All The News Anti-Israel Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

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Originally envisioned as a temporary agency, UNRWA was created in 1949 following the unsuccessful attempt by several Arab states to destroy Israel. Over time, UNRWA developed into the only UN organization whose stated mission is to assist a specific group of refugees — Palestinian Arabs. All other refugee populations in the world fall under the jurisdiction of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Importantly, UNRWA’s definition of “refugee” is not dependent on need, and even applies to citizens of recognized states, such as Jordan.

Oddly, UNRWA considers individuals living in areas ruled by Palestinians and descendants of those who fled during and before the 1948 War of Independence as “refugees.” CAMERA has noted that, according to UNRWA’s spurious definition, the 20-year-old Los Angeles-born millionaire fashion model Bella Hadid is considered a “refugee.” Further, UNRWA has become the only refugee agency in the world whose purpose is not to resettle refugees.

(full article online)

The Media’s Unredeemable ‘Reporting’ on UNRWA
Well, let's see. Egypt's economy was helped a great deal by peace with Israel, and Israel has helped it against ISIS in the Sinai. Jordan effectively uses Israel to defend itself. They both gained lots from their official but cold peace with Israel, including intelligence cooperation.

But Israel offers much more to the Arab world in exchange for peace. Israel wants to help the Arab world with water management, with setting up economic zones of cooperation, with direct trade (and there is already lots of trade under the table), and not least with defending against Iran.

Moreover, peace with Israel can result in the Arab nations having a means to trade goods with Europe through the Mediterranean, as Israel is proposing with a rail line. That is not a small concession!

(full article online)

Fisking a single sentence of James Zogby ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Analysis: is there a price for attacking Gaza?

Oh. Give me a break. Your friend there starts the clock with event in early November along the fence where seven Hamas operatives were killed, what? while innocently planting pumpkins? as though THAT was the incident that broke the ceasefire.

Between June 2008 and December 2008, the time of the ceasefire, there were 329 rockets and mortars fired at Israel, Hamas held Gilad Shalit and Hamas was building tunnels into Israel in order to kidnap more soldiers or civilians. That was the CAUSE of the November 6 confrontation which ended with seven Hamas operatives dead.

Blaming Israel for the termination of the ceasefire -- that is disingenuous.

So back to my question, do you think Hamas can (and is willing to) deliver true peace, as outlined in my list, for an entire year?
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Funny. My post says nothing about Jews.
I hate fuckers like you who are so cavalier in lying. So your post said nothing about Jews?

This is your post...
"Yeah. Your usual rant about how Arabs are pure as the virgin snow and Jews are evil. "

So your post said nothing about Jews?

I was referring to YOUR posts. And while you do avoid the term Jews when you discuss "people coming into your home and stealing it" you mean Jews. There is no other interpretation for it.

It only argues that Hamas, as the governing body in Gaza, MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for its own citizens. The HORROR!
Why don't you talk about what Israel takes responsibility for?
Yes. Let's. Israel is first and foremost responsible for keeping its citizens safe. Secondly, Israel is responsible for ensuring humanitarian aide is delivered into Gaza. Israel has NO responsibility for what happens to it once its there.
Are you suggesting with your "funny" tag to my post that if the violence and incitement from Gaza stopped that the blockade would continue? I dare you to get Hamas to try it.
It did stop in 2008 and the blockade continued.

You mean the six months of the "ceasefire" between June and December 2008 where there were 329 rockets and mortars fired into Israel? The "ceasefire" where they held Gilad Shalit? The "ceasefire" where they got caught building tunnels into Israel to capture more soldiers and kidnap civlians? THAT "ceasefire"?

The blockade continued in response to the violence that continued.
I'm not alking about offers. Or deals on paper. I'm talking about Hamas actually stopping all of those things. For a year. They have never done that. Do you think they can manage it or not?

If you want to discuss a one year plan and you think Israel should also have conditions put those conditions of the table -- specific conditions like I have provided-- and we will discuss them.
What's Israel going to stop?

I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel.

I'll tell you what Israel will NOT stop -- and that is responding to attacks and violence against Israel's citizens.
I was referring to YOUR posts. And while you do avoid the term Jews when you discuss "people coming into your home and stealing it" you mean Jews. There is no other interpretation for it.
Yeah there is. There's Zionists and Israelis. This is a political issue, not a religious one. But you drag Jews in to every conversation in an effort to shut people up from being critical of Israel.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Let's. Israel is first and foremost responsible for keeping its citizens safe. Secondly, Israel is responsible for ensuring humanitarian aide is delivered into Gaza. Israel has NO responsibility for what happens to it once its there.
Don't give me this shit about humanitarian aid! You're such a fuckin' liar! Just how many humanitarian aid vessels have you attacked?
You mean the six months of the "ceasefire" between June and December 2008 where there were 329 rockets and mortars fired into Israel? The "ceasefire" where they held Gilad Shalit? The "ceasefire" where they got caught building tunnels into Israel to capture more soldiers and kidnap civlians? THAT "ceasefire"?

