Israel is in the right ‎even when faced with legal bullying in the ‎international arena," Yishai concluded. ‎

(full article online)

Israel has exclusive rights to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, government publication asserts - Israel Hayom
"The Legal Framework of Occupation" - Report Presentation and discussion with United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk, Professor Katherine Franke of Columbia Law School, and Professor Rashid Khalidi of Columbia | SIPA.


Let us all believe someone who is a cheerleader for BDS against Israel and whose colleagues cannot be said to be any less anti Israel than he is.

Jews are occupying their own ancient homeland, from Arabs/Muslims who invaded just about every part of Asia and Europe and TOOK any land they wanted and consider the WHOLE WORLD to be Muslim?

Make us laugh by calling Israel's possession of Judea, Samaria and ALL of Jerusalem after 1967 as "occupation".

We are laughing

Rashid Khalidi

Rashid Khalidi was formerly the spokesperson of the PLO under Yasir Arafat.

Khalidi is the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University and director of the Middle East Institute of Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs.

Khalidi has been the editor of the periodical Journal of Palestine Studies and served as president of the American Committee on Jerusalem, now known as the American Task Force on Palestine.

Khalidi has written dozens of scholarly articles on Middle East history and politics, as well as op-ed pieces in numerous U.S. newspapers. He has also been a guest on radio and TV shows.

Advancing BDS
Khalidi added his name to a list of intellectuals protesting "efforts to curtail speech, to exercise censorship, and to carry out retaliatory action against individuals on the basis of their political views or associations, notably support for BDS."

The BDS movement was founded in 2005 by Omar Barghouti and asserts that it "works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law."

BDS initiatives include compelling institutions and individuals to divest from Israeli-affiliated companies, academic boycotts, anti-Israel rallies and protests.

The movement's most notable achievement has been the infiltration of university campuses through lobbying for "BDS resolutions." In these cases, backed by university anti-Israel affiliates, student governments have brought to vote on some form of boycott of — or divestment from — Israel and Israeli-affiliated entities. These resolutions, although non-binding, have been passed by student governments on numerous North American campuses.

BDS activity is often aggressive and disruptive. It has been noted that universities that pass BDS resolutions see a marked increase in anti-Semitic incidents on campus. In 2013, when the student government of the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) debated a BDS resolution, reports emerged of violent threatsand the spitting on a student wearing a Star of David necklace. As a result, the student government chose to vote via a "secret ballot" in order to ensure its members' safety.
‎"For years, we have had to tolerate the false ‎message that Israel's very presence in reunified ‎Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria are a violation of ‎international law," said ministry Director General ‎Ran Yishai. ‎

‎"The world's top jurists have refuted this notion, ‎but they have been all but silenced by a pro-Arab campaign ‎using false legal arguments to justify international ‎bodies and countries' anti-Israeli policy," he said.

‎"Now, the State of Israel has put together arguments ‎by some of the world's greatest legal experts, ‎including by some who have personally shaped ‎international law, that prove Israel is in the right ‎even when faced with legal bullying in the ‎international arena," Yishai concluded. ‎

(full article online)

Israel has exclusive rights to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, government publication asserts - Israel Hayom
"The Legal Framework of Occupation" - Report Presentation and discussion with United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk, Professor Katherine Franke of Columbia Law School, and Professor Rashid Khalidi of Columbia | SIPA.

When Lynk was nominated to the post in March, critics, including the monitoring group UN Watch, rejected the appointment, with the NGO calling the Canadian a biased choice for the post and “a travesty of justice and a breach of the world body’s own rules.”

UN rapporteur: I’ll probe treatment of human rights groups in Israel

(All seem to be fans of Boycotting Israel. But solutions......they offer NONE.
The only solution for them, is for there to be NO ISRAEL.)

Franke, a Columbia University law professor, was barred from entering because of her “prominent role” with Jewish Voice for Peace, said a spokesman for the Strategic Affairs Ministry, which handles BDS issues. The spokesperson preferred not to be named.

Two leading U.S. human rights activists refused entry to Israel, one for BDS ties

[ Geesh Tinmore......are all of your friends HATERS of Jews and/or Israel? ]
Proof of Menuhin's lies come from his translation of "Moladtaynooh" as "Fatherland." It means "our homeland" or more literally "our birthplace," but Menuhin's anti-Zionism forces him to compare Israel to Nazi Germany and pretend that Jews used the Nazi term "Vaderland" for their land. It is no coincidence that he claims Zionists evoked Nazi terminology twice in one paragraph. It shows that Menuhin is not telling the truth.

