All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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"Zionists" is just a substitute word for Jews -- as in those who belong to the Jewish people. You use the term Zionist in order to avoid using the term Jew or Jewish people. I would LOVE to discuss criticisms of Israel and her government's policies. But your constant ranting doesn't fall into that category.
Zionism is not Judaism. They are two completely different things. Zionism is a political movement; Judaism is a religion. A Jew, is someone who practices the religion of Judaism; a Zionist, is a person who believes in creating the state of Israel.

You use Jews like a cheap whore uses a tampon. To be used as long as its useful, then discarded when no longer needed.
I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel.

I'll tell you what Israel will NOT stop -- and that is responding to attacks and violence against Israel's citizens.
You're not responding, you're initiating. Your the aggressor. Your the occupier. They are the ones defending themselves, you are not.

BTW, Israeli nationals living in occupied areas of the West Bank are fair game. It is illegal for them to even be there.

I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel. Go ahead. Be specific. I gave a comprehensive list of what should be imposed on Hamas. Your turn.

And it is absolutely vile and despicable for you to suggest that murdering Israeli civilians is in any way either legally or morally correct. It is disgusting to suggest that people of a certain ethnic, religious, racial or national group should be systematically murdered due to their ethnicity, religion, race or nationality. There is even a word for that.

People like you disgust me. You pretend to uphold human rights and especially the right to human life with your outrage at Arab Palestinian deaths while those Arabs are violently attacking Israel and yet you deny that same right to life for an entire people based solely on their Jewishness (however you want to disguise that and hide behind it). It is the most vile and abhorrent belief which can be held by a human being. And you glory in holding it. Disgusting.

And you and people like you give absolute justification for Israel to continue to protect her people as their highest priority.
Zionism is not Judaism. They are two completely different things. Zionism is a political movement; Judaism is a religion. A Jew, is someone who practices the religion of Judaism; a Zionist, is a person who believes in creating the state of Israel.

The Jewish people are the Jewish people. The cultural values of the Jewish people include, but is not limited to, the religion of the Jewish people. The national liberation movement of the Jewish people successfully created the State of Israel.

You can not divide the Jewish people in order to hide your base anti-semitsm. You are fooling no one.
Not arguing that the rockets and mortar attacks didn't decrease during those few months. They did not STOP though. There was no "cease" in the ceasefire. There was a reduction. While they built tunnels to kidnap more Israelis.

Again, do you think it is possible for Hamas to completely stop all attacks for an entire year?
Hamas wasn't firing those rockets, it was Fatah. Israel probably funded the attacks.
Not arguing that the rockets and mortar attacks didn't decrease during those few months. They did not STOP though. There was no "cease" in the ceasefire. There was a reduction. While they built tunnels to kidnap more Israelis.

Again, do you think it is possible for Hamas to completely stop all attacks for an entire year?
Hamas wasn't firing those rockets, it was Fatah. Israel probably funded the attacks.

Hamas is the government in Gaza. Its their responsibility to ensure all attacks end for an entire year. Do you think they can do it or not?
I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel. Go ahead. Be specific. I gave a comprehensive list of what should be imposed on Hamas. Your turn.

And it is absolutely vile and despicable for you to suggest that murdering Israeli civilians is in any way either legally or morally correct. It is disgusting to suggest that people of a certain ethnic, religious, racial or national group should be systematically murdered due to their ethnicity, religion, race or nationality. There is even a word for that.

People like you disgust me. You pretend to uphold human rights and especially the right to human life with your outrage at Arab Palestinian deaths while those Arabs are violently attacking Israel and yet you deny that same right to life for an entire people based solely on their Jewishness (however you want to disguise that and hide behind it). It is the most vile and abhorrent belief which can be held by a human being. And you glory in holding it. Disgusting.

And you and people like you give absolute justification for Israel to continue to protect her people as their highest priority.
It is illegal to change the demographics of an area under occupation. And we're not talking about innocent Israelis, we're talking about Israeli settlers. Like the ones who killed your own Prime Minister.
I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel. Go ahead. Be specific. I gave a comprehensive list of what should be imposed on Hamas. Your turn.

And it is absolutely vile and despicable for you to suggest that murdering Israeli civilians is in any way either legally or morally correct. It is disgusting to suggest that people of a certain ethnic, religious, racial or national group should be systematically murdered due to their ethnicity, religion, race or nationality. There is even a word for that.

People like you disgust me. You pretend to uphold human rights and especially the right to human life with your outrage at Arab Palestinian deaths while those Arabs are violently attacking Israel and yet you deny that same right to life for an entire people based solely on their Jewishness (however you want to disguise that and hide behind it). It is the most vile and abhorrent belief which can be held by a human being. And you glory in holding it. Disgusting.