The blockade continued in response to the violence that continued.
Again, you gotta fuckin' lie.

From January 1, 2008 to June 18, 2008, there was an average of 413 rockets and mortars a month fired into Israel. Once the ceasefire went into effect,

"The number fired declined to 8 for the rest of June and 12 for almost all of July."

"The rocket and mortar fire from...dissident groups in the Gaza strip declined further over the next few months–down to only 1 rocket and 3 mortars in September and 1 rocket and 1 mortar in October..."
That's a far cry from 329.
I invite you to tell me what conditions you think should be placed on Israel.

I'll tell you what Israel will NOT stop -- and that is responding to attacks and violence against Israel's citizens.
You're not responding, you're initiating. Your the aggressor. Your the occupier. They are the ones defending themselves, you are not.

BTW, Israeli nationals living in occupied areas of the West Bank are fair game. It is illegal for them to even be there.
I was referring to YOUR posts. And while you do avoid the term Jews when you discuss "people coming into your home and stealing it" you mean Jews. There is no other interpretation for it.
Yeah there is. There's Zionists and Israelis. This is a political issue, not a religious one. But you drag Jews in to every conversation in an effort to shut people up from being critical of Israel.

Yes. Let's. Israel is first and foremost responsible for keeping its citizens safe. Secondly, Israel is responsible for ensuring humanitarian aide is delivered into Gaza. Israel has NO responsibility for what happens to it once its there.
Don't give me this shit about humanitarian aid! You're such a fuckin' liar! Just how many humanitarian aid vessels have you attacked?[/QUOTE]
As ALWAYS, you confuse REAL humanitarian aid with the aid from the flotillas.

The only ship which had problems was the sixth ship from the first flotilla which carried zero humanitarian aid in it, and only people who wanted to attack the Israeli soldiers.

Here is REAL humanitarian aid being delivered on a DAILY BASIS to the population of Gaza:
There's Zionists and Israelis. This is a political issue, not a religious one. But you drag Jews in to every conversation in an effort to shut people up from being critical of Israel.
"Zionists" is just a substitute word for Jews -- as in those who belong to the Jewish people. You use the term Zionist in order to avoid using the term Jew or Jewish people. I would LOVE to discuss criticisms of Israel and her government's policies. But your constant ranting doesn't fall into that category.

Don't give me this shit about humanitarian aid! You're such a fuckin' liar! Just how many humanitarian aid vessels have you attacked?
See point #1. Israel's first and foremost responsibility is to keep her citizens safe. That safety comes before all other considerations. That means nothing gets into Gaza without being examined by Israel. This is a direct consequence of Hamas belligerence towards Israel's citizens. It will not change until Hamas ends the violence and the attacks against Israel.
You mean the six months of the "ceasefire" between June and December 2008 where there were 329 rockets and mortars fired into Israel? The "ceasefire" where they held Gilad Shalit? The "ceasefire" where they got caught building tunnels into Israel to capture more soldiers and kidnap civlians? THAT "ceasefire"?

The blockade continued in response to the violence that continued.
Again, you gotta fuckin' lie.

From January 1, 2008 to June 18, 2008, there was an average of 413 rockets and mortars a month fired into Israel. Once the ceasefire went into effect,

"The number fired declined to 8 for the rest of June and 12 for almost all of July."

"The rocket and mortar fire from...dissident groups in the Gaza strip declined further over the next few months–down to only 1 rocket and 3 mortars in September and 1 rocket and 1 mortar in October..."
That's a far cry from 329.

Not arguing that the rockets and mortar attacks didn't decrease during those few months. They did not STOP though. There was no "cease" in the ceasefire. There was a reduction. While they built tunnels to kidnap more Israelis.

Again, do you think it is possible for Hamas to completely stop all attacks for an entire year?
As ALWAYS, you confuse REAL humanitarian aid with the aid from the flotillas.

The only ship which had problems was the sixth ship from the first flotilla which carried zero humanitarian aid in it, and only people who wanted to attack the Israeli soldiers.

Here is REAL humanitarian aid being delivered on a DAILY BASIS to the population of Gaza:
You committed an act of piracy, you should be attacked. The solution is not sending more aid vessels, the solution is sending a vessel Israel can't board. This is what they should send into Gaza...

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