There are obviously no corroborating stories from any of the thousands of Jews who attended the Gymnasia that students were given an "endless harangue" on building an Arab-free Jewish state or that the term "goyim-rein" was ever used.

It is a lie.

The "goyim-rein" slander has been published in numerous books and other academic papers, with hundreds of references in Google. It will be mentioned in academic papers and books in ways such as this:

Once one sees a reference, it appears authentic. The fact that the author might have made this up is not even considered; the quote that proves that Zionists are just like Nazis is too deliciously good to doubt. And the lie then gets propagated to the next paper, and the next one, as absolute fact.

This type of sloppy research, and the unquestioning use of previous poor research as a basis for the next paper, is emblematic of the basic problems of the social sciences today.

(full article online)

Academic papers falsely claim early Zionists wanted Israel to be "goyim-rein" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
They were sleeping in a room of the motel when a fire suddenly broke out due to arson. The family slept on the first floor and apparently succeeded in escaping due to the father's resourcefulness.

An Arab resident of eastern Jerusalem arrested on suspicion of setting the motel on fire recounted the act to police investigators. An Arab woman originally from Shechem who now lives with her Jewish partner and two children in Jerusalem, was also involved in setting fire to the motel and was arrested in the course of the investigation into the affair.

(full article online)

Jerusalem motel arson attack victim dies
Oops: Anti-Israel South African union tweets photo of Jewish refugees from Arab countries to commemorate “Palestinian refugees”
This blooper reveals an important truth: There were more Jewish refugees from Arab lands than Arab refugees from what now is Israel

Wednesday June 20th was World Refugee Day, a day when the international community expresses solidarity for people forced to flee their homes as a result of war, persecution, or violence.

Palestinians and their supporters globally typically also use the opportunity of World Refugee Day to raise awareness about the current situation facing Palestinian refugees and also to remind people about what befell the Palestinians in the 1947-1948 war for Israel’s independence.

There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging the hardships that some 700,000 Arabs faced during the war, although as we’ve noted in several recent posts, the reason that these Palestinian Arabs became refugees wasn’t because of any master plan on the part of the Zionists to expel them, as no such policy existed.

On the contrary, the historical evidence and even the personal stories and accounts of the refugees themselves shows that the vast majority fled their homes and villages because they were instructed to do so by Arab leaders and military officials. They also greatly feared being mistreated by the advancing Zionist armed forces, based on the lies that were told to them about a horrible massacre that had been perpetrated on some defenseless Arab villagers by Jewish paramilitary groups—a brutal incident which in fact never happened:

Still, there should be no doubt that the Arab men, women, and children who fled their homes during the 1948 war endured many hardships, not least on account of the fact that the neighboring Arab countries were unwilling to absorb them.

Documenting their suffering and adversity, especially with photos and images from the time, is a perfectly legitimate way to highlight the many difficulties that the Palestinians faced—a shameful mistreatment that continues to this day (for example, see our post about the ongoing discrimination and privations that the descendants of Palestinian refugees face today in Lebanon).

There’s a problem though when Palestinians or their international supporters try to raise awareness about these refugees by erasing the plight and collective traumas experienced by Jewish refugees from Arab lands.

That’s what happened on Wednesday when a large Africa-based organization tried to commemorate the experiences of the Arab Palestinian refugees by mistakenly disseminating an old image of Jewish refugees in Israel:


(Jewish refugees from Arab countries presented as "Palestinians")
Blooper: COSATU Replaces Arab for Jewish Refugees
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So-called "human rights" organizations routinely rail against these restrictions.

But read about the sanctions that the EU imposes on Libya:
- The European Union introduced in 2017 restrictions on the export or transit of inflatable boats and outboard motors to Libya. The reason is to help limit human trafficking from Libya.

There are exceptions for, say, fishing boats, but Israel allows exceptions as well for clear humanitarian needs where the materials can be accounted for.

When the EU does it, they are "sanctions." When Israel does it, it is a "siege."

(full article online)

When the EU bans dual-use items, it is just fine. Only Israel gets attacked for doing that. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Well, this is probably the best 'next step' after moving the Embassy.


But, I think that the security of the Embassy is going to be much more difficult; including the protection of those personnel assigned and travel in harm's way (predominately Arab Palestinian enclaves and municipalities).

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Well, this is probably the best 'next step' after moving the Embassy.


But, I think that the security of the Embassy is going to be much more difficult; including the protection of those personnel assigned and travel in harm's way (predominately Arab Palestinian enclaves and municipalities).

Most Respectfully,

PA Business People

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