And you and people like you give absolute justification for Israel to continue to protect her people as their highest priority.
It is illegal to change the demographics of an area under occupation. And we're not talking about innocent Israelis, we're talking about Israeli settlers. Like the ones who killed your own Prime Minister.

What?! Justin Trudeau is dead?
The Jewish people are the Jewish people. The cultural values of the Jewish people include, but is not limited to, the religion of the Jewish people. The national liberation movement of the Jewish people successfully created the State of Israel.

You can not divide the Jewish people in order to hide your base anti-semitsm. You are fooling no one.
I haven't said anything about Jews. My issues are with Israelis and Zionists. So fuck your bullshit Jew talk, I'm not buying it.
I haven't said anything about Jews. My issues are with Israelis and Zionists. So fuck your bullshit Jew talk, I'm not buying it.

Yep. I get it. Your issue is with the Jewish people who formed a liberation movement and successfully reconstituted their sovereignty in their own homeland. You can't pretend that they are not Jews, try as you might.
It is illegal to change the demographics of an area under occupation.
That is actually a huge shift in the actual law as it was written. And there are at least nine other places in the world which are actually under occupation (the West Bank and Gaza are not) where the demographics have been drastically changed. This law is only applied to Israel. Double standards.

And we're not talking about innocent Israelis, we're talking about Israeli settlers.
Called out on your disgusting denial of the universal human right to life, and you double down on it. Disgusting.
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, Shusha, et al,

Yes, Anytime you buy into something, there is a price... And that price (Cost) is the summation () of the total effort and the expenditure of resources and services. BUT, that only addresses the monetary value of the tangible.

I think that it is better to ask:

What is the recurring expense, as a comparative function ∑=C in as the Jewish National Home, the security of the general population, and national sovereignty at the → current rate of expenditure → in comparison to the liquidation of these expenditures of resources and services --- and outcome to the territorial integrity as the Jewish National Home, the security of the general population, and national sovereignty? (Both in the short term and the long term.)

Analysis: is there a price for attacking Gaza?

This is a complex question. And it is a multidimensional interrogative that needs to be broken down. The question involved is:

• How much is maintaining the territorial integrity worth to the Israelis?
• How much is maintaining the Jewish National Home worth to the Israelis?
• How much is maintaining the national sovereignty (independence → self-determination → autonomy) worth to the Israelis?​

The facet to these questions is: What effect would the reversal of policy be and the acceptance of Arab Palestinian demands have on the life of the Israelis.


Israel has never attacked Gaza that I am aware...

Most Respectfully,
You mean the six months of the "ceasefire" between June and December 2008 where there were 329 rockets and mortars fired into Israel? The "ceasefire" where they held Gilad Shalit? The "ceasefire" where they got caught building tunnels into Israel to capture more soldiers and kidnap civlians? THAT "ceasefire"?

The blockade continued in response to the violence that continued.
Again, you gotta fuckin' lie.

From January 1, 2008 to June 18, 2008, there was an average of 413 rockets and mortars a month fired into Israel. Once the ceasefire went into effect,

"The number fired declined to 8 for the rest of June and 12 for almost all of July."

"The rocket and mortar fire from...dissident groups in the Gaza strip declined further over the next few months–down to only 1 rocket and 3 mortars in September and 1 rocket and 1 mortar in October..."
That's a far cry from 329.

Not arguing that the rockets and mortar attacks didn't decrease during those few months. They did not STOP though. There was no "cease" in the ceasefire. There was a reduction. While they built tunnels to kidnap more Israelis.

Again, do you think it is possible for Hamas to completely stop all attacks for an entire year?
Can Israel stop its violence for a year, or even a week?
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, Shusha, et al,

Yes, Anytime you buy into something, there is a price... And that price (Cost) is the summation () of the total effort and the expenditure of resources and services. BUT, that only addresses the monetary value of the tangible.

I think that it is better to ask:

What is the recurring expense, as a comparative function ∑=C in as the Jewish National Home, the security of the general population, and national sovereignty at the → current rate of expenditure → in comparison to the liquidation of these expenditures of resources and services --- and outcome to the territorial integrity as the Jewish National Home, the security of the general population, and national sovereignty? (Both in the short term and the long term.)

Analysis: is there a price for attacking Gaza?

This is a complex question. And it is a multidimensional interrogative that needs to be broken down. The question involved is:

• How much is maintaining the territorial integrity worth to the Israelis?
• How much is maintaining the Jewish National Home worth to the Israelis?
• How much is maintaining the national sovereignty (independence → self-determination → autonomy) worth to the Israelis?​

The facet to these questions is: What effect would the reversal of policy be and the acceptance of Arab Palestinian demands have on the life of the Israelis.


Israel has never attacked Gaza that I am aware...

Most Respectfully,
Israel has never attacked Gaza that I am aware...
:laugh::laugh: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: :laughing0301::laugh::laugh::laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao::poop:
I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel.

I'll tell you what Israel will NOT stop -- and that is responding to attacks and violence against Israel's citizens.
You're not responding, you're initiating. Your the aggressor. Your the occupier. They are the ones defending themselves, you are not.

BTW, Israeli nationals living in occupied areas of the West Bank are fair game. It is illegal for them to even be there.

I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel. Go ahead. Be specific. I gave a comprehensive list of what should be imposed on Hamas. Your turn.

And it is absolutely vile and despicable for you to suggest that murdering Israeli civilians is in any way either legally or morally correct. It is disgusting to suggest that people of a certain ethnic, religious, racial or national group should be systematically murdered due to their ethnicity, religion, race or nationality. There is even a word for that.

People like you disgust me. You pretend to uphold human rights and especially the right to human life with your outrage at Arab Palestinian deaths while those Arabs are violently attacking Israel and yet you deny that same right to life for an entire people based solely on their Jewishness (however you want to disguise that and hide behind it). It is the most vile and abhorrent belief which can be held by a human being. And you glory in holding it. Disgusting.

And you and people like you give absolute justification for Israel to continue to protect her people as their highest priority.
Ignorant rant.
I haven't said anything about Jews. My issues are with Israelis and Zionists. So fuck your bullshit Jew talk, I'm not buying it.

Yep. I get it. Your issue is with the Jewish people who formed a liberation movement and successfully reconstituted their sovereignty in their own homeland. You can't pretend that they are not Jews, try as you might.
And plopped their so called "liberation movement" on top of another country at the point of a gun.
I haven't said anything about Jews. My issues are with Israelis and Zionists. So fuck your bullshit Jew talk, I'm not buying it.

Yep. I get it. Your issue is with the Jewish people who formed a liberation movement and successfully reconstituted their sovereignty in their own homeland. You can't pretend that they are not Jews, try as you might.
And plopped their so called "liberation movement" on top of another country at the point of a gun.
Ironically this is exactly what You prescribe for Arabs but condemn for Jews, the only difference is unlike then there really exists an independent country now.

The Jewish liberation movement was a natural response to Arab pogroms across the Ottoman empire against the native Jews.
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After Palestinian terror groups in Gaza launched hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians, killing one bystander, injuring scores, and traumatizing hundreds of thousands of other, CBS News broadcast that attacks were launched at the Israeli military.

Luckily, a watchdog group called the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America(CAMERA) caught it and forced CBS to make a correction.

One can’t help wonder why CBS News chose to air report on the attacks in this manner, when the facts were sitting right in front of them.

(full article and video online)

WATCH: CBS News Forced to Admit Truth About Gaza Rocket Attacks
RE: All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a farce of an argument. You know very well that Israeli ROE is based on the need to retaliate and not just to be aggressive.

You mean the six months of the "ceasefire" between June and December 2008 where there were 329 rockets and mortars fired into Israel? The "ceasefire" where they held Gilad Shalit? The "ceasefire" where they got
Can Israel stop its violence for a year or even a week?

I'm fairly sure that in the last 50 years (half-century), Israel has not been involved in an engagement:

• Except for incidents involving the use of eminent threats or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel. Art 2(4) UNCh

• Except in cases of self-defence if an armed attack occurs against State of Israel by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). Art 51 UNCh

The entire idea of "Israeli Violence against the Arab Palestinian" is merely part of a propaganda effort to give a false just cause for the Arab Palestinian:

• To incite conduct originally forbidden in the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938), and the19 international conventions since 1963, now in force to prevent terrorist acts.

• To knowingly finance, plan and incite terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations. S/RES/1624 (2005)

Whether it be the hundreds of rockets launched against Isreal in just the last 11 months (2018) --- or the --- Incendiary kites launched from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip that set more than a thousand fires - which destroyed about 3,000 acres of forest in the Western-Negev → these are attacks by the HoAP. These are attacks that no nation on the Earth would leave unchallenged. Whether it be the infiltration, kidnapping, and murder of people from sovereign Israeli territory, → or the → use of explosives and other lethal devices in, into, or against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place → these are attacks by the HoAP.

Don't think for one moment that this phony argument flies. The HoAP have a very extensive history of past criminal activity that involved all manner of attacks that ignore the principle that acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL); and Article 51(2) of Additional Protocol I

Most Respectfully,
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Yep. I get it. Your issue is with the Jewish people who formed a liberation movement and successfully reconstituted their sovereignty in their own homeland. You can't pretend that they are not Jews, try as you might.
Listen bitch, you don't tell me what my issue is, I tell you. And right now, that issue is the Israelis holding on to land they have no sovereign title to.